Thur NCAA, NFL both


Pretty much a regular
Won't bother with the jibba jabba yet. Save that for later, oh there will be plenty I'm sure. That is what this guy called me always on covers, hey it's my main man jibba jabba ha. Here are the big winners.

Got an if win bet so, if the first one wins the next one takes place. Broke Tuck and his if win bets. Well what do I care anyway it's not my money ha, losing dads money.

Kansas St at West Virginia -2.5, got a -105, risked 150

Arkansas St at Texas St +7, got a -120, risked 150

Kansas City at Oakland under 42.5

Why does everybody think Arkansas St is so good?

West Virginia at home, yes, on the road no.

Oakland unders been pounding those all year, one good thing for me.
I should go get a job at the Kwik Shop like Deaz said last night. That will solve my problems, fuck you can't pay rent on that job. Unless I wanna get a roommate, ha that would be great some dude living with me I don't know, would look really Yag. Well I had room mates before, but it was just one time, and it was my bro and a friend a long time ago. Then my bro hooked up with some black chick, always a black chick with him, don't know how he does that, there aren't very many here, but he does. She was damn freeloading with no job, that kind of pissed me off. It isn't the chick he is with now. Yeah I don't want damn room mates now at age 38. Well nobody would be able to stand to live with me either, my crazy ass. Guess if I did work at the Kwik Shop I could just be like, a little for you, and a little for me. Ha they wouldn't hire me if they checked my background, oh my, whoa, felony armed robbery, theft, and 2 DWI's, well I don't think I want him handling my money.
Yeah talk about fucking up your life, well I did that, oh yeah.

West Virginia fumbles at the damn 3 yard line, fuck of course, nothing new.
Yeah this isn't looking good at all. Guess we'll see. Numbers wise Kansas St is not better than West Virginia at all, not on paper, but oh well. I should just not even bother damn capping it seems. My brain is broken at this point I think ha. Just a pile of mush in my head.
Okay, West Virginia do not fucking do a 3 man rush and drop 8. That is the worst possible call here. Now watch em they will ha. Why can't I coach my damn teams.
Ha they did do the 3 man rush, those idiots. Kansas St should have got a TD there, well I called it damn it.
I need to coach all my teams, just call the plays from here.

Fuck Nebraska should fire stupid Bo Pelini, and hire me, fuck I won't ask for much just ya know 1 million a year. My bro could be my coordinator of some sort. He is pretty good at calling what we should do on offense at the games. Yeah he is my offensive coordinator.
Fuck my bro is 50 times better than stupid Beck, the Huskers o coordinator, man that guy is just worthless.
Fucking Beck, I can't even watch my Huskers anymore I get so mad ha. Well we were both yelling like come on Beck throw a damn screen pass to Abdullah, it will be wide open Wisconsin is just crashing with their backers every play. Then they finally did it, and hey what do ya know 15 yards for Abdullah. Then never again ha, nope we aren't gonna do that again and get their backers off our ass.
Fuck, I knew that kicker was gonna miss that kick, these announcers slobbing his knob. I thought he would miss the first one too.
What the fuck is that, he barely touched that guy. Oh well, everybody just lives to fuck me over, I know by now.
Oh wow, could have been a 14 point swing possibly there on that awful call. Okay, then my other 2 games will win for sure, but they don't count now, great. It is guaranteed those other 2 will win now just to piss me off.
It is just getting worse, so you run it West Virginia then no timeout, which they should have. Then oh yeah picked off of course. What a debacle.
Maybe we can regroup at halftime ha, highly doubt it. Man this is pathetic. The announcers were like what a turn here, West Virginia has been on a huge downhill slide ever since that TD was overturned. My life is on a huge downhill slide, yep, a big one, the USS Tuck is sinking rapidly, there is no hope. I'm just gonna run in front of a damn bus ha. Well but then it's over, so I can't do that, gotta keep trying, keep plugging away. Someday things will work out, oh yeah for sure. I have no idea why anybody would kill themselves, then what do you have, fucking nothing, game over. Those retarded Islam guys that blow themselves up and shit, I am gonna get 99 virgins then, and bang em all in Heaven, or whatever the hell they call it ha, idiots. 99 virgins, it will be great.
Thanks there schrute. It isn't looking great at the moment. Well West Virginia should be at least not down quite so much, but I don't know guess who knows. Well that one offensive PI call was really terrible, and that could have been huge, you never know what West Virginia would have done I suppose though. Would not have been 3 and out and a Lockett TD return though, know that.
I mean I just never get a damn break like that it seems. A big lucky call like that. There is no way in hell that was pass interference on West Virginia there, that guy fucking was falling over for Kansas St and barely got touched.
Then this announcer I can't believe Kansas St can't run the ball tonight ha. Well okay retard they are only 76th in the damn country rushing the ball, not exactly a juggernaut there bud.
Fuck this shit is over. Kevin Lockett, interviewed him there, yeah the Huskers kicked your ass every year bitch ha, well he played good, but his team sucked.
Oh no offensive interference there on Kansas St, when he just shoved my guy, and knocked him over. Oh no way, do I ever get a damn call. They showed that replay, and he just shoved my guy knocked him over.
Yes, and my QB gets hurt for West Virginia fucking perfect. Guess who knows maybe this guy will rip it up, yeah right. Chances are slim and none there.
Fucking booooooooooom!!! Why the hell wasn't this guy in to start? I mean he is awesome. Stupid coaches, guess it could still happen now anyway.
Fuck we would be kicking ass right now if Howard was in there the whole game.

Damn it, gotta play some D now, then we can comeback I think.
What in the fuck? Oh wow, guess it's over now. Suppose I want Kansas St to get a TD here. Well 13 means a 1 point win, no good.
Well that should do it I think. I mean whatever I need it goes wrong, I was just hoping Kansas St would score and quick, nope, waste a bunch of time then a damn FG. So yeah I'm done now, guess unless I luck out and West Virginia misses a PAT.
Ha ha that announcer said the play cock, instead of play clock. Whoa somebody has dick on the brain haha, well at least I got a laugh there, even though I'm fucked.
Could anything go worse, need the guy to make a damn chip shot nope, forget about it. Guess I had a real long shot chance anyway, 2 TD's and 2 two point conversions. Woulda liked to have the chance at least, that bum.
Need West Virginia's kicker to shank the PAT, ha, yeah odds are good there. Well Kansas States stupid kicker just shanked a PAT basically, but ya know when I need it forget about it.
Need the old Floyd "money" Mayweather special now. Need West Virginia to get a TD late, then I pick one off and run it in to cover ha. Fuck well he gets that kinda crap I never do. Some guys just have all the luck I guess, not me, oh no. Every stupid thing that could happen to fuck me does, yeah I am the antithesis of money May.
Ha Randy Moss gonna make a passionate plea to get Marshall into the playoff. I better watch that after the game. They deserve it fo sho ha.
Well fuck this is how unlucky I am. I had Duke vs Cincy in the damn Belk Bowl in 2012. That was just like a sure cover, and then all hell broke loose in about a fucking minute I think real late, it had to be the craziest game ever, as far as betting goes there. I gotta re watch that tonight just relive the pain. Crap like that happens to me all the time though.
If you have a worse loss than Duke + the points in the 2012 Belk Bowl I would like to hear it. I don't remember what exactly happened though, will have to watch it here in a bit, after I lose this game. It was completely insane, I mean Duke had that shit easy.
Ha right when I googled it I found this article.

With a back and forth Belk Bowl, tied at 34-34. Duke a 9.5 dog, had the ball at the Cincy 5 yard line with less than 2 minutes to play. Then it says, disaster ensued for Duke bettors, oh man it was bad, I really could not fucking believe it. Yes had the ball at the damn 5 yard line with under 2 minutes left tied, and they blew the +9.5 cover haha. Duke fumbled then and Cincy recovered with only 1:32 to play. Then Cincy completed an 83 yard bomb, with less than a minute left to go up 41-34. Then Duke got the ball back at its 32 with only 44 seconds left, and picked up a first down. But then on the next play Duke QB Renfree was hit on a throw and the pass was picked off by Cincy and returned 55 yards for a TD to cover for Cincy bettors, ha whoa. They talked to this veteran bookmaker Jimmy Vaccaro, and he goes I can't remember seeing a sequence of events like that maybe ever, ha. Yes I bet Duke, for the worst loss ever in history about.

I'm gonna watch it, probably can find it on youtube. Well shit I don't have anything going on now, my night is finished.
I watched that crappy game ha. That had to be the worst beat ever that I had sure of that. Got a +9.5 dog with the ball on the 5 yard line in a tie game about to score, and then a fumble, bomb by Cincy, then Duke fucking throws a 55 yard INT for a TD, ha, that was nuts. I remember I was just sitting there like, in stunned silence I didn't even ya know throw anything or break anything like usual. I was sitting there in disbelief, like did that really just happen there, that can't be ha.
I was at a Husker bar in Scottsdale with a Dook ticket, fortunately I can control my anger
Ha KJ, that was the craziest shit ever. The 2012 Belk Bowl, ah the memories. I was just like, well this can only happen to me ya know, it figures ha. I don't know why I thought of that game or brought it up really. It was just insane, how I lost that one I have no idea.
Ha I liked the article I read about it. Duke bettors were looking good tied at 34, and at the 5 yard line of Cincy with under 2 minutes left, then total disaster ensued for Duke bettors. Ha total disaster may be putting it mildly there.
It is a good thing I bet Duke in that game, the worst beat of all time ha. That Vaccaro guy said that to, the worst beat ever. It has to be the worst. I mean you can always get a fluke play at the end, but not fucking 3 of em in a damn row pretty much.
I can pull it off with my luck, oh yeah, no doubt. Well then I got that DWI a while back just cuz some dipshit ran a red light that had been red for half an hour about. Then the cop is talking to me, ya know I smell alcohol on your breath, oh no no, I'm okay. Nope to the cop car breathalizer. When he gave me it I really didn't know if I was much over, I was thinking I haven't been hittin it that hard today I may be okay, oh no, not close about a .16 almost.
I mean and that Vaccaro guy that bookmaker, he is really pretty old I think so he's seen a lot. If he calls it the worst of all time it is, that Belk Bowl ha.
Shit with that DWI I got I am just lucky it wasn't like most days at 9 pm, I woulda been tuned up big time usually blown a damn .30 or some crap or at least .25. Then woulda had big problems extreme DWI, which I mean I can drive fine at .30, oh yeah no problem, as long as retards don't hit me ha.
I am betting Nebraska Saturday, I don't care what the line is, looks like -10.5 right now. I want that game, and I wanna kick ass bad ha. I wish we could substitute me as head coach, get rid of Bo, and then my bro could be the offensive coordinator instead of stupid Beck ha. Yes, then we would win damn it, I mean cover the spread.
I would have to punt Papuchis, our d coordinator, in his damn vag, fuck get outta here I'm calling the damn defense bitch.
Well we just watch the game in the stands and are calling the plays ya know what we should do, and they never do it. Well if they were good like ya know Tom Osborne, and Charlie Mcbride, okay I'm fine, but they suck ass.
Well the fucking last game against Wisconsin, me and my bro were watching like, okay Wisconsin is bringing their backers hard every play. Just set up a little screen to Abdullah, drop it right over those guys bang. It was funny then they finally did it, and it worked great, but then Wisconsin kept comin at us like that. So fuck screen their ass off until they quit, make em back the fuck up.
Damn it, I'm gonna go to the Minnesota game Saturday and be all pissed again. Just like fuck this sucks ass. Stupid Pelini, Beck the o coordinator, oh he is really bad, then well Papuchis our d coordinator isn't any better I guess. It is a real debacle at this point, whoa, I don't know how Bo Pelini can keep his job, fire his stupid ass. I am tired of getting beat in every big game, and it is usually ya know 70 to fucking 20 or some crap ha.
We need some real coaches, real g's ya know. Put me at head coach, then my bro he will be offensive coordinator. I don't know who else I would hire, none of my buddies no shit about football. Would have to search around, ha, they hire me to coach the team, yeah don't think that is happening. Well ya know it would be better than stupid Pelini, fuck way better.
I'm down on the sideline Saturday got a glass of vodka calling the defense yes, ha, fuck I could do better than stupid Papuchis anyway.