No honor among thieves. OU has done business with these schools for almost a century, entered into contracts, shook hands on it, signed the contracts, then, despite the fact they are a public institution, spend six months plotting in secret to betray their business partners and ignore the contracts the university agreed too, all the while pretending they are still loyal members of the conference
Even worse, as a public institution, names a secret committee to negotiate in secret, make a decision without revealing a single word of what they relied on to determine this move is legal, moral, and good for the university. Still refuse, in fact, to admit they have made a decision. Won't even reveal which public employee, on the payroll of the public university supported by taxpayers, made the decision, let alone what facts they relied on to do it (Nebraska fans know what the effect of those kind of decisions can have.)
I'm not surprised there are people who act like scumbags, that's how lawyers make their living and the reason I get to live on the North Shore of Tahoe and ski or go to the beach every day. I'm just surprised public employees, who live like rajahs on the money they allot to them selves from the public university funds, are allowed to hide their actions from the taxpayers of the state, the duly elected legislature, and the the alums of the school.
Even worse, when the news broke, the other schools had a conference call to ask OU and Texas if there is any reason why they want to leave other than money. OU and Texas didn't even have the nerve to join the call and explain.
I'm disgusted with the university of Oklahoma, the president, and every asshole suit in the athletic department.