Sunday Discussion Thread

I would not pay Alonso, you wanna strike out with runners on 3ed swinging for fence do it for a losing team!!

Holy shit tigers scored
Crochet out the game. They didn’t even leave him when he best option for punch out? 65 pitches woulda killed him? I’m happy but t nothing they doing helping this kid be a future ace
fkin keller all that talent and he dont know how to use it. damn shame

It cause he stayed with pirates. I been dying for cards to try and get him for years., look at all awesome pitchers who never blossomed until getting away from that shit show in pit, they ruin young pitchers, want them all to throw the sinker/2seamer down and pitch to ground balls, that often works to help
A older guy but these young bucks w legit stuff don’t need their highest rate if pitches being pitches meant to get contact! Put Keller on Sam fran or rays and he a top line number 2 at worst!! It’s just a good thing skenes was a finished product so that can’t ruin him, I worry bout jones tho. This is the equivalent of what cards do to young position players they ruin them as hitters with their stupid belief in film! Do this when you board sometime, put together a list of former pirate pitchers that turned into aces after leaving, cards outfielders all over league. You be amazed, it’s crazy how stupid ppl keep jobs!!! Watch out for this young buck Bido pitching for A’s now. They got him off his dog shit sinker and got him throwing more his pitches that actually get swinging strikes!! What a crazy idea!!! He little older at 27 but think he came late off banana boat, he has legit stiff just had to get away from pirates who insisted he throw his only pitch hitters tee off on!!!
Cortes making me eat my words. Cards are destroying him.

Yanks got over Ff so I’m not mad at ya! Lol

Look what ragsns and Kikuchi did to me yesterday! Then strips kill him in 6th!! Just cause it looks bad don’t mean it was a bad play, you just caught one the flukey ass times! Always will happen in this sport, if you capped him to shut them down I’d be willing to bet you’re right at least 64-70 of next 100, prob more like 90 cause I think I get Cortes right bout 10% the time!!

Yordan and Linder have bombs, rooker has 1 hit. It be a shame he hit hr and I only got the h,r,rbi props, but already profit w Yordan being plus so he made the hitter prop RR and dog RR!!
Hopefully that long inning cease been sitting has him come out with a 4 pitch walk! Wrong part the order for it but never know.
I don’t think they gonna let Spence come out in 6th unless he looks really good in 5th cause it be middle order in 6th
Realky wish A’s would gst the leadoff guys on one more time so they can leave rhem stranded in 5th also!
Hey @peelpub94 Eflin cashed his k’s in 3rd, what inning Meyers get? Just saying!! Lmao. We shoooda put together in RR with miller. He only Seattle pitcher I trusted this weekend to mow down laa
You were on the right side of oak game. 2 on every inning

Yes early in innings too. It’s baseball bro, right plays lose all the time. Wrong plays win all the time, that why it pretty crazy when go on one my 2-3 week smoke show runs cause typically there gonna be bad beats. My goals is all my bets ti be the right ones! Lots of ways to judge that. I still believe the Ff over in game 3 kc/hou was correct play even tho both pitchers dominated for 5 innings. That was a run lower than the Ff unders we were playing at beginning the series, obviously those guys might not have the raw stuff of Ragans and Kikuchi but they have proven track records and got jobs done. Ragams just got blown up 1 inning to late, I’d make the bet 1000 more times and that really the goal with baseball, you looking at things wrong if wins and losses your biggest focus, ultimately yes we need to be winning more but if we always playing prices that are lower than you believe the actual hit rate to be and you can manage your bankroll, shake off losses this sport is great to make money at!
Mets fucking did it,, it 20+ years of betting baseball I bet that the 1st time I ever bet and won 3 straight bigger favs -1.5!!!!! Anything over -150 I consider kinda big fav also!
Mets fucking did it,, it 20+ years of betting baseball I bet that the 1st time I ever bet and won 3 straight bigger favs -1.5!!!!! Anything over -150 I consider kinda big fav also!
Hey i‘m trying to lose every cent I own, can I please be your bookie?
Hey i‘m trying to lose every cent I own, can I please be your bookie?

Not so humble brag., I never been able to keep a local during baseball or ncaa hoops. They didn’t mind calling me for nfl tho, lol. They always would start saying same likes as whatever book, then they start saying no 2nd half cause I’m calling in so many ncaa bets. Always more rules. So then I just free roll them win as much a could, if it went bad told them fuck off or they know where I live same as I know their ppl ! Only ever had one real local I had eviugh respect for not to jack, half cause he was more connected than most, half cause he was good dude, 1st year I bet with him 1st year I but like what I consider serious money and was doing 3-4 team RRs at 1st for 120’but I was smashing so much I got up si much he started asking to make payments to me, which was totally cool so I raised the RRs to 4 team in 2s at 300 each, 1800 in bets, I was hitting all 4 in at least one and then 3 of 4 in others every week. Hit him for like 30-50k (who keeps track) he was having me call early and betting my plays. Next year I quit my other hustles, studies preseason, within a month I was down 20k to him and didn’t have it! Lmao. Had to stop for min and make payments, then got back to hustling so got him paid, but he ended up taking a job in okc. Only real book I ever had. All the rest been wanna be’s thinking the could hustle idiot friends and ppl at bars. Or as I liked to call them “marks!”.. when they start changing rules or only wanting my nfl action cool
With me I’ll just free roll til I lose!! Coood give it back but why? Crazy cause I’m big believer in word is bond, there cats out on street corners that would front me anything I ask for in a second and know im
Good for it, that not same as taking money from a punk who smMming others!!

I like you so winning or losing prob best not to be my book! If you know some tko im always down!! lol
Not so humble brag., I never been able to keep a local during baseball or ncaa hoops. They didn’t mind calling me for nfl tho, lol. They always would start saying same likes as whatever book, then they start saying no 2nd half cause I’m calling in so many ncaa bets. Always more rules. So then I just free roll them win as much a could, if it went bad told them fuck off or they know where I live same as I know their ppl ! Only ever had one real local I had eviugh respect for not to jack, half cause he was more connected than most, half cause he was good dude, 1st year I bet with him 1st year I but like what I consider serious money and was doing 3-4 team RRs at 1st for 120’but I was smashing so much I got up si much he started asking to make payments to me, which was totally cool so I raised the RRs to 4 team in 2s at 300 each, 1800 in bets, I was hitting all 4 in at least one and then 3 of 4 in others every week. Hit him for like 30-50k (who keeps track) he was having me call early and betting my plays. Next year I quit my other hustles, studies preseason, within a month I was down 20k to him and didn’t have it! Lmao. Had to stop for min and make payments, then got back to hustling so got him paid, but he ended up taking a job in okc. Only real book I ever had. All the rest been wanna be’s thinking the could hustle idiot friends and ppl at bars. Or as I liked to call them “marks!”.. when they start changing rules or only wanting my nfl action cool
With me I’ll just free roll til I lose!! Coood give it back but why? Crazy cause I’m big believer in word is bond, there cats out on street corners that would front me anything I ask for in a second and know im
Good for it, that not same as taking money from a punk who smMming others!!
It’s weird typos like this that make me think you really are a robot and that you malfunction like this. Maybe Screech‘s robot friend Kevin lol
Mets fucking did it,, it 20+ years of betting baseball I bet that the 1st time I ever bet and won 3 straight bigger favs -1.5!!!!! Anything over -150 I consider kinda big fav also!
I had them on the RL as well, saw 2 outs top of 9th....was like ok not gonna get this one, ty Metz
go in shower its 4-2 oak. get out they lostWTF

cant believe I lost 3 bets on that game and they were all good plays. That not easy to do! Not getting Ff over 1.5 was joke. Estes coulda easily pitched the 6th, then they were up 2 with the kid throwing 104 and lose by 2