Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy made the mistake of saying something that could be construed as anti Yag. You can't do that in today's society. Hell people get attacked for being against Yag marriage. It's political correctness run amuck

Gorgy, separate the player from Dungy's comments. It wasn't a fantasy draft, you're not tiering the NFL draft picks. GM's have a job, Sam was drafted where he was, no team said he wasn't worth the distraction, Dungy could have left it at that. What purpose did it serve?

This is just my guess, obviously you and a few disagree.

1.) Most of these knuckleheads don't care about extra cameras. I daresay they love it. Not distracting, guy's not in trouble, guy's not troubling them.

2.) If ESPN stopped reporting on it tomorrow, no one would wonder, "Hey, what's going on with the Yag guy on the Rams?"

3.) Story will go away, whether he makes the team or not. It's just not interesting enough, today.

ESPN will have highlights dedicated to Sam for every Ram preseason game. Average tackles and 4th string QB hurries will be shown. That won't happen for other 7th rounders.
ESPN will have highlights dedicated to Sam for every Ram preseason game. Average tackles and 4th string QB hurries will be shown. That won't happen for other 7th rounders.

Maybe so. But it will go away, because no one gives a fuck.

For instance, it took a new Malaysian plane situation to remind me that another Malaysian plane was still missing. A missing plane with no news is not interesting. A Yag guy playing football with no news is less interesting.
ESPN will have highlights dedicated to Sam for every Ram preseason game. Average tackles and 4th string QB hurries will be shown. That won't happen for other 7th rounders.

And if it bugs you that much, turn off the TV. Or look at one of the other two or three TVs that CTG members seem to have hanging on their walls.
^I don't know where everyone is storing these Manziel jerseys. I've seen 'em at Tribe games, but #1 in the NFL?

Then again, this is my neighborhood bar ...

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And if it bugs you that much, turn off the TV. Or look at one of the other two or three TVs that CTG members seem to have hanging on their walls.

Doesnt bug me at all. I don't care if he makes the team or not. My post was just in rebuttal to your #3 point that the story will go away. Sure it will go away but it will be a long time before it does and everything he does while in the NFL will be magnified. I just think our timelines of when the story will go away is different. I didn't like seeing every Tebow duck pass make ESPN while he was a Jet either but it is what it is and it's my own fault for watching ESPN.
Doesnt bug me at all. I don't care if he makes the team or not. My post was just in rebuttal to your #3 point that the story will go away. Sure it will go away but it will be a long time before it does and everything he does while in the NFL will be magnified. I just think our timelines of when the story will go away is different. I didn't like seeing every Tebow duck pass make ESPN while he was a Jet either but it is what it is and it's my own fault for watching ESPN.

OK, goes away in a relative sense. If guy doesn't make the team, it obviously goes away, unless the story grows a new chapter, like Sam runs for senate or Sam sues the NFL. Even if he makes the team, I do think that story has a short shelf life. Unless he contributes on the field, in which case we're really not talking about the guy's sexuality anymore. Otherwise, what news are we waiting to hear?
I have a question. I saw the espys where Sam won a courage award. Fine. But why was Jeff Fisher and the StL GM seated by Sam and giving him a hug. I have a thought that the Rams are glad to have this attention and that as long as Sam does not fall flat on his face that he makes the team. Fisher and the GM want to be able to say we gave a Yag player a chance. Put themselves in a good light.
Just found it strange they were with him at the awards. Fisher probably doesn't even know the rest of his late rd picks names yet.
I have a question. I saw the espys where Sam won a courage award. Fine. But why was Jeff Fisher and the StL GM seated by Sam and giving him a hug. I have a thought that the Rams are glad to have this attention and that as long as Sam does not fall flat on his face that he makes the team. Fisher and the GM want to be able to say we gave a Yag player a chance. Put themselves in a good light.
Just found it strange they were with him at the awards. Fisher probably doesn't even know the rest of his late rd picks names yet.

I think Jeff Fisher probably knows the first and last names of all their picks. I didn't watch the ESPY's, never have, but if the Rams were put in a good light for drafting a Yag player, what's the problem? No other team did it. When players visit sick kids in hospitals, I think it's cool. I don't overthink it.
OK, goes away in a relative sense. If guy doesn't make the team, it obviously goes away, unless the story grows a new chapter, like Sam runs for senate or Sam sues the NFL. Even if he makes the team, I do think that story has a short shelf life. Unless he contributes on the field, in which case we're really not talking about the guy's sexuality anymore. Otherwise, what news are we waiting to hear?

I think you are seriously detached from how the media works (especially ESPN) these days. I'm not sure how, but it seems like you are. Tim Tebow is the perfect example....if it's even half of the coverage that Tebow got, it will be a complete circus.
I think Jeff Fisher probably knows the first and last names of all their picks. I didn't watch the ESPY's, never have, but if the Rams were put in a good light for drafting a Yag player, what's the problem? No other team did it. When players visit sick kids in hospitals, I think it's cool. I don't overthink it.

NO ONE IS SAYING THERE IS A PROBLEM. Why do you keep saying that, as if guys on here are hating on this because Sam is Yag? We are simply telling you how it's going to be in the media, because we've all seen it many, many, many times before. So have you....why do you think this will be different? I realize you want it to be different, but why do think think it will this time?
I think you are seriously detached from how the media works (especially ESPN) these days. I'm not sure how, but it seems like you are. Tim Tebow is the perfect example....if it's even half of the coverage that Tebow got, it will be a complete circus.

I take more offense with your perception of my keen sense of the media than anything in this thread, lol.

Tebow's story was primarily played out ON THE FIELD. It was as if God was driving it. Unless Sam piles up game-winning sacks as a late-game substitution, we'll probably be spared.
Tebow was a Heisman-winning, bible-thumping first-rounder, head-scratcher of a first round fullback (story) … drifted to side story … inserted as a starter and won, improbably. Incredibly improbably (huge story) … traded to New York (huge story no matter if it was Tim Tebow's cousin, it's New York) … flopped (side story) … fizzled away (no more story)
The Tebow comparison is perfect in that he is saying that the talent of the player is not worth the magnitude of the media circus that would come with that player. That's all. If Teddy Bridgewater were openly Yag & Dungy made this statement, then you can argue with it
I don't see a response to post #36.

Everyone in the thread has good points, but how do you reconcile the supposed risk management at the expense of this kind of thing? Certainly this guy would have been drafted higher had he not been openly Yag. He was the SEC DPOY. Someone would have taken a shot. If he sucks (no pun intended), that's usually the Browns' position (OK, pun intended).

Maybe Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby are bad examples, because they were so good. No one knew they were good, because no one gave a fuck about black people then, but let's put that aside. Let's talk about the courage of absorbing the distraction. In 1947, we, the USA, were decades prior to civil rights. There were no black players in baseball. There were BETTER black baseball players, but for some dumbfuck, countryass reason, there were no black players in baseball. They were exiled to their own fucking league.

If you don't find what the Rams did courageous? Heartwarming? Worth your time? Even if he doesn't make the team, not unlike other 7th-round draft picks? Fuck you, you angry prick. Tony Dungy's off base, I don't care how much he looks like a kind, old woman.
I don't see a response to post #36.

Everyone in the thread has good points, but how do you reconcile the supposed risk management at the expense of this kind of thing? Certainly this guy would have been drafted higher had he not been openly Yag. He was the SEC DPOY. Someone would have taken a shot. If he sucks (no pun intended), that's usually the Browns' position (OK, pun intended).

Maybe Jackie Robinson and Larry Doby are bad examples, because they were so good. No one knew they were good, because no one gave a fuck about black people then, but let's put that aside. Let's talk about the courage of absorbing the distraction. In 1947, we, the USA, were decades prior to civil rights. There were no black players in baseball. There were BETTER black baseball players, but for some dumbfuck, countryass reason, there were no black players in baseball. They were exiled to their own fucking league.

If you don't find what the Rams did courageous? Heartwarming? Worth your time? Even if he doesn't make the team, not unlike other 7th-round draft picks? Fuck you, you angry prick. Tony Dungy's off base, I don't care how much he looks like a kind, old woman.

It's a good story. His ESPY speech was phenomenal. Now it's time to see what he can do on the football field. The comparison to Doby and Jackie isn't fair bc of what they dealt with. No one of importance hates Michael Sam. There were real threats on the lives of Jackie and Doby. Sam is protected as he should be but his external day to day struggle won't ever match that of Jackie and Doby. His internal personal struggle is something that is likely on par and pretty damn amazing.
It's a good story. His ESPY speech was phenomenal. Now it's time to see what he can do on the football field. The comparison to Doby and Jackie isn't fair bc of what they dealt with. No one of importance hates Michael Sam. There were real threats on the lives of Jackie and Doby. Sam is protected as he should be but his external day to day struggle won't ever match that of Jackie and Doby. His internal personal struggle is something that is likely on par and pretty damn amazing.

So let's not be cynical about the Rams or the guy. Why can't we wait to be sick of the story to be sick of the story? Nothing's happened yet. Player says he was Yag, scouts have him all over the place but not high, guy gets drafted, ESPY's happen … nothing has really happened. I'm waiting for the guy to be found fucking Jeff Fisher in a convertible. (Now, I admit, that would be a story.)
Here's one big difference.

Let's compare Josh Gordon, world class talent, we all agree on that, right.

He can't stay out of his own way, and I feel for him, I am there, been there, all that stuff. Now THIS, I can presume, confidently, is a pretty big distraction to the team. The difference is, with this guy, there's always something new to talk about. Which I don't really think these guys give a fuck about.

You, CTG, know them for 10-15 seconds at a time, but let's entertain the notion that some of them are emotionally and psychologically distracted. Because they have too many Josh Gordon issues. It fucking haunts them and prevents winning seasons.

Enter a Yag guy, minding his own business. Not just haunting. House of 1000 Corpses.

I mean, I think these NFL guys are apes, but you guys give them less credit than I do.
Tip, one other thing you have to remember is that homosexuality is still a big deal in the black community. Many black guys think it is straight up wrong and don't want to have a Yag guy in their locker room.
It was a foot in the mouth, better left unsaid. Why say anything?

If Terry Bradshaw said it, it wouldn't be much of a story. But Dungy is perceived as thoughtful, insightful. Since he's an outspoken Christian, even though he didn't frame the comment in that context at all, it's going to get some negative attention. From most of America, who are sick of Christian Yag-bashing. It will go away like everything else does, but I bet he wishes he hadn't elaborated on it.

The "distraction" stuff is such bullshit. There have probably been hundreds, thousands of Yag pro athletes over the years who weren't exactly within the closet in the locker room and managed to not be a distraction. Maybe not on John Rocker's Braves. Hell, Sam himself sure didn't seem to distract Missouri much.

I don't see much Yag bashing so I'm not sick of it. Opposing Yag marriage, for example, is not Yag bashing
I don't think Dungy said anything wrong. If he woulda said in an interview he wouldn't have drafted him because he was Yag then he would look foolish. what he said was correct, sam will be a distraction.
Micheal Sam made himself a distraction by trying to do a reality TV show unbeknownst to the Rams. Guy claims he was totally committed to football....until he wasn't.
I understand, but try to make any sense out of that? It's like trying to understand that chase system.
I don't doubt Michael Sam had other motives. I just don't doubt his cause.
Johnny Football is a distraction, Dungy didn't say anything about him. They need to let Sam just play and see what happens. Give him a chance.
I don't see much Yag bashing so I'm not sick of it. Opposing Yag marriage, for example, is not Yag bashing

Also, while you posted my entire post, which I appreciate, you bolded and exploded the Christian Yag-bashing thing. Dungy didn't do that, I was kind of referencing why he was being singled out, as opposed to another person dismissing him. That's all. Thought he should have checked himself a bit.

We're on CTG. Sometimes I edit my posts which 14 people read. I'm saying Dungy, before the world, should have given that some thought. Not sure, but he might agree.
I don't think Dungy said anything wrong. If he woulda said in an interview he wouldn't have drafted him because he was Yag then he would look foolish. what he said was correct, sam will be a distraction.

agree....he said HE wouldn't have drafted him. So fucking what?

Go the fuck away witch hunting liberal media fucks

And for the record, I dislike Tony Dungy for the most part
Johnny Football is a distraction, Dungy didn't say anything about him. They need to let Sam just play and see what happens. Give him a chance.

guys we got to stop comparing high rd QB picks to bottom 7th rders

it aint the fucking same
Whole thing's a show. How many of these guys actually do not care how their TV words are perceived? I suggest the answer might be zero. Even Barkley cares.

Dungy, God bless him, is an aging, devout Christian. There are 50 channels on 24-7, he spoke a few seconds too long about an issue that has passed him by, he probably regrets it, if he wants to work outside of TV again he probably will. It was not a big deal. His comments raised an eyebrow. Probably more due to him than Sam.
And that's not to mean he can't work in TV. Dungy's comments didn't blackball him anywhere, just think they were dumb. Retractable.
Johnny Football is a distraction, Dungy didn't say anything about him. They need to let Sam just play and see what happens. Give him a chance.

Dungy wasn't asked about him, he was asked about Sam. He simply answered a question with honesty. Can't even do that anymore w/o someone being offended or w/o the media running with some bogus BS.
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We're on CTG. Sometimes I edit my posts which 14 people read. I'm saying Dungy, before the world, should have given that some thought. Not sure, but he might agree.

Dungy, God bless him, is an aging, devout Christian. There are 50 channels on 24-7, he spoke a few seconds too long about an issue that has passed him by, he probably regrets it, if he wants to work outside of TV again he probably will. It was not a big deal. His comments raised an eyebrow. Probably more due to him than Sam.

And that's not to mean he can't work in TV. Dungy's comments didn't blackball him anywhere, just think they were dumb. Retractable.

First, he didn't say anything that wasn't true. He wasn't 'Yag bashing' or even speaking, in the least bit, against Sam and him being Yag. He simply said it would create a distraction....which it will and is 100% true.

He also doesn't regret anything, as he came out today and 'clarified' what he meant...he meant exactly what anyone with half a brain thought he meant, and not what the liberal media made it out to be. The fact that he even had to clarify his statements is a problem...he was being honest and didn't say anything that wasn't true, nor did he bash anyone.

The best part about all of this is that his comments were said SEVERAL WEEKS AGO. Why, unless they were simply trying to stir the pot (which they clearly were), did the media not talk about these comments when they were made?

Here's what he said today...

"I was asked whether I would have drafted Michael Sam and I answered that I would not have drafted him. I gave my honest answer, which is that I felt drafting him would bring much distraction to the team," Dungy writes. At the time of my interview, the Oprah Winfrey reality show that was going to chronicle Michael's first season had been announced.

"I was not asked whether or not Michael Sam deserves an opportunity to play in the NFL. He absolutely does."

Dungy also elaborated on his view of Sam's sexual orientation.
"I was not asked whether his sexual orientation should play a part in the evaluation process. It should not," Dungy wrote. "I was not asked whether I would have a problem having Michael Sam on my team. I would not."

Dungy wrote he answered questions about Sam "several times in the last three months" and always pointed out the NFL is "about merit" and that "the best players make the team."
"That's my opinion as a coach. But those were not the questions I was asked," Dungy wrote. "What I was asked about was my philosophy of drafting, a philosophy that was developed over the years, which was to minimize distractions for my teams.
"I do not believe Michael's sexual orientation will be a distraction to his teammates or his organization."
But ...
"I do, however, believe that the media attention that comes with it will be a distraction. Unfortunately we are all seeing this play out now, and I feel badly that my remarks played a role in the distraction," Dungy wrote. "I wish Michael Sam nothing but the best in his quest to become a star in the NFL and I am confident he will get the opportunity to show what he can do on the field.
"My sincere hope is that we will be able to focus on his play and not on his sexual orientation."
I agree with Dungy and wouldn't have wanted the distractions myself, that said I really thought Dungy to be the kind of coach that could manage those distractions, apparently much more than he thinks of himself.
So, he didn't even say that he thought Sam would be a distraction...he was simply referring to the media attention this would received that would be the distraction. Just using these comments, and the way they were blown out of proportion, that he is right and the media is going to make this (and anything associated with it) a circus.
I agree with Dungy and wouldn't have wanted the distractions myself, that said I really thought Dungy to be the kind of coach that could manage those distractions, apparently much more than he thinks of himself.

Agreed. It seems like he's of the mind that he can handle and manage the distractions, but would rather not invite or bring those distractions into his locker room if he doesn't have to.
Agreed. It seems like he's of the mind that he can handle and manage the distractions, but would rather not invite or bring those distractions into his locker room if he doesn't have to.

Or he's too fucking old and religious and far removed from the locker room to know what a distraction is anymore. Pretty decent chance of that too. You don't know either. We're all just speculating, and I think he sounds like a fool. I doubt Joe Thomas gives a fuck about media attention on Manziel, but he probably gives a fuck that the Browns' best receiver is probably done for the year. And he'll handle both questions with class and poise. In 10 seconds at a time. Easy.
Or he's too fucking old and religious and far removed from the locker room to know what a distraction is anymore. Pretty decent chance of that too. You don't know either. We're all just speculating, and I think he sounds like a fool. I doubt Joe Thomas gives a fuck about media attention on Manziel, but he probably gives a fuck that the Browns' best receiver is probably done for the year. And he'll handle both questions with class and poise. In 10 seconds at a time. Easy.

Tip, AGAIN, he wasn't saying Sam would be the distraction....he was saying the media would be the distraction...and that was pretty much proven by their reaction to his comments. Do you seriously not see the difference, or are you just having fun?

Having seen what he said today, how in the world do you conclude he sounds like a fool? What did he say that you don't agree with, or think makes him look foolish?
I'm saying that it's a non-issue. A team like the Rams almost welcomes it, maybe not almost. And it will soon go away. A "distraction" about Sam being Yag isn't derailing any successful seasons. Maybe in the Dr. Phil world.
I'm saying that it's a non-issue. A team like the Rams almost welcomes it, maybe not almost. And it will soon go away. A "distraction" about Sam being Yag isn't derailing any successful seasons. Maybe in the Dr. Phil world.

Oh, well the Browns players seem to disagree with you about the media being a distraction. These guys are actually in the locker room now (since you said Dungy wasn't)...and this was before camp has even started...

Teammates admit Johnny Manziel questions a “distraction”

Posted by Darin Gantt on June 27, 2014, 4:04 PM EDT
APBrowns quarterback Johnny Manziel isn’t the only one tired of the questions about Johnny Manziel.
His teammates are already sick of them too.
Yes, because it’s a distraction,” rookie running back Terrance West said, via Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “We’re here to play football and it’s all about all of his off-the-field stuff, so it’s a distraction.”
West admitted he’d love for the attention to stop, but didn’t begrudge Manziel enjoying himself.
“He’s enjoying life,” West said. “He’s not doing anything negative. He’s not getting arrested or getting DUIs or anything like that. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Everyone’s supposed to enjoy life and have fun.”
To his credit, Manziel gets it (not that he’s going to change his behavior to modify it).
“My teammates are getting tired of being asked about me because a low man on the totem pole,” Manziel said. “I’m just like any other rookie out here that they haven’t been asked about a thousand times. More than anything, I think they’re tired of that. They’re tired of the hype, which I am as well. So I’m sitting there seeing these things and I’m tired of it as well.
“I want to wake up one week and not have my name going though something and I’m working on getting better at that, but if I want to go home and spend time with my friends or go out on my weekends, I absolutely have the right to do that. We’re going to get a little bit of a break here and I’m going to still continue to work out and do the things I need to do and hopefully not let that come between me and my teammates.”
At this point, they all have his back. And if he wins the starting job and leads the Browns to win, it will be charming and colorful.
But if the attention doesn’t come with results, players will grow more and more weary of the “distraction.”

I can see that poster who always bitches about the Rams now, who's that guy who hates Bradford?

"If it weren't for the Sam distraction. And of course the meddling kids and that pesky pooch."
Oh, well the Browns players seem to disagree with you about the media being a distraction. These guys are actually in the locker room now (since you said Dungy wasn't)...and this was before camp has even started...

Teammates admit Johnny Manziel questions a “distraction”

Posted by Darin Gantt on June 27, 2014, 4:04 PM EDT
APBrowns quarterback Johnny Manziel isn’t the only one tired of the questions about Johnny Manziel.
His teammates are already sick of them too.
Yes, because it’s a distraction,” rookie running back Terrance West said, via Mary Kay Cabot of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “We’re here to play football and it’s all about all of his off-the-field stuff, so it’s a distraction.”
West admitted he’d love for the attention to stop, but didn’t begrudge Manziel enjoying himself.
“He’s enjoying life,” West said. “He’s not doing anything negative. He’s not getting arrested or getting DUIs or anything like that. I don’t think it’s a big deal. Everyone’s supposed to enjoy life and have fun.”
To his credit, Manziel gets it (not that he’s going to change his behavior to modify it).
“My teammates are getting tired of being asked about me because a low man on the totem pole,” Manziel said. “I’m just like any other rookie out here that they haven’t been asked about a thousand times. More than anything, I think they’re tired of that. They’re tired of the hype, which I am as well. So I’m sitting there seeing these things and I’m tired of it as well.
“I want to wake up one week and not have my name going though something and I’m working on getting better at that, but if I want to go home and spend time with my friends or go out on my weekends, I absolutely have the right to do that. We’re going to get a little bit of a break here and I’m going to still continue to work out and do the things I need to do and hopefully not let that come between me and my teammates.”
At this point, they all have his back. And if he wins the starting job and leads the Browns to win, it will be charming and colorful.
But if the attention doesn’t come with results, players will grow more and more weary of the “distraction.”

Excellent source.
I can see that poster who always bitches about the Rams now, who's that guy who hates Bradford?

"If it weren't for the Sam distraction. And of course the meddling kids and that pesky pooch."

Sure, some fans may use it as a crutch (players too)....that doesn't mean it's not a distraction, it just means they are using that distraction to justify losing. Ex NFL coach says the media could be a distraction...check. Current NFL players say the media is a distraction (about JFF)....check. At least Tip from Cleveland doesn't think it's a distraction...we should probably go with his opinion over those who actually know.

And that's what I had a problem with. When dungy was asked about JF, he said he'd draft his ass. Same with tebow. Distractions be damned, he'd want to make sure his off field issues weren't too big, but "if I was commited to winning, I'd draft him" or some shit like that.
Sure, some fans may use it as a crutch (players too)....that doesn't mean it's not a distraction, it just means they are using that distraction to justify losing. Ex NFL coach says the media could be a distraction...check. Current NFL players say the media is a distraction (about JFF)....check. At least Tip from Cleveland doesn't think it's a distraction...we should probably go with his opinion over those who actually know.


All teams deal with the 24/7 media. Check.