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Wonder how many people are watching this considering the league is in full out tank mode between being a bad product, having way too many bad teams, and of course the pathetic protests.
Wonder how many people are watching this considering the league is in full out tank mode between being a bad product, having way too many bad teams, and of course the pathetic protests.

I was kinda looking forward to watching games at a bar today and now know it's gonna be a bunch of pathetic political shit, day ruined
Honestly my family and friends that are fed up with the league have never said one word about protests being a deterrent. It is the bad product on the field. The downtime in games. The officiating. Many other things. I do think any protests are actually driving away viewers.
Yeah I'm ready to give up on it myself. Its the nonsensical rules and officiating these days. If you liked defense, forget it. You can't even cheer for a defensive play without waiting to see if theres been a flag thrown. Its killed the game.
I was kinda looking forward to watching games at a bar today and now know it's gonna be a bunch of pathetic political shit, day ruined

I just hope the league feels the burn for taking the wrong stance. My 9ers are ruined.
It's so bad I can't even stand fantasy football at all and the only league I'm in is pricy. But I'd rather just not care...the sport itself is lifeless so much and kinda sad with where it was. The product is poor and we're a superstar driven society these days and the NFL doesn't really promote that at all. Grats to the NBA, never figured I'd ever think that way
Honestly my family and friends that are fed up with the league have never said one word about protests being a deterrent. It is the bad product on the field. The downtime in games. The officiating. Many other things. I do think any protests are actually driving away viewers.

It’s a blue collar fan base and always has been. Even a 1% drop in ratings due to the protest is huge. Then you throw in the bad product and the sketchy fixed shit (pushing LA Rams down our throats) and it’s easy to see the beginning of the end. CTE, Brady retirement, protest, poor quality of talent, etc.
Yea true I guess if it is driving away anyone then it's still a problem for them but if we were to rank what is making people stop watching I would say the protests are not near the top.
Only way to read anything is how the big sponsors react. That's pretty much it in a nutshell...people will still watch. Compare season tickets for an 8-game season on Sundays to any other sport, average joe will always buy that. So will wealthy people of course.
Btw it's not pushing people away

More people than ever watched the NFL last year, they just watched it a bit less

That wasn'ther drop in ratings

Time not total viewers
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Thursday night football being up in ratings is the sign to me that people on the news and CNN less

Jayhawk 100% agree

It's always the smaller group in these that are the loudest

The 200 people that won't watch the NFL because kaep took a knee, or the 150 now watching because he hasn't been signed make more noise than the 25 million who watch
I am not watching because of the protests. Fuck them... and by them I mean the owners and league much more than the players doing the protesting.

See, I have no problem with players who hate what the American flag stands for. I think they are idiots but I don't hate them. What I do hate is the pussy owners and pussy Goodell letting them do it while they are on the clock, knowing it is hurting their brand, because they are scared of being called racists. I hate that I want to tune into sports and get away from politics. It was something I could do with family and friends and we would just have a good time. Now, I have to dodge political arguments with the same people I used to enjoy watching with. It's stupid.

Fuck the league. Fuck the owners. Fuck the coaches. And fuck the players.
While I liked your post and obviously we're political opposites...not really interested in all the politics that are gonna be everywhere today. Fucking blows and I already know what to expect at my normal, usual watering hole where I watch games. I can spend time with and enjoy virtually anyone.

But the argument can be made the only reason players are on the clock is because without them there is no clock, as is also the case with owners.
My only argument is get rid of Thursday night football but that probably won't happen

I would too as it stands

I do think some people's argument that they want to do it for health reasons is a bit weird, no one ever had an issue with Thanksgiving

I just think they should add a bye, make it an 18 week season and everyone who plays Thursday gets a bye the week prior
While I liked your post and obviously we're political opposites...not really interested in all the politics that are gonna be everywhere today. Fucking blows and I already know what to expect at my normal, usual watering hole where I watch games. I can spend time with and enjoy virtually anyone.

But the argument can be made the only reason players are on the clock is because without them there is no clock, as is also the case with owners.
Assuming you cannot find less talented replacements, yes. In other words, I disagree. But I don't want to be the asshole who ruins an nfl thread by getting too political while whining about them being too political and debating that point with you. I will let those of you who want to enjoy the games do that and bail from the thread. I only brought it up because the NFL did first and it was the discussion in the thread.
Have a nice parlay of JagsML/O38.5. Anyone think I should try for the small middle and take 2H U19? Just don't know if Baltimore is going to score
Also I assume that 90% of the new players taking a knee today are doing it in solidarity as a league where the president called for them to be fired and called the mother's of their players who already did it bitches
And I am a huge lifetime raider fan .. as in, it is the one team my whole life that i lived and died with whether they won or lost. Longer than some viewers of this thread have been on planet earth. I have waited a long time for the team we have now and want to watch them. I just can't until the league makes it stop.
Have a nice parlay of JagsML/O38.5. Anyone think I should try for the small middle and take 2H U19? Just don't know if Baltimore is going to score

I agree that the Ravens may not score and that is my AFC super bowl team
Have a nice parlay of JagsML/O38.5. Anyone think I should try for the small middle and take 2H U19? Just don't know if Baltimore is going to score

Can you live bet?

My worry would be jags go prevent early and Baltimore gets a garbage 10 points when the game doesn't matter
Also I assume that 90% of the new players taking a knee today are doing it in solidarity as a league where the president called for them to be fired and called the mother's of their players who already did it bitches

Good for the goose, good for the gander. Not sure he should be blaming their parents. But if you are President and a major piece of popular culture starts calling your country's flag a representation of oppression, I think you should say something, even if not as crude as what Trump does.
Can't stand these players who use this sport as a platform for their divisive politics.

Morgan Freeman once said that the best way to make racism go away is to stop talking about it

Btw, I hope cops both black and white start protesting the unfair treatment that they receive from media and players...people pretend that Dallas was an isolated incident
There is still racism out there. There are still people being treated unfairly because of the color of their skin. It's sick.

There are also some inequities in our justice system based on race. We need to fix them.

Taking a knee to protest the flag of a country that has done more to fight oppression at home and abroad than any other country on Earth (in the entire history of planet earth) is just stupid though. Find a better way. I am on your side, if I understand the protest correctly and not sure I even know what they are protesting, but I can't get on board when it is approached with such a moronic starting position.
Fournette is so good

Not getting the hype of hunt or cook because he's not as flashy or a big play guy

But he reminds me of Marshawn a big, just runs in to guys and adds an extra fee yards every time

Like John Gruden said once that always stuck with me, he just wants his RB to get 3-4 yards doesnt need 10+, but he wants to trust him to get that 3 every time
Falling forward, gaining that extra is so important to me, as is the defender that can't stop you from falling forward

Those yards tend to matter
I think Fournette's ypc coming into today was like 3.6? And people were already saying how good he is. I don't get the hype yet and i won't buy into it just because the ravens are putting forth such a weak effort...i mean ffs even bortles is shredding them lol
Hadn't seen this haha, Lewis looks like a groom up to his wedding who stayed out all night before
