ADDED WISKY -5.5 104

Tight card this week as I am not seeing a ton that I like. Most of my early jumps went against me in terms of movement but oh well, can't worry about that now.

In this one, I think Wisky is gonna exploit the #115 ranked Purdue defense all day as they are really showing a nice balanced attack with the rejuvenated rushing game complimenting Stocco's passing really well right now. Purdue can pass so they will get some points, but Wisky should be too much for them to handle, so only laying 5.5 is worth a shot here as far as I am concerned, even though it is on the road.

Still waiting for the MSU line to drop so I can get it at 6 110 or something around there. S. Carolina is now 3 112 so gonna see if that one drops back down to 105 before I decide on that one, although I have to admit Vandy scares me a bit with the confident way they have been playing as of late. Like Western Michigan, but not sure if that line will come back down as the juice continues to rise. May have missed my chance there, but we'll see what happens in terms of movement.

Let me know if there are others I am missing. Don't see much I like at all in week 8 outside of the 4 I have locked in, and the couple others I have pointed out above.
South Carolina is good for at least 7 against Vandy. Call me crazy, but I jumped it for 2 units and bought it up to -4.5 +121.
Space - That one is a tough one for me as I like the fact that Spurrier owns Vandy, but something about Vandy's scrappiness is making me shy away a bit as I see this one coming down to a FG somehow. Just not sure yet on this one.

Also looking at CSU getting 4.5 at Wyoming. CSU could win this one SU but looking at the points right now as this is a pretty even matchup in my opinion.
Yeah, part of it is Spurrier. Vandy has indeed been scrappy this year. I just think Ole Shiny Pants will have USC more than ready and Vandy will be hungover. And Nashville means nothing in terms of advantage.
Ripped71 said:
Anthony Reddick, Brandon Meriweather, James Bryant, Derrick Morse, Chris Barney, Charlie Jones, Carlos Armour and Bruce Johnson.

Four more today.

Brian Monroe, P
Randy Phillips, CB
DajLeon Farr, TE
Tyrone Byrd, OT

Looks like Miami's sick ass secondary has been ripped to shreds by this incident. 2 safeties and 3 corners...geez.

fucking idiots.

abcs, 10 was not accurate... it was more 17-20 before oregon went conservative and then pulled starters on defense... it was a 30-13 at best for ucla... nd has alot more to prove here than oregon did... and nd just had the week off... i expect this to get ugly... 12.5 is low, this will be 14.5 by kickoff i think
I agree with Inspekdah, ND has to come out firing make up some space in the polls. A week off for Weis should work out in ND favor, I do not see them coming out flat at home..I think they put more points on the board than Oregon did as well.

Regarding So Carolina,

I agree with all of you guys. I like So Carolina here and not because I go there. I think Vandy beating UGA helps So Carolina. This is no walk in the park, but I think So Carolina is good for a 7-10point win in this game.
Thats a shame about jones he was starting to play well.. Who was the player who was quoted afterwards as saying meet me in the tunnel and we can finish it. Kenny Phillips is a stud for the u.. He will be just as if not better than ed reed and sean taylor
Here's my final card for anyone who is interested. Didn't wanna clog things up with a new thread so just gonna post em here.

ND -12.5 (111)
Texas -6.5 (ugh 119)
LSU/Fresno Over 48 (105)
Wisky -5.5 (104)
UVA -5.5 (114)
MSU -6 (114)
CSU +4.5 (109)
A&M ML +116
Figured I would post a write up for this one since I am going against my own team here.

UVA -5.5

Of course it pains me to go against my Heels, especially in a televised Thursday night game on ESPN, but the Larry Edwards injury sealed it for me as UVA seems to have discovered a newfound running game, so with Edwards out, UNC is gonna have a tough time keeping the Cavs from getting at least 150 on the ground in this one.

UNC is 0-7 the last 7 in Charlottesville and I don't see things changing this week, as Sexton is a turnover machine and the Heels are playing really undisciplined ball with all sorts of penalties killing off drives at the most inopportune times. The Heels are 0-5 ATS and are giving up almost 40 a game on the road with a -2 turnover differential on top of that. I bleed Tarheel Blue, but gotta go with my head and not my heart in this one.

Bunting's days are numbered in Chapel Hill as the alumni and boosters are not happy. The fans know it, the players know it, and the coach knows it. The only coach in more hot water these days is probably good ol John L out in Lansing. This loss will be just another nail in the proverbial coffin for Bunting at this point as there were high expectations in Chapel Hill and people are not happy.