Thur bases


Pretty much a regular
Fuckin don't wanna talk about tonight 2-3 down over 1 k, not sure exactly would have to check. Probably about 1100 or so around there. 2 bad days in a row, that is enough, got to win here now. Need to go the fuck to bed, so just gonna post my bet with not much explanation about it, usually I like to talk about em. Here is the 1st bet, may add the Twins tomorrow depending on who the Jays throw out there, and the line, hell, I have no idea about that. There are way too many things unknown to even talk about that, but Gibson has been good for me for the Twins. Onto the 1st bet for tomorrow.

Atlanta -117, and -118 at Philly, risking 1175 to win 1000, they moved the line after I got 500 bucks down, ha, this is kind of strange how they keep doing this

Don't really know about the line moves and when they are not letting me get down for 1 k. Didn't think 1 k was a big deal, guess maybe it is. Would think that there are a lot of people betting 1 k or more. Who the hell knows, don't care I guess, whatever they wanna do they can do. Anyway, I like Wood quite a bit, he has some talent. Burnett on the other hand no, don't like him, he is okay, but he is not like Wood. Wood has real talent, Burnett no, he is okay, but not a real good pitcher, well he never has been, he has always been a bum. Going with the talented youngster, over the old guy here that hasn't proven shit in his career. Well Burnett did have a good year last year, think that was just a fluke. He will probably suck ass this year.
Will be more tomorrow, will just add on in this post. Gonna have to maybe add my boy Gibson for the Twins, ha, he isn't that great, but he is pitching pretty well so far, maybe he can do it again, am 2-0 with him. Will have to see the line and what the Blue Jays put out there.
Adding on another. Looks like I got a steal on Atlanta now its -147, whoa! I wouldn't be betting the game at that price, well I'm not laying a -147 ever that shit crazy.

Toronto at Twins +103 for the 1st 5 innings, risking 970.87 to win 1000

Well Gibson has treated me right so far, so taking him again. Not taking a chance with the Twins pen though, those guys aren't too good. Don't trust those mothafuckas to close it out late. Dickey man he is a tough call always. Hope today the knuckle ball isn't dancin. Did see where in limited at bats 4 guys on the Twins have taken him deep. So maybe we get a bomb, that would be nice.

Gonna add more later throughout the day.
Man the mornings are rough for me now. Just don't bounce back like when I was 25 after drinking a bunch. At 38 it is a bit rough waking up and working. This Monster rehab energy drink is helping though, been drinking the last few days. 2 of those, and I'm feeling 25 again, ha, almost, not quite.
Get your baseball picks, and hangover tips right here, nothing but good advice in this thread, ha, if you like betting baseball and drinking.

Twins had something brewing, and then a double play ball damn it, that sucked.
Don't really have a clue on Seattle at Texas today, no bet there. That seems like it could go either way to me.
LAD at Giants can't do anything. Wanted to bet the under, but the wind is gonna be blowing out 15-25 mph. Shit, definitely can't risk it with that, cuz one big bomb and your screwed then. Well both teams have the power to jack a 3 run homer on ya or something. Guess neither one of these pitchers really gives up a lot of bombs, so wouldn't think it would happen. Not gonna take a chance with it though.
Boom!!! Winner, winner, pay the line. Twins come through in the bottom of the 5th, bang. 1-0 plus 1 k, back on track today.
I tell ya what this Gibson kid for the Twins is pretty decent, not great. He has a lot of pitches, and seems to mix em up well. This was quite the find by me, giving myself a pat on the back for this one, lol. 3-0 with him, and they were all dog prices, very nice work there Gibson.
Nice job tuck. I unfortunately was on the Twins F5 under 4, to watch Dickey give up 5 in the bottom of the 5th stung a bit.
Man, what the hell Wood, why were you so careful with Howard, and walked him. That was stupid, you go after Howard's bumfuck ass. Throw him the fucking heat, who gives a fuck, he blows now anyway. Oh well, guess 1-1 today, and down juice. Things aren't going as well here the last 3 days.
Yeah that would be a tough loss there younggun. The under looked pretty good the whole way. Guess Dickey was kind of playing with fire with all those walks, it finally bit him in the ass in the 5th.
Maybe Papelbon will blow the save. Guess he isn't always super reliable. Well there aren't a whole lot of really great closers for anybody that are just untouchable.
Can't get over how stupid that was to not serve up a heater to Howard 3-2, right down the tube. No he fucking throws it way outside, then Revere wins it with a single. Fuck, fuck, give that bum Howard a heater right down the middle that's what Wood should have done. If he hits, then so fucking be it. Revere already had 2 hits off Wood on the day, what the hell.
Okay time to get over the stupidity there, sometimes it is like they have rocks in their head. Got to settle down and look at the other games later now.
Adding on a low total, real low, could have had 7 last night, oh well. I almost did it, damn it should have.

Brewers at Pirates under 6.5, -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

I was thinking this match up may be about like the last one. Last time in Miller 3-2 Brewers. Miller is a much more hitterish park than PNC, so don't really see more runs this time, should be less I think. Plus the wind will be blowing in from center at about 10 mph, could at least help a little. Not a big wind there, but could save a deep one possibly. My only worry is Volquez putting 3 good starts in a row together. Guess he does have pretty good stuff, always has, but never has harnessed it. Well, except that one real good year he had with the Reds, in '08. It's Volquez's big year, lol, maybe not, but hopefully for tonight at least he will pitch a good one again.

Gonna probably add more, got to check em out.
Not really sure on Rocks at Pads, or Cards at Nats. Sort of thought about the Cards over 3.5 runs cuz Jordan kind of sucks, he gives up a shit load of hits that's for sure. It is gonna be pretty cold though, and the wind blowing in a little close to 10 mph. The Cards bats aren't really hot early either, not terrible though. Better lay off. Looking at Yanks at Rays. Would have to go against Sabathia in that one I figure. I keep betting against him, it has worked out so far. He beat me once though in Toronto.
Adding another one, the fade CC train, it is a winning one if you stick with it I think.

Yanks at Tampa -1, -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

CC got ripped around by Tampa last year, I don't care about anything he did before that, cuz that is who he is now. Last year 7.52 ERA in 5 games against Tampa, 1-4 record, 32 IP, and gave up 7 homers ouch, .283 BA allowed. All those numbers are pretty bad. Tampa isn't really hitting now, but maybe coming home and facing a guy they ripped last year will wake up the bats. Price I think should do pretty well here, the Yanks don't really have an imposing lineup, Gardner out now too, so that doesn't help matters for the Yanks, guess he isn't great but not bad he can get some singles and steal a base sometimes. Fuck, I just hope Tampa can break out of this hitting slump, but if they don't then maybe Tampa pulls out a close one and then the push. I gotta think with how they drilled CC last year, and coming home they will break out a bit tonight, maybe 5 runs or so, that should be enough with Price going to cover the -1.
Fucking damn it, that under I took in Pittsburgh is getting bet way up now. Should have waited, could have got 7 maybe. Guess they are probably figuring Volquez is gonna blow up, could be I guess. We'll see here in a bit.
Adding another low under, there are a lot of low totals tonight. 2 aces here so gonna do it.

Bosox at Chi Sox under 7, -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

Lester seems to be back now. Had a bad 2012 season, and a crap ass 1st half or a bit more last year. But then he came on strong late and in the postseason. Been pitching like the ace he was before. Sale has always been very good the last couple years. This is a hitting type park though for sure, so this is a low total for this place. The Red Sox aren't hitting much normally, so not too worried they will rip Sale. Guess maybe with the way the Chi Sox have been hitting early you never know if they may get to Lester, I kind of doubt it though. The Chi Sox bats do seem to be cooling off a little here lately, I'm sure they will probably start to hit quite a bit less, and not score so many runs. It's gotta be coming, cuz their lineup isn't that good to be able to keep this up.

Couple more games I haven't looked at yet really. Got Jays at Twins, and KC at crap ass Houston.
I'm not real sure about that crap ass match up of Mcgowan vs Pelfrey. I would take the over, but it is gonna be cold as shit in the 30's. I don't bet an over ever if it is that cold, it's under or no total bet for me when it's that cold. Ha that total is only 7.5 with those 2 bums, man I want to take a shot at the over, can't do it, nope.
I am starting to think I may be fucked on that Brewers at Pittsburgh total with all that money that came in on the over. Volquez will probably fuck it up, I was debating taking the Brew Crew instead.
Adding another under, ha, I am betting the shit out of the unders tonight. Better be some low scoring games going on.

KC at Houston under 7.5, -105, risking 1050 to win 1000

Both these teams can't hit worth a shit. KC looks like they have potential to start hitting better at some point, but they aren't now. Shields is always real good, he had a bad outing last time, but the Twins some of their guys had really ripped him in the past. So I'm not overly concerned with that bad one. The Astros, I'm sure he will bounce back against these weak sticks. Feldman, I am taking a chance with, shit this is like Volquez's bumfuck ass, hope I'm not doing something stupid trusting these 2 with unders. Well Feldman is hot so hopefully he can keep it up here tonight. KC isn't hitting so far, so that will help him out. Sometimes when a bum pitcher starts off hot I will kind of go with him for a bit, a lot of times it works out for a while then they cool off, and time to bail on him. Feldman he did at least have a decent year last year, guess kind of the average MLB starter.

That's it for me tonight. Hoping for no runs anywhere, ha, except in Tampa need some runs there from the Rays. I know I'm in deep trouble on that Pittsburgh game, if I could take that bet back I would. Well I don't know, maybe Volquez can do it again. He does have good stuff at least, and when he is right he can be very good. Like in his last 2 starts, he rolled ass in those.
Yeah gorgolon I wanted to take KC to win, but the price was up there. Plus Feldman is hot right now, really dealing so far. So decided under since KC's bats are cold at the moment.
Bunch of fucking pitchers duel's tonight, yep. Should have bet that under in San Fran, I wanted to do that, looks like an easy winner there. Made a bad call not taking that.
I do think Under with CC and Price could be a good look. Both teams are miserable in the box..... Should be a good look as long as CC doesn't chunk up the deuce (you know what I mean, if you know rap). I am on first 5 under 3.5 praying CC had a burger and a bong today so he should be good.
Younggun you may be in trouble there I think. CC is a real bum now, but who knows he may be able to hang in there through 5 I suppose, just cuz the Rays aren't hitting much. I'm sure Price will do well for you on that.

Man, every thread I open on here there is a Volquez sucks comment, lol, fuck it, he's gonna do it tonight baby. Well it isn't like he doesn't have potential he does have good stuff. Guess we'll see in a bit. Everybody against me on that one. Probably the only one with the under, and I got a bad number, fucking great. Oh well, maybe win the rest, if that one goes bad.
Hell I don't know, maybe I'm worrying about the wrong guy, and Gallardo will blow up on me. He did have kind of a down year last year anyway. He has always been pretty good against the Pirates though, and he is usually pretty solid most years.
Damn it I'm down 596 bucks for the week, that sucks. Was rolling ass until the last couple days here. Well we can get it back tonight. I think maybe my Pittsburgh under is sketchy, but the rest of em look good. Not sure why nobody likes that under in the Chi Sox game. I guess maybe it is cuz of Lester's history in Chicago, but most of those guys aren't playing for the Chi Sox anymore.

Thanks Manchester.

Drinking vodka like usual, have the vodka and gatorade. May have to check out manhandle now on tv, a little man on man action wooo, got plenty of time before the games here for some pay per view Yag porn, yes, that will be hot. Still really don't know why anybody would buy that on cable, when it is free on the internet.

That was pretty fucking funny way back when I went to that porn store and got the dick poking me in the leg, lol, they had thees holes in the wall in the viewing rooms on purpose there for that, think they call those glory holes, ha. Was a big Yag hang out, and I didn't even know it. Well they had straight porn in there too, but there was a lot of Yag stuff.
No more porn stores here now anyway, well not like where you can buy videos and shit like that, no reason for that now with the internet.
Think I could at least go 3-1 on these games. Get back to rolling ass on this shit. That Atlanta loss was pretty bad, cuz if Wood just would have went after Howard I would have been fine. He pitched around him, and I have no idea why. That made no sense. Pitch around Howard who sucks now, and then pitch to a guy who has 2 hits off you on the day, what the hell? That was about the dumbest shit ever. Guess who knows if Atlanta would have won anyway, still would have been tied at 0, if they got Howard out.
Fucking damn it, could have won with that under in San Fran. I was talking about it earlier, and then didn't fire on it. Would have been up a good amount on the day then. That strong wind blowing out scared me away. Shouldn't have let that get me off that game.
I'm well on my way to being hungover as shit tomorrow at work. Over half a 750 of grey goose down now. Well about half I guess. I have no idea how the fuck I wake up at 3 am for work with what I drink, lol, most people would be like, ahhhh fuck!!! I'm calling in sick, ha.
That monster rehab energy drink, I was talking about earlier, I can't recommend that highly enough. That really helps when your hungover as shit. I just have 2 of em in the morning and then I feel better.
I'm well on my way to being hungover as shit tomorrow at work. Over half a 750 of grey goose down now. Well about half I guess. I have no idea how the fuck I wake up at 3 am for work with what I drink, lol, most people would be like, ahhhh fuck!!! I'm calling in sick, ha.
Ground ball,fly ball,ground ball... repeat,Id rather mow the fuckin grass than watch another shitfest @ AT&T park,GL with the rest of the night tuck
About game time, woooooooooo!!!!! Let's get it on!!!! Gonna sweep the board tonight damn it. Fucking gimme my money bitch, straight stack of hundreds coming my way.

Yeah that was kind of what I was expecting manchester, with that one. Wasn't sure cuz the wind was blowing out so hard, that kept me off the under.
When I get a payout I just always get like a Western Union for 600 bucks or so around there, don't usually take out a bunch at a time. This one place I used to go to this lady was like this seems fishy to me, like there is something illegal going on, why are you getting all this money from Nicaragua, and the Philipinnes, and all this every week. Well it was after college hoops last year so I was getting quite a few payouts. Didn't go back there, after she said that shit, I was like fuck, thought she was gonna call the cops on me or something.
No pucks, don't ever do that. I only bet these, NFL, college football of course, college hoops, MLB, horses, and occasionally dogs, but haven't in a while on those.
Oh yeah and college baseball, when the college world series comes around. A lot of times I kick ass on that, ha, don't ever bet it any other time.
My brother in law is Canadian, not the black one, the other one, my sister's husband, and he bets the pucks a lot and always tells me things to bet. I'm like hell I'm not doing that I have no idea about em. Sometimes he does okay it seems, sometimes not. He is a pretty smart guy an engineer. Fuck I doubt I could graduate with an engineering degree, lol, no, business college was tough enough for me.
Shit he is about the only guy I know that bets hockey. None of my other buddies do that. Well being Canadian I guess you have to bet hockey, and love that shit. Fuck he even plays hockey on the fucking weekends in some league in Omaha.
Yeah I don't mind watching it if I'm over at my sister's house and they are watching the playoffs. I guess I have bet it a few times when I'm over there. Just take my brother in law's advice, sometimes it works out, lol. I have no idea about it.

Oh yeah I do bet soccer too, I rolled on the Euro Cup or whatever that was on ESPN a couple years ago. Gonna bet the World Cup I think, see how it goes early, if I'm sucking then maybe will quit.
Fuck betting against the USA in the World Cup should be a money maker, they are gonna get their ass rolled in that group. Man, they got fucked on that.
That Euro Cup I won 9 games in a row, lol, I don't even really follow soccer or bet it much, I mean on occasion but I was just rolling ass in that tournament. They always had those games on in the afternoon I remember, the Euro Cup.

The group of death is what they are calling it gorgolon. Ghana is their first game and they are very good, kind of underrated. The other 2 are Germany, and Portugal, oh my, those are very good teams. USA is gonna get their ass rolled.