Tues bases


Pretty much a regular
Went 2-2 yesterday. Stupid ass Puig anyway. Still won 155 bucks at least since the Marlins were a good sized dog. Listening to Tha Dogg Pound, Dogg Food is the album. I thought of kind of a funny story related to this album, from back in the day. Guess it isn't that funny, but I started laughing about to myself when I thought about it. This was back when it came out in 1995 a long time ago, was actually getting laid occasionally back then ha. But I was with this chick for a little bit, nothing ever lasted, but she was kind of into the gangsta rap like me. So we were listening to that album a bunch since it just came out, that is a great album. Your missing out if you don't have that one. Anyway, there is this one song called Bomb Ass Pussy, and at the end of it they say have you ever had some bomb ass pussy that makes you wanna scream Dogg Pound, they repeat that a few times. So then I was fucking that chick one time, and just sort of in the middle of it, I just start yelling oh, Dogg Pound! Dogg Pound! Dogg Pound! Ha ha, she was laughing her ass off. Next time I get some I'm gonna have to yell Dogg Pound, ha, the chick would be like what the fuck? Anyway onto the picks.

Pittsburgh +109 at Brewers, risking 917.43 to win 1000

Think Pittsburgh is gonna take this one. They are actually playing better than the Brewers at the moment. Plus Estrada is always a disaster at home with all the homers he gives up in that park. He is doing it again lately just like last year, bombs away. Figure the Pirates could get 2 or 3 homers tonight off him. Also Gomez is out I think, probably for sure, and Ramirez is out. Braun is back, but it is his 1st game so not sure if will be crack alacking right away off the DL. Seems like a good situation here to me. Cole is really good as well, like him.

Will add more I'm sure.
Added on another

Cubs at Cards under 7, -125, risking 1250 to win 1000, lot of juice, better win it damn it

I like this one cuz Arrieta for whatever reason owns the Cards. He hasn't given up a run to em yet in 2 games with the Cubs. So if we shut down that part of the equation, we should be good. Doubt the crap ass Cubs will light up Wainwright again. Figure he got those 2 stinkers against the Cubs out of the way. Now tonight he dominates, fucking hopefully. Well with the Cubs shit, they blasted off last night surely tonight they will suck ass again like usual.
Shit who the hell knows about Masterson vs Dickey, was looking at it, and then I was thinking why bother? Those 2 guys are so damn erratic you never know what the hell will happen. Anybody's guess on that one, ha.
Those early games sure do suck ass. There isn't anything worth a damn there. I don't like that Nuno guy for the Yanks, but can't trust Wheeler he walks the damn ballpark usually. That +125 on that is tempting just cuz Wheeler is a legitimate starter not some bum that is gonna go back to Triple A.
Fuck it, I added the Mets anyway. I want an early game to watch, that is a good reason to bet, ha.

Mets +118, for the 1st 5 innings risking 847.46 to win 1000 at Yanks

I thought I better take the 1st 5 innings cuz I was thinking the Mets might blow it late on the road. They have a pretty shaky pen, and being on the road I don't wanna deal with that. Not that the Yanks pen is great, but I figure the Mets have a better shot of blowing a lead than the Yanks do here. Like I said earlier at least Wheeler is a legitimate starter with pretty good stuff. That Nuno guy is filling in right now, he isn't gonna stick around, he's a bum. So I will take my chances. It is funny though that Nuno he has been real hit and miss so far. Sometimes he cruises like in 2 starts, then he had 3 awful starts. Seems to be no in between with him. So either we're gonna rout em, or we're fucked I guess, lol.
Added on another one

Marlins at LA -1, -113, risking 1130 to win 1000

That Turner has always been pretty terrible. Doubt this will go well for him. The Dodgers pounded him last time this year, and last year they pounded him as well. Combined as a team the Dodgers are hitting over .500 against him, ha, that is pretty bad in 2 games, whoa. Beckett has been pretty good this year, he did have kind of a crap outing at Miami, but that was there. On the road the Marlins bats go silent usually, so figure Beckett will probably pitch pretty well tonight like he has most games this year. That was really stupid last night to take the Marlins, what the hell was I thinking. Guess they about pulled it off. Tonight though looks like a real bad match up for em, could be ugly I'm thinking.
I guess Turner wasn't totally awful last year, but I don't like him. Don't like his stuff very much, guess we'll see what happens. I think the Dodgers are gonna give him an ass pounding again.
Made a couple of bets. Didn't post em right away. Here they are.

Atlanta at San Fran under 7, +100 risking 1000 to win 1000

Tampa at Seattle -103 risking 1030 to win 1000

The Braves unders I am wearing those out, ha, every game I have the Braves under the total. Keeps winning for me, well the Braves can't hit worth a damn, and then their pitching staff is going great right now. Plus the pen for em has been doing well. This Minor though I lost an under with him last time barely a late run fucked me. Think he will bounce back tonight, he is usually pretty good. Vogelsong is enjoying a resurgence this year, so doubt the Braves get anything done, ha, lol at the Braves offense they are as bad as the Cubs hitting.

Seattle I'm just going with Iwakuma he has been the man for me last year, and now his last time was real good vs KC. Price he has been shaky all year so far. I mean it could be a total duel, but Price could get knocked around a bit too. I will take my chances with the more consistent Iwakuma, he is not so erratic like Price.
Fuck the Braves are worse than the Cubs hitting right now. The Cubs at least light up a bumfuck pitcher every now and then.
I added another, this one I was adding as I was posting cuz it was 500 at a time. Well on team totals they let you put in 500, and then you have to wait to put in more. I don't get that at all, fuck 1 k isn't a huge deal I wouldn't think to 5 dimes. Fuck they have to make pretty good money. Man what if I wanted to get down like 10 k, it would take me all day ha. I wonder if they make everybody wait, or just some people or what. Well if anybody knows about this if they do it to you I wanna hear about it. Want to know if others have this done to em. Maybe it's just me cuz I'm such a boss playa, ha.

Chi Sox at Oakland team total over 4.5, -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

Oakland is gonna light up Carroll, fuck that guy blows. I watched video of him before the Cubs game last week, and I was thinking man this guy has terrible stuff how is he getting guys out. Then I fucking bet him like a complete moron, ha, good call there. Well it was the Cubs, and I figured he's getting guys out at the moment so what the hell, maybe the Cubs will suck ass against him, nope they cracked his ass big time. Don't bet against the Cubs when there is a bumfuck pitcher going like Carroll or Lyons, they will crack heads then, lol. Well anyway I'm sure Oakland will light his ass up early and often, should cover the 4.5 in the first couple innings ha, yeah by inning 2 it will be over.

That's it for tonight. A lot of action, 7 games here we go mothafuckas, let's get it. Time to get paid baby.
Below my name it says, bringing sexy back, didn't notice that. They are right about that, Justin Timberlake has nothing on me, ha. He has nothing, my big old gut is way sexier, the ladies love it. LL Tuck money. Like LL Cool J. Ladies love Tuck money.
I added another, this one I was adding as I was posting cuz it was 500 at a time. Well on team totals they let you put in 500, and then you have to wait to put in more. I don't get that at all, fuck 1 k isn't a huge deal I wouldn't think to 5 dimes. Fuck they have to make pretty good money. Man what if I wanted to get down like 10 k, it would take me all day ha. I wonder if they make everybody wait, or just some people or what. Well if anybody knows about this if they do it to you I wanna hear about it. Want to know if others have this done to em. Maybe it's just me cuz I'm such a boss playa, ha.
I think one of two things has to happen: a) around 5 minutes has to pass or b) the line has to change. Definitely 'b' because when I tried to go in on a lower limit game a few weeks ago, it more or less said I had to wait for the line to change to be able to put down more. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you think about it, but whatever...

Good luck tuck.
Yeah Hugh that is kind of fucked up how 5 dimes does that. I don't really understand. I suppose if I were betting 10 k a game I would have to go somewhere else.
They do make you wait at 5 dimes on the reduced juice, and the team totals and some other things. It is usually you can get in 500, and then they make you wait like 15 minutes or so usually, or sometimes a little more even. Sometimes though when I bet early like the night before the game, then they move the line right away. Must be because they don't have much action at that point or something.
California Chrome is now -155 to win the Preakness at 5 dimes. Man, I was looking at the field, and if he loses I would be shocked, that would be something. I may have to throw down on that -155. Fuck none of the horses that ran well in the Derby are even running. Plus he isn't a horse that just has to sit back and make one run or something. He has good early get up and go, or he can sit back a little towards the middle if need be. I have no idea how he will lose this. The Belmont that's a different story, there are gonna be a bunch of fresh horses that ran in the Derby that will be back to challenge there.
Guess I don't know with my great horse betting skills, that may be a stupid bet to throw down on Cali Chrome, ha, he would probably lose the boy then, lol at that, I remember at Turf Paradise that is what it said in the comment line, the horse lost the boy at the start. Not lost the rider or jockey, lost the boy.
Or if he didn't lose the boy, he would break his legs or pull up lame if I had 1 k on Cali chrome, that is my luck with horses, man I blow at em.
I'm feeling pretty good about my picks tonight, about time for the Mets. That one is a bit questionable, but I think it should win. Have a lot more late games. The early games didn't get me fired up, well there were a lot of guys pitching in those that I wasn't sure what exactly they were gonna bring tonight.
Bang, bang, Mets up 4-0 early, hell jeah. That's what the fuck I'm talking about. Now come on Wheeler throw fucking strikes big boy.
Fucking damn it Wheeler, fuck this is why I was hesitant with him. Oh well, guess we're ahead 4-3 still after 1 inning. After getting 4 in the 1st I was thinking oh yeah I'm home free til 5 innings, nope, we got a battle now.
Oh man, I am locked in tonight, Tuck is zeroed in on these games. Called the homers coming for the Pirates, already a homer in the 1st for Walker, here we go time to blast off Pirates. Only a solo, but a good start anyway.
1-0 and plus 1 k, with the Mets winner. This Cubs at Cards under is pretty close at the moment. Not sure about the Pirates bet either. I'm thinking Estrada is gonna give up another homer in the 6th or 7th, he usually does in one of those innings. Hope the Pirates have a guy on base when he does.

Shit is about to get crazy though 4 games starting now, bet all the late games. Not even gonna stay up for em, well can't really unless I wanna get 2.5 hours sleep and go to work, fuck that shit, cuz those games will go until close to 1230 probably here, and I gotta wake up at 3.
Fuck it is probably not a good idea to stay up until around 1030 either, no, that is pretty stupid, well I guess I feel okay on 4.5 hours sleep. Kind of fucking crazy with how much I drink, that it works out okay for me, fuck whatever.
This announcer for the Cards is funny, he keeps bagging on my under bet. He has been saying for 3 innings now, I will tell you what this game isn't gonna end 2-1, there are gonna be a lot more runs, ha. Well not so far there slap nuts, we'll see bitch, ha.
The Cards announcer must have unloaded on the overs, he keeps talking about all these runs are gonna happen, and it doesn't happen, lol, well I guess I hope he keeps talking about it. It is good luck for the unders.
Gotta have the Cards pen shut down the Cubs for 3 innings now, think that shouldn't be a problem those guys are usually good, and the Cubs blow. Problem may be the Cubs holding the Cards to 1 run or less in the 7th and 8th. Hope they can do it, gonna be tough.
Yeah bones, it is looking promising so far, but kind of tight. Not real sure yet what the outcome will be. I know Atlanta at San Fran is a winner on the under, ha, Atlanta they are just an automatic under every day for me. Got the Mets win. Think I can get this Cubs under, as long as the Cubs pen doesn't implode in the 7th and 8th, well who knows about that. Seattle is winning so far, 1-0, but shit we got Iwakuma going there, so that's over, ha, calling it over already, but man he is that good, spot that ***** a run and it's over.
Fucking crap, St Louis gave it up with 2 outs in the ninth, ha, well it is a push or a loss there now. Guess things don't look great, hopefully I come out ahead something. Looks difficult now after that Cubs punch to the liver, that hurt. Oh the fuck well, get em tomorrow I guess. Can't stay up for these late games. Fucking Atlanta is making a push for the over too, damn things are unraveling now.