Thur bases

Well all 3 of those teams, Ghana, Germany, and Portugal are all really good. Guess USA will be kind of bigger dogs, so you may have to lay a -.5 on it. Well the -.5, so if USA does pull a draw you would lose then. Fuck I don't know but, a draw may be tough to come by there. Suppose they could get a tie on one game maybe.
Gallardo is serving em up so far. Would need a total shut down the rest of the way to win this Pittsburgh game. Maybe Tampa can do it for me still. Fuck I knew this Pittsburgh under was bad after I bet it. You can't trust Gallardo and Volquez with an under that low. Pretty stupid there, oh the fuck well. I'm stuck with the loss now. Unless they both settle in and roll from here, ha, yeah right. 3 runs in the 1st, good luck getting the under now.
Here comes my baseball ass kicking I guess. Time to get my ass rolled, the usual. Take it in the ass, bend over Tuck here it comes, lol.
If I can get out of these 2 games with a 1-1, that will do. Not sure how that will happen. Shit Gallardo was getting ripped, the Pirates were squaring up everything. Tampa already down 3-0, shit that is over. Guess I just have to hope I pull both the later games I have here coming up in about 15 minutes. This week has been a bit rough so far.
I don't mind that parlay there gorgolon. If I were to pick the winners that is who I would go with. I took the unders, but I could see those winning. I am a bit worried about Feldman fucking up for me. I like Lester he has been on a tear since August of last year. I think that is gonna be a real duel in Chicago.
Yeah these games are looking great for sure, whoa, a couple of terrible bets here. Fuck, these aren't even close at the moment. Would have to have a total shut down in Pittsburgh. Then a CC meltdown in Tampa. Well fuck I don't know if Price is done giving up runs, he is pitching like a total bum tonight for some reason. Guess in that Pittsburgh game I would have still maybe been okay if Gallardo would have been careful and pitched around Cutch. Now I'm fucked however.
Well guess I'm already done on that anyway. May as well just get it over with now, just slice my throat in the 3rd fucking inning, lol.
Home plate ump Gonzalez has a pretty small zone, probably why over got hit earlier although the ump thread earlier had some confusion as to who it was. Hope the scoring faucet turns off for you tuck
Yeah kj, I don't ever look at the umps, maybe I should I guess. Just look at the pitching, and the park, wind that stuff. Seems a lot of guys on here are all about the ump stuff. Looks like there is about to be another run now. Fuck watching this, it doesn't even seem like the ump is the deal. Gallardo is just getting ripped, he is throwing shit down the middle a lot.

CC yeah you never know gorgolon, I'm not optimistic at this point, but he could have a meltdown at any moment, you never know when it will happen.
Maybe here it comes now, a little infield hit, now the CC meltdown, lol, think it may be here for us gorgolon.
Oooooh Yanks error on an easy grounder, bad throw. Now Tampa has something brewing, 2 on, nobody out, yeah!!!!
Crap a smash Jeter actually made a play, for me he wouldn't have. There goes the big inning, DP killa, son of a b.
Ump zones can turn an inning ending strike 3 into a walk and make a huge difference. Best stat I used when capping umps was whip, I know some prefer the K percentages, but whip tells a pretty good story. Some of these guys are almost automatic bets (Gonzalez isn't an auto over but he certainly would help that side)
Wild pitch and a run Tampa, hey it's a start down 4-1, shit gonna be tough gorgolon, it could happen, but he is gonna have to fall apart. Guess that double play that shit was smashed, Yanks got lucky it was right at Jeter, no range there for sure anymore. Ha Jeter he is a bum now, he should have retired, he was lucky he caught that smash.
Ump zones can turn an inning ending strike 3 into a walk and make a huge difference. Best stat I used when capping umps was whip, I know some prefer the K percentages, but whip tells a pretty good story. Some of these guys are almost automatic bets (Gonzalez isn't an auto over but he certainly would help that side)

Agree with u on WHIP, KJ. But I just dont have the time to look into ump details sometimes. Do you use a spreadsheet or something?
Fuck Feldman is having a meltdown in Houston, oh yeah, double play ball that helps. Hopefully he can settle in. Man this Pittsburgh under ain't over yet, I have a rally brewing there. A few shutdown innings have happened, got to keep it up.
That under in Chicago is looking damn tough. Lester I think some guys on here are underestimating him, he is very good. Lester shit, I am gonna ride that big dog, to unders anyway, don't like Boston's offense right now.
Shortline had a spreadsheet I used at one point, I'm not betting bases this year but you can gather some decent info from the stickied ump stats thread at the top of the MLB forum. Useful stuff.
Yeah Price is pitching like a bum tonight. That is a loss, but I'm making a rally on my other bets at least. Maybe I can still get 3-1, it is gonna be tough to get all 3 unders.
What the hell do you do all summer kj? Ha, I am such a junkie, I don't know about not betting at any point during the year.
Everybody in here seems to use these ump stats so maybe I should I suppose. Fuck I just don't really see it as that huge a factor I guess, but maybe it is. I suppose it probably could make a big difference.

There is what makes a big difference, the wind just brought that homer back woooooo, no homer for the Brewers.
Taking a step back tuck, probably bet the World Cup if I feel like it, trying to enjoy the games from a non-betting perspective. Dbacks making it really difficult. Got rid of my local and not so sure I want to go offshore, and tbh I could find another if I put even 1% effort into it but kinda burnt out. March Madness was a virtual break even for me and that's not the norm...if I'm not making it on that event, everything else is sure to be bad. See how I feel in a couple months I guess, but just not feeling it lately.

Umps are vitally important, get to know them, their zones, call em by first name. They completely dictate how a pitcher can pitch the game.
Go 5 dimes if you go offshore kj, they are the best. Reduced juice on most things too, like -105 sides. They always pay right away too. I just get Western Unions always on that. There is a small fee, kind of depends on how much you get, like 10 bucks or something.

Ha it is funny you guys talking about the umps, I don't ever do a damn thing with em. Maybe that's why I get my ass kicked a bunch in baseball. I mean I don't always, but sometimes I do.
Suppose the earliest lines though are at betag, or whatever the hell that is, can't remember. They don't have reduced juice options though. I think the reduced juice at 5 dimes saves me a shitload of money, since I bet 1 k a game. Cuts down my losses.
I have a buddy that has a local who uses 5dimes, reduced juice, the bit

I'm sure I could get hooked up there if I want to, just taking a healthy breather when I haven't seen things as well as years past. I like the locals, don't really want to deal with all the Western Union bs, fees, etc
Yeah those fees do suck ass, I hear ya there. At least when you put money in that way, they do cover the fees. Put em in your account.

Surprised you had a bad tourney kj, you always kick ass, well you tell me something, and I lose then ha, if your against me.

I heard this Vegas sportsbook manager on the radio though the other day, and he said the sharps lost their ass in the tournament to em. Maybe that's why I won, my dull ass, lol.
I didn't have a bad tournament, just not a good one. It was basically par, which isn't what I'm accustomed to
Oh man, don't know if I wanna do NHL there gorgolon, I do sometimes when I am at my sister's house visiting her in Omaha. Cuz my brother in law is a NHL freak, and we have to watch it, otherwise I don't. Well he's fucking Canadian, so that is what they do.

Yeah kj I rolled ass in the tourney, went on a 18-5-2 run at one point, was on fire in that shit.
Kentucky/Wichita game was the best game of the tournament but also one that kinda crushed me. I still think Wichita was the best team in that tournament and caught UK's best game of the year, sucks such a good game beat me up, prefer to enjoy those kinds of games
Yeah that was a helluva game there kj, I had Kentucky +4.5, but I can see your point there, I took that bet and I wasn't too sure about it, know that.
How much did you have on Wichita kj? Guess if you don't wanna say I get it. I always just wildly put up my bet amounts and shit, ha, probably shouldn't do that. Should probably do units like everybody else does.
Guess you may have had futures on Wichita too there kj, to win it all ahead of time. I know play had a good sized bet on Wichita to win it. He had good odds on that too, not sure if I remember, but Wichita early in the year had pretty decent odds to win it all. They could have for sure, fuck they get by Kentucky who knows I guess.
It's not how much I had on them per se, just had a couple ML parlays tbh, but was looking forward to a fairly large wager on them against Louisville and Michigan. Wichita was the goods and my ticket to a great tournament but eliminated far too soon
Oh I see, looking ahead. Yeah I was really pretty fucking satisfied with my tourney run, well I am up a shitload since early March, oh my, am rolling ass. Just hope baseball doesn't stop the flow. I am just betting unders here tonight recklessly, well according to you guys. I don't fucking look at the umps, ha.

Shit, Pirates 2 run HR, now need nothing else to happen. Could work out, no more runs now.
Well with Lester vs Sale at 7, you don't need to know who the ump is, shit people are underestimating Lester, he is a beast, guess he will prove it, and I will back him. Sale everybody thinks he is the man for sure.