time to post my week 9 card so far

Utep would stop Brady if he came to the EP ... some bad water and bad burritos.

I assume Allen won't be starting fwiw, but won't be announced until Friday

Haha I was thinking about you awhile back when i was watching some show or movie about Juarez. Never realized how close to El Paso it was. Seems like a pretty crazy place.

I agree with you on Allen. If Blackledge was correct in his comment about Murray and playing against OM, he said something to the effect of it's a bad matchup to put him in because OM defense is so unconventional in the way they line up and give looks and that could be hard for a young QB to diagnose on the road, then I would think USCe would be the antithesis of OM defense in being much more conventional and palatable to throw a young guy out there and let him just play. He is an intriguing talent to me, prob because he most closely resembles JFF and that's when they were good on offense so why not let him go out there and play..?
You would think. If TAMU hasn't fixed the problem week over week then Scarolina should be favored. But interestingly, the line keeps going up AND the total keeps going up ... so someone is expecting a wake up call for the TAMU offense.

I really hope that is sarcasm.

Minnesota 14.5 -115

A little worried about distractions but who is Michigan's offense to be laying this to a good defense on the road?

Nice number.

I don't disagree on the offense.

And at night...

And after Kill thing anything can happen with emotion. I expect a very hard fought game both ways...gonna be a tug n war...

17-13 kinda game...
Ya that is possible too. I just am not good at predicting such things. I like it better with just Kill on the sideline personally than this .... but there is that possibility of inspired effort.

I think in the past(2013) when his seizures kept Kill off the field, the Gophers have played really well for Claeys. If I have my timing right, Kill had his big time seizure issues right before the Michigan game that year and he took a leave of absence right after that. They went on to cover their next 6 to close out the regular season under Claeys, so there's that.

Minnesota 14.5 -115

A little worried about distractions but who is Michigan's offense to be laying this to a good defense on the road?

I like this play too and will likely be on it, but how many points is Minny likely to score this week? I think chances are good that the Gophers hold Michigan to 21 or less but even if they do, that might not be enough.
I really hope that is sarcasm.
Haha even I thought that was kind of funny. TAMU even being dysfunctional is tough to see them as a dog to SC. Remember this is still the defense that gave up 50+ to Schottenheimer and made Lambert look viable
Ksimp/Horses -- Of course it isn't sarcasm. If you told me right now they were going to play at the same level as last week. I watched every single play last week and they looked like a bad high school JV team on the offensive side of the ball. They would never find the end zone. Obviously you can't expect them to be as bad as last week (where they were missing bubble screen wide receivers by five yards because their qb had the yips) but if they play that bad in this game, THEY LOSE.
minnesota defense isn't exactly good.

Not elite but 328 a game at 4.65 yards per play against offenses that are on average greater than Michigan. Held TCU to 341, Neb to 366, csu to 413... Michigan getting 367 yards per game and 5.22 yards per play, 90th and 93rd respectively. Haven't hit 400 yards of offense in either road game either. 107th in first downs per game. It isn't like they have played a who's who of defenses either. So I am not saying Minnesota is the 85 Bears but they are at least as good as what Michigan has faced all year. Two pretty slow paced teams as well for a three possession game (michigan being a top five team in slowness of pace).
minnesota defense isn't exactly good.

I think the fear is just that Minnesota cannot get a first down and Michigan has better field position all game long.

I also think this is a big game for their bowl aspirations .. At Ohio State followed by At Iowa in a horrible spot for the gophers after having just gone through Michigan and TOSU gauntlet playing an Iowa who will probably have a lot to play for. They would need to sweep Illinois and Wisconsin at home to get bowl eligible .. which is certainly doable ... but a loss here and this team is in legit trouble to go bowling.
Not elite but 328 a game at 4.65 yards per play against offenses that are on average greater than Michigan. Held TCU to 341, Neb to 366, csu to 413... Michigan getting 367 yards per game and 5.22 yards per play, 90th and 93rd respectively. Haven't hit 400 yards of offense in either road game either. 107th in first downs per game. It isn't like they have played a who's who of defenses either. So I am not saying Minnesota is the 85 Bears but they are at least as good as what Michigan has faced all year. Two pretty slow paced teams as well for a three possession game (michigan being a top five team in slowness of pace).

neb had 464. it was hot knife vs butter.
neb had 464. it was hot knife vs butter.

Well my communication in that post is bad .. those are minny offensive stats in those games. Held TCU 449, colorado st to 314, and neb to 464 ... the most they have given up all year. And not saying it says a ton but a 268.5 yards against average against Kent St, purdont, ohio and nw
I was going to do write ups today but have zero desire to talk about college football today. Sorry for the crappy thread this week.

In addition, I have a Leadership conference in Minnesota next week (thought it was Wisconsin but is there really a difference?). So I won't be around much next week until later in the week and quite frankly I am considering hanging it up for the year, and have been for the last few weeks.

Won't be around today. Best of luck on all your action tonight and tomorrow.
Trying the sarcasm thing again?

I like the Texas play. Trying to get Paul's opinion too.

If a person knows what happened in that game and doesn't recognize that as sarcasm then they are incapable of recognizing sarcasm.

It was a kick in the nuts. <--Not Sarcasm.
Nope. Not actual bets, just picking every game ATS for thepredictiontracker. An ASU >2 point win would've been 5-1 my lines is all, as I favored them by 4.8 or so.

Let's fight through the funk, brother!
If a person knows what happened in that game and doesn't recognize that as sarcasm then they are incapable of recognizing sarcasm.

It was a kick in the nuts. <--Not Sarcasm.

I find your particular brand of sarcasm easy to identify. Some others are confusing.
5-7 for the week. ok Saturday I guess but midweek hurt as usual.

127-107 for the season.

Closing it down. Haven't decided if I am going to do the bowls this year or not... probably depends how much I follow the sport down the stretch. I have some regret for a Friday night where I pushed small edges and really didn't need to about a month ago or so ... otherwise, I am quite proud of my season this year. Results were good and the work was even better. It is hard to imagine I could ever replicate the line movement that benefited me from Tuesday through Saturday, let alone the dumb opening numbers I got to participate in.

Best of luck in the remainder of your season.

ASU -1 -- A+ obviously. The yardage differential was about 240 yards and they had 18 more first downs. Missed three FG's and were the victims of multiple interceptions in the endzone, a bad call by the review booth of all places and a couple of semi-hail Mary passes. I have to think this was my unluckiest game of the year but I will have to go check that at a later date.

Notre Dame -9.5. Well I had good line value. 172 more yards and a couple more first downs. Multiple blown opportunities in the game including multiple red zone turnovers. Probably win this more times that it loses, that seems certain. A Solid B

Idaho/nmsu under Grade F minus. 1200 yards or so and 54 first downs. Bad investment it appears.

USC/Cal over. Grade F .... not much more than 800 yards in the game. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned the possibility of USC being more deliberate with their pace. That could not have been more true. Ironically, I liked this game over because of the QB's ... I didn't care who fell behind, the trailer would be capable of passing and capable of pace. As it turns out the QB play was the one thing keeping both teams from scoring. Quite a few under killing type drives in this game. I was wrong. Sorry.

USU/Wyo over and wyo -- F Minus.
Thank you for all the work you put in. You are a true leader on this site. You always take the time to make those around you better.
Ditto on the above.

This site is simply outstanding, and your work and that of many others is greatly appreciated.
Helton started killing clock with about 12 min left to play. Only up 13 this was a silly move and very easily could've cost him the game. But yes, whomever mentioned the change in pace was dead on.

Thanks for posting your work - I will miss not being able to compare my opening lines to yours.