The best kick Bama had all year.....


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Really wanna know what was said. This women is in her 30's and the kid is like 20
lmao. just saw this too!


There are exceptions to the never hit a woman rule. Drunk 30 something Bama fan flying over three rows to attack would be one of those exceptions. I would have straight put this bitch to sleep if that was me.
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Someone had a little too much to drink!!!

LOL!!! I love aggressive women!!! I'd achieve full wood if she came at my like that!!!

when you insult someone like that's husband, you're insulting two family members. it pisses them off.
By Melissa Brown |
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on January 03, 2014 at 1:20 PM, updated January 03, 2014 at 4:22 PM
TUSCALOOSA, Alabama -- Alabama fans everywhere were probably in a bad mood Thursday night as they watched the Crimson Tide fall to the Oklahoma Sooners.

But one fan at the game took it a few steps too far, launching herself over a row of seats at an Oklahoma student after the two exchanged words.

She managed to land several blows and kicks before stadium police appeared to escort her out.

Twitter user @KELLLLKAY posted the video Friday afternoon, showing the female Alabama fan, dressed in a houndstooth top and boots, approach an Oklahoma student.

OU student Michael Connolly tweeted Friday afternoon that he is the student.

The two appear to be engaged in some hearty trash-talking before a male Alabama fan drags her away from the group of students. She ducks behind him, though, and throws herself at the crowd.

It looks like she manages to land a few punches before she's pulled away and begins to kick at Connolly's back and head.

Check out the video below -- @KELLLLKAY set the raw footage to music, but says she will upload the video in HD and with its original audio later Friday night:

On Friday afternoon, Connolly told Sports Illustrated's Extra Mustard culture blog the woman was sitting in an adjoining Alabama section and the two groups of fans were exchanging taunts back and forth until Oklahoma pulled away in the first half.
"So once we started winning, they shut their mouths and my crew of 6-10 people just started talking a lottttt of s—, specifically me and my friend who you can see waving the towel in the background of the video," Connolly wrote on Extra Mustard.
"At one point she went up to get a beer, and was kind of talking s— to us when she got back. She just kept flicking us off and stuff during the game. A few times, my friend yelled in the direction of her group of ‘Bama fans, 'I yell Roll Tide when I eff my cousin,' but since she was the only one standing it seemed like it was directed only at her."
Connolly said the woman came down to his row and the taped encounter began after he and his friends engaged with the woman's teenage son, with both parties threatening to fight each other.
Michelle Pritchett has been identified as the crazed Alabama fan in the viral video. Here's what we know about her: 1. She Attended Alabama Southern Community College Jimmy N Michelle Pritchett.(Facebook) According to her Facebook page, Michelle is a former student at Alabama Southern Community College. Pritchett's Facebook page lists her as a resident of Sweetwater, Alabama. Sweetwater is a tiny town in Marengo County with a population of just 258 people, according to the 2010 census. 2. She's Married With Children Jimmy N Michelle Pritchett. (Facebook) Michelle is a mother of three children, all of whom were allegedly at the game with her when she went completely bonkers during Alabama's loss to Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl. 3. She LOVES Alabama Football...Maybe a Bit Too Much Jimmy N Michelle Pritchett. (Facebook) Michelle CLEARLY loves Crimson Tide football. In addition to attempting to deliver a Bruce Lee-caliber kick to the jaws of her smack-talking Oklahoma frat-boy nemeses, she changed her Facebook profile picture to the Florida State Seminole chief the day after Auburn topped Missouri in the SEC Championship. Auburn — Alabama's arch rival — plays Florida State for the BCS National Championship on January 6. 4. Her Son Allegedly Picked a Fight During the Sugar Bowl Tra Pritchett. (Facebook) Michael Connolly, the alleged victim in this particular incident, told Sports Illustrated's Extra Mustard that Pritchett was the aggressor and her teenage son attempted to pick a fight with him and other Sooners fans. According to Tra Pritchett's Facebook page, he is a 2013 graduate of Sweetwater High School. Here's what Connolly told Extra Mustard: At one point she went up to get a beer, and was kind of talking s— to us when she got back. She just kept flicking us off and stuff during the game. A few times, my friend yelled in the direction of her group of ‘Bama fans, “I yell ‘Roll Tide’ when I eff my cousin,” but since she was the only one standing it seemed like it was directed only at her." "Eventually her son, who weighs about 120 pounds, told us to come up and fight him. We were like, “No, come down here.” "That was when the woman came down and the video started. She was screaming at me, and sticking her tongue out at me so I asked, “Are you trying to make out with me?” And my friend was yelling “Kiss her! Kiss her!” "That’s when she walked away, and then jumped me. When she kicked me, it left giant boot marks on my shirt. I’m not sure if the guy restraining her was her husband or not—they weren’t sitting right next to each other—but she was kicked out of the game and her two daughters were crying." Pritchett defended her actions in an interview with Yellowhammer News, asserting that she was just trying to defend her son. Everyone’s making me look like such a bad guy,” Pritchett said. “What I did was probably not the thing to do. But they were taunting us. They began by going after me. But then they crossed the line and started taunting my 16-year-old son.” She also said she would do it again if it meant protecting her son. I hate to say it, but I’d do it again if I had to. I’m not going to let anyone go after my son.” 5. She Claims She Wasn't Drunk — Sort of — When it Happened Pritchett says she wasn't intoxicated when the incident occurred, but that she did have a few drinks. She also apologized to the University of Alabama and the Crimson Tide football team for her actions. I’m embarrassed. I love The Tide and I apologize to all the players and to Coach Saban and to the entire fan base. I’m sorry. Coach Saban’s going to say ‘those crazy fans don’t know how to act.’ And I wasn’t intoxicated either. I want people to know that. I’d had a couple of drinks, but I was not intoxicated.” SHARE THIS ARTICLE FOLLOW HEAVY 95 Share Follow Heavy Related Items College Football, Sports RESPOND TO THIS

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"I was not intoxicated" ... makes one wonder what she would do if she WAS intoxicated :boxing:
Some Bama fans have problems at bowl games. At least she didn't tea bag a passed out OU fan in a mall. She probably has a dick though and could have accomplished it if she wanted to.
The fact that it is an Oklahoma fan actually gives her the right to violence though.
So hot. Milf for sure.
A buddy of mine sat behind her at the game (not the cameraman). He said when he and his wife got there, she was already drunk with no intention of slowing down. She was there with what he assumed her husband, about 14-15 year old son, and 12 and 10 year old daughters. He says the OU guy (college aged) did or said something to her son and she went beserk (obviously). He said multiple people in that section ended up being escorted out including the OU guy from the video and several OU fans for throwing beer bottles after OU scores. An unfortunate by product of having face value tickets available is the high number of trash dicks that attend these games. Shameful on all sides.