The March to 73...

The old adage now applies: the moment a long winning streak ends, the next loss to occur is never far behind. IMO GS will lose another home game before the reg. season is done. No new record, be lucky to tie it.
Thanks for sharing the old adage -- it came in pretty handy last night.
Testament to how bad the league is but I am happy for them. They are utilizing the changes to the game to the utmost advantage. Get a bunch of guys who can hit for three, including probably the best 3 point shooter of all time and extend the defense and without Centers in the league you can just drive around them for layups when they try to take the 3 away. Every team should be trying to form the same type of team. No defense allowed and defenders don't even make rosters anymore.

I feel like the old guy after typing that and don't want to take away from the accomplishment, but sorry .... this team is not even close to the Bulls team that won 72. Scottie is correct for once, the Bulls would sweep this team with mid-nineties rules and win in 5 or 6 with today's rules.
I agree somewhat ClownKyle but the Warriors defense is even incredibly entertaining to watch for me when it needs to be, creates easy points especially in the 4th quarter. It was that way during the playoffs last season as well.
wasnt the league a little watered down in 96 with expansion teams?

Anyways, it seems it's a foregone conclusion that warriors win the title. not much anticipation for the playoffs for the casual nba fan.
Testament to how bad the league is but I am happy for them. They are utilizing the changes to the game to the utmost advantage. Get a bunch of guys who can hit for three, including probably the best 3 point shooter of all time and extend the defense and without Centers in the league you can just drive around them for layups when they try to take the 3 away. Every team should be trying to form the same type of team. No defense allowed and defenders don't even make rosters anymore.

I feel like the old guy after typing that and don't want to take away from the accomplishment, but sorry .... this team is not even close to the Bulls team that won 72. Scottie is correct for once, the Bulls would sweep this team with mid-nineties rules and win in 5 or 6 with today's rules.

Few things.

Yes, '96 Bulls would win a 7 game series.


Remember the rule changes happened after '94 season...for example the Derek Harper Rule...

The league was very watered down in '96, just saying.
wasnt the league a little watered down in 96 with expansion teams?

Anyways, it seems it's a foregone conclusion that warriors win the title. not much anticipation for the playoffs for the casual nba fan.

You beat me to it.

from 95-early 2000's the product was awful in NBA.
While I am not going to argue against the idea that the league was on the decline starting mid nineties, it is hard for me to accept the watered down theory when San Antonia is going to win 67 games while playing in the same conference in the same year.
That is fair enough,

Your old, so lets go another direction...

7 game series...

'86 Celtics/'96 Bulls/'16 Warriors...

Potential outcomes please.
Is GSW dominance good or bad for the league? Unless an injury happens, does anyone think GSW WON'T win it all again this year?

Anything can happen. They are playing to wire and that is a lot of pressure.

Obviously there is only 1-2 teams that can beat them...SA or an OKC team that just gets hot as can be at right time.
Okc and Spurs Would have to beat GSW at home every game( highly unlikely)and steal a road game. No way GSW is losing 2 at home.. I just don't see it.
Injury to top three would be only chance that I see that would prevent them from winning title
Is GSW dominance good or bad for the league? Unless an injury happens, does anyone think GSW WON'T win it all again this year?

It's something that is VERY rare.... Curry is the 5th highest paid player on the team..... that basically tells you everything

I really don't think the entire league should be judged by how one team is dominating. The landscape of the league is definitely changing with more european players and less talented college players imo.... the us college talent has declined and i think a lot of it has to do with a lot of college players not staying to develop their game in college

it's a very complex issue
Their odds of winning it all are pretty big but it's hard to gauge last night's win given SA were without Diaw (the Spurs secret weapon vs GS) and Timmay.

OKC is still their biggest threat.
Testament to how bad the league is but I am happy for them. They are utilizing the changes to the game to the utmost advantage. Get a bunch of guys who can hit for three, including probably the best 3 point shooter of all time and extend the defense and without Centers in the league you can just drive around them for layups when they try to take the 3 away. Every team should be trying to form the same type of team. No defense allowed and defenders don't even make rosters anymore.

I feel like the old guy after typing that and don't want to take away from the accomplishment, but sorry .... this team is not even close to the Bulls team that won 72. Scottie is correct for once, the Bulls would sweep this team with mid-nineties rules and win in 5 or 6 with today's rules.
I'm so glad for the Warriors that there are critics like you. You guys have been the fuel to the fire to this year's Warriors team with all the negativity, they got lucky, they're actually not that good, that team would demolish them mentality. And how do you know the Warriors wouldn't beat the 95 Bulls? Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I've always hated this argument because the bottom line is they'll never get to play each other. So you're selling the Warriors short. Again, you'll never know because they'll never play each other. And to say they'll sweep them?! Wow. Still no credit.

I just went back and looked at some box scores and for the last 10 games they were out shot from the FT line in every single game. And I bet they've been out shot from the FT line in probably 90% of their games. So how can a team be on the cusp of setting a regular season wins record while getting out shot from the FT line in every single game? And please don't respond to me why they're getting out shot from the FT line. I actually already know. They're a jump shooting team and it's hard to draw fouls shooting jumpers. The point I'm trying to make is these guys know how to hit their shots. They're sharp shooters. And in this day and age with all the athleticism and all the props for sick dunks they need to be commended for sticking to the basics and hitting mid range shots and 3's. They also know how to pass the ball. Unselfish crisp passes setting up teammates is also what they do. And solid defense.

This record IF (don't want to jinx it) they win Wednesday will probably last for a decade or more but at some point it will be broken. And when it does I'll tip my cap and say congratulations to the new team who beats it instead of saying the 2016 Warriors would've beat this new team. This is a young team doing this. A young team without any egos who love to play with each other. That's impressive.
love the GSW team and what they have done.....this record is making the nba relevant again

but i grew up watchin the laker/C's 80's teams and rivalry and the 90's Bull teams and maybe im biased about those days and the rules and quality of play/teams but i think The MJ team of the 90's beat GSW
I wasn't a bulls fans but loved watching them, hell even cheered for them in playoffs. Just a lame argument though. Who cares.
I'm so glad for the Warriors that there are critics like you. You guys have been the fuel to the fire to this year's Warriors team with all the negativity, they got lucky, they're actually not that good, that team would demolish them mentality. And how do you know the Warriors wouldn't beat the 95 Bulls? Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I've always hated this argument because the bottom line is they'll never get to play each other. So you're selling the Warriors short. Again, you'll never know because they'll never play each other. And to say they'll sweep them?! Wow. Still no credit.

I just went back and looked at some box scores and for the last 10 games they were out shot from the FT line in every single game. And I bet they've been out shot from the FT line in probably 90% of their games. So how can a team be on the cusp of setting a regular season wins record while getting out shot from the FT line in every single game? And please don't respond to me why they're getting out shot from the FT line. I actually already know. They're a jump shooting team and it's hard to draw fouls shooting jumpers. The point I'm trying to make is these guys know how to hit their shots. They're sharp shooters. And in this day and age with all the athleticism and all the props for sick dunks they need to be commended for sticking to the basics and hitting mid range shots and 3's. They also know how to pass the ball. Unselfish crisp passes setting up teammates is also what they do. And solid defense.

This record IF (don't want to jinx it) they win Wednesday will probably last for a decade or more but at some point it will be broken. And when it does I'll tip my cap and say congratulations to the new team who beats it instead of saying the 2016 Warriors would've beat this new team. This is a young team doing this. A young team without any egos who love to play with each other. That's impressive.

Gsw and the fans seem oversensitive to me. But I almost didn't make the post because I don't want to take away from their accomplishment. They are the best regular season team this year, and have the best alltime record and had the only scores I would check on the last two months in the nba. Why is telling it like it is, as I see it anyway, being disrespectful to their year or talent. It isn't like I am comparing them to Lebrons teams or shaqs (batman) and kobes (boy blunder) teams..... I am comparing them to an alltime great team that would have won 7 straight if Jordan didn't bet more baseball than pete rose.
Gsw and the fans seem oversensitive to me. But I almost didn't make the post because I don't want to take away from their accomplishment. They are the best regular season team this year, and have the best alltime record and had the only scores I would check on the last two months in the nba. Why is telling it like it is, as I see it anyway, being disrespectful to their year or talent. It isn't like I am comparing them to Lebrons teams or shaqs (batman) and kobes (boy blunder) teams..... I am comparing them to an alltime great team that would have won 7 straight if Jordan didn't bet more baseball than pete rose.
Clown u do make a good point
Gsw and the fans seem oversensitive to me. But I almost didn't make the post because I don't want to take away from their accomplishment. They are the best regular season team this year, and have the best alltime record and had the only scores I would check on the last two months in the nba. Why is telling it like it is, as I see it anyway, being disrespectful to their year or talent. It isn't like I am comparing them to Lebrons teams or shaqs (batman) and kobes (boy blunder) teams..... I am comparing them to an alltime great team that would have won 7 straight if Jordan didn't bet more baseball than pete rose.
Not oversensitive. Just tired of hearing people like you saying something that can never be proved. There are some people who think GS would win against 96 Bulls. Are they right? No. Why? Because it can never be proven. But you are entitled to your opinion. :shake2:
Not oversensitive. Just tired of hearing people like you saying something that can never be proved. There are some people who think GS would win against 96 Bulls. Are they right? No. Why? Because it can never be proven. But you are entitled to your opinion. :shake2:

This record IF (don't want to jinx it) they win Wednesday will probably last for a decade or more but at some point it will be broken. And when it does I'll tip my cap and say congratulations to the new team who beats it instead of saying the 2016 Warriors would've beat this new team. This is a young team doing this. A young team without any egos who love to play with each other. That's impressive.

I'd imagine that the record, if they do break it, will last for quite some time. Hard to see another team coming anywhere close to the record, unless it was them again in the next year or 2. What they've done this season is just remarkable, and it's a lot of fun to watch/follow.
I'd imagine that the record, if they do break it, will last for quite some time. Hard to see another team coming anywhere close to the record, unless it was them again in the next year or 2. What they've done this season is just remarkable, and it's a lot of fun to watch/follow.
Yeah I think it will stay for awhile. But part of me can see some of these superstars all come together and make a super team. We've already seen it with 3 players crews (Lebron, Wade, Bosh) and (KG, Pierce, Allen). These guys nowadays are good friends with each other and it wouldn't surprise me for a group of 4 to 5 of them someday all come together and say let's make $10 million a year and go get this title. Can you imagine that?
I like watching golden state play. But I was at the warriors-grizzlies game Saturday night and the 96 bulls would've crushed this grizzlies team. Just one game but that thought crossed my mind.
cog, stars would align and play together but not in their primes ( cap issues ) so doubt they would break it

and NO ONE would be able to stroke it like clay and Steph and that makes them so deadly
I like watching golden state play. But I was at the warriors-grizzlies game Saturday night and the 96 bulls would've crushed this grizzlies team. Just one game but that thought crossed my mind.
Come on now
u can pull one of the bulls losses from 96 team and say man golden st would have smoked them, how did they lose
Come on now
u can pull one of the bulls losses from 96 team and say man golden st would have smoked them, how did they lose
That's what I was going to say. Not every game is going to be a 20 point blowout win. They're taking the best shot of every team every night.
Come on now
u can pull one of the bulls losses from 96 team and say man golden st would have smoked them, how did they lose
Yea I agree with what you're saying but this grizz team is devastated with injuries. Just the thought that crossed my mind
Also couldn't believe how many warriors fans were in the building. Looked like a lot of people had traveled to see golden state make history
Just my opinion Cog. I am wrong a lot (outside politics forum), and I am a believer in playing the game. And it is somewhat pointless to compare teams from different times, practically playing different sports, but still believe what I believe.

If they lose a series to okv, sas, or cle How sour would that be for gsw fans in regards to the record?
Bulls would have beat this Warriors team no guestions asked. It's as if they were built to stop the Warriors with the size of their backcourt and having 2 of the best defenders of all-time in Jordan and Pippen. Curry would have one of those guys on him all game long. Draymond would have Rodman on him, and while they didn't use it as much back then the Bulls shot the 3 just as well as the Warriors. Pippen is crazy to say they would have swept this team but beat them...most definitely.
Here's a pretty good article in my opinion. It talks about both teams.

Schmeelk: Debating 1995-96 Bulls Vs. 2015-16 Warriors Is A Waste of Time

By John Schmeelk
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As the Golden State Warriors begin to get closer to the Chicago Bulls‘ record-setting mark of 72 wins back in 1996, the debate over which team would win if they played has reached a crescendo. The older NBA players, now analysts, claim the ’90s Bulls team would sweep Golden State. It’s the angry old man “it was better in my day!” argument at its best.

On the other side of the fight are many of analytic-based NBA reporters of today, and some of the younger players in the league. They believe the Warriors have helped invent a superior brand of basketball that can’t be matched by anything that has come before. The 3-point shot is a weapon that was not fully realized in the ’90s, and the Warriors use it so well that few can beat them. “Those dinosaurs can’t hang with the athletes of today!” say those who stick up for the Warriors.

Both sides take it too far. The Warriors are great. The Bulls were great. If they played, the series would be close, and it would be a lot of fun. Figuring out which team would win is nearly impossible and a waste of time. The basketball of today is far different than the basketball of 1996. There are so many rules and points of emphasis that have changed. It is almost like watching two different sports.

Stephen Curry in the 2015 NBA Finals, and Michael Jordan in the 1996 NBA Finals (credit: Getty Images)

Before the question can even be approached, the first question that has to be asked is what era the game would be played in. It really does change everything.

If the game was played back in 1996, the Warriors would have a lot to adjust to:

  1. The 3-point line was moved in to 22 feet from 1994 to 1997. Can you imagine Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson shooting 3’s from 22 feet?
  2. Hand checking was outlawed after the ’93-’94 season, but there was a lot more contact allowed on the perimeter than there is now. Further rules limiting contact in the backcourt were implemented in 1999 and then again in the mid 2000s. Curry would have far less freedom of movement.
  3. There was no defensive three-second rule, but there was a more strict illegal-defense rule making it tougher to use many of the zone principles used today.
  4. Illegal screens were called far more frequently, and Draymond Green would have to adjust his screening or get into foul trouble early and often.
  5. Flagrant fouls in today’s game were mere common fouls then. If Curry went to the basket, he would have to deal with a lot of excess contact in the lane and survive to drive another day.

If the game were played in 2016, the Bulls would have to adjust as well:

  1. The entire way the Bulls played defense would have to change. Their ability to get physical would be very limited, and if they didn’t adjust, the entire team would foul out.
  2. The Bulls would have to adjust playing small, but it could be possible if they went with Ron Harper, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Toni Kukoc and Dennis Rodman.
  3. With the more generous rules allowing more zone principles on defense, the Warriors would never have to guard Rodman and would be able to send help to defend Jordan constantly.
  4. Jordan would be in heaven, with the limited amount of physical play that would be allowed on the perimeter and when he would take the ball to the basket. It might be impossible to stop him.
  5. The Bulls team of that era never saw an offense quite like the Warriors, and playing against a team that shoots so many threes would be an adjustment on its own.

So who wins? Who cares! There’s no way to know. Obviously, the Bulls have the advantage under their rules, and the Warriors would have the advantage today. Both teams are great and played in different ways. What’s wrong with simply leaving it at that?
Insisting on a declarative statement of which team is better is flat-out stupid. There’s no way to know who is right and who is wrong. Comparing teams from different eras in any sport is tough, and it is no different in basketball. No era is better than another; they are just different. All sports are cyclical and glide from one style of play to another. It’s organic and fluid. It will change again at some point in the near future.
Neither the teams of the modern era nor the ’90s have to justify the way they played the game. Both ways helped two teams win 70 games. Isn’t that enough for everyone? Apparently not.
I might take the 85 Lakers over anybody. Won the Title with a HOF small forward (injured missed postseason) in Jamal Wilkes, had a HOFer off the bench in Bob McAdoo, Cooper off the bench along with Mike McGhee who was an exceptional scorer and likely puts up 20 a game if he enters the league a decade later in the expansion era, and Ronnie Lester who Lute Olson will still tell you is the best player he ever coached.

Magic and Worthy both HOFers were in their prime and even at 37 Kareem (that's 3 #1 overall draft picks) would have been hell for either the 96 Bulls or 16 Warriors to contend with. Byron Scott would have been on Curry and was no pushover as a defender.

86 Celtics always deserve mention but were big man heavy and didn't have the backcourt (depth) to stay with any of these teams.
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I don't even want the debate over all this because as we all know it doesn't matter. I personally don't see anyone stopping that Bulls team it valid points made in the article above as well. I think the league is watered down, just look at the once might Western Conference who will now be sending a team at .500 for the year to the playoffs. 3 years ago this wasn't even possible. The Warriors are the greatest team in this era of basketball. Basically the No Defense Association. The NBA is following the NFL in the art of eliminating defense from the game.

The only comment that I choked on was Cogenman saying the Warriors have no egos. I literally choked on it. Steph Curry could be the single most arrogant little fucker I've seen play since Iverson. I loved Iverson but Curry is annoying about it. Jordan was arrogant but you didn't see him play to it, he was more interested in making you look stupid than someone patting him on the back. LeBron has changed from being annoying about it too. Maybe is a maturity thing but Curry who used to be my favorite player bothers me now. Is aloof sense is annoying to me.
I don't even want the debate over all this because as we all know it doesn't matter. I personally don't see anyone stopping that Bulls team it valid points made in the article above as well. I think the league is watered down, just look at the once might Western Conference who will now be sending a team at .500 for the year to the playoffs. 3 years ago this wasn't even possible. The Warriors are the greatest team in this era of basketball. Basically the No Defense Association. The NBA is following the NFL in the art of eliminating defense from the game.

The only comment that I choked on was Cogenman saying the Warriors have no egos. I literally choked on it. Steph Curry could be the single most arrogant little fucker I've seen play since Iverson. I loved Iverson but Curry is annoying about it. Jordan was arrogant but you didn't see him play to it, he was more interested in making you look stupid than someone patting him on the back. LeBron has changed from being annoying about it too. Maybe is a maturity thing but Curry who used to be my favorite player bothers me now. Is aloof sense is annoying to me.
I guess it comes down to what you consider ego. He's not self centered. He doesn't look down on others or tries to make others look bad. And he doesn't talk with me's or I's. He has humility and says the right things. Is he arrogant. Yeah he's arrogant and I can definitely see that bothering people with his shimmys and dancing but I don't consider that having an ego.
Personally I just enjoy watching a professional basketball team that actually likes to play with each other and seems to want success for each other. It's refreshing.

Don't care about any of the rest of it. If you don't think they play great team defense, especially when it counts, you aren't watching or you just don't want to believe it. Very good defense.
We could word it differently and say something to the effect of...if you're a fan of the team you don't think your guy has an ego, or you think he doesn't show it on the court. No surprise that the guy from Chicago doesn't think Jordan acted in a way that showed he had an ego, and the guy from the Bay Area doesn't think Steph has an ego.

All great players have egos. It's part of the deal in a way. You don't become that superstar without having an ego.
I said Jordan had an ego. Probably the biggest one. Maybe if all time. I just think he displayed it and showed it differently than most. Biased? Of course.

Now let's get to the nitty gritty of it. I don't think the Warriors cut down the nets this year. Who wants some action? What are the the Warriors? -300 to win it all? I'll take action on the field of -250
I said Jordan had an ego. Probably the biggest one. Maybe if all time. I just think he displayed it and showed it differently than most. Biased? Of course.

Now let's get to the nitty gritty of it. I don't think the Warriors cut down the nets this year. Who wants some action? What are the the Warriors? -300 to win it all? I'll take action on the field of -250

They are -140.
Will say that this Golden State team is revolutionary. First team built to win a Title from the outside in. I remember the first NBA game I ever saw in person was the expansion Mavs vs the Kareem and Magic Lakers and I couldn't figure out why the Mavs weren't shooting 3s every posession or why every team didn't do that....either layups or 3s.

In a sense D'antoni did that with the Suns and Van Gundy with Orlando but Golden State perfected it. Also have to give their front office immense credit for building that team without depending on winning the lottery like the Spurs with Duncan. They had a vision and built a talented roster that executed it flawlessly. Then found the perfect fit at coach in Steve Kerr whose whole basketball existence was built on the 3 point shot.