Thur bases

Damn it the Pirates game is over now, unless we shut off this run. Looks bad no outs guy on 3rd, fuck, no shot now. It is over.
The Pirates game is over, a loser there.

Not sure who will win on that Chi Sox game there gorgolon. Know I'm gonna get my under, fuck should anyway, unless there is a huge blowup somehow.

Need to get this KC game under, then would be even down the juice for the day.
Uh oh, there is a big shot, homer there for was that Bogaerts I think for the Bo sox.

Damn it KC and Houston have trouble there. Need to get that one to break even down the juice.
Fuck this KC game I am gonna need a great last 4 innings. Got 1 run to give, not gonna happen probably. Really should maybe stay away from the totals unless there is something pretty obvious. The sides are gonna go better for me I would think.
I don't really know why anybody would pay for picks on the games, that seems really crazy to me. Ha, I will be damned if I'm gonna pay somebody to tell me what to bet, lol at that. I can see just tailing somebody that is doing well, if your not seeing things well and you wanna bet still, but paying for picks, ummmm, no, never gonna do that.
Well and if I was betting NHL or NBA I guess I would probably wanna tail somebody putting up picks, cuz I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I would not pay for NHL or NBA picks though, no fucking way there.
I only paid for picks one time when I was 17. My buddy and I split 25$ a piece on a bowl game package. I forget the tout's name. Doubt he's still around now HAHA
Thought about tailing your Avalanche pick there gorgolon, I had no idea, but when you do put up a NBA pick it usually does well, so I was thinking well maybe I can save the day with a hockey bet, lol, didn't do it.
My picks I don't think anybody would buy em, if I sold em ha, well now that I'm drinking again there is a chance I could roll to big winnings all year. Am up for the year at least, but not a whole lot, cuz February sucked ass, man I don't ever have a February like that, whoa, that was bad.
I've been betting to take my mind off of my studies...Thinking about quitting until football season. We will see. Your insights are solid....tough to win in multi-sports
Well the really terrible part of my February is I just kept throwing at em big money like 1 k or 1.5 k or more sometimes, cuz I figured I would snap out of it, but I didn't. Guess January, and March, April they have all been solid for me. That February debacle though, ouch, that was serious losing there.

No quitting for me gorgolon, my life is gambling and drinking, lol, there isn't anything else to me. If I'm not working, I have a bet going, and am drinking.
Sale is pretty damn good, and he is good in that park which is tough. US Cellular is a hitters venue, so to be that good there is something for sure. Yeah I have to be competing at something, lol, don't know why but I want a damn bet or a contest or something going on, need something to go for. Always going for more money, but it doesn't always work out, lol. This KC game is looking okay now I think, then would just lose some juice. Maybe then tomorrow I can get the dick out of my ass and make some better picks. This was a piss poor effort.
Tuck: I am done betting. At least until football season. Sale's performance, which has turned into a fuck show, has convinced me that betting baseball is unpredictable and the odds are against us. I wish you all the luck on the year. Your threads have been fun. PM me any time to talk sports brother.

- Gorg
Gorgolon your giving up heh? Not me, lol, just getting started. Well I am a junkie, without betting or drinking don't know what I would do. Except jerk off to Yag porn all day, lol, guess I could do that.

Ut I had a 3-3 day lost about 425 or so on the juice, not good. Down 850 now for the week, but hey, I can make that up in a hurry since I'm betting dimes.

Gonna bet the Reds at Cubs under probably, no line yet. Guess I won't probably post it, don't even have the CTG mobile on my phone. My computer at work I surely could not get on here, lol, that would not work. Can't get on gambling related sites, or sports books on that. Fuck I'm late as shit for work oh well, gonna be a half hour late, and I'm posting ha, pretty stupid.