Sunday Discussion Thread

Of course there's no line up for the Twins yet, 90 minutes away from game time. Rocco playing spin the wheel with his line up card. Can't wait to see what idiocy he comes up with today. Otherwise I'd take Twins FF ML.
Wife mad. Leaving casino here card

Cease ox 1.5 walks/mets -1.5 _+192
tigers tt ov 4.5 ev
Pirates Ff +110
Oak +110
Oak ff tt ov 1.5
Spence ov 16.5 outs
Eflin ov 4.5 k’s
Miller ov 5.5 k’s
Yordan ov 2.5 h,r,rvi
Rooker over 1.5 h,r,rv
Lindor ov 1.5 h,r,rbi

Yanks Ff tt ov 2.5 -145

Mets w lot of things.
lol the reds are so fucking bad

You nailed the Tobias play, nice call. I’m gonna feel like dummy if I passed on him and played same number on Eflin at coors and it loses! Was not a real deep pitcher card I think you might been right that was play of day om pitcher prop side. Although I really like miller for Seattle over 5.5 but he was more expensive and I didn’t bother checking his day stats. I thought I could meet some ppl and cap at casino but I’m getting a cataract in the eye I had the detached retina surgery 2 years ago so I can only see out 1 eye and my stupid phone turned like 3 shades darker on me while I was trying to cap, I got one eye shut, one my friends and wife are blowing me up, told my boy look dude I’m busy give me a fucking hour! Wife was little more tricky nut she been wanting to be so dipped up and sleeping last few days she hadn’t even been answering my text so I gotta get home all worried then I can’t even understand her ass slurring words and shit! Now all a sudden today it a tougher card im
Trying to cap on fly and she wants to have a meaningful conversation!! Im like if you just plead stfu I’ll get this done then you can have rest the day Baby!!! God damn I cabr wait till my weed delivery gets here! That mfer even text early and raid he could come at 11, im like bro I appreciate you wanting to get jon done but u put 2-4 cause I was busy right now, think I left a pretty good tip! I’ll be here at 1 if you wanna come then!! lol.
all that’s to say if I make money on that card it be a fucking miracle!! Hope I do but I did take down bet sizes a bit on this one.
Put it this way, I will seriously dig in on any 4.5k prop for any pitcher, any day, vs any team. I'm not kidding. Hitters are at such a disadvantage, especially with all the dumb strike calls umpires love calling. I will say the Reds were teeing off a bit on fast balls Myers was hanging over the plate. It will be something to watch his next outing, perhaps we do a TT over vs him, next start. Let's bookmark it!
Put it this way, I will seriously dig in on any 4.5k prop for any pitcher, any day, vs any team. I'm not kidding. Hitters are at such a disadvantage, especially with all the dumb strike calls umpires love calling. I will say the Reds were teeing off a bit on fast balls Myers was hanging over the plate. It will be something to watch his next outing, perhaps we do a TT over vs him, next start. Let's bookmark it!

He is def not as good his stats say, I was going insane watching cards squander so many chances he gave them till they eventually got me the 2 runs but he had to gift them all kinds of baserunners every inning for them to get those 2!! That ump was especially awful the only thing I say for cards he was giving him 2 inches both sides and low, catcher just move glove and dumb fuck imo pretty much called wherever the glove was. I’d kill to be the guy standing in the hall through dugouts back into lockers and hand these ump their final checks when handball final has the balls to replace them with iPads in another 5 or so years, any other sport this shit be fixed already. I’m so tired of watching catchers move gloves after they catch it and stupid fuck tv ppl calling it some art or skill. It’s fucking stupid!
The I know rooker and lindor were somewhat juicy, I don’t play those straight above -120, I used all 3 hitter props in a 3 team RR in group of 2s. Yordan being plus made payouts nicer if he cashes.
Oh they got 1, I guess that is crushing for cards. Long as he only gives up singles they won’t score unless yanks start kicking ball around. Whenever even avg pitchers dial it up when guys on base it enough to shut down cards. It takes them bout 5 hits and 3 walks for a run!
I was afraid tigers wouldn’t hit this spin crap Boston throws but I was thinking just get to pen
I swear it the tigers can’t see this crap criswell throws one time and hit it the 2nd I dunno n wtf to day??
Wanted to play rays over but early get away with holiday games prob 2Mateo and pads havnt had no time off I had no clue if pads hit pepiot?
Jfc pirates, I used to be w Cobb fan with that depth he got on that split/change thing but no way he had that feel down hardly hsving pitched!?!?!? Try taking everything but fastball
Tigers are the only team in bigs criswell van pitch a clean game against with all this hanging spinning trash. I could legit hit some this shit, prob not right now with the one eye but it look bout same as the 2 eye having fickheads! Even cards could hit this guy!?
There some much better pitching matchups with actual good pitching not just trash hitting 2marro
Crochet on today, Mets should just take till it 2k’s every at bat then just choke up and slap as many fouls they can. Why not just get him out of there? Selfish ass players
Why do I get the feeling I solved cease issues with inefficiency and walks by playing his walks over at high juice? I swear the effect I have on some pp!! Its uncanny ask @VirginiaCavs bout this, if I’m truly just killing a mfer bad mouthing him like he should have been aborted as a baby, and long as I mean it dude 90% to shove it in my face!!! I get it, if love giving it to asshokes like me also! But I actually startrd buying cease for the 1st time in his overrated career, and the Mfer downhill spirals since!! Now I fade and it will end his 5 game stretch of garbage??mfer have no walks and go 8+!
Crochet had struck out all 6, none these selfish mfers can be bothered choking yo and fouling oitches off?? Maybe dump one over the ss or 2nd baseman head? You swing for fences vs him you not hitting shit
8 hits and a walk for cards. I knew it but I guess it makes sense I’m so bad with Cortez that I’d have him right a time the proper cap said he should be good!!