The CTG Team - The Lincoln Red Imps


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
We will have one team, that we will support together, and we fight for. That team will be the Lincoln Red Imps out of the Gibraltar Premier League

The Red Imps advanced today in the Champions League, beating an Estonian team named Flora

Next up, a bit of a challenge, Celtic out of Scotland. That game will be on Monday!
says the man with a red in his avatar! Join the fray Kyle, this can be quite exciting!
When we all go to a game together, this will be our view


Here are our ultras


The lads

Lets get a look at the history. They play in the Gibraltar Premier League, which somehow consists of 10 teams, which all play in the same stadium! The Red Imps happen to be the most dominant team in the league, having won the league every year since 2002. Amazingly Gibraltar does have a second division. In total, our imps have 22 titles since 1895. As a matter of fact, this game on Monday will be tied for the 2nd most important game in the Imp history. I've done very mild research, Liam Walker appears to be the most successful player on the team, having played for Portsmouth at one point. He is also one of three players on the Imps that has a Wikipedia picture.
It's IMPerative that I get at least a XXXL or it will render the jersey IMPotent for me.
Feel we may have trouble converting more fans that aren't nearly as IMpressionable as us
I am at an IMPasse that no one commented on the IMP Ultras, half of which are in a catatonic state in that picture
We should get a lot of indirect free kicks against Celtic as they get called for IMPeding a lot.