Tipeyerbartender REFS thread...


CTG Partner
Staff member
No more mucking up other peoples threads...

Please leave any of your ref comments in here...

Does this apply to just me, or also the folks who think the NBA is pro wrestling?
I'm all ears. How did the refs cause last night's Golden State loss?
My big thing with you is you don't understand how refs affect NBA games and have for 25-30 years. Nothing to do with this series.

Nothing to do with calls.

A 'tempo' was set in game 2 and with that crew people who follow officiating knew what was a more probable outcome.

We'll discuss more next year when the Cavs are not involved in a series.
Love how the six people who visit the NBA forum in March groupthink their way into a Golden State party, dismiss poor divol as a crazy Israeli, and pull their hair out over refs. Golden State has been soft. Don't worry, they probably win the series. This is Cleveland. My apologies on behalf of the Cavs for busting your narrative.
Love how the six people who visit the NBA forum in March groupthink their way into a Golden State party, dismiss poor divol as a crazy Israeli, and pull their hair out over refs. Golden State has been soft. Don't worry, they probably win the series. This is Cleveland. My apologies on behalf of the Cavs for busting your narrative.

You just started visiting NBA forum when LeBitch came back and now in finals...comeon now...this ain't gonna make up for Browns or Tribe...
My big thing with you is you don't understand how refs affect NBA games and have for 25-30 years. Nothing to do with this series.

Nothing to do with calls.

A 'tempo' was set in game 2 and with that crew people who follow officiating knew what was a more probable outcome.

We'll discuss more next year when the Cavs are not involved in a series.

These people who deeply "understand" at a level I couldn't possibly comprehend still bet Golden State in games one and two. Why? You could not be more patronizing.
Yes, like most sane people, I don't care about the NBA until May. Sometimes not even then. Doesn't mean I don't know what I'm looking at.
These people who deeply "understand" at a level I couldn't possibly comprehend still bet Golden State in games one and two. Why? You could not be more patronizing.

Nothing was weird in Game 1...

Plenty was weird in game 2, 'both ways'.

I had no spread either game, could care less.

Why people are getting on you is you don't really know the NBA. You showed up when your home-state team has a chance to win and are dismissing everything in site. You don't know what the NBA is about etc...and you are gonna stay stone-fisted with your beliefs...

Your one of my favorite posters ever but your dug in deep here...so it is what it is...
emkee has yet to bet the Cavs, and has crutched himself on the refs. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit on that. I'll go as far as saying the Cavs are up in the series despite not getting the calls.
emkee has yet to bet the Cavs, and has crutched himself on the refs. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit on that. I'll go as far as saying the Cavs are up in the series despite not getting the calls.

Your still getting it. Your stuck on your hometown series. Posters have tried to inform and teach you about past NBA and you won't listen. Just like gambling, nothing happens 100%, but long haul...
Did you care about the Cavs last 4 years?

Not really, but it's not that kind of league. There's no farm system, no player development, the impact of the draft is about two picks deep. How many teams can you completely count out of a chance of winning a title, 25? The Cavs sans Lebron were one of those 25. Like the Heat. And the Pistons.
Not really, but it's not that kind of league. There's no farm system, no player development, the impact of the draft is about two picks deep. How many teams can you completely count out of a chance of winning a title, 25? The Cavs sans Lebron were one of those 25. Like the Heat. And the Pistons.

1. Bandwagon

2. Nice try--3 ships...5 finals...11 ECF's...since '87
I'd like for someone to admit he was wrong about one of the first three games. Ref-blaming is for women. Setting up your ref-blame blanket before the game even begins is especially effeminate.
Bandwagon, lol.

You won't see me walking around in Spurs, Cards, Red Sox, Giants, Patriots, Seahawks, Blackhawks hats.
I'd like for someone to admit he was wrong about one of the first three games. Ref-blaming is for women. Setting up your ref-blame blanket before the game even begins is especially effeminate.

No one was wrong about game two man...regardless of bets...

The refs came out and decisions were made from there...I personally would not have bet dubs there regardless...but seeing the crew that was working solidified that for me...

Your a fan...and a lot of us 'cap' games...easy enough...and the NBA betting life...moreso in playoffs is capping officials...
The Cavs this year to you is to make up for your silly ass Indians and the Browns...you will rest in peace when all said and done...
Great idea starting this thread for tip, bar. He definitely needed an outlet. Especially since he now seems to start drinking pretty early in the day
I still don't have any Cavs stuff. Feel a little out of place in my Tribe gear.
Great idea starting this thread for tip, bar. He definitely needed an outlet. Especially since he now seems to start drinking pretty early in the day

lol, it is nice not to have to work...I just bought my powerball ticket a bit ago..maybe have those same privs soon...
emkee has yet to bet the Cavs, and has crutched himself on the refs. Sorry, I'm calling bullshit on that. I'll go as far as saying the Cavs are up in the series despite not getting the calls.

Bet the Cavs plenty in the previous rounds but guilty as charged in the Finals.

You figure the 'better' team would be up and highly motivated to win a 'ship, not piss around trying to make Sportcenter's Top fucking 10.

Again, it is what it is. Got Game 1, knew the Dubs were screwed in Game 2 yet played it stubborn and Game 3 is usually a cut and dry case for the better team - which contrary to your opinion is the Dubs. You can't deny the ref assignments in Game's 2 and 3 have been favorable for Cleveland, the numbers do not lie but it's not an excuse. Can't cap players attitude, Dubs play too lax and it's costing them. Maybe Game 3 was the wake-up call this team needs. One has to stick to what's been successful in the past and that's how I bet the games.

Grats on finalizing your nomination for the site's biggest pseudo-homer.
Great idea starting this thread for tip, bar. He definitely needed an outlet. Especially since he now seems to start drinking pretty early in the day

I like this thread. Might work out some other issues in here if that's OK.
Bet the Cavs plenty in the previous rounds but guilty as charged in the Finals.

You figure the 'better' team would be up and highly motivated to win a 'ship, not piss around trying to make Sportcenter's Top fucking 10.

Again, it is what it is. Got Game 1, knew the Dubs were screwed in Game 2 yet played it stubborn and Game 3 is usually a cut and dry case for the better team - which contrary to your opinion is the Dubs. You can't deny the ref assignments in Game's 2 and 3 have been favorable for Cleveland, the numbers do not lie but it's not an excuse. Can't cap players attitude, Dubs play too lax and it's costing them. Maybe Game 3 was the wake-up call this team needs. One has to stick to what's been successful in the past and that's how I bet the games.

Grats on finalizing your nomination for the site's biggest pseudo-homer.

Smokedawg so mad...
Tiny, tiny, and I mean tiny part of me wants the Tribe to break the curse. But not even worth a mention, so tiny. But it's there.
CTG, as a site, pretty good bunch of guys. Frog skin though. Admit when you're wrong, once in a while, good for the soul.
How about this rule change. At the ref's discretion, a jump shooter is not allowed to jump into a straight up-and-down defender to draw a foul. In fact, it's a tech on the shooter. Who doesn't hate that call?
eggman is not getting away without explaining the current price of eggs.
Does anyone really believe anything posted here? twink handles billions and Jayhawk could retire tomorrow. red sells polo shirts out of his hatchback. None of this is strange to you?
I don't believe gurv is both Russian and Jewish and I believe that hesnotmypres is Barack Obama
Does anyone really believe anything posted here? twink handles billions and Jayhawk could retire tomorrow. red sells polo shirts out of his hatchback. None of this is strange to you?
Haha and all ctg posters are married to models and are built like NFL running back
I believe Gurv is Russian and Jewish. No one would go to these lengths to imposter.

I had thought hesnotmyprez might be NBA, but guy actually wins a lot before the games start, so cross him off your list.
hi all.

Great thread, lmao... although maybe you'd only think so if you've posted with some of these people for a third of your life like I have...

I was prestige worldwide at guessing ages. Turn me loose on what's actually going on in a CTG life. Give me a name.
Does anyone really believe anything posted here? twink handles billions and Jayhawk could retire tomorrow. red sells polo shirts out of his hatchback. None of this is strange to you?
250 million....LOL....shit is real

Let us be honest also.....I was pulling for the Cavs, for you. Lebron seems like a good dude these days....made a few bad media decisions etc, but never was in trouble with the law....married his day 1...seems like a great Dad.

Anyone here will tell you I am honest...you know that.....I always give the truth. As do you.

I gotta say tho.....your antics in the last week have me pulling for GSW. Seriously. You trashed LeBron, like many from your town and area( I would have to bro...I am a fan like you)....But you being this super Cavs fan now...LOL. Cmon tip. You can't fool CTG. You post here everyday.....admit that these NBA forum guys (all 9 of em like you said....that have the package, can name every ref in the league, and so on.....KNOW more than you do!!!). It was similar to the boxing thread not long ago...arguing with guys that can name the straw weight strap holders.....

Everyone has an opinion, and you are entitled to yours too. I certainly wouldn't argue baseball with you to the depths you are doing with the NBA guys though....or at least not undertanding what they are getting at.

Being this super Cavs fan has made you mildly annoying, straight up dude. You are a great guy here and funny as all shit bro......Not going all serious here, so sorry if that is how it came out tip, but just wanted to say that...I wish I could type as eloquently as red or as nice as you CLE heartbreak thread was.

GL for the Ship....:cheers3:
Tip wouldn't give a shit about the refs if the Cavs weren't in the finals. Hell, he probably wouldn't even know the finals were on if the Cavs weren't playing.