Trent Richardson to Colts


Old Man Dan
for a first.

huuuuge move.

looks like Colts are going for it and Lombardi is willing ot tank the season and get a QB and try to be decent next year
Looks like Cle in full tank for Teddy mode, & making sure they bring ammo to the party (draft) if they don't suck enough.
Are you fucking shitting me?

I just saw this on the wire and had to jump on the Internet within minutes to register my disgust throughout the world.

The single best asset your team has and you throw him away two games into the season?

You just quit on the fucking year. BEFORE WEEK THREE. Absolutely quit.

Fuck this team.

Yeah, yeah, I'll come back around. But honestly the only thing this fucking shit franchise can do for me now is lose by 20 every week for the rest of the year so I can make money off them.
And another thing. This is a franchise that has suffered every single week since not taking AP. I mean, in Cleveland he probably would have shattered a leg and be out of the league by now. But you finally get someone who could be a great back, for the first time in over a decade, and you get rid of him?

This fucking franchise.
What a disgrace the Browns are! How do you draft a guy number three overall and then trade barely a year later for a pick that's likely to be 16-24?!?

And fuck, this hurts my Colts u 8.5 bet.
Colts got Luck and Richardson now from that draft. Wow, why does being a Titans fan have to be so difficult?

Should be a helluva race between the Browns and Jaguars for Bridgewater.
Yeah, it's a kick in the nuts to Bradshaw, but if Cleveland was going to fire-sale their best player, good move.

Also, you just traded a guy you took at what, four, for pick number 26 or whatever it will be?

Today Mike Brown laughs at how you're running your franchise.
Being overly invested in a RB in today's NFL is akin to putting $9k rims on $1.5k car.

Now as far as the colts they're straight, they just put color match rims on a Murcielago

should clarify, the Browns bought $9k rims with no car to put em on when they drafted TRich
should clarify, the Browns bought $9k rims with no car to put em on when they drafted TRich

This is a fair point.

That said, you have Joe Thomas, you have Mack in the middle who may not be the best center ever, but he seems solid enough. You should have been adding two other guys on the OL while you were bringing Richardson along and being a run-first team.

In these first weeks, when they ran the ball they didn't look bad with it early. In fact Richardson looked pretty good.

But now they have nothing. I mean, Jordan Cameron I suppose, but fucking hell.
What a disgrace the Browns are! How do you draft a guy number three overall and then trade barely a year later for a pick that's likely to be 16-24?!?

And fuck, this hurts my Colts u 8.5 bet.

No one in the building drafted him.
On a somewhat related note, if Weeden is out for more than a week or two, it's probably the end of him—if he's really unlucky, it's the end of him in the league.
The weirdest thing is how obvious the tank is. They have no running backs. Almost literally none, a "fullback" who can't block and a guy who I can't remember his name.

Look at the bright side. What'd they win with him, did he look like he was the next AP, and we got a St. Ignatius guy starting this week at QB.
From what little I've watched of the Browns, Weeden never looked that terrible but I defer to those who follow them with more vigor.

I was in his camp, but he's a 30-year-old 2nd-year QB, so he really needed to show something immediately. Not all his fault, the right side of the line is a swinging gate and his receivers can't catch, but he's been a contributor to the mess. Bad feet, bad pocket awareness, no touch. Derek Anderson II.
Maybe people will show up for Tribe games now.

From your lips to God's ears (not tru) ... what's wrong with the fans in this town? First winning team since Lebron packed his bags. The Browns blow.
You also gotta see that this was yr2 of a 4yr rookie 1st rd deal. Next yr had they kept him & drafted a QB would be that year RBs start to pour about rookie deals & you neither wanted to go through his final year with no deal or worse extend a 1st rd RB deal. For a guy who is a 3.6ypc guy essentially. By the time the drafted QB would be ready to make noise (yr 2-3) that's TRich final year if deal. Better to sell high & get what value they could. Not many teams willing to pay much for 3.6ypc backs
The weirdest thing is how obvious the tank is.

This is the thing that's most annoying. It borders on a trade the league shouldn't allow because it is so obviously a move to tank the season. The only reason you approve this trade is because it's for a number one. Maybe a number two, although if all you got for Trent Richardson and destroying your season was a number two, your GM should be fired immediately.

If I were a season ticket holder I would be absolutely livid right now.

Fuck, I'm pissed and I'm NOT a season ticket holder.
I remember having this talk with Tip when they drafted TRich. Thought it was an awful move then & made no real sense in regards to winning
You're much more circumspect about this deal than I am, Silky.

These are all nice logical arguments about future contracts and shit, but let's not kid ourselves. The Browns just threw in the towel on the season in Week Two. Absolutely threw in the towel. Fuck, even the Raiders haven't quit on the season yet. Jacksonville is still faking it, not well, but they're pretending. Not Cleveland.

This also suggests to me that Weeden is hurt more than they're saying. That and that they have zero faith in him.

You know what I'd do if I were the Browns right now?

Tim Fucking Tebow.

I would announce it by the end of the week.
Don't get me wrong, by the way, I'd only sign Tebow for the year. I'd still tank, but fuck it, at least he'd put people in the seats and be something to watch. I wouldn't do it as a long term answer. Total short term band-aid.
Brett Favre's phone still works lol, Jeff Georeg is available according to Whitlock, and then of course there's uncle Rico lol
I remember having this talk with Tip when they drafted TRich. Thought it was an awful move then & made no real sense in regards to winning

I remember that too. I remember being slightly bullish on T-Rich, but more so, whaddya gonna do, they wanted RGIII and they got snookered. It's not particularly difficult to pick apart the Browns drafts since 1999. They've hit on like three guys in the first few rounds in 15 years.
I like draft picks as much as the next guy, but it is incredible how many "three-year plans" this team goes through. Chefs won what, two games last year, now 2-0? How many years in a row does Cleveland have to listen to "it's a process", while the league is set up for a more immediate turnaround by the bottom feeders? The Browns and Niners were equally bad a few years ago. How many different people can draft so poorly in so many different ways in so many different drafts over so many different years?
oh those poop stains:thumbsup2:

colts should finish what worst 15 in draft order, fringe playoff team so maybe 20ish
And Jump hit it on the nose with the Tribe game barb. I wouldn't blame the Dolan family at all for moving the Indians out of town.

You have a disastrous franchise that never wins in the Browns, never even wins the fucking home opener. Ever. In a league fixed for the bad teams to improve in a hurry. Brandon fucking Weeden or Jason fucking Campbell or Brian fucking Hoyer, who really gives a fuck.

You have a team controlling its own destiny with two weeks to go for a playoff spot in the Indians. In a league fixed against the have-nots. And we get less than 10,000 people down there.

great trade for the browns...they can tank for a Qb and draft a Rb in the first round
Couldnt they tank anyways an still have Richardson, an still have number 1 pick? Of course I don't see why not
obviously they dont like richardson and they would rather another back. they can draft him now
Are they gonna sign McGahee? Or did they already?

Did T-Rich have any issues with the team or management?

Current team management, and coaches, didn't draft him. New NFL regimes never seem too warm on the old regime's picks. Seems pretty rash to me too, but the new guys (Banner/Lombardi/Chud) obviously view him as a bust, and yesterday-guy's problem.