Tony Dungy

Excellent source.

Which one? The rookie RB, or Manziel himself? Manziel said this...

“My teammates are getting tired of being asked about me because a low man on the totem pole,” Manziel said. “I’m just like any other rookie out here that they haven’t been asked about a thousand times. More than anything, I think they’re tired of that. They’re tired of the hype, which I am as well. So I’m sitting there seeing these things and I’m tired of it as well."

So do you think he just made up the part about his teammates getting tired of it, or do you think they actually talk about it and he knows how they feel?
Which one? The rookie RB, or Manziel himself? Manziel said this...

“My teammates are getting tired of being asked about me because a low man on the totem pole,” Manziel said. “I’m just like any other rookie out here that they haven’t been asked about a thousand times. More than anything, I think they’re tired of that. They’re tired of the hype, which I am as well. So I’m sitting there seeing these things and I’m tired of it as well."

So do you think he just made up the part about his teammates getting tired of it, or do you think they actually talk about it and he knows how they feel?

I tire of them getting tired of it, and I tire of the media not tiring of tiring them out.
And that's what I had a problem with. When dungy was asked about JF, he said he'd draft his ass. Same with tebow. Distractions be damned, he'd want to make sure his off field issues weren't too big, but "if I was commited to winning, I'd draft him" or some shit like that.

I can see that point, and it makes some sense. However, the other 2 guys are QBs, and Sam is a 7th round LB. Even if you think he should have gone in the 4th or 5th round, that rookie LB isn't going to have nearly the impact on winning as a 1st round QB. I understand one of them was Tebow, but maybe Dungy just drank the kool-aid like other did.
I tire of them getting tired of it, and I tire of the media not tiring of tiring them out.

I doubt anyone disagrees with this (I certainly don't). You just seem to be hung up on the fact that this won't be a distraction...this comment leads me to believe you do know it will be.
He was the SEC player of the year. He's Yag. He's not good enough for scouts. (But maybe he's good enough for the Rams.) He feels strongly enough about his sexuality to come out. And he gets drafted.

What the fuck would you do?

I can't answer the question, I'm not Yag. But I can understand scrambling for the cause. So should Tony Dungy, he's been around the block.

Can we entertain the notion he's using his 15 minutes of fame for the right reasons? Even if not, he's just trying to make some money, for Christ's sake.
I can see that point, and it makes some sense. However, the other 2 guys are QBs, and Sam is a 7th round LB. Even if you think he should have gone in the 4th or 5th round, that rookie LB isn't going to have nearly the impact on winning as a 1st round QB. I understand one of them was Tebow, but maybe Dungy just drank the kool-aid like other did.

nobody drank that kool aid besides dungy and mcdaniels. pretty sure the consensus was that tebow is gonna suck it up as a qb in the NFL. and vick was in prison for 2 years, that's one helluva risk the eagles took. shit, he coulda collapsed the first time a LB sacked him, nobody really knew.

my problem is it just comes off as disingenuous and hypocritical when dungy says it. if rex ryan said some shit like this, i wouldn't even worry about it. but after the public lobbying dungy did concerning vick, and after he dismissed media distractions when it came to tebow and jf. i mean, this is tony dungy, and no matter what his second statement said, he was worried about the locker room, and the integration of an outta the closet Yag dude. "it's not going to be totally smooth....things will happen". that's him worrying about what the dynamic of a locker room with a Yag dude. or a Yag dude bringing his boyfriend to a game, or whatever. it's just kinda sad comin from dungy, after all the shit he's gotten involved in.

I think very similar conversations were held weighing Jackie Robinson, Larry Doby, vs. (fill-in white ham-and-egger of 1947).

You guys can not get around this. Black guys were a … distraction, to say the least. Their talent level doesn't really apply, because no one knew how good they would be, going in. I contend they were less than 7th-round draft picks. They were 17th-round draft picks.

Lareux, it was almost a gift from God that the guys who broke the color barrier in each league in MLB were both hall-of-famers. But you don't believe in miracles.
These type of threads always end up 12 pages long without ever going anywhere. Always entertaining to read though
He was the SEC player of the year. He's Yag. He's not good enough for scouts. (But maybe he's good enough for the Rams.) He feels strongly enough about his sexuality to come out. And he gets drafted.

What the fuck would you do?

I can't answer the question, I'm not Yag. But I can understand scrambling for the cause. So should Tony Dungy, he's been around the block.

Can we entertain the notion he's using his 15 minutes of fame for the right reasons? Even if not, he's just trying to make some money, for Christ's sake.

Again, I don't disagree with any of this. This is not what we've been talking about though.
I think very similar conversations were held weighing Jackie Robinson, Larry Doby, vs. (fill-in white ham-and-egger of 1947).

You guys can not get around this. Black guys were a … distraction, to say the least. Their talent level doesn't really apply, because no one knew how good they would be, going in. I contend they were less than 7th-round draft picks. They were 17th-round draft picks.

Lareux, it was almost a gift from God that the guys who broke the color barrier in each league in MLB were both hall-of-famers. But you don't believe in miracles.

I'm gonna sound like a broken record....AGAIN, I agree with this. This isn't what we were talking about though.

We were simply talking about whether or not Sam will be a distraction due to the extra media coverage. You just said yourself "black guys were....a distraction, to say the least," and Sam will be as well. That's it, that's the only point I have tried to make in this thread....AT ALL. Any of this other stuff you are saying, and trying to imply that I am opposing you on is simply not true, as I agree with all of it.
nobody drank that kool aid besides dungy and mcdaniels. pretty sure the consensus was that tebow is gonna suck it up as a qb in the NFL. and vick was in prison for 2 years, that's one helluva risk the eagles took. shit, he coulda collapsed the first time a LB sacked him, nobody really knew.

my problem is it just comes off as disingenuous and hypocritical when dungy says it. if rex ryan said some shit like this, i wouldn't even worry about it. but after the public lobbying dungy did concerning vick, and after he dismissed media distractions when it came to tebow and jf. i mean, this is tony dungy, and no matter what his second statement said, he was worried about the locker room, and the integration of an outta the closet Yag dude. "it's not going to be totally smooth....things will happen". that's him worrying about what the dynamic of a locker room with a Yag dude. or a Yag dude bringing his boyfriend to a game, or whatever. it's just kinda sad comin from dungy, after all the shit he's gotten involved in.

Okay. I simply said others drank it, I didn't say everyone I agree with you.

it's not hypocritical for the reason I brought up in the post you're talking about a QB vs a rookie LB. There is no comparison on their impact on a team's success. If you think Dungy wasn't being honest with what he said today, that's fine, I just think he was being honest and cleared up what his comments were meant to be based on the ONE question that was asked of him (and again, answered SEVERAL weeks ago).
yeah, i hear ya. i still think it's pretty hypocritical. just think about it from the JF/tebow scope...JF is as toxic as it gets, the media is flat-out obsessed with him. he hasn't proven anything, and is viewed by a lot of people as a guaranteed-miss. but dungy thinks the distractions are worth it with him? and tebow might have the worst form i've even seen when it comes to throwing a football, but dungy thinks the media distraction is worth it there? you don't find that the least bit hypocritical? if dungy

the risk/reward portion of your statement makes sense to me, but that's not what dungy said. he said things won't go smoothly, and i think that's just kind of fucked up. especially when you consider who said it.
Whole thing's a show. How many of these guys actually do not care how their TV words are perceived? I suggest the answer might be zero. Even Barkley cares.

Dungy, God bless him, is an aging, devout Christian. There are 50 channels on 24-7, he spoke a few seconds too long about an issue that has passed him by, he probably regrets it, if he wants to work outside of TV again he probably will. It was not a big deal. His comments raised an eyebrow. Probably more due to him than Sam.

I doubt he regrets it.

I wish he would've stood by his original comments
Dungy wasn't asked about him, he was asked about Sam. He simply answered a question with honesty. Can't even do that anymore w/o someone being offended or w/o the media running with some bogus BS.
Agree Larry

Unreal this shit
And that's not to mean he can't work in TV. Dungy's comments didn't blackball him anywhere, just think they were dumb. Retractable.
You really think for 1 second that what he said should get him fired/let go from any TV/Radio job?

Jesus tip, once I think I have you figured out. You are one complex bike riding drunk.
Tip pretty much said Dungy shouldn't be fired from TV or any of that other stuff

How could you read it differently? Get another job as a coach, that could be debatable I guess.
He didn't say anything wrong. He said something dumb. No purpose for the comments, and it really hasn't helped or hurt anyone much. Just a guy saying something.
yeah, i hear ya. i still think it's pretty hypocritical. just think about it from the JF/tebow scope...JF is as toxic as it gets, the media is flat-out obsessed with him. he hasn't proven anything, and is viewed by a lot of people as a guaranteed-miss. but dungy thinks the distractions are worth it with him? and tebow might have the worst form i've even seen when it comes to throwing a football, but dungy thinks the media distraction is worth it there? you don't find that the least bit hypocritical? if dungy

the risk/reward portion of your statement makes sense to me, but that's not what dungy said. he said things won't go smoothly, and i think that's just kind of fucked up. especially when you consider who said it.
read whitlock's column on the whole thing today, and as i normally disagree with everything that dude says...he mentioned that tony dungy supported michael vick's decision to do a reality tv show on BET. vick ended up not doing it, but that makes his CYA moment all the more dubious.
Tony Dungy is 10 times the man anyone else in the media is and they know it, so tear him down is what they will try.
the morally inferior members of the media are circling their wagons, waiting to destroy the holy man built upon high. practically foot soldiers in satan's army.
Its a "gotcha" world....cannot say a damn thing or answer a question.

That being said, if you a 'pubic figure' just say nothing except "i support [insert politically correct platitude here]"
the morally inferior members of the media are circling their wagons, waiting to destroy the holy man built upon high. practically foot soldiers in satan's army.
I am sure you are being funny, but I think Tony is aggravating as fuck...especially the way D Patrick sucks him off

To DPs credit it seems like he went at him some(not sure missed, if anyone knows post)

but i am no TD fan, but what he said originally I have no problem with. I really dislike the fact that he backed off.

Not sure, but wasn't he ASKED about the situation?

Not going at you El, just wondering
read whitlock's column on the whole thing today, and as i normally disagree with everything that dude says...he mentioned that tony dungy supported michael vick's decision to do a reality tv show on BET. vick ended up not doing it, but that makes his CYA moment all the more dubious.