Sunday Night Round Table 08/16/15 - Futures & Week 1 Discussion

hello, dont worry i be here long lol
here is a question
what keeps the A&M zona state game under? its 66.5 right now
i really like the ASU QB.
Both QB's in that game are studs but 66' is a big number. You looking at a 38-35 type game DD?

Anyone have any specific thoughts on how the U is going to do this year? Understand a lot of the problem kids are out of the program and they actually have some leadership from within the ranks.
I think pace is going to be correct for an over in that game. However, I am a fairly big believer in an improved ASU defense.
Stud may be a stretch but he has a good arm and knows the offense...he isn't an issue in my opinion
Lol dickedunn
Berco handled himself well when he played last season
Got a full off season knowing he is the man. I see big things from him.
Plus a&m defense stinks
The question should be, how is A&Microsoft picking up the Chevis defense. He had relative success in season openers against Oregon. They have recruited well and have a superstar in the making at DE.
Im out but let me leave u with this...
PSU hackenberg is way over rated
[TABLE="class: player-home, width: 679"]
<caption style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto; box-sizing: border-box; caption-side: top; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16.3799991607666px;">Passing</caption><tbody style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; box-sizing: border-box;">[TR]
[TH="class: g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]G[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-att, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Att[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-comp, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Comp[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-pct, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Pct.[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-yard, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Yards[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-yard-att, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Yards/Att[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-td, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]TD[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-int, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Int[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-rating, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Rating[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-att-g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Att/G[/TH]
[TH="class: pass-yard-g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Yards/G[/TH]
[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]186[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]115[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]61.8[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1445[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]7.8[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]4[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]144.08[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]15.5[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]120.4[/TD]

[TABLE="class: player-home, width: 679"]
<caption style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px auto; box-sizing: border-box; caption-side: top; font-weight: bold; font-size: 16.3799991607666px;">Rushing</caption><tbody style="padding: 0px; margin: 0px; box-sizing: border-box;">[TR]
[TH="class: g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]G[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-att, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Att[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-yard, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Yards[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-avg, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Avg.[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-td, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]TD[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-att-g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Att/G[/TH]
[TH="class: rush-yard-g, bgcolor: #616161, align: center"]Yards/G[/TH]
[TD="align: center"]12[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]26[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]16[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]0.62[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]0[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]2.17[/TD]
[TD="align: center"]1.33[/TD]
Small sample .. and could be from guys breaking short passes but the 12-4 ratio is decent and the 7.8 yards per attempt, if he did it for a full season, would put the team around 35th in passing in that category.

Stats aren't everything and with a small sample they mean even less .. and I haven't looked at who the competition was.
Both QB's in that game are studs but 66' is a big number. You looking at a 38-35 type game DD?

Anyone have any specific thoughts on how the U is going to do this year? Understand a lot of the problem kids are out of the program and they actually have some leadership from within the ranks.

Looking back that hire there seems to not fit
I mean .. it fits as far as fixing the culture ... but I am not so sure that one of the appeals of playing there was the whole bad boy thing ... sometimes the kids with the swagger and a little edge are what you need on a football field. I think the QB will work out ok for Miami FL.
Looking back that hire there seems to not fit

Not a fan of Golden but I think their issues extend beyond coaching. There's just a total lack of investment in the program by school admin who I believe desperately wants to shed their previously held image. The facilities stink, the fans stink and the stadium is far away from campus.

It's amazing to watch teams like Bama and OSU pluck superstars right out of the U's backyard. Never would've happened back in the day.
Thanks guys, agree not what it once was. Used to be that the put up a fence in South Florida and got all the kids they needed from within a few miles of campus.

Especially good thoughts about the lack of buy in from the administration.
Bercovici seems like he can be a very competent qb.

I remember he subbed in against Colorado last year when Kelly went down with an injury. Bercovici threw a bunch of ducks into the ground and cost me an easy cover. Dude was terrible. I faded him the next game at UCLA thinking he was the worst qb on the planet but actually played halfway decent. From then on he he continued to improve that he showed some promise as a passer along with above average athleticism. He'll be ok. My biggest question mark with ASU is always defense. I know they have a lot returning this year on that side of the ball but we'll see.
Clown had TCU -14 as a 'talk me off lean'.

Anyone willing to take a stab at talking him off of it?

-14 looks kinda trap-ish. TCU's end of year performance plus returning their entire offense isn't exactly a secret.

TCU loses a lot defensively but with Minnesota's core offensive group gone I'm not sure how much they'll be able to make TCU pay. Minny kept it relatively close against Mizzou in last year's bowl game but the talent discrepancy was apparent. Don't see it being any easier vs TCU.
Not a huge trend guy but Horned Frogs are 2-8 as away chalk the last 4 years; they seem to underachieve on the scoreboard quite a bit (despite statistical edges) when playing on the road as favorites. Certainly shouldn't have to be afraid of a flat spot in week 1 esp w/SFA on deck. I agree 14 is tempting and is the only play I could make here.
With Baylor and TCU up against the same disadvantage this year in terms of entrance into the playoffs...have to think they'll be looking to score style points at every opportunity.
No argument...I would have thought it when they played in Lawrence LY as well; but yes, you're right...they've had an offseason to digest this pill now and should seemingly come out ready to roll. Flip side is this program has never been this highly acclaimed heading into a season and are dealing with a fair amount of pressure I would think. Like I said, TCU or nothing and it'll likely be nothing.

I have run a couple errands...will check back in a bit to see how things are going.
Early takeaways from LSU camp if anyone is interested:

Harris is going to be the QB and while they will still lean heavily on the ground game they will probably spread the field more to take advantage of what he brings to the table. Fournette and freshman Guice behind what appears to be a good o-line could be tough to deal with if they decide not to play in a phone booth.

Depth in the front 7 may be an issue on defense, especially in that tough November stretch. It should be a solid unit if they stay healthy. Godchaux at DT, Beckwith at MLB, and Adams at S should have big years. They really can't afford to lose Beckwith. If someone steps up at DE as a playmaker it could make a huge difference, but there isn't a lot of experience there.
hello, dont worry i be here long lol
here is a question
what keeps the A&M zona state game under? its 66.5 right now
i really like the ASU QB.

ASU improved defense, could be top 30 this year
A&M adds Chavis as DC and has talent to work with

but pace will be high
Not a fan of Golden but I think their issues extend beyond coaching. There's just a total lack of investment in the program by school admin who I believe desperately wants to shed their previously held image. The facilities stink, the fans stink and the stadium is far away from campus.

It's amazing to watch teams like Bama and OSU pluck superstars right out of the U's backyard. Never would've happened back in the day.

This happens across the board now for the big boys...maybeeeee a certain high school will stay 100 with a college or coach, but it seems to be dirty these days
Sorry I missed but was in a wedding in Charleston this weekend and had a hell of a hungover drive back to a wife and kid I hadn't seen in a week
This happens across the board now for the big boys...maybeeeee a certain high school will stay 100 with a college or coach, but it seems to be dirty these days

Right, I wasn't trying to imply that they would all go to the U...but if not the U then usually they'd go to one of the in-state big 3.

Was much, much tougher for OOS schools to get guys like Amari Cooper and Joey Bosa out of Dade County than it is now.
In regards to TCU .. there are a lot of factors in play that are hard to guage.

1. TCU snubbed in favor of a BigTen school so they may want to prove a point beyond just the normal
2. They are really good friends so that could play into not running it up if the opportunity appears

3. TCU statistically and otherwise dominated the game last year more than the final score would indicate. 427-268 last year and won by 30-7 final. It was TCU's season low scoring output.
4. TCU underachieved on the road last year. I know from personal experience that Patterson has struggled covering as road chalk, 3-8 last 11. The road woes are the biggest concern for TCU money.
5. While TCU will be really good defensively eventually this year, I am not sure that is the case week 1 out of the gate.
6. They played last year so it isn't like the two teams are unfamiliar with eachother and what they do. This is a big advantage for dogs in conference play and it could apply here to a lesser degree.
7. There is a huge disparity between QB's. Not just that Boykin is much better than Leidner but he is a much better fit in the TCU offense than Leidner is in the Minnesota offense.
8. TCU offense ended the year firing on all cylinders and with all back, I have to think they outperform last years output against Minnesota.
9. Figuring out who controls pace is a factor. Minnesota one of the fifteen slowest paced teams last year, TCU one of the 30 fastest paced teams last year.

It is a hard game to figure out.
Clown had TCU -14 as a 'talk me off lean'.

Anyone willing to take a stab at talking him off of it?

-14 looks kinda trap-ish. TCU's end of year performance plus returning their entire offense isn't exactly a secret.

TCU loses a lot defensively but with Minnesota's core offensive group gone I'm not sure how much they'll be able to make TCU pay. Minny kept it relatively close against Mizzou in last year's bowl game but the talent discrepancy was apparent. Don't see it being any easier vs TCU.

Has to be TCU or nothing.

Cobb is a huge loss for Minny.

TCU has the edge everywhere except special teams and home field.

I don't see how Minny offense can keep up
The other thing that would concern me if I liked Minnesota is Patterson history against the run. That is what Minnesota likes to do and it is very tough, historically, to run for a ton of success against TCU ... he likes to take that away first.

Now, they lost White who I think was a pretty damn good DB who they often let play an island last year ... don't think they can do that week 1 generally but are they really going to get hurt by Leidner passing to those bums on the outside? They lose almost all of their catches year over year.
Early takeaways from LSU camp if anyone is interested:

Harris is going to be the QB and while they will still lean heavily on the ground game they will probably spread the field more to take advantage of what he brings to the table. Fournette and freshman Guice behind what appears to be a good o-line could be tough to deal with if they decide not to play in a phone booth.

Depth in the front 7 may be an issue on defense, especially in that tough November stretch. It should be a solid unit if they stay healthy. Godchaux at DT, Beckwith at MLB, and Adams at S should have big years. They really can't afford to lose Beckwith. If someone steps up at DE as a playmaker it could make a huge difference, but there isn't a lot of experience there.

I am sure you hear like I do that Arden Key is Superman...Isiah W too...

Jamal A is set to be the best player on the team and yes LB is weak after 1st rd pick Ken B....

I think LSU is a sleeper this homer.

I heard Guice was nice today too...
Right, I wasn't trying to imply that they would all go to the U...but if not the U then usually they'd go to one of the in-state big 3.

Was much, much tougher for OOS schools to get guys like Amari Cooper and Joey Bosa out of Dade County than it is now.
In regards to TCU .. there are a lot of factors in play that are hard to guage.

2. They are really good friends so that could play into not running it up if the opportunity appears

9. Figuring out who controls pace is a factor. Minnesota one of the fifteen slowest paced teams last year, TCU one of the 30 fastest paced teams last year.

Interesting in regards to the coaching relationship. Definitely something to keep in mind.

My guess is that losing Cobb, the TE and 2 of their better OL should have some impact on Minnesota's pace.
Interesting in regards to the coaching relationship. Definitely something to keep in mind.

My guess is that losing Cobb, the TE and 2 of their better OL should have some impact on Minnesota's pace.

That is the thing ... and it isn't like they can pick up the rushing numbers via their QB .. which is usually supposed to be there in a Kill system
Minny does well when they have the coaching edge to overcome the talert discrepancy...see the last two games vs nebraska. Here, they don't and they're at a pretty large talent deficit to overcome.