**************Super Bowl Ingame***************

Curious for your guys thoughts on this...would you accept the penalty and go 1st and 20 or take that loss of yards for 2nd and 15?
lol i'm thinking after the Eli debacle last year, there is no way the Giants would throw the ball the rest of the game with a lead
I haven't seen the entire game, but NYG has made a mistake - Dallas will get fg to win now. Fkg Giants
Ya kno...crazy thinking here BUT on 3rd and 12 I would consider running play action pass with the understanding if there's nothing there, my QB takes a sack. One of those where with 12 yards to go, the odds of getting a bunch against a run blitz defense usually aren't good. A sack i'd lose about 5 yards. Both ways I keep the clock running.

lol then again, that's why i've never coached football in my life
Bad snap...in any case, punters need to practice hitting 18-20 yd punts

Here comes Bailey Fg