TNF Discussion


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Anyone playing tonight? Thinking Jax tt under 17. does 17.5 exist anywhere? The O just has so many problems. Kessler, banged-up o-line, receivers who drop everything. Fournette just gonna be grinding first downs here and there his numbers vs Tits are poor. Titans have a good D and do well vs Jax (maybe they stole Jax playbook like in 99!)
Everyone said Indy would crush them last week.:angrymob:..I'm staying away.

Colts on the road also almost lost to Oakland (28-28 after 3Q) and it was kind of up in the air how Jax would respond. Many thought they'd be tanking but I think the benching of Blake Bortles re-energized the team. Jax hates the Titans, I think the D will show up again. Its the offense that has serious issues though
I couldn't bet Cody Kessler with your money...let alone mine.

Don't. It's not like he does anything. He's just a game manager. I'd rather stay away tho cause the best Jax receiver is freaking DeDe Westbrook and and the o-line is banged-up.
I think Cody is competent. People remember last week and 6 points, but he didnt lose game. I sorta trust him in a pro mindset Colt Mccoy type of way. I think Mariotta is quite overrated
I think Cody is competent. People remember last week and 6 points, but he didnt lose game. I sorta trust him in a pro mindset Colt Mccoy type of way. I think Mariotta is quite overrated

Cody doesn't thrrow picks like Bortles does, that's all Jax needs in a quarterback. A Trent Dilfer type. He fits the O better than Blake does.
Mariota is perpetutally overrated but I worry about his mobility. Look at how much Josh Allen and Dak ran for against Jax. Mariota has legs as well. The linebackers aren't as smart with Paul Posluszny retired
Calais, Parnell and Jalen active

Most of Titans healthy, outside Derick Morgan

Parnell is underrated, Fournette runs better with him in. Obviously Calais and Jalen are crucial too, Corey Davis is Tit's only good receiver and he's really more inconsistent than anything
Getting Marrone was like buying one good year and selling some years afterwards until he's gone again
Jax beat Giants in a nailbiter, got blown out in KC and Dallas, gave one away in Buffalo, got blown out first half in Indy, came back, and dip shit fumbled it in Indy 20 yard line to end the game
classic case of a game that you wouldn't touch with a 20 foot pole if it were being played on sunday.

of course we are degenerates, so I threw some change on a parlay of titans moneyline/chargers moneyline/open spot
Just looking at box scores of previous November and December road games. Jax usually starts out slowly in the cold, in 1Q often shut out, a maybe a field goal, couple fist quarters with touchdown.
it was 66 degrees yesterday in Jax when they left for TN.
it won't be the coldest game for Jax but maybe it will slow down the offense on the short week.
If you want to bet on Doug Marrone and Cody Kessler on the road on a short week, good luck to you. You're a braver man than I.
Just wondering with the under bet if there's some extra advantage somewhere -- either in TT or quarter/half
Not chasing. At all.

You think the game goes under, clearly you think a quarter will

Yeah but a fluke score can happen to cause a quarter to go over, over the course of the game I think the scoring stays low.