The Detroit Pistons...


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Staff member
This thread is long overdue, but we need to talk shop here for a bit and there might even be a play for ya when all said and done...

Let's look at the ugliness to start:

  • They STARTED 2-1
  • They have lost 24 STRAIGHT since that opening weekend.
  • Of those, 16 have been by 9 points or MORE.
  • They have had 10 different players START a game.
  • They are 26th in points ALLOWED.
  • They are 28th in points SCORED.
  • They are LAST in 3pt makes per game.
  • They are LAST in 3pt attempts per game.
  • They are LAST in 3pt percentage.
  • They are 28th in STEALS per game.
  • They are 29th in TURNOVERS per game.
  • They average the MOST fouls per game in the association.
  • Monte Morris has YET to play.
  • The best shooter (Bogey) has ONLY played 8 games.

This is simply put, a mess.

What do they do well?

  • They share the ball well (middle of the pack)
  • They rebound solid enough (middle of the pack)
  • They block some shots (middle of the pack)
  • They make their FT's (solid percentage)

Now, injuries happen and that most definitely has been a very big issue. Your best shooter has just gotten back into action. The star center has been sidelined multiple times with different lower body injuries. The veteran you traded for has yet to see the floor. Those are KEY pieces. When you have a team that has limited shooting, losing your best one is highly noticeable.

What else is highly noticeable? The youth on this team. Simply put, they are very young. Imagine a full season with Bojan and Morris and we're talking about several wins during this streak. Shooting and experience should never be discounted.

Now, the elephant in the room -- Coach Monty Williams.

I liked the hiring. The available choices were not exactly endearing to myself. Yes, I know of Monty's previous stops, and I was less than impressed with the defensive efforts of previous teams. With all that being said, I figured he would be an upgrade from Casey. So far, that is up for debate.

Here are my issues with Coach:

  • He refuses to stick with a lineup.
  • He refuses to stick with a rotation.
  • He wanted to "evaluate" the roster this season -- HENCE -- they were not aggressive in free agency.
  • He has killed the confidence of Ivey.

Now, most in the Detroit area are all over Weaver's ass. I understand this -- to a point. While his draft picks haven't been bad at all, his trades and roster construction have been questionable at best. Okay, if you want to try and make a reclamation project out of a center, that is fine and dandy. There is no reason to try that with MULTIPLE centers. Also, why did he stockpile the roster with guards this off-season? Monty wants to evaluate, so the roster moves you make are a underwhelming guards and centers? Good grief.

Luck plays a big part in life. Sometimes you create your own luck , and other times that is determined for you.

The draft has been mostly bad luck (and bad selections by prior management)...

  • Killian Hayes over Haliburton
  • Stewart and Bey were 'solid' picks, but you have Maxey available there as well
  • Cade was the pick at #1, not much to complain about other than he is likely at a ceiling of solid starter (20-8-6 kind of guy)
  • Duren was a daft move.
  • Ivey is still to be determined.
  • Worst record and pick 5th this year.
  • Ausur has potential.
  • Sasser looks like a heckuva pick.

So, let us talk about my favorite conundrum, the Ivey and Killian situation...

Okay, Killian Hayes was a bust. Last year, he improved and turned into a serviceable NBA player. He should be able to hang around for many years. With that being said, he isn't and wasn't going to be part of the future of this team. Sometime between February and July was the time to 'sell' him at what will be his highest value. Nope, here he is getting starts in a jammed backcourt.

Then there is Jaden Ivey. He had the rookie ups and downs last year until really blossoming the last 6 weeks of the year. Granted, this happens a lot with a bad team letting a young guy run the show (Cade absent). Either way, he looked to be ascending to start this season. Enter Monty Williams. Now, I understand wanting to have your starters all giving effort on defense. I understand that Killian is better in that department. But Monty has constantly rotated these guys in and out. The minutes for Ivey differ so much you really cannot even begin to understand what is happening. I'd say players are being rewarded and vice-versa, but when I have watched I am not seeing that in totality. Monty has killed his confidence. Period.

Also, along the lines of Hayes, they needed to trade Bojan at the deadline last year when his value was peaked. At the least, this past summer. He has always been a favorite of mine, but the fact is he is well past peaked. Hopefully they do something for his benefit this winter.

Going back to roster management. Why the two centers approach? Why no stretch 4? As good as Weaver is finding talent in his young career, he seems to have lost the plot on building a team.

So, where do they go from here?

Great question. I'll be honest, Gores is an awful owner. He is at his best getting trashed courtside and staying out of things. But that isn't working. He wanted a star player years back and the terrible Blake Griffin trade was made. I really wish he would sell. Nothing good has happened since he has purchased the team. They left a suitable arena and the hirings have been less than stellar. Now, that isn't likely to happen. So, does Weaver go? Does he get down to business and start constructing this team? This upcoming draft is not good at all, so expect the #1 pick this time. Whether he is the man to do this, or they blow up the front office remains to be seen. Monty will be here, that money makes this a long-term relationship.

My hope, short-term:

With this current group, SETTLE on a line-up and let these young lines build together. From there, you can see who will be part of this long-term. Simply put, this constant changing of line-ups and minutes needs to stop. I am not banking on that though. Trade some of these guys who are not part of the future. Find ANY kind of shooting. This team plays bad defense and cannot shoot. That doesn't go well in the modern NBA.

Now, how do we go about betting with this team?

You've gotten this far with my drivel so time to start capping things...

The bottom had really fallen out last week. Some of those in-game scores were frightening. I think I saw Milwaukee up 54-26 at one point. We still have 2/3 of the season to go, they have to suck it up and be somewhat competitive. The game Monday night against the Hawks showed some character. No, they didn't win, but they fought all game and never gave up. That is a start, but they seem to do that every 4-6 games then start being blown out again. Bogey has been back for 8 games now, that helps. But, Duren is now on the shelf. Injuries, ugh. We'll see if Monty can show some consistency with a lineup or two. I am not banking on it. We'll start following this team each game and try to find some plays...

The bottom line is the value should start showing towards Detroit. Key word, should. We'll talk about each game independently moving forward, please add any and all plays to the thread!!
Thursday, December 21st vs Utah Jazz

I've had this game on my mind since the nice effort Monday night vs the Hawks.

Utah is a bottom tier team, much like the Stons.

They don't score all that well.

In fact, they score 6 less points on the road.

This will be a B2B for the Jazz (physical team in Cleveland prior).

I would feel much better with Duren, but I think the players will see this opportunity to get the Mouse off their backs.

Chewing on this as a possible play.

Am I crazy? Probably!
Ivey over Murray was horrible when you had Cade. Murray is a 3 and d type guy good for 10 years. You could pencil him in at the 3 and worry about the other 4 lackluster positions.
2 point favs now. Lauri out. Play on team with “star” player out. Not sure he constitutes as that. Not sure that outweighs detroits desire to end this streak
Get that WingStop order in!
Had to go to a late night happy hour -- can afford a full dinner with that bogey prop. Fwiw, biggest bet on this game is Detroit +6 -130 right now.

Hopefully keep it close.

Bogey awful.

Small over as well live.
Tonight was the night to get a win.

They shot very well overall. The first half was especially good.

The turnovers killed them. Bottom line.

This isn't a chase but I do want this streak to end so we can then get back on a game plan with fades etc.

Two games with the Nets -- Jazz again in January. Or maybe they'll just pull a true upset along the way.

Anyways, just hoping they stay within 6 tonight.

Merry Christmas all, check back in on this thread next Tuesday.
Detroit ML live +130.

Yeah, they seem poised for it so far.

Willing to trade this later though.
Detroit ML live +130.

Yeah, they seem poised for it so far.

Willing to trade this later though.
That's small, fwiw...

Think they have a chance. Foul trouble hurt them.

2h over is a bigger play at 116.5 fwiw
Just played Ivey over PRA at 31.5 and points at 20.5 …….bucks defense sucks it seems….might play Det TT overs too….
I’ll post it publicly I had wings with my 10 year old son after baseball practice(insane yes, it’s travel ball South)….screens everywhere. Texans v Ravens, LSU v TAMU etc

He’s locked on Bucks v Stons…
He feels bad for Detroit…he referenced a streak I forgot about. Sixers I think? Anyway, he’s like I don’t want them to go through that.

I told him I know some of these Michigan fuckers. They just won the Natty and the Lions are in the playoffs.
Life ain’t fair the whole way son
Nice. Crushed those.
They playing again tomorrow……….missed the Ivey props……he missed a free throw and a 3 point shot at end of game…….

Little gun shy after 0-7 NCAAB

Gotta remind myself to RR the opposite of my plays next time instead of double dipping and RR my straight up plays……..

Could’ve hit a 6 teamer and be up…..lol
Is baseball the only legit sport left and no one watches it?

NFL we know their agenda.

But I’m sort of stunned with the NBA social media promotion behind the ending of the Knicks Pistons game. That game should be buried. It’s on every NBA ad and feed. At some point these leagues determined being entertainers, and being “bad guys”, is more profitable like a WWE type model. That ending in NY was criminal and to market off of that is laughable. But it plays into the gimmick I guess.
Is baseball the only legit sport left and no one watches it?

NFL we know their agenda.

But I’m sort of stunned with the NBA social media promotion behind the ending of the Knicks Pistons game. That game should be buried. It’s on every NBA ad and feed. At some point these leagues determined being entertainers, and being “bad guys”, is more profitable like a WWE type model. That ending in NY was criminal and to market off of that is laughable. But it plays into the gimmick I guess.
Interesting thought...
On Groundhog Day I bought a beer money ticket on BOL on the Wizards finishing the year with the worst record in the league at +650. At the time Detroit had 6 wins, the Wiz had 9, Charlotte and the Spurs both had 10.

Feeling good now with six weeks left as the Wiz are still at 9, Detroit just got to 9, the Spurs moved to 11 and Charlotte is no longer a concern.

My rationale was that the Pistons have young guys they actually would like to develop like Cade, Duren, Thompson, Ivey and Sasser. Same with the Spurs and Wemby, and Sochan. They want to try to get these guys some winning experience. (this brings up a side note.....when the Admiral was a rookie, the Spurs went from 21 wins to 56. With Bird the Celtics went from 29 wins to 61. Even Jordan dragged the Bulls from 27 wins to 38. A 19 year old Lebron took the Cavs from 17 to 35 wins. With a 20 year old Wemby the Spurs are looking at winning LESS than the 22 games they won last year. What gives? What the hell is Pop doing?)

The Wiz are a veteran team that's much more likely to pack it in down the stretch. Maybe they already have.
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This team is up to 11 wins.

They've been more competitive.

With the trades, Monty is forced to play the core 4 the minutes they need.

These last 20+ games are huge to identify who's staying and who's going.

That includes Monty and Weaver.

The owner is awful, so that means Weaver probably stays. His next few moves determine so much.

Love Ivey and think he will be a very good player but the shooting percentage worries me.

Cade puts up great numbers and I've liked what I've seen in close games... but are these stats he can translate into meaningful ones on a playoff team? I think so.

They'll likely need to choose one of these guys. I thought it could work, and it could, but the rest of the team needs to have a different makeup for that to happen.

Ausur is a poor man's Iggy. But, he'll need a really good shooting 2 and 4 to make him effective.

Injuries aside, love Duren still.

Font has been a nice addition.

I'm big believer in life that everything starts at the top. This owner is brutal. Hopefully they can manage something until this guy gets bored and sells.

This draft isn't great, so the pick needs to be the correct one. Period.

I don't have the enthusiasm I had last year but I also don't have the dread many had earlier this year.

I'm just glad these guys have their chance to show out so we can start to get serious this off-season.

As far as the rest of the year? They have 4 Celtics/Heat games coming up before a softer schedule to end the year. I think they get to 16-17 wins.

I'll kick myself even more for not betting the in-season RSW of 11.5 back when they had 5 wins. That was plus money too. Ugh.