The effect of blowing a 20pt lead

the passing game that is crucial in this day in nfl is there for you guys in cincy. one of these years (hoping 08) you gonna luck out and that defense will come together like it did for the colts in playoffs.

hell, i stilll think you guys woulda won it all if pitt doesnt take out palmer's knee back when.

i feel the same way about cutler in denver, brees in nawlins, maybe anderson in cleveland. just need to catch lightning in a bottle on d one time ...

I'm not gonna go full out hatin on the kid...but for someone from Vandy, the kid is dumber than a Fed Ex-ed box of shit.

I'll give ya Cutler -2.5 Pick Sixes v Black Hole -125 for max bet..

*Regular Season only...Playoffs excluded...2008-09 season only..

at this moment...your stakes..
you must have not watched that much game's of Cutler vs Raiders

Kirk Morrison and Thomas Howard own him and the are LB's

now add DeAngelo

I feel sorry for Cutler, Rivers and Croyle
im not even sure i do it right.

but i click on the link that is three form the right on this quick reply box thing here i am typing in. looks like a picture of the world and a paper clip.

i get the embed youtube link. post it behing the http:// that is already there. click ok. then the magic happens.
on the youtube page there is a box that says "embed" directly to the right of the have to highlight the text in that box and just copy and paste it in the post
best 2 young lb's and best CB;s in the NFL

soon to be best young backfield in the nfl

Russell, McFadden , Bush and FB Oren O'Neal and thrown in 2nd year stud TE Zack MIller

best young team in the NFL
I want somebody whos been in league a while and has shown some things.

Maybe Chris Simms?

F–k It. I’m Throwing It Downfield.

Is that Berrian? I think he’s triple-covered. You know what? Fuck it. I’m throwing it downfield.
Yeah, I see Jones open on the flank. But fuck that. Dumpoff passes are for *******. I’m fucking Sexy Rexy Grossman. I can get that ball in there. And, even if I can’t, I bet I’ll be able to pull it off the next go round. I like throwing the ball long. It makes my dick hard.
What’s that? I should throw a quick slant? Fuck that. That’s Yag. Button hook? Yag. Flare out? Yag. Screen pass? Kevin Spacey Yag. This is fucking football. You can’t just expect wins to come to you. You can’t massage that shit. You gotta grab that game by the throat and rape the ever-loving shit out of it. You think a 5-yard out is gonna win you a game? You’re a pussy. This ain’t John Shoop running this offense. Sexy Rexy’s got the arm. The dragon. You gotta unleash the dragon.
Okay, I’m throwing it. Nice. Look how far it went. I look good. I bet I made that Pats cheerleader wet her panties with that throw. She fucking wants me. I bet she likes it over a stair railing. I can hit that with 100% accuracy, my dear. Mmmmmm. I am delicious.
Oh shit. Looks like Samuel caught it. Again. Oh well. It still felt fucking great to throw that shit. Tell me that wasn’t one of the prettiest passes you ever saw. You know what? Not only am I gonna throw it long the next time we hit the field. I’m gonna throw it even longer. Harder. You see that kid in wheelchair sitting in the end zone bleachers? I’m gonna nail him right between the fucking eyes with a Sexy Rexy fastball. Why? Because I can.
This is Rex Grossman we’re talking about here. We’re talking 210 lbs. of twisted steel and sex appeal. I’m not just a gunslinger. I’m a cumslinger. Throwing that ball long tells all the Rexettes that I am fucking out there. On the edge. Where I gotta be. The ladies love the danger. The unpredictability. Oh, maybe I’ll tease them with a pretty touch pass every now and again. But then I’m gonna go right back to pumping that ball out for all it’s worth. It tells them I throw like I fuck. That’s how we do things in the sexy business.
Tell me you’re not turned on right now. I am.
he was balling in his 4 games he played last year. @ oak, @ sea, den and nyg. then he gets knocked out at wash.

maybe he was developing ... lol.
also Drew Carter was going off in practice

you know what that means

Dude is gonna be catchin some Bombs from Jamarcash
shoulda drafted Calvin and Trent Edwards but JaMarcus could work out too.

shit tho, MegaTron and DMaC on the same offense woulda been awesome.