

CTG Partner
CTG was created to give members a forum that was both informative and fun, while maintaining respect for each other. Some of the stuff that has been going on in the NBA forum has crossed the line from being funny, to being a pain in the ass for everyone to deal with.

One of the things we pride ourselves on is not to separate the mods/partners from the regular members. The way some of the top posters in the forum have been acting, you're forcing our hands to delete posts and ban people. That's the last thing any of us want to do.

I'm going to ask you guys one more time to cut back on the screwing around and try to be serious with your posts. Instead of giving the benefit of the doubt to posters in this forums, it will be ban and ask questions later until things settle down back to normal. Anything that in the past that might have been "funny" is going to be dealt with harshly. The sooner everyone starts being respectful and remember why this site was created the sooner we can quit being the hard asses and start having fun ourselves again.

Thank you.

O.K. I guess I didn't have this post up in time to stop Billivy from going off the deep end. I just banned him. He knows how to get ahold of me, and I'll unban him when he settles down and treats this forum and the posters with respect. You guys want to talk in this thread -- have at it. I won't delete anything that is sensible talk.
It's my hope Billivy will be back. Needed to end that today before things got worse. I've been dealing with finals and CBB.
Her face looks like:animated-Dead12:

I agree with everything you said Fondy, but there are also pointless threads in other forum areas, with meaningless drunk bantering going on and that has never been a problem in the past :shake:

I think many of us are just confused. I know the whole Nation is.

How can Bill's avatar of Joseph Stalin be deleted, while pictures of naked girls stay?

Why would Bill's tag of "On the 3rd day he rises" be deleted? What possible reason can be given for deleting that?

Ditto for my tag of "#1 Charter Member of Amaechi/Martin Fan Club." What possible reason can be given for deleting that?

Why would irrelevant and harmless jokes about Stalin and Mao be deleted, when if the jokes were made by any other two posters in any other forum they wouldn't even be noticed?

The double standard is what is so confusing. Posts I'm making that would never even be noticed if posted by anybody else are being deleted instantly. Any serious post I make is seemingly being examined for hidden sarcasm and inside jokes that aren't even there.

I do agree there are double standards. That being said I take a bit of offense to people posting Stalin and Hitler avatars.. why not have swastikas as well?
Her face looks like:animated-Dead12:

I agree with everything you said Fondy, but there are also pointless threads in other forum areas, with meaningless drunk bantering going on and that has never been a problem in the past :shake:
That's what General Discussion is for.
more kirk heinrich avatars for everyone would solve this imo, abcs. i suggest you look into getting one.
If people want to keep bitching about how things are being run here why are you still posting? Nobody has a gun to anyone's head to post here, hate to say it but last few days has been like c*vers around here.
i feel like treating the message board as your own chatroom with meaningless bantering and bad inside jokes over and over is a little obnoxious.

I thought the nation talk was harmless and funny..Was that the main purpose of this thread? To eliminate the nation?
I think you can assume it's a little more than harmless...

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...and on the 3rd day he rises

Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Sound Beach NY
Posts: 871

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<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->it's only played out b/c the partners/mods are the butt of the's much funnier on my end
<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________
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The whole "nation" - argh... it's Semcon all over. Anyways, as you know as a previous moderator, we change avatars that can be offensive. As a group we decided that non hardcore nudes were acceptable avatars. Personally being in law school, I need to shut avatars off so people don't look at me funny. That said, someone being nude shouldn't be hurting anyone -- but joking around about a ruthless dictator who killed millions of people... With regards to Bill's tag - I deleted that and changed his avatar this afternoon. He asked me on AIM to change the title for him a few days ago, and I changed it for him along with the xpac name change. Harmless fun. That said said, why should I be doing favors and playing along with jokes when I ask people for some respect towards the site and we're not getting it? The whole "fuck write ups" thing today after having a write up and deleting it, was totally uncalled for.

It's gotten childish and Coversesque. It's forcing us to be hard asses for every little thing until things clear up. That's the reasoning behind why normal posts that wouldn't be deleted normally are being deleted. It's an avalanche effect and we're trying to stop that first snowball. With regards to any serious post you make, we are examining it for hidden sarcasm and inside jokes because that's all it has been for the last few days. We'll stop doing that when some of the other behavior from yourself and others clears up. Believe me it's not fun to do, i'd rather allow things to regulate themselves.
The message I posted below I think does a great job of summarizing the issue and why we've been attempting to clean things up for the last few days. Justin, you and the other guys have known me for years. I'm fine with the joking around and having fun. It's gotten taken to another level though and the "Nation" hasn't understood the problems it's causing.

This is possibly the only forum where you know you can post plays with reasoning and not be subjected to the idiots you find in other forums.

But over the last week especially in the hoops forum I think things have degenerated completely, I hate to say it but to the level you find in covers. Some of the posts I'm reading are so childish is mind numbing.

I know a couple of other guys similar to me think it's no point posting plays here given what's been going on. Please don't think of this as some kind of ultimatum or anything like that, just more me communicating my concerns.

I 100% agree with these thoughts. That's what CTG is about. Please help us keep it the way it's been the past 16 months and not this past week.
Yeah. All I'm saying is there should be a medium between Nation-mania taking over the site, and a funeral mood. Right now we seem to have gone all the way to the latter. Harmless Nation references should not cause mods and partners to have heart attacks.
Yeah. All I'm saying is there should be a medium between Nation-mania taking over the site, and a funeral mood. Right now we seem to have gone all the way to the latter. Harmless Nation references should not cause mods and partners to have heart attacks.

We don't want a funeral mood. But that's our reaction with yourself and others taking things to a "nation-mania" level. A couple days ago BAR contacted a few of you guys to cool things down. Us asking you as friends and fellow posters to back off a bit with this stuff didn't work. How should we respond? It's obvious that no one in this forum is happy with how things have been going on over the last couple days. Give me a solution we can all live with. We tried allowing you guys to regulate yourselves and that's what got us into this situation. Help us figure some way to solve it.
But we did back off. Look at the last couple days. One member backed off to the extent of never (or almost never) even posting here anymore. Another member has pretty much stopped posting, and when he does post, he doesn't mention the Nation. We haven't started any Nation Plays or Nation Discussion threads. All that's left is me carrying the torch for all 3 of us, making obscure and harmless posts mentioning the Nation. The problem is not even a problem anymore. There's no reason for a funeral mood and mods having heart attacks at any Nation mention. The Nation has been succesfully defeated and marginalized by CTG.
I'm going to delete this thread a bit later tonight. Get back to where we were 2 weeks ago and things will be fine. Don't purposely try to push our buttons and we won't need to react to things. You and the rest of the guys are smart enough to know what's going to annoy us and what won't. I'm trying to have enough trust in you guys to do what's right, but I thought we were at that point Sunday night and it hasn't happened that way. I'm going to unban Billivy and hopefully you guys can start being contributing members to the forum again instead of destroying it.
Maybe I spoke too soon. Does Ivy want to contribute or just be a smart ass? Nice thread he's got going at C*vers bashing the circumstances.
I unbanned Billivy, but if he continues with the... "i'm tellin you now...ban my account...bc i'm just going to continue to say "fuck you" to the entire site until you do...goodbye communist regime"... threads in the NBA forum I'm not going to be real pleased.
gotta agree, the nba forum has gotten real childish over the last week.

thanks for getting this cleaned up mods/partners
As I said, the mods and partners are fighting a battle that no longer exists. The Nation has been marginalized, muted, censored, and defeated. It's over.
killa i think u are just way too good of a capper to continue playing this "i'm a victim and i'm being censored role"

look forward to your thoughts on games in the
In my opinion people need to relax a bit and see what being a hard ass will get you. Sure those guys were a little over the edge, but who cares. If the stuff they were saying really offended people that much, then they probably shouldn't be on a gambling site, obviously they are too thin skinned. People need to read through their bull**** jokes and look at their capping abilities. There aren't many that can keep up with them. I think you will find, this will wind up hurting CTG more than them. Pretty sure your numbers in the NBA forum will see a sharp decline. Hopefully it gets resolved, I for one love their write ups and will have to go to the other site if they truly have left.
In my opinion people need to relax a bit and see what being a hard ass will get you. Sure those guys were a little over the edge, but who cares. If the stuff they were saying really offended people that much, then they probably shouldn't be on a gambling site, obviously they are too thin skinned. People need to read through their bull**** jokes and look at their capping abilities. There aren't many that can keep up with them. I think you will find, this will wind up hurting CTG more than them. Pretty sure your numbers in the NBA forum will see a sharp decline. Hopefully it gets resolved, I for one love their write ups and will have to go to the other site if they truly have left.

We've had to deal with a lot more stuff than what you're probably aware of. Regardless who the poster is we won't compromise the values that this site is based on. Losing quality posters always hurts, but turning a blind eye for one or two poster who compromise the sites integrity would hurt a whole lot more.
This is what you get for trying to be fair. Thanks Bill.

guys, lemme give you a piece of is a waste of time...the entire site is full of people who spend their entire lives patting eachother on the back for their accomplishments. They control every word you say and several very gifted cappers (and dictators) have decided to call it quits over there. B.A.R. formerly "big al reno" of covers deleted my portrait I posted as my avator and threatened further action if i persisted...he punishes cappers like "jpicks" and "bodogkilla" the same way for poking fun at them in simmilar ways as i have on a daily basis b/c he has no life outside of this little fake community he's created for himself!...

it's more like my country over there than an internet betting community....i have withdrawn my troops and am now residing here for the duration...I look forward to new friendships as I have had to dispatch of several of my soliders this week for insubbordination and am a little short on companionship.
Bill is good dude, maybe hes just having a bad day. Hopefully it cools off and him and Killa come back.:11_12_13:

Time to watch kimbo slice on espn 360 :cheers:
I am not familiar with all of the history, but isn't this a similar scenario to why everyone is at CTG instead of covers? Now he's going back to the site that he banned?
not like anyone cares

but it seems to be a misunderstanding. fondy and the mods want a good clean solid sports forum while killa and em just cracking jokes here and there..

i personally find the whole nation thing goddamn funny everytime i see "the nation thinks" i just laugh. its probably about pride.. like in any fight. im sure the actual nation/stallon thing isnt the problem its the fact these "respectable members" are acting out of their line and the mods feel disrespected.

anyway, i come here for one guy and thats BAR (since phillyroom still post at covers)

just a regular members 2 cents on this whole cover-drama
I am not familiar with all of the history, but isn't this a similar scenario to why everyone is at CTG instead of covers? Now he's going back to the site that he banned?

Your as confused as I am... he had the Stalin avatar we changed and he wanted to make a big deal out of it... kept spamming nba forum saying to go fuck ourselves and he'd do it until we banned him. I banned him til hopefully he calmed down... and hopefully it could have been the end of it. It appears he wants to make it into something more. I can't control that.
So, fondy...

barmezee and Throwback can outright bash us in posts #37, #38, #47, and #50? Those three posts are worse examples of bashing than any single post ever made by a Nation member. If I made those same exact posts about them, would it be cool?
I personally think the mods are reasonable and good guys. Fondy and I have a tad of a history and he continually shows mercy and lets me back.

I think they are getting a bad rap.. there are a couple mods here, who spit hatred, but they will remain nameless.