Thur NCAA, NFL both

Glad fucking Al told me about that blocking feature on here. I don't wanna hear from those guys no. I mean I had enough bullying in Junior High, I don't need that crap now at 38. I remember there was one guy that did kind of bully me a little in 7th grade, well I had several bullies cuz I was such a fucking runt, real midget ha. One of em though, he had a brother that was in my bro's school in 4th grade, and I told my bro, I said can you kick this kids ass for me, cuz his brother is giving me shit all the time, then maybe he will quit. And he did cuz he was a big beast always, nobody could fuck with him that was his age, shit in 4th grade he was bigger than me when I was in 7th grade ha. Then the guy that was picking on me was like okay, will your brother quit it, and I said well yeah if you fuck off. Okay then we have an agreement you don't fuck with me, then your brother doesn't get his ass kicked. I mean I was a damn midget people would pick on me a little bit. Shit I didn't grow at all until senior year about in High School.

Really don't know why I brought that up, but I don't care.
Wonder what the fuck I weighed in 7th grade, had to be like 90 lbs or something maybe less not sure can't remember. Yep a little bitch, that got picked on ha.
Yep, no guys can post in this bitch, unless I allow it haha, fuck you. Man it was funny cuz I was just a midget until I shot all the way up to 5 foot 9 Senior year, oh yeah.
Whoa I am kind of losin it here, these last few posts were not good. Me talking about my traumatizing childhood ha, yes. Well wasn't that bad, but it wasn't good either. Ha that one guy shoved me in my damn locker and locked it. I really was a big puss, well it wasn't necessarily that it was just I was so damn small there wasn't much I could do to ya know fight off fucks that were 70 lbs heavier than me, and way bigger.
Yeah I better put on some fucking Primus, Pork Soda album, there we go bitch, that is a good album. I started thinking about this crap now, and it is really aggravating, and kind of not good. I need to not think about that crap, whoa.
My name is mud, I like this song. I kissed him upside the cranium with that aluminum baseball bat, yeah I would like to do that to a couple people I have in mind from Junior High, oh yeah, shit fucking jack their ass like Barry Bonds ha.
The good thing is after Junior High things were okay then. Then people were like oh this Tuck guy is fucking cool, but in Junior High that sucked pretty much.
That would be great if Deaz showed up at Memorial Stadium with a fighter or 2 that he was talking about ha. Back to Junior High oh yeah, time to die Tuck. Well my bro would help me, but I don't know if he would help much with some professional fighters no. Guess they are bumfuck semi pro fucking guys, we can take em ha. That would be funny. I am not kidding about these stalkers yelling at me either, they drove by yelling at me, Tuck you suck ass ha. I am being totally serious, and I mean I know it sounds crazy, but it happened. I would not bullshit you guys about that no way. I couldn't really believe somebody would stalk me like that, guess whatever. I better expect some dynasty combat fighters Saturday, no I doubt that would happen. Deaz wouldn't be that crazy to confront me in Memorial Stadium, guess who knows on that. I never thought there would be somebody driving by yelling at me. You guys probably think oh no way, but no it happened I am not fucking around.
I was drunk when it happened, but it happened, I will not lie. I have been posting for 13 years a little more than that, and I have never had anybody come try and find me and yell at me ha, but it happened. I just wonder who it was, and how did they find me, that is really fucked up, oh well.
Manchester that poster said it was him, maybe he was joking I don't know, fuck could be him I don't know. It was somebody that knew from posting that is all I know ha, why the fuck, man that is fucked up. They like drove by yelled at me, and turned on the light in their pickup. It was 2 dudes.
Guess who knows there, better forget about it. I would think that would have to be a moderator or somebody who runs the site that can easily check an IP address. Oh no wait yg knows my name so if somebody talked to him they could find me I bet.
Yeah I better just worry about what I'm betting tomorrow. That is funny though that somebody drove by and yelled at me ha, well I post a whole bunch, wonder how many posts I have made in 13 years. Fuck it must be like 1 million ha, could be close to that, no, but shit I don't know it has to be 100,000 or so. Just here and covers, maybe not that much.
That was really strange, I guess they were just waiting for me, I don't know. It is pretty fucked up, there is a nice park right by me. Guess drinking at the park waiting to yell at me when I came out ha, what the hell? Maybe I am fucking imagining things at this point, ha, I am sure it happened, I wasn't so drunk that I didn't know.
Fuck I better go to bed ha. Maybe I was so drunk I don't know what happened, I was drinking a bunch, but I think I know what I heard. Goodnight now, enough of crazy drunk Tuck, which yes I am right now.
Ha Al, I am really losing it, man I'm nuts.

I looked at the damn dynasty combat fighting that Deaz was talking about ha, that is bumfuck as shit, they have just fought in Nebraska that is it. So nothing to worry about it, oh man Shane Moffit he is the main event at Pinnacle Bank Arena here coming up ha, oh noooooooooo!!! I am nervous now after looking at their website.
That big bitch Moffit fuck my bro would wipe the floor with that guy, fuck he wouldn't beat me either. I should see if Deaz can get me some fights there, maybe I can pick up a little cash, not much probably.
Ha these guys are fighting in damn Kearney, Nebraska, and fucking Columbus haha. You better step off if you come to Memorial Stadium, oh yeah, we got something fo yo ass baby, like a fucking beating ha.
Put on a little Primus, sailing the seas of cheese album, that is a good one to. You can't beat a little Primus oh hell no, they are the shit bitch.
Man my dumb ass, I will be on here until about 5 am talking to myself ha. I don't care fuck it, gotta get fired up for my Dynasty Combat fight ha, those guys are serious man they are fighting in bumfuck Kearney, and ya know Columbus Nebraska I mean whoa, I better look out. There may be ya know 100 people at Pinnacle Bank Arena when they fight in Lincoln, not sure, that may be a high estimate probably more like 50 people, never know I guess.
Fucking Dynasty Combat hahahaha, well I know ya know fighting in Kearney that is tough, I have had many a rumble there, and man you don't wanna fuck with those Kearney guys, shit they are for reals baby.
Ha I read on youtube the comments on Primus, about half of em were like these guys are fucking terrible ha. No no no, they are the shit baby, just fucking crazy, you fucking get out these fucking guys way, oh yeah.
Yeah guess I will go with Tool now undertow, that is a good album. It is funny cuz now I have no desire to see anybody touring. I mean I saw Primus and Tool both a long time ago, anybody new now they all suck ass. Guess though ya know I like shit from the late 80's and early 90's I don't like any new crap really no. Well it all sucks, it is just stupid, guess maybe I'm just old ha.
Yeah think I'm old. Well I hear things now and I think well this is garbage. New hip hop is terrible, then new rock bands are awful too.
Why can't we not be sober, I just wanna start this over. Why can't we drink forever. Fuck those lyrics there by Tool are the shit, I think about that everyday. Come on I just want to start this over ha.
I can't believe that Dynasty Combat is at Pinnacle Bank Arena, ha, well Deaz it sounds like he is running it, so then he had to pay big time to rent out that fucking place, ha, he is gonna lose his ass there. Well put it at bumfuck Pershing Auditorium ha, there ya go buddy, just giving you some business advice. Think you may be better off there, well what you want and what you need don't mean that much to me.
Shit he has to get a pretty good crowd or he is losing his ass ha. But ya never know there, maybe there a lot of morons that will go, I won't be one of em. Man I am just ripping on this fuck, well why you have no fucking posts here, and you come in and rip me, I mean fuck you, why don't you watch where you wandering, why don't you watch where your stumbling.
Ha he is gonna just lose his ass on this venture, well I don't know anybody that knows who the fuck Dynasty Combat is. I told my bro, and he was like, no I have never heard of it.
Better get out there sell some tickets Deaz, or else you are gonna lose your ass ha. Well I am not that stupid, oh no, I would never think of something that dumb. I mean you could rent out ya know Pershing Auditorium for fuck barely anything and put your crappy fights in there, and maybe make some money ha.
Oh man I am getting a bit outta control, but he started the shit with me, I didn't say anything to his ass. Fuck he didn't even have any posts here, and he must have just been reading my shit, and been like, fuck I hate this guy so much I gotta post and yell at him, ha. Which I would never get so fired up that I would post just to talk shit to a guy, ummm no on that. Well I don't talk shit to anybody anywhere unless there is money involved, then hell yeah it's on mothafucka.
I mean shit Deaz has Moffit as the main event ha, and I mean they were fighting in bumfuck Kearney in the middle of Nebraska, I know this is gonna ya know sell out Pinnacle Bank Arena, yeah don't think so buddy. Well glad your gonna lose money, since you came in my thread and talked shit for no reason. I mean fuck you, why would you not even be posting here, then ya come in talk shit to a regular poster that is here all the time. I am tellin ya Deaz, fuck Pershing would have been perfect for your bumfuck event ha.
Pershing shit you could rent that out for nothing, so then you get a big crowd of 500 fans, boom, money in yo pocket Deaz haha. Well you probably give the fighters a case of Old Milwaukee ha, that doesn't set ya back much.
Fuck I better quit talking, not sure if I can though. Put on Tool Aenima, that is a damn good album too. Fuck they played both Undertow and Aenima at the concert I went to, yes, banging there. I about got my ass kicked at that, well I did get punched in the face, but it wasn't too bad.
I mean I can't imagine there will be a huge crowd and people just all about this Dynasty fighting crap. I mean I googled it, and I couldn't find it. I was thinking well this guy is pretty fired up and talking shit to me, so maybe I should check it ya know see what this crap is. Then I googled it, and all I got was comic book shit, ha, yeah they are big time, you google it and you can't find anything about it ha.
I mean I may ya know stay up til fucking 6, ha, I don't care ya know. Fuck like I give a damn. Probably though the people on this site don't like that ha, I'm sure. Well they shouldn't have to watch out really, I guess maybe. I don't know, I don't have a website, fuck if Al tells me fuck off dude, I gotta keep tabs on you all night, well hell I will not post. Cuz I like everybody except for a few frat boys.
Yeah I don't wanna piss off my friends like Al and ya know the guys on here. Maybe I am, fuck I hope not, I don't want that. If I am just tell me, say Tuck fuck off quit posting, and I will ha. But I can't wait for my confrontation with Deaz and his Dynasty fighters. He acted like it was some huge deal, like ya know DC fighters I mean we are big time ha. I mean I googled and I was thinking well he must have a comic book geek convention at Pinnacle Bank Arena coming up ha. Renting that out too, oh my, I mean he is really gonna take it in the ass on this venture, good deal, fuck him, he talked shit to me for no reason. So he gets to lose a bunch of money, well I coulda told him that.
Shit I couldn't find crap about his stupid DC fighters ha. Nebraska fighting league it is serious, you can't fuck with some guys fighting in damn Kearney, oh no no, I mean you are battling over a case of Old Milwaukee ha. I don't know if I wanna fight over a case of beer, no don't think so.
Fuck I need to go to bed. That guy though man, what in the hell? He talked to me like he had some big deal going, like a big fighting thing haha, nope, looks like its a bunch of bums fighting over nothing, which okay ya know whatever I guess I don't care, but you renting out Pinnacle Bank Arena, uh oh there, you are gonna lose a lot of money I know that.
Yeah yeah, Deaz is gonna get just destroyed ha, but ya know whatever, if you wanna lose money being stupid go ahead. I would rather lose it on dumb bets on football, I mean I know if I'm sinking money into that venture I'm fucked, Dynasty fighters, man they are rough ha, fucking get their ass kicked if they see me and my bro Saturday guarantee ya that ha.
Ha I can't shut up, oh man. Well the Dynasty fighters they can bring it if they want ha, I was just laughing about it. Cuz those guys aren't making shit fighting there, I mean maybe a couple bucks, I would never do it. No reason to risk getting my ass kicked for a case of Old Milwaukee ha. They can see ya know what Lincoln is about if they want, fuck I told that mothafucka where I am. This ain't fuckin Kearney mothafucka ha, although I would not like to fight over nothing. If I am fighting it is for some money. Ha now I got myself in a retard fight, they are gonna show up and wanna throw down Saturday, well guess I can fuck em up and then take what's in their pockets.
Yeah your pretty bad ass in bumfuck Kearney huh? Well yeah know what, welcome to Lincoln bitch, sit down fucks.
Ha not like Lincoln is anything either. But those guys are in trouble coming to the big city ha, yeah you are fighting bums out there I know that. You come here, ha I will fuck start your head. Bang bang.
Ha now I'm gonna have guys fighting me over nothing, come on you bitches, you were talking shit about Dynasty fighting. That would be good, me and my bro are fighting some douche bags from Kearney ha, well ya know they can get laid down if they want to Saturday.
Lol. When I have more time I'm gonna have to read up on this fella! The first few posts were out of control. Love it!