TCU vs TT discussion

I watched most of that TCU game last week and this game was toe to toe for 3 quarters. TCU can't pass the ball and certainly is struggling to run it. TT strength is run defense and terrible at pass D.

To me the fact they favored TCU though is telling. I thought it would be PK.
TTech isn't LSU, and I'm not sure how much stock I would put into TCU not covering last week. Tough laying points on the road on THursday but its TCU or nothing for me here.
true revenge off a game they had no business losing last year at home. SMU week 2 makes one question just how good ttech really was week 1. One thing tech really struggled with was Gilbert scrambles in that game and Boykin can do that. tcu gets a little healthier this week ( outside of qb obviously ). Should be a great game.,,,, I prefer the tcu side personally but no way I am fading raiders on a weekday night game in Lubbock.
<header>Alex Apple @AlexAppleDFW
The #TCU mascot has missed the plane flight to Lubbock. Can anyone give him a ride?...seriously.

How much does it matter if Pachall isn't playing? I don't see it as a big deal.

TCU being flat and underwhelming for SE La isn't all that surprising is it off the LSU loss? Nobody is going to take their halftime 17-14 score as all that indicative of who the Frogs are I don't think.

I took SMU against TT in week 1 and was more disappointed with SMU than I was impressed with TT in that one.

Kind of tough to go against TT in the spot, but I'd lean Frogs.
It's not that they didn't cover. It's that they were running 3rd and 9s all first half. Allowing long drives by SeL.
tx what's happening I took TEXAS TECH to but I forgot that he is a Freshmen QB. I hate betting my money on a true Freshmen. I know about johnny football but a guy like that comes around once a long while BOL
The game is very intriguing. TT will be out of some sorts as they are up against a d with playmakers that will often overmatch them. I trust Patterson but respect home crowd. I see TCU winning by field goal and falling just under number.
I can see ways Tech can win this game, but I just don't think the number is high enough. Like dilaudid8, I hate betting on a true freshman QB plus a new head coach in only his third game. I may play the total.

By the way, Johnny Football was not a true freshman. He had a year to mature and practice as a redshirt.