The Redskins dump DC Gregg Williams

The Danny is an idiot. So now the redskins are without Al Saunders and Greg Williams? Wowsers
redskins a headin for the shitter real quick because of the sean taylor tradgety, the salary cap problems, and now this.
Redskins have been able to get away with their salary cap shenanigans for the past few years, and now its finally starting to bite them in the ass.

I wouldn't blame it on the sean taylor tragedy, I blame it on the Danny.
Not that it will end well, but I smell a big splash from Snyder here. Cowher or something. Everyone has his price.
Sanders is gone too, and they've hired Zorn. Jim fucking Zorn???

Its going to be Spags as the NC... watch
Ya know whats really funny?

They interviewed Williams for the head coaching job what? 3 times?

And not only did he NOT get the job, but he got FIRED from his coordinator job as well!!!

That had to have been the worst string of interviews ever
Jim fucking Zorn???

Joe likes Jim f**king Zorn. He was a fan of the AFC version of the Seahawks.

I think Jim Zorn is going to be good for your QBs. But the problem isn't your coordinators, it's in Snyder's office. More specifically, in Snyder's chair.

Until that gets fixed, Washington's going to have to have lightning hit it to succeed, because it ain't going to come from good management.
by the way, just to throw a name out there...

they were sayin on Sportscenter i think it was that Steve Marriuci has ties to both the coordinators....
Yeah, I saw that. Mooch is in the running. Apparently all the guys they're looking at--except maybe Spags--has ties to those coordinators. Mooch, Fassel and one other guy.

I don't think any of them are particularly great hires, though the one that makes the most sense to me is probably Mooch because I think that guy proved in Detroit that you can push him around which is exactly what Snyder wants.

I hope it doesn't happen, though, I've grown to like Mooch on the NFL Network. But, he wants to coach, so what are you gonna do.
Why is dan snyder such a heartless bastard?

He straight up cans williams after williams shows committment and waits around for little dannys decision, thus basically screwing him out of any decent job.

Now he may be stuck in St Screwus :hang:

Why didn't danny just let him know beforehand instead of having him hang around when snyder knew he was just going to get rid of him. Thats not right.

And shit what does cerrato do besides nibble on dannys dick and agree with everything snyder does. There is no reason for a GM on that team. Danny boy makes all important decisions regarding personnel..... and player acquisitions and moves.

So much talent over the last couple of years but it's always wasted and the front office finds some way to fuck it up with a stupid move or some form of micromanaging by snyder.
Why is dan snyder such a heartless bastard?

He straight up cans williams after williams shows committment and waits around for little dannys decision, thus basically screwing him out of any decent job.

Now he may be stuck in St Screwus :hang:

Why didn't danny just let him know beforehand instead of having him hang around when snyder knew he was just going to get rid of him. Thats not right.

And shit what does cerrato do besides nibble on dannys dick and agree with everything snyder does. There is no reason for a GM on that team. Danny boy makes all important decisions regarding personnel..... and player acquisitions and moves.

So much talent over the last couple of years but it's always wasted and the front office finds some way to fuck it up with a stupid move or some form of micromanaging by snyder.
I couldn't agree more with everything you said here, the way Greg Williams was treated by Snyder is absolutely shameless and Cerrato is a little sawed off cock gobbler that has botched all the player personnel decisions he has been involved in. If you want to look at a front office that is run the right way, look at Ozzie Newsone in Baltimore and how well he has drafted. Jesus the Redskins had a chance to get Jarrod Gaither OT out of MD (supplemental draft 6th pick by Ravens) who was right under their nose and they just let it go. This kid will replace Ogden in Baltimore and become an all pro and they got him for a fucking song.
Gregg Williams was my basketball coach in a youth league when he was the Titans DC. He's a good guy and should have no problems finding a job.
Gregg Williams was my basketball coach in a youth league when he was the Titans DC. He's a good guy and should have no problems finding a job.
Absolutely a class act in Washington, and obviously a great coach who had 3 very good defenses in the 4 years he was here. I might add in Year 1 he didn't have much to work with and fought through a lot of injuries etc. I do not for the life of me understand why "the Danny" did not select him as head coach and maintain the synergy the Redskins had going. I understand getting rid of Saunders and going in a different direction offensively but to let Williams go is just ridiculous. He will probably land with either Tenn or Jax imo, and they will get a great coach. I feel terrible for him, and as a lifelong Skins fan I am sickened and disgusted by Snyder's meddling with a business he knows nothing about. Hire good football people and let them do the job. The Jerry Jones's and Snyder's of the world deserve to fail because they let their ego's get in the way of sound decision making. Look at the successful franchises the past few years, Indy and Baltimore in particular and a big part of their success is having good GM and player personnel people. Phil Savage was with Newsome in Balt. and got hired by Cleveland and it's only a matter of time before he turns them around. In fact they should have gotten in the playoffs this year. These ego maniacal owners just never learn!
At this point, if Spagnola isnt the next head coach, Snyder should just give up and sell the team...
I agree, his stock is soaring right now after that incredible gameplan he put together yesterday. Sawed off little Snyder was probably ringing the phone last night right after the game.
Absolutely a class act in Washington, and obviously a great coach who had 3 very good defenses in the 4 years he was here. I might add in Year 1 he didn't have much to work with and fought through a lot of injuries etc. I do not for the life of me understand why "the Danny" did not select him as head coach and maintain the synergy the Redskins had going. I understand getting rid of Saunders and going in a different direction offensively but to let Williams go is just ridiculous. He will probably land with either Tenn or Jax imo, and they will get a great coach. I feel terrible for him, and as a lifelong Skins fan I am sickened and disgusted by Snyder's meddling with a business he knows nothing about. Hire good football people and let them do the job. The Jerry Jones's and Snyder's of the world deserve to fail because they let their ego's get in the way of sound decision making. Look at the successful franchises the past few years, Indy and Baltimore in particular and a big part of their success is having good GM and player personnel people. Phil Savage was with Newsome in Balt. and got hired by Cleveland and it's only a matter of time before he turns them around. In fact they should have gotten in the playoffs this year. These ego maniacal owners just never learn!

I think Arthur Blank is heading down this same road...
Danny the Douche chonicles

Well looks like Spagnoulo isn't coming to Washington. Aint that just the piss on top of a dogshit sundae?

So is this now a two horse race between Mooch and Fossil?

I wish I knew Joe. I was in Philadelphia for the past tow days for work. Managed to sneak out for the Flyers game and had a blast and sorta forgot about the Skins for a while.

But tonight I'm back in the land of Braves on the Warpath and I'm sick to my stomach. Maybe one too many Labatts at the Wachovia Center, but I think its a case of the Fassel Flu. I really don't like this.

Sally Jenkins wrote an article in the Washington Post today just slamming Snyder. Basically said Spags is nuts if he takes this job. She said in essence that she hopes he reads it and comes to his senses instead of stepping into a death trap.

Maybe if Snyder is humiliated in public long enough, he'll sell? Wishful thinking perhaps.....
why would he sell? im sayin fuck them bitches anyways its always fail to tha foreskins but he has made that team tha most profitable an highest grossin nfl team out there. that doesnt help them win games but thats what hes mostly about, straight cash money. why would he sell tha foreskins when he knows fans will still flock to fed ex to watch em an he will cash in year after year after year?