**** Sugar Bowl - Lets Drink - Blizzard - All Sport In Game ****

Shit, being a starting qb is better. Tom Brady probably has a decent life... Idk... Just guessing.

Too much pressure, media invading and all that shit. Rather be holding the board and my 'star QB's' wing-man at the bars.
Silky, you might as well dump a bunch of money on FSU right now. Suddenly that Auburn win over Bama doesn't look so impresive any more :)
Fuck that. If you even have a CHANCE to sniff game action, you gotta keep your mind and body in TOP shape 24/7/365.
baseball season/schedule much more chaotic than football, that season is a cakewalk for a backup
Cake walk until you have to go in and you stink and you have 70 huge dudes that hate you.
This is why I respect Jimmy

Let's face some facts here. AJ is the nicest guy in the world but:

He constantly chokes under pressure. Most people don't recognize that because the talent around him constantly bails him out.

He is a stiff in the pocket. If he gets flushed from the pocket, there is almost no shot anything good will happen.

He is extremely inaccurate on the deep ball. It's great that Alabama has all this speed and talent on the outside, but if you can't deliver the ball accurately and on time, it's all for naught.

The guy is not a play maker, he's a game manager. There is no way around it.

And finally, if you're an NFL GM, do you honestly think AJ is capable of leading a NFL team to a Super Bowl victory??? I certainly don't. Other guys on here have it nailed: he's another Alabama career NFL clipboard holder.
Let's face some facts here. AJ is the nicest guy in the world but:

He constantly chokes under pressure. Most people don't recognize that because the talent around him constantly bails him out.

He is a stiff in the pocket. If he gets flushed from the pocket, there is almost no shot anything good will happen.

He is extremely inaccurate on the deep ball. It's great that Alabama has all this speed and talent on the outside, but if you can't deliver the ball accurately and on time, it's all for naught.

The guy is not a play maker, he's a game manager. There is no way around it.

And finally, if you're an NFL GM, do you honestly think AJ is capable of leading a NFL team to a Super Bowl victory??? I certainly don't. Other guys on here have it nailed: he's another Alabama career NFL clipboard holder.

WTF? Isnt he a 2x MVP in title games? How did he choke vs Auburn? Didnt he lead bama on the road to beat lsu in the final seconds? What are you smoking?
It must have sucked to be Arkansas today. It's like being the poor kid at school after Xmas when everybody gets all the great gifts