**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

I don't know if there's a championship contender in the East but the division itself will be great entertainment.
anything that gets him to tv quicker

Romo has the highest upside of any current guy for that

I would put him ahead of the sheriff
<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">TRUCKED! <a href="https://t.co/R4mAyuBQPV">pic.twitter.com/R4mAyuBQPV</a></p>&mdash; Isaac (@WorldofIsaac) <a href="https://twitter.com/WorldofIsaac/status/780216180367818752">September 26, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Did anyone catch the Big Ben / wentz comparisons today when they were drafted. Height weight etc. they were almost identical
You can order this frozen to your house. Our friends are from the south side and get it a couple times a year.
i may have to try this soon. My wife is from NY and I wonder if I could ship a pizza from there? She ALWAYS complains that there is no good pies made in the south
I went to Gino's East (or is it Gio's East) for deep dish on Labor Day and then Gibson's for steak the next night. both were excellent.
I don't like steak but at least have given several cuts a try. NY Strip was horrible, ribeye just ok for me. Filet is still solid.

Anything over medium rare and I want to throw it into the parking lot
I'm sure this will be a surprise to everyone, but I am 0-3 in fantasy today. Including a loss to a deadbeat who didn;t pay and had his team frozen
Do all leagues anymore require a full team to be started?

Somewhere around 2000 one guy in my league sat his entire team except the defense for "disciplinary purposes" one week and it ended up costing me the title