Texas And Oklahoma SEC Rumors…..again

My first thought was surely the suits at Oklahoma and Texas can't be this stupid, but I've learned to never underestimate the lack of common sense of the people who make their living from college football

I can't think of one logical reason why either school thinks they would benefit from jointing the SEC. Both schools have every advantage over all the other schools in the Big 12. Those advantages disappear overnight if they are stupid enough to move to the SEC

It would be a negative in every single way for Oklahoma except the fact they might possibly make more money.

If they want the perfect example of what happens when a school makes a move because they think they'll make more money all they have to do is look at Nebraska. The Huskers, Missouri, Colorado, all became teams with no identity, no rivals, no recruiting base, nothing. Arkansas makes more money, but they celebrate if they finish .500 for the year.

Of all the teams that have moved to different conferences in the last decade or so the only one who hit a home run is Texas A&M. It was the best move they made in their entire history.

And it makes no sense the SEC would even want Oklahoma and Texas. The SEC is already bloated with too many teams which leads to examples like the Florida/Alabama game this year. First time they have played in 10 years. What is the point of a conference so big you play one of the other teams every 10 years?
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Not at all surprised OU would but Texas with the network etc a tad more surprising. Figured they'd rather strong arm the P12.
So there are 65 power 5 teams including Notre Dame. Byu not included. So are we looking at four 16-team conferences with someone getting booted or four 18-team conferences, and adding 7 teams from GO5 and BYU?
I've only seen something about OU and UT separating from contracts with the B12/tv rights (obv UT can just cancel their end of it for home games, but there are other stations set to get big OU and UT games) after the 2025 season anyway. God knows what happens between now and then. ESPN and ABC could be obsolete in 4 years for all we know.
KJ can Iowa St go B10?
First off, this isn't happening for a few years apparently if it does.

Most likely rumor, and I hate this time of year in all sports because rumors dominate since we're all bored, but if SEC turns into a super 16 conference, pressure will be on the others to as well. Most likely I heard is WVU, ISU, KU, KSU to petition the big10 and Okie Lite, TCU, Baylor, TTech to petition the Pac. Normally I'd think it's stupid as the need has to come from both sides, but SEC goes 16 the others might need to as well to keep up.
Rumors all over and soccer has prepared me to not buy any until something happens

But word is TTech, Baylor and TCU have already reached out to the Pac12

We really need some sports that aren't either in Japan or take 9 innings right now, racquetball or dodgeball maybe
Read a few weeks ago from a UM insider that PSU to ACC was likely in the future (as domino's start to fall).
Read a few weeks ago from a UM insider that PSU to ACC was likely in the future (as domino's start to fall).
Easily could see WVU to ACC as well

ISU, KU, KSU don't deliver much in market share for another conference but they're all lucrative with tv/streaming deals I'd imagine. Be funny if they all went to the MWC and throw a real curve ball.

If this is what it takes to blow up the NCAA, I'm actually intrigued. We've known this was moving to a regional sport for years now, this will just escalate the movement.
And at what point will the P12 reach out to UNLV now that they're in with that new stadium?

Lots of what ifs in the Mountain West with SDSU, Vegas, BYU having great markets
Big Ten is the wild card here.

They have terrible leadership right now.

Obviously we all know they only want schools that have a certain academia profile.

The b10/p12 super conference still intrigues.
Big Ten is the wild card here.

They have terrible leadership right now.

Obviously we all know they only want schools that have a certain academia profile.

The b10/p12 super conference still intrigues.
Guess the real question is when do academics become an easy buyout due to potential revenue to remain competitive...we're really witnessing the separation of sport/entertainment and education, it's just what we should have been witnessing 30 years ago
The B10 still plays the Academic American card or whatever it’s called? Hence Nebby a few years back.

The reactions will be fast and furious when this happens.
No honor among thieves. OU has done business with these schools for almost a century, entered into contracts, shook hands on it, signed the contracts, then, despite the fact they are a public institution, spend six months plotting in secret to betray their business partners and ignore the contracts the university agreed too, all the while pretending they are still loyal members of the conference

Even worse, as a public institution, names a secret committee to negotiate in secret, make a decision without revealing a single word of what they relied on to determine this move is legal, moral, and good for the university. Still refuse, in fact, to admit they have made a decision. Won't even reveal which public employee, on the payroll of the public university supported by taxpayers, made the decision, let alone what facts they relied on to do it (Nebraska fans know what the effect of those kind of decisions can have.)

I'm not surprised there are people who act like scumbags, that's how lawyers make their living and the reason I get to live on the North Shore of Tahoe and ski or go to the beach every day. I'm just surprised public employees, who live like rajahs on the money they allot to them selves from the public university funds, are allowed to hide their actions from the taxpayers of the state, the duly elected legislature, and the the alums of the school.

Even worse, when the news broke, the other schools had a conference call to ask OU and Texas if there is any reason why they want to leave other than money. OU and Texas didn't even have the nerve to join the call and explain.

I'm disgusted with the university of Oklahoma, the president, and every asshole suit in the athletic department.
Before nebraska left, Texas wanted us to commit to the Big 12 for 5 years. Osborne said, sure, will you commit for ten? You can guess the rest.
The B10 still plays the Academic American card or whatever it’s called? Hence Nebby a few years back.

The reactions will be fast and furious when this happens.

You realize that nebraska got kicked out of it a few years ago with at least one big ten school (pretty sure it was wisconsin) casting the deciding vote?
No honor among thieves. OU has done business with these schools for almost a century, entered into contracts, shook hands on it, signed the contracts, then, despite the fact they are a public institution, spend six months plotting in secret to betray their business partners and ignore the contracts the university agreed too, all the while pretending they are still loyal members of the conference

Even worse, as a public institution, names a secret committee to negotiate in secret, make a decision without revealing a single word of what they relied on to determine this move is legal, moral, and good for the university. Still refuse, in fact, to admit they have made a decision. Won't even reveal which public employee, on the payroll of the public university supported by taxpayers, made the decision, let alone what facts they relied on to do it (Nebraska fans know what the effect of those kind of decisions can have.)

I'm not surprised there are people who act like scumbags, that's how lawyers make their living and the reason I get to live on the North Shore of Tahoe and ski or go to the beach every day. I'm just surprised public employees, who live like rajahs on the money they allot to them selves from the public university funds, are allowed to hide their actions from the taxpayers of the state, the duly elected legislature, and the the alums of the school.

Even worse, when the news broke, the other schools had a conference call to ask OU and Texas if there is any reason why they want to leave other than money. OU and Texas didn't even have the nerve to join the call and explain.

I'm disgusted with the university of Oklahoma, the president, and every asshole suit in the athletic department.
Always appreciate the perspective of a fan not afraid to take a run at their team (or school in this case).

It's easy to do and why appreciating actual success is so rare for me at least. Obv this has nothing to do with wins and losses, it's the cash grab
We've known this was moving to a regional sport for years now, this will just escalate the movement.

it's actually the opposite of regional - the conferences (and the sport with media partners) have been trying and pushing to leave regionalism behind for a national game. College football was a regional sport for 100+ years 1890s-1990s. Money, power and control overturned that apple cart. The regional aspect of this sport was always a very large appeal to me - that has been on life support for the last 20-30years.
it's actually the opposite of regional - the conferences (and the sport with media partners) have been trying and pushing to leave regionalism behind for a national game. College football was a regional sport for 100+ years 1890s-1990s. Money, power and control overturned that apple cart. The regional aspect of this sport was always a very large appeal to me - that has been on life support for the last 20-30years.
Not when the NCAA gets punted and these new conference champs will all be champs.

I sincerely miss the BCS, whatever this is that we have now has trashed the sport unless you're one of the few big dogs.

This isn't even entertaining really, loved the BCS controversies
it's actually the opposite of regional - the conferences (and the sport with media partners) have been trying and pushing to leave regionalism behind for a national game. College football was a regional sport for 100+ years 1890s-1990s. Money, power and control overturned that apple cart. The regional aspect of this sport was always a very large appeal to me - that has been on life support for the last 20-30years.
Agree. I liked the different “brands/styles”
it's actually the opposite of regional - the conferences (and the sport with media partners) have been trying and pushing to leave regionalism behind for a national game. College football was a regional sport for 100+ years 1890s-1990s. Money, power and control overturned that apple cart. The regional aspect of this sport was always a very large appeal to me - that has been on life support for the last 20-30years.
Curious as to how you see this being more national if it happens
Also if/when the NCAA collapses, and it will

What becomes some national governing body? I haven't seen an alternative, and I'm ok with it but figure you would be too
The AD makes more money. The president makes more money. The coach makes more money. The players do not make more money. What more is there to understand?
The AD makes more money. The president makes more money. The coach makes more money. The players do not make more money. What more is there to understand?
Love when state salaries get posted every year and football coaches are A and 1A
Also if/when the NCAA collapses, and it will

What becomes some national governing body? I haven't seen an alternative, and I'm ok with it but figure you would be too
The conferences are going to govern themselves. So you basically will have separate professional leagues like the AFL, NFL and the USFL. They will agree to play one another for TV dollars and schedule a championship.
The conferences are going to govern themselves. So you basically will have separate professional leagues like the AFL, NFL and the USFL. They will agree to play one another for TV dollars and schedule a championship.
Pay per View gonna love this
Pay per View gonna love this
It is all run by ESPN. The conferences will just have different rules. Some may allow players to be paid a certain amount. The only thing keeping them together right now is apparently the NCAA tournament. That makes a lot of money so it is tough to break away.
Yes, with NIL, you need to be able to get your QB $1 million in endorsements just like Alabama. Hanging in the Big 12 is not going to get that done. Doesn't matter if you go 7-5. You need to get paid and get guys paid.