*** Super Bowl LII Discussion ***

Frank Costanza

Co-Inventor of the Man's Bra
For starters, Brady is supposed to get his stitches out on Wednesday.

Helluva contribution to start the thread. I'm guessing things will ramp up....
Eagles have to blow out the pats to win.

Brady is too good in 4 Th quarters the past 5 seasons.

The guy is too clutch
part deux....minus Terrell, Fat Andy and McNabb....like the matchup, glad to see iggles instead of Skol boys

Nick the quick biggest SB dogs since '09 Cards

Gronk on concussion protocol but he'll have his dunkin donuts IV drip goin early so it won't be a factor...both teams should have full compliment of players.

let the hype begin for Tom pretty boy Brady going for 6
So, from late-night reading...

Using Pinny #'s

01/21 8:40pm NWE-7 -105 PHI+7 -105
01/21 8:42pm NWE-6.5 -110 PHI+6.5 -100
01/21 8:44pm NWE-220 PHI+197 NWE-6 -110 PHI+6 -100
01/21 8:46pm NWE-230 PHI+205 NWE-6 -105 PHI+6 -105 47.0 -105 47.0 -105
01/21 8:48pm NWE-238 PHI+212 NWE-6 -101 PHI+6 -109 47.0 -105 47.0 -105
01/21 8:50pm NWE-230 PHI+205 NWE-6 -101 PHI+6 -109 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 8:52pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-6 +103 PHI+6 -114 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 8:54pm NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -110 PHI+5.5 -100 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 8:57pm NWE-220 PHI+197 NWE-5.5 -110 PHI+5.5 -100 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 8:59pm NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -110 PHI+5.5 -100 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 9:01pm NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -109 PHI+5.5 -101 47.5 -100 47.5 -110
01/21 9:04pm NWE-220 PHI+197 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 47.5 -105 47.5 -105
01/21 9:05pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 47.5 -105 47.5 -105
01/21 9:12pm NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 47.5 -105 47.5 -105
01/21 9:22pm NWE-220 PHI+197 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 47.5 -108 47.5 -102
01/21 9:27pm NWE-220 PHI+197 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:30pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -108 PHI+5.5 -102 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:31pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -108 PHI+5.5 -102 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:34pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -110 PHI+5.5 -100 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:35pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -109 PHI+5.5 -101 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:48pm NWE-225 PHI+201 NWE-5.5 -108 PHI+5.5 -102 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/21 9:50pm NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 48.0 -106 48.0 -104
01/22 10:52am NWE-224 PHI+200 NWE-5.5 -105 PHI+5.5 -105 48.0 -104 48.0 -106
i don't like the philly steam. come on public, keep betting the pats. you know you want to. I don't want my birds becoming a trendy pick. gotta keep the underdog status going.
Interesting if Eagles won the Super Bowl, would they make FOLES the starter? What would happen to Carson Wentz?

Because In my opinion if FOLES wins he would have beaten the best team in PRO sports history- So its a huge win if Foles can pull it off.
Recent character, personal faith qbs like Wentz, Foles, Keenum, Tua are gods gifts to coaches, teammates, and franchises.

Eagle fans should be thrilled about these developments. Going to be good for a loooooooong time.
The game is the easiest game ever to analyze---

With Brady it comes down to his 4th quarter possessions--- He will get the ball twice, and in these situations he is basically scoring 14 late points---

Brady has been in 7 superbowls-- He has given his team the lead in all 7 superbowls with less than 2 minutes remaining--

The only losses were to the Giants because the defence couldn't stop ELI--

Vs the JAGS yesterday same thing-- 2 4th quarter possessions and 2 tds--

This BRADY THOMAS guy is just too clutch-- He is more clutch than Jordan Michael ever was--

Brady Thomas is the most clutch athlete ever-- The guy is just almost impossible to beat unless your pass rush can absolutely annihilate the O line--

Which scenario can the Eagles win? Like what score?

How can this man BRADY THOMAS be beaten?

Not much time at work... but...

First off, "clutch", which has been debated ad nauseum, does not exist. Players are put in situations. Each very different. I would not call Brady "clutch" yesterday. Driving 30 yards for the winning TD at home just doesn't seem out of the ordinary in any way.

The Patriots will not win simply because of some voodoo magic. It matters not how many times they have been to this game.

The only game that matters is this one. Other than the QB, TE and in general Special Teams, I do not see an area in which the Pats have a clear cut advantage over the Eagles. I'd like to know how many Patriot defenders would start on this Eagles defense. McCourty and........ Lots of talk about the Patriot run attack. I'll take Ajayi, Blount and Clement.

I think the coaching is a lot closer than will be given credit this week. What kind of scheme does Pederson run (ESPECIALLY with Foles who reminds me a lot of a certain QB for the team I like)? What kind of scheme has had success against the Patriots. The Run-Pass Option. If you think Andy Reid's fingerprints wont be on this gameplan (note, not the clock or lead management), you'd be wrong. KC ran it well, Houston ran it well, Carolina ran it well, Buffalo ran it well in the rematch and Jacksonville did yesterday.

I think the Eagles will score a bunch here.

And another clutch post just popped up..... Go research how many time Jordan and Kobe, etc DIDNT make the last shot, or turned the ball over at the end of a game. The Patriots had very few opportunities to be "clutch this year". And they failed as much as they succeeded. But all we talk about are the wins. The big shots are the ones that are remembered. Hence why Tony Romo was one of the best 4th Quarter comeback QBs this century. But universally regarded as "not clutch"

I gotta work... I'll be around.. I know this is not a popular opinion. There's talent. There's opportunity. There's success and failure. There's no clutch gene. If you are handicapping based on emotions and innate qualities, good luck.
D wow- I know that the Eagles are a brilliant outfit- They have a lot on talent on defence and offence--

Defensively they have a solid pass rush with COX BARNET GRAHAM and LONG-

Secondary is better with DARBY and JERKINS--

Offensively if Agholar and Torrey Smith show up, Eagles will be in a good spot--

I do agree--

However one factor we are overlooking is when the PATS are down they start calling trick plays and going super fast and they seem to make plays--

One of the biggest factors I think is the obvious CHEATING REFS--

Pats on their scoring drive before half got a CHEAP PI call --

Brandin Crooks was never in a position to catch any of the deep balls- He however drew 2 long penaltues-- He did it because BRADY just threw it up and Crooks is so small so he was getting banged around a lot but wasn't in position to make a catch--

The refs seem to be on a mission to give the Pats #6--

IN every game they get the calls-- This can't be overlooked
If Foles is good FOLES, he can ball-- FOLES is a hot and cold guy--

Yesterday he was HOT-- When he is hot he is as good as anybody-
Pats have a tendency to play tight games in super bowls.

I know the past doesent mean anything but just an observation.

They aren’t really blowing good teams out there

Not much time at work... but...

First off, "clutch", which has been debated ad nauseum, does not exist. Players are put in situations. Each very different. I would not call Brady "clutch" yesterday. Driving 30 yards for the winning TD at home just doesn't seem out of the ordinary in any way.

The Patriots will not win simply because of some voodoo magic. It matters not how many times they have been to this game.

The only game that matters is this one. Other than the QB, TE and in general Special Teams, I do not see an area in which the Pats have a clear cut advantage over the Eagles. I'd like to know how many Patriot defenders would start on this Eagles defense. McCourty and........ Lots of talk about the Patriot run attack. I'll take Ajayi, Blount and Clement.

I think the coaching is a lot closer than will be given credit this week. What kind of scheme does Pederson run (ESPECIALLY with Foles who reminds me a lot of a certain QB for the team I like)? What kind of scheme has had success against the Patriots. The Run-Pass Option. If you think Andy Reid's fingerprints wont be on this gameplan (note, not the clock or lead management), you'd be wrong. KC ran it well, Houston ran it well, Carolina ran it well, Buffalo ran it well in the rematch and Jacksonville did yesterday.

I think the Eagles will score a bunch here.

And another clutch post just popped up..... Go research how many time Jordan and Kobe, etc DIDNT make the last shot, or turned the ball over at the end of a game. The Patriots had very few opportunities to be "clutch this year". And they failed as much as they succeeded. But all we talk about are the wins. The big shots are the ones that are remembered. Hence why Tony Romo was one of the best 4th Quarter comeback QBs this century. But universally regarded as "not clutch"

I gotta work... I'll be around.. I know this is not a popular opinion. There's talent. There's opportunity. There's success and failure. There's no clutch gene. If you are handicapping based on emotions and innate qualities, good luck.

Few points Capaholic.

I think an argument could be made that the patriots have a better secondary than the eagles.
McCourty with Gilmore butler and Chung and Rowe is pretty solid.

Also I believe the patriots offensive line is the best in football. They are just to well prepared and they know how to play with brady and give him time to slide in the pocket.

I do agree about Rpo vs the patriots. The thing with the patriots is that they are adjusting at halftime and shutting down opponents in the second half.

In no way is this a dominant team. These patriots sure look beatable. I know you said there is no clutch gene or no clutchness in sports!

But how can you explain brady converting 3rd and 18 vs jags with AMENDOLA and he did same 3 rd and long vs Seattle with Edelman.
3 rd and 18 is supposed to be a stop but brady somehow converts these situations.
Peterson runs good option plays has receivers running pre snap.

His offense can be hard to stop. If the eagles dan execute for 4 qtrs they have a shot. They have talent.

This eagles team is obviously good as is evidenced by the fact they are in the super bowl with Foles.

And they are playing with chip on shoulder with the underdog role.

They are coming in from a phscokogicsl edge as they are the dogs.

But Bellichek will start some bullshit to make the pats the underdogs.

These pats have gotten far too lucky of late. I’m waiting for the time that they don’t get Luck in a major game.
Well if the advantages are a better QB, better TE's, better special teams and begrudgingly better coaching (scratching head) then I guess I'll take that as a Pats fan....If Gronk doesn't get knocked out of the game after one reception then the Pats probably cover and this line opens at 7.5 and never goes below 7 (but I'm just guessing here) These Patriot defenders would make a good case to start on any team never mind the Eagles....Malcolm Brown, Patrick Chung,Trey Flowers, Stephon Gilmore, Devin McCourtney, Kyle Van Noy, James Harrison, Duron Harmon,Alan Branch. All very good at their respective jobs. And they are really young (except Harrison) so their energy level stays up throughout the game.Eagles D has been outstanding against the Falcons (Falcons should have won the game, they had how many tries at the goal line late?) and an anemic Vikings offense. But allowing just 10 and 7 is outstanding regardless of who you are playing. Scoring just 15 against Atlanta has to be a little disconcerting. Eagles run pass option offense isn't a lot different from what the Pats have seen in the past two weeks so they won't get caught like the Vikes did. And Foles is Foles I really don't care what he's done the last two weeks the Pats will be prepared for him. I think this game may offer a good second half wager if the first half is played close or the Pats are behind. They tend to use a lot of foils early in the game, using a host of options but the prime ones sparingly. Gronk is a really good blocker and he enjoys blocking so I expect to see him very vanilla in the beginning of the game. Cooks will be used as a foil route runner to wear down the defense because the guy never gets tired. He probably won't be a pass catching factor but he'll get a lot of attention.Tom will most likely use the hurry up later in the game if needed to further wear the D down. Trust me it works, watch 4th quarter film noting defenses against the Pats in close contests and they are gassed. Lets look at the last 10 games second half scoring, points the Pats have allowed starting from yesterdays game back 10 games 6,7,3,3,17, (Big Ben in a shoot out) 0,7,8,7,6. That's an average of 6.4 allowed in the second half over 10 games and take out the Pitt game and it's 5.2 I believe two reasons for this, the Pats tend to be soft between the 25 yard lines and guard against big plays early in the game and they adjust brilliantly at half time. They have a plan on how they analyze at half time and they utilize it very well, at the super bowl they get like 20 extra minutes to adjust. They work just as hard at halftime as they do the entire game. So the Pats and the under may be good second half wagers. Another unheralded unit on the Pats is the much maligned offensive line and deservedly so, they have had some bad games and Brady has gotten the shit kicked out of him in those games, he must have had a little trouble getting that 40 year old body out of bed on a few Monday mornings this year ha ha. But they are finally healthy for the first time this year and one could make a case that the Jags pass rush is better than the Eagles (I'm not sure, they are both good) and the Jags could not get to Brady. If the Eagles cannot ruffle Brady they will not win this game. And they will have to do it up the middle not from the edges because Brady has such good pocket awareness that he just moves up when he feels the pressure and gains another 1/2 to 1 second. And stop with the luck and the officials, you do not sustain 17 years of excellence because you got lucky or a few calls. I used all the same lines while the Yankees were beating my Red Sox year after year and now I realize that we were getting beat because they were better and smarter.

So onto the game, I will make a 2nd half wager if the game plays out correctly. I will consider the under as I did yesterday but never pulled the trigger and I will consider a tease with Philly and the under if the line somehow gets blown up to 7-7.5 As far as a side goes it's a tough call, if Bellycheck decides to go all vanilla in the early stages of the game and Philly's D gets confident then it could be close. A Philly team total of 20 or more under will be attractive as well as I truly feel that the Pats D is every bit as good as the Eagles and it's Foles, I don't care what anyone says, it's Nick Foles!!!! If one is not adverse to laying juice (I am) then pats ML may be the safest bet on the board. 27-16 Pats would be my guess
Crazy it opened at 7 prior to any game yesterday and dropped below 6. That's some move.

Philly will play like Jacksonville, very similar build and the WHOLE WORLD will be on New England. Enjoy that.
Well if the advantages are a better QB, better TE's, better special teams and begrudgingly better coaching (scratching head) then I guess I'll take that as a Pats fan....If Gronk doesn't get knocked out of the game after one reception then the Pats probably cover and this line opens at 7.5 and never goes below 7 (but I'm just guessing here) These Patriot defenders would make a good case to start on any team never mind the Eagles....Malcolm Brown, Patrick Chung,Trey Flowers, Stephon Gilmore, Devin McCourtney, Kyle Van Noy, James Harrison, Duron Harmon,Alan Branch. All very good at their respective jobs. And they are really young (except Harrison) so their energy level stays up throughout the game.Eagles D has been outstanding against the Falcons (Falcons should have won the game, they had how many tries at the goal line late?) and an anemic Vikings offense. But allowing just 10 and 7 is outstanding regardless of who you are playing. Scoring just 15 against Atlanta has to be a little disconcerting. Eagles run pass option offense isn't a lot different from what the Pats have seen in the past two weeks so they won't get caught like the Vikes did. And Foles is Foles I really don't care what he's done the last two weeks the Pats will be prepared for him. I think this game may offer a good second half wager if the first half is played close or the Pats are behind. They tend to use a lot of foils early in the game, using a host of options but the prime ones sparingly. Gronk is a really good blocker and he enjoys blocking so I expect to see him very vanilla in the beginning of the game. Cooks will be used as a foil route runner to wear down the defense because the guy never gets tired. He probably won't be a pass catching factor but he'll get a lot of attention.Tom will most likely use the hurry up later in the game if needed to further wear the D down. Trust me it works, watch 4th quarter film noting defenses against the Pats in close contests and they are gassed. Lets look at the last 10 games second half scoring, points the Pats have allowed starting from yesterdays game back 10 games 6,7,3,3,17, (Big Ben in a shoot out) 0,7,8,7,6. That's an average of 6.4 allowed in the second half over 10 games and take out the Pitt game and it's 5.2 I believe two reasons for this, the Pats tend to be soft between the 25 yard lines and guard against big plays early in the game and they adjust brilliantly at half time. They have a plan on how they analyze at half time and they utilize it very well, at the super bowl they get like 20 extra minutes to adjust. They work just as hard at halftime as they do the entire game. So the Pats and the under may be good second half wagers. Another unheralded unit on the Pats is the much maligned offensive line and deservedly so, they have had some bad games and Brady has gotten the shit kicked out of him in those games, he must have had a little trouble getting that 40 year old body out of bed on a few Monday mornings this year ha ha. But they are finally healthy for the first time this year and one could make a case that the Jags pass rush is better than the Eagles (I'm not sure, they are both good) and the Jags could not get to Brady. If the Eagles cannot ruffle Brady they will not win this game. And they will have to do it up the middle not from the edges because Brady has such good pocket awareness that he just moves up when he feels the pressure and gains another 1/2 to 1 second. And stop with the luck and the officials, you do not sustain 17 years of excellence because you got lucky or a few calls. I used all the same lines while the Yankees were beating my Red Sox year after year and now I realize that we were getting beat because they were better and smarter.

So onto the game, I will make a 2nd half wager if the game plays out correctly. I will consider the under as I did yesterday but never pulled the trigger and I will consider a tease with Philly and the under if the line somehow gets blown up to 7-7.5 As far as a side goes it's a tough call, if Bellycheck decides to go all vanilla in the early stages of the game and Philly's D gets confident then it could be close. A Philly team total of 20 or more under will be attractive as well as I truly feel that the Pats D is every bit as good as the Eagles and it's Foles, I don't care what anyone says, it's Nick Foles!!!! If one is not adverse to laying juice (I am) then pats ML may be the safest bet on the board. 27-16 Pats would be my guess

You forgot about Elandon Roberts. He’s better than anyone on the Philly roster. A playmaker.

Great post. Pats play a system where they allow you success early. The play caller gets in a rhythm. He thinks he can do it all game vs pats.

Then at halftime pats draw up all the plays the opponents are using and they stop those plays.

With the jags they didn’t blitz at all and THEY PURPOSELY GAVE BORTLES FOR EVER TO THROW.

second half the jags thought they could do the same plan. Pats just blitzed them abd took them right out of rhythm.

Fournette did nothing as pats knew all their play calls.

It seems that no one on this site recognizes the patriots brilliance? They actually believe other teams are on their level?

There is no other teams who are like the patriots. Brady has gotten to the point where he knows exactly who will get open vs any defense.
The throw to AMENDOLA fir the winning td only brady makes that throw.

I personally believe that Brady is the best athlete of all time. I believe we are watching the best guy in all sports combined.

This guy is just too smart and good. I fail to see how the eagles can win unless they themselves score 31+.
Remember Brady just beat the best pass defense with no Edelman and Gronk.

He did it with Brandin Crooks and Anendola.

If he can do it with crooks and Amendola then the rest of the nfl better take notice.

I think there is a real chance that brady wins 8 Super Bowls.
He will win #6 this year.
Next year is a wrap with Edelman and Hightower back.#7.
Wouldn’t be shocked to see brady get to 10 Super Bowls. He will also win a super bowl past 45 years old.

I think we will see a 3 peat by the patriots and possibly a four peat.
In all reality if pats didn’t lose to Denver they would be going for their fourth straight titles.
Gonna be worst SB ever.
Not even going to watch.
If the league can't figure out how to stop a midget and a brute, with so many years of seeing it, the league is dead.

I'm not taking anything away from the players, but I'd put some hockey thugs in and rough someone up. Starting with the QB.
Gonna be worst SB ever.
Not even going to watch.
If the league can't figure out how to stop a midget and a brute, with so many years of seeing it, the league is dead.

I'm not taking anything away from the players, but I'd put some hockey thugs in and rough someone up. Starting with the QB.

Exactly my nan! The league is dead.

Do any other coaches watch film? Do they know about football?

To get constantly out coached and beaten by the same pass routes year after year signifies the league is weak.
But the pats have evolved while the league sucks.

There is no other team in the AFC to challenge the patriots for the next 5 seasons.

The NFC also doesent have any up and coming teams that are smarter than the patriots.
I did forget about Roberts, good catch, he kinda floats in and out of the game so I do forget about him but he is athletic. That was a fabulous catch by Amendola, he is clutch and even though Cap tends to downplay "clutch" it does seem that some athletes don't get rattled and some do, I think it's a concentration thing.. Bellycheck and Pretty Boy definitely don't get rattled and they don't cry when they lose, they just say "We have to get better"
This is brutal have fun...I'd just go to see Minneapolis in February. Fuck the game.
I did forget about Roberts, good catch, he kinda floats in and out of the game so I do forget about him but he is athletic. That was a fabulous catch by Amendola, he is clutch and even though Cap tends to downplay "clutch" it does seem that some athletes don't get rattled and some do, I think it's a concentration thing.. Bellycheck and Pretty Boy definitely don't get rattled and they don't cry when they lose, they just say "We have to get better"

AMENDOLA is very clutch. Yes Brady is on a different level. His focus is too intense.
He is like a warrior.

I think most nfl players are weak mentally!
Matt Ryan bortles mariotta russel Wilson all weak mentally.

Brady is the best ever. There will never be a guy this good in the nfl.

The entire patriots team and training staff is clutch.

They are so clutch it’s craxy.

As I stated 7 Super Bowls. Brady has given his team the lead in all 7 Super Bowls with less than 2 minutes in the game?

Perfection? Hard to beat a guy that good.

To give an idea how good

Imagine a baseball player who comes to bat in the World Series with runners on and is perfect at driving them in? Sounds insane.

But brady is that good.

I feel he could still win it even without the Gronk
Patriots edge is their understanding of situational football and adjusting the game plan based on same. While the halftime adjustments didn't produce immediate results, they really stepped it up when they realized that the Jags O was getting more conservative in the 2nd half and the Pats countered by getting their D more aggressive, using run blitzes to shut down Lenny and force Jax to operate from behind the sticks.

On offense they had a basic game plan: 1) throw to the WR being covered by a LB, 2) if no WRs are being covered by a LB, dump it to the outlet back, 3) when Cooks was singled up on Bouye, take your shots, 4) bring out the trick plays to try to generate chunk yards, 5) in the red zone, pick up the tempo. It was fascinating to watch.
You said the league is passing away

A couple of your buddies kids playing soccer, or even more nationally, doesn't mean the league is dying