Tiger vs Phil Part 2

Im going be a Debbie downer here, but I don't think a gimmicky golf event with a bunch of Dad Jokes is going do that great of ratings, but I could be dead wrong
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I do like the 1 hole where they are using 1 club.

Im going watch. I just think Tom and Tiger aren't exactly great interviews/ personalities. Phil will be good. Peyton should be as well
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I do like the 1 hole where they are using 1 club.

Im going watch. I just think Tom and Tiger are aren't exactly great interviews/ personalities. Phil will be good. Peyton should be as well
True on Tom and Tiger.

Tom is brutal for the most part.

Tiger can be funny but it's more like a 20% ratio of quotes.

Phil will be hilarious and Peyton is witty as can be.

We saw the difference in the Masters replays. Phil was outstanding during his and Tiger was kinda blah till the last part.
oh ok, Im intrigued . I guess I'm just being picky at this point. Its better than nothing lol
I think the intriguing part to me will be how bad Brady is. I posted the handicaps like a month ago but then I see Brady fired a 106 at Medalist sometime recently and it's scary.

It'll be fun, corny and everything in-between.

Hopefully they don't bring too many extras onto the broadcast like last week. The Bill Murray segment wasn't good and bringing Trump on is just gonna fire people up.
Im going be a Debbie downer here, but I don't think a gimmicky golf event with a bunch of Dad Jokes is going do that great of ratings, but I could be dead wrong

I'm with you, this might be worse than HORSE and that is saying a lot. You'd be crazy to bet this shit...stupid.

But then again, I've bet women's hoops in China and esports so I can't really talk.
I'm with you, this might be worse than HORSE and that is saying a lot. You'd be crazy to bet this shit...stupid.

But then again, I've bet women's hoops in China and esports so I can't really talk.
There was actually some value on live betting last week.

I wouldn't bet the actual match beforehand. Last week the team that won didn't win a hole the last 13 holes(3 hours of losing). The end was gimmicky.

There are some interesting props..

I played that there will be a shot holed from off the green +300 for chump change so far.
If you’re silly enough to play this pre-match (insert picture of me raising my hand), you play the dog, right? I just feel like it’s impossible to know which way this shitshow goes, and therefore the value would seem to be in the dog?
If Phil doesn't launch bombs all day long I will be highly disappointed.

Risk $ 25.00 / To Win $ 22.73 / Odds -110
Phil Mickelson
Hole 1 Specials - Longest Drive
The Match 2020

Risk $ 25.00 / To Win $ 75.00 / Odds +300
Phil Mickelson/Tom Brady
Hole 1 Winner
The Match 2020
I'm with you, this might be worse than HORSE and that is saying a lot. You'd be crazy to bet this shit...stupid.

But then again, I've bet women's hoops in China and esports so I can't really talk.
But if we're gonna watch, $1 to watch Brady shit the bed who be gratifying
I just played Phil to make more birdies +140. I just feel like he takes this more personal since he was always in tiger shadow...This actually means something to him. Plus he’s going to have to make up for Brady
Listen. Send them to the Clubhouse bar. Film them shooting shots and talking shit until the storm passes.
Now that’ll be some good TV
I'll say this! Brady will excel in these conditions. He always has. Manning might be asking himself what he got himself into. This intangible is God given. TB knows this down pour favors him while Manning is saying to himself, this is exactly what Tom needed to beat me.