Sunday 01/27/13 NBA discussion thread

Man if Terry only hit half of his wide open 3's the Celtics could be potentially the 1 seed right now
Pierce had no idea, wow.

Rose is coming back better than ever they say, Rondo can too. Might come back with lights out jumper too.
Did a small ML parlay of both home dogs. Expect playoff game 7 type effort out of both. Proved right in Game 1.
Doris Burke is a BITCH. How the fuck do you do that to Pierce when you know the team wasnt notified yet. That's all I'm gonna say on that situation.
Took Boston for ML, but was sure the bet lost after the game went to second OT
Am I the only one that thinks that while Clippers probably win tonight, the line is too high?
8.5 points on Portland?
Am I the only one that thinks that while Clippers probably win tonight, the line is too high?
8.5 points on Portland?

the line opened at 6.5 and shot up due to the clippers losing su yesterday and the public on them heavy looking for the home/away split... personally dont get the line move

The look on his face at :07 says it all

I like doris but damn that broke protocol
Doris Burke is a BITCH. How the fuck do you do that to Pierce when you know the team wasnt notified yet. That's all I'm gonna say on that situation.

Terrible, selfish, stunt to "break the news" and get entertaining television. Lesbo needs to hit the f'in road. NBA needs to get some more T&A on the sidelines. It's worked in NCAA FB and now NFL. NBA is behind the times with these 6 foot 5 beast and their deep ass voices.
OKC is head and shoulders better than the lakers imo, okc's offense is just smooth and it seems like the team is not even trying.... and then you have the lakers in a big mess not having any sort of identity on offense
That's BS. Doc told them at HT (according to Hubie). So either he did tell them and Pierce forgot or at least Burke thought Doc told them...
OKC is head and shoulders better than the lakers imo, okc's offense is just smooth and it seems like the team is not even trying.... and then you have the lakers in a big mess not having any sort of identity on offense

The other way around. Dwight is playing like shit and still, Lakers are so much better than the Thunder. If Dwight shot 50% from FT and Lakers would have made only half of the turnovers, Lakers would have lead by double digits.
Yeah obviously Thunder are better than a .400 team. Thunder will struggle in the playoffs this year IMO when teams start to play Westbrook like Rondo... he's a much worse shooter than he was last year and can't distribute. If they had traded him for CP3 2 years ago.... they'd be going for a back to back right now.

But the Spurs were screwed last year with the packed playoff scheduling (back 2 backs? wtf?) With 1 or even 2 nights rest before games the Spurs have a good chance to knock them off.
That's BS. Doc told them at HT (according to Hubie). So either he did tell them and Pierce forgot or at least Burke thought Doc told them...

From the way the celtics were smiling at times on the court I really dont think they all knew.... Pierce was not faking his facial expression when Doris told him
I actually agree I enjoy her work in the booth. Way more knowledge than most commentators. *cough* Mike Patrick
Yeah I like her and Hubie the best. Really sometimes give you statistical facts that are actually meaningful. And understand the game.
The other way around. Dwight is playing like shit and still, Lakers are so much better than the Thunder. If Dwight shot 50% from FT and Lakers would have made only half of the turnovers, Lakers would have lead by double digits.

There are way too many contrasting personalities on the Lakers. The players are going to have to swallow their pride and learn to play together or else they are going to continue to look lost when the game matters.
I know that Hubie said that Doc was open with his players and told them the news at HT. But nevermind...
There are way too many contrasting personalities on the Lakers. The players are going to have to swallow their pride and learn to play together or else they are going to continue to look lost when the game matters.
Obviously Thunder the beter team right now. I'm talking about tonight's game so far.
Lakers appear to play really well, but free throws missed hurt them and the turnovers just killing them...
well the missed free throws are huge because it totally disrupts their defensive sets but its not something that is going to get better...
Bill Simmons just said Rondo will be out for a full year. Rondo might have played his last game with Pierce and KG.
I'm guessing the Thunder play "Hack A Dwight" at the end if it's close? Or is D'Antoni smart enough to pull him before that?
According to Mikado, refs in Orlando call a lot of technicals and there a lot of FTs. Definitely doesn't hurt the OVER trend for Orlando Sunday Home games
That wasn't a foul on KD. Though he was fouled earlier and didn't get a call...
I like Memphis -7 tonight. Just feeling it's a point or two too short.
I thought in the beginning that salary dump hurt Memphis, but I think it took a lot of pressure of Yag and others that were afraid to be traded and now they know they will stay and they started playing a lot better.
Team meeting helped as well.
Just don't like -7.5 point opening favorites. I've noticed that the dog seems to cover a lot of the times. That and seeing Salvatore on the game... No thanks. Still don't trust Memphis to close games out. Especially against a feisty group like the hornets
As long as Lakers manage to take care of the ball and avoid turnovers, they should be ok.
They are decent at half court defense and it will give them 6 - 8 more points on offense.