Tipeyerbartender REFS thread...

What's great about this thread is it's just like sitting around the frat house, which has to piss off tip when you think about it
I only brought up boxing wade because tip had a back and forth with the boxing forum and all 3 members( we have less than the NBA forum)
Can't wait til Cleveland St gets hot and Tip becomes a Horizon League expert

If I go 1-2 on Horizon, I'm ahead of the NBA guys around here. Plus those Horizon refs, why even bother.
This thread probably does need a moserator. You'll do, Braves.
You know how people who drop a lot of acid have guides? Alex is kind of like that for me at CTG. Drug-free though. Just Russian sense.
I don't think tip is getting a fair shake. I don't think tip is drunk. This is has been how tip has been for years.
I probably don't have the scratch to continue this lifestyle, but you really can't beat the Midwest from June through November. I'm doing farmers markets, bike rides in national parks, fishing boats, my garden has never looked better ... the one burr in my saddle is emkee.
I probably don't have the scratch to continue this lifestyle, but you really can't beat the Midwest from June through November. I'm doing farmers markets, bike rides in national parks, fishing boats, my garden has never looked better ... the one burr in my saddle is emkee.

Tan game is not strong. I'm either white or red, almost never tan.
I'm about as tan as Henry Fonda in On Golden Pond. Same clothes too.

Of all the things I've ever said to lol at, and I admit I'm a blowhard, the Midwest summers being nice seems a curious point of contention. No place I'd rather be this time of year.
Can someone switch my avy, I hate that one, lol. I'll take anything. Even Bruce Jenner.
This motherfucker is only getting stronger :cheers3:

Midwestern Summers, I'd rather be in Afghanistan
Should tell you something considering I've experienced 23 Midwestern Summers eh

Amended opinion if I'm literally on a boat all Summer, it's survivable and actually enjoyable
No more depressing than when you look out the window, surely.

Not sure where you're going with this. What do I see that upsets me out my window, other than deer eating my plants?
backing tip here....refs my ass.....GS is soft as charmin.........and don't even get me going on that gritty white kid from st. marys.....cavs just shoving it up their ass so far....

great thread
GS soft but Cleveland needed to crush those kids in Game 3. Gave 'em something to build on.
I'm going to put this in this thread. Emkee runs circles around me in poised and classy posting. I've been pretty angry, but guy just sticks to his guns. And refs (sorry).
backing tip here....refs my ass.....GS is soft as charmin.........and don't even get me going on that gritty white kid from st. marys.....cavs just shoving it up their ass so far....

great thread

Can I get an amen?
What bothers me about tip is his irrational position at the greatest sport in the world
I've always given soccer a chance. St. Ignatius is one of the best HS programs in the country. I lived with soccer guys at William and Mary. I get it. It's just boring as all fuck.