So, what have we learned? - NFL Week 7

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I'm not going to lie, there are days when I want more out of the NFL. It's like having a girlfriend buy you a shitty gift. I mean, the thought was there, maybe even the effort, but that sweatervest makes you look like you've got a serious case of man-boobage and no matter how many times you tell her it's not funny, she keeps calling you a B-cup and laughing.

But the one fucking time you make a joke about her tits, see what happens. Just you fucking see.

Sorry, where was I? Right, bitch-tits. I mean, the NFL.

The game I spent the most time on early this morning involved the Detroit Lions F.C. vs. the Kentucky Fried Hillbillies. Two things jumped out at me here. First off, Matt Stafford sucks. OK, that's not really true. But he's extremely frustrating and he leaves at least seven points on the field every single week, usually more.

What was interesting watching Stafford and Dalton in this game is that they're kind of the same QB right now. Both 2nd tier guys who, if they play a great game, will put up 30 and win. But more than likely they'll play average, make at least one or two significant mistakes, and whether they get away with them or not can change the result of the game. At least with Dalton you think the guy still has room to grow. Stafford, not so much.

A couple of easy examples of that, Stafford missed at least two TDs today because he couldn't take something off the ball when he needed to. You sort of figure on one of these a game from him, but not multiple times. On the other side of the ball, a highlight you'll see from Cincy is Dalton's deep ball to AJ Green. This ball is underthrown by 10 yards, it's a mistake and probably should be picked off. But Detroit's defense sucks, so not only is it not picked off, it's caught, the tackle broken and it's a TD. If you saw nothing else from this game, this sums it up.

The second point on this is that Detroit's defense really sucks. This is something you need to know if you don't already.

Good win for Cincy, though, especially for a team that has some good talent but really comes off as average. Their offense seems to consist of Dalton throwing up the ball for grabs and hoping his guy comes down with it, or getting it into the hands of Geo Bernard. Which, when you play the Lions means you're going to put up 24. But when you play a team with a defense ...

Since the Browns played late, let's save them for later—because you know you want to. Now put the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

Let's instead talk Birds. This was another one I watched a lot of. It was kind of painful. I mean, in one way it was great. The Philly fans were into it and the Birds' defense for the first time all year really looked like they were taking some pride in earning an NFL paycheck. That was good.

What was bad was pretty much everything else. I mean the racist played pretty well. But the rest of it was kind of shit. My gut tells me Foles is fine, he just played poorly and that he could/would be back if Vick's sore vagina is better by next week. Which, by the way, I think he will. Had Foles lit it up today—as he probably should have, these defenses aren't all that dissimilar—I think Vick might have played the 'I'm still hurt card.' As it is, I think he comes back because the door is open.

It doesn't hurt that the Birds get the Giants at home either.

Meanwhile Dallas goes to Detroit and God help me I'll probably bet the Lions, the over, or both again. But man, Dallas needs a running game. And to stay healthy. And even then they're still probably only the best of a really bad division.

To stay in that division, the Skins finally played the game everybody has wanted to see from them all year. More importantly, I think they've confirmed what's been suspected for at least two weeks, the Bears are going in the wrong direction. Forget Cutler going down and look at the scoreboard, the Skins put up 74 points today. Or maybe it just felt like 74 points.

Something to note, teams that can run some sort of read-option are a problem for the Bears. They had issues with it last year and it's still a problem. Lucky for them the only team they'll see with a lot of mobility will be Vick (if he's healthy) late in the year. Well, Freeman in a couple of weeks, but it depends on how much Minny will run him.

As for what's next for Chicago, it's tough to say seeing as how they have a bye and Cutler's all gimpy.

Speaking of the NFC North, Minny with Freeman is interesting, but if someone has any advice on how to play a brand new QB in their first game out I'd love to hear it. As a rule I almost always don't play those games, but QBs go down enough now that that tends to take at least one game off the board for me every week.

And then there's Green Bay. They're good. Cleveland is bad. More on the latter later.

Maybe the second best game of the day after Chicago/Washington, how about Houston/KC.

In the in-game there were a couple of good points made about KC. One being that their competition really hasn't been all that good this year—and may not be all that good all year long. That they get Cleveland next week supports that argument. But remember, they still have Denver twice, the Oakland road game, SD twice and Indy. Even if they're significantly better than SD (which one can argue) at least one of those games figures to be a tough game. (The other games on their schedule in case you're interested, Cle, @Buffalo, and @Washington). Point is, they may level off a bit, even if they do start 9-0 which is entirely possible.

It was also brought up that Andy Reid is still Andy Reid—which is true. And if you've watched KC's clock management and some of their coaching choices you know that's significant. Like Houston with Kubiak, or Cincy with Marvin Lewis, those decisions in the regular season are one thing and may not lose you games. But the playoffs are a different story.

Last, something to think about, KC has been playing with a lead a lot this year. And with Cleveland then @Buffalo on their schedule next, that may continue. But we don't really know anything about how this team comes from behind.

Which, normally would be where I'd insert a Steed joke. No pun intended. But come on people, if you want to keep riding Steed's ass at least offer to buy the guy a drink first.

But speaking of face down, ass up, hello Houston. Talk about a team that's having a season run away from them, this is it. And now the injuries start. What a nightmare. At this point you might as well roll the dice with Keenum and hope for a high draft pick. You have the talent to bounce back quickly, but there's no way it's going to be this year.

Which is also to say, you have to think this team quits soon.

Which I've said before about Tampa as well and I absolutely think that's about to happen. I mean, good for Glennon (44 pass attempts today is nothing to sneeze at), but it's not really like they were ever in the game. I think the biggest takeaway I have with them from today is, if Schiano wants to go down throwing, great, let's look at overs with them the rest of the way. They weren't getting there with Freeman, but maybe they will now.

Atlanta. I mean, everybody figured they'd do something like this today, but to me they're still the Houston of the NFC. And, honestly, had Houston played Tampa in Houston today wouldn't you have expected exactly the same result?

Tampa sucks, their season is over. So does St. Louis. So is their season. Oddly enough, Carolina's season may not be over. At least not yet. Granted there are three teams in the NFC North that are 4-3, but somehow right now Carolina is 3-3 and they still have two games vs. NO. It's probably wishful thinking seeing as how they have to go to both SF and Atlanta still, plus play NE. But hope is a funny thing. That they're .500 should give them some hope, and if nothing else that should keep them from quitting too soon. Just something to think about.

Speaking of New England, let's look at the AFC East.

NE was in a bad spot today with all those injuries on defense. On the road, it was just a good spot for the Jets. And, the more I see Geno Smith the more to me the Jets are a wildcard. Not that they're going to win the division. I don't think that happens, but I do think this might be that team with the rookie QB who's kind of a roller coaster all year, but ends up around .500.

Say what you want about the Jets, but they've been in pretty much every one of their games except the loss in Tennessee. And other than New Orleans, it's not as if their schedule going forward is filled with teams that are dramatically better than they are.

As for the rest of the division, I have a feeling a lot of people took a bath on Miami losing outright today. Mostly because, well, if you've ever seen Thad Lewis under center why would you think he'd beat a halfway decent NFL team?

Which is to say this:
  • Miami
  • NYJ
  • Buffalo

What the hell do you really want to do with these teams. Play them only at home? Well, Miami just lost at home today. Play them only for unders—Buffalo is on their backup QB and they're still finding ways to put up, and give up, 20 a game. WTF?

I brought up Houston earlier, so we might as well stay with in the division.

Locker is back. If Locker is really back, Joe might hop on the Titans. There's something about this team. Forget today, SF is in a different class and Locker has been hurt. He was supposed to be out for like six weeks, I'm sure he's not 100%. But if he's healing, I think I like this team a bit.

Jacksonville update: Francesco Totti is still > Blaine Gabbert

Don't believe me, let's go to the video tape which I believe is in Arabic. Whatever, it's got all three goals, two of them Totti's from a huge road win last week. Note the spin on the first goal. Can Blaine Gabbert do that? CAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD NAMED BLAINE DO THAT? Answer: No.

I rest my case.

If the NFL was a soccer league in another country, Jacksonville would be relegated at the end of the year and replace with the San Antonio River Rats or the Birmingham Crackers.

Teams I look to finish the season with 10+ wins:
  • Denver
  • KC
  • SF
  • Seattle
  • NO
  • NE
  • GB

The last two are sort of right on the cusp based on their schedule.

Teams it's tough to see getting near .500.
  • NYG
  • TB
  • Jax
  • St. Louis
  • Houston
  • Pittsburgh
  • Minny
  • Buffalo
  • Atlanta
  • Arizona

What the hell do I do with you teams:
  • NYJ
  • Dallas
  • Cincy
  • Miami
  • San Diego
  • Chicago
  • Baltimore

Oh, and before I turn this over to you, two things. First, I promised a wrap-up on the Cleveland Football Browns.

They suck.

Seriously. Go back and read anything about this team before Steny Hoyer was lost for the year, it all applies. It's nice that Josh Gordon is back, but Weeden's confidence looks lost, they have no running game without Richardson and the holes on their defense will allow them to be exploited by good QBs with good TEs every single time.

And last, I'll be out of town for work next week—Joe has to go to Texas for a couple of days, I get my shots on Tuesday—so you will likely be left to your own devices next weekend. God help us all.

Actually, God help me, I'm losing on the season. HELP MAKE JOE SMARTER, PEOPLE.

Actually think the Bengals are fairly solid. They lost Hall and one of their DT's early, the defense was on the field a ton. They had an excuse to give up the fight but battled through and won against a good home team. The weak link is obviously Dalton, he left as much points off the board with the 'under-throw' as Fat Matt did with the 'over-throw' but nonetheless I like this team, especially when they're the underdog. Marv is also starting to win his challenges (2 for 2 on Sunday) which must be a good sign.

Denver played a decent defense for the first time all year and lost, not surprising at all. Manning again proved that he is not a 'big occasion' QB, 'ESPN' put the pressure on him to win at his old stomping ground and he shit the bed, Peyton is and always will be a regular season 'stat padder' that wilts in the heat. Irsay is a loud, obnoxious, rich old fool but he had the last laugh tonight.

Not sure what Miami did during the bye week but it wasn't about football. Tannehill is just another failed Fins' QB.
You can't bet against 1st time quarterback, it just doesn't work. I assume its because defenses don't have tape on said QB.

Cushing out for the year, Watt? Foster with a messed up wheel, Tate, likely out. This Houston team is done.

Joe mentioned it, but the Pats really struggled have 3 core guys out on defense yesterday. They couldn't stop the run for shit. Brady was off yesterday. I think they bounce back, but those 3 guys being out far outweighs Brady not having anyone to throw to.

Congrats to the Cowboys, in a game they would have lost in the past, they won. Best team in the division and it isn't close.

Packers quietly just getting it done. With Lacy they're a very dangerous team, that I don't want to play in the playoffs.

Joe said it best, as a person who had there biggest play of the year on The Detroit over...Stafford over threw 2-3 TD passes yesterday. He's very lucky he has Megatron. Continue to play this teams overs at home.

Jags are just bad, they're not due, I tried to get cute yesterday taking them. Stop putting your money on them....

Panthers and Rams game yesterday was a fucking war. Ram's are a bad football team, only second to the Jags.

In hindsight that 49ers line was a gift, that I didn't touch....adl;khgakdhg;kashgklahsdklghaskldg

Bad teams shouldn't lay 7pts to anyone, enter Dolphins, Miami.

Someone mentioned in the in-game, but Buffalo continues to find offense, and has been in every game this year....same as the Jets. I think the AFC East gets a little tighter as this season goes on.

Something is seriously wrong with the Baltimore Ravens offense....I assume its SB hangover....but they have zero flow.

Redskins defense is fucking terrible, and the bears defense is not the bears defense.

Agree with Joe, yesterday was likely the nail in the coffin for the Bucs season.
Someone mentioned in the in-game, but Buffalo continues to find offense, and has been in every game this year....same as the Jets. I think the AFC East gets a little tighter as this season goes on.

They would look even better if Spiller/FJax could get healthy. Everyone hates on CJ, but the guy is at like 70% and winces every play after he makes a cut, which is his style of play. Fred is one of the most underrated backs I have ever watched, and he played through an aggravated injury yesterday and pulled extra yards out of nowhere on some key plays.
Holy injuries Batman...quick rundown of big names

Bradford - ACL, done for the year
Cushing- LCL, broken leg, done for the year
Wayne - feared ACL, MRI today
Leon Hall- ruptured achilles, done for the year
Cutler - groin, severity unknown
D Martin - shoulder, severity unknown
A Foster - hamstring, severity unknown
B Tate - unknown
C Bailey - foot, gonna be awhile
J Finley - head, neck prolly the season
Ian Rapoport@RapSheet<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">53s</small>
As if the #Bucs needed more bad news: I'm told the shoulder injury to RB Doug Martin is serious. Could be out several weeks or longer.
anybody hear about a bigger emphasis on offensive pass interference this week? I know I read a tweet that there was a memo sent to the weekly officials meeting on the emphasizing the rule that the Pats got called for in OT, did anyone here one about OPI?

There were SEVEN called by Green's crew in the Bengals/Lions game. That's more than I can recall seeing in a week of games, let alone one game itself. Many were iffy at best to nonexistant, for both teams.
to Marlo/JP on Stafford, I watched that entire game and I thought he was excellent. I'm surprised to hear you thought he was bad. There were a couple balls a fingertips reach out of the receivers hands, but he's playing with misfits...guys cut from other practice squads and rookies...I didnt' see any balls thrown to CJ that were a fingertip away because they've worked together..Bengals were in the backfield all day and I don't remember a sack...he was moving around deliivering while getting hit and changing arm angles to avoid lanes..I've been a Stafford hater in the past and I thought he played well...same for Dalton...missed two deep balls but overall was 11-13 on passes over ten yds...he played well just not perfect...I think I'm overall a little rough on the can win with him.
Im not a big fan of Stafford myself. I think he has a gunslinger mentality with the skills of a game manager. How many times does he get bailed out by just throwing the ball up to Megatron?
Im not a big fan of Stafford myself. I think he has a gunslinger mentality with the skills of a game manager. How many times does he get bailed out by just throwing the ball up to Megatron?
I don't think most QBs give their big play threats enough opps to make big plays...if you have CJ, why wouldn't you? We saw what can/does happen yesterday? Skills of a game manager? He may have the biggest arm in the league.
to Marlo/JP on Stafford, I watched that entire game and I thought he was excellent. I'm surprised to hear you thought he was bad. There were a couple balls a fingertips reach out of the receivers hands, but he's playing with misfits...guys cut from other practice squads and rookies...I didnt' see any balls thrown to CJ that were a fingertip away because they've worked together..Bengals were in the backfield all day and I don't remember a sack...he was moving around deliivering while getting hit and changing arm angles to avoid lanes..I've been a Stafford hater in the past and I thought he played well...same for Dalton...missed two deep balls but overall was 11-13 on passes over ten yds...he played well just not perfect...I think I'm overall a little rough on the can win with him.

agree, I thought he was better against the Bengals than a lot of better QBs have been this year (Rodgers/Brady)
The team that has played the Seahawks has lost in the following week straight up and against the spread in every instance this year so far. 6-0 so far this season. The Seahawks physically beat the shit out of teams from opening whistle to closing whistle.

FWIW the games have not even been close either.
The team that has played the Seahawks has lost in the following week straight up and against the spread in every instance this year so far. 6-0 so far this season. The Seahawks physically beat the shit out of teams from opening whistle to closing whistle.

FWIW the games have not even been close either.
zona gets three extra days though
I don't think most QBs give their big play threats enough opps to make big plays...if you have CJ, why wouldn't you? We saw what can/does happen yesterday? Skills of a game manager? He may have the biggest arm in the league.

I agree about the playmakers, but what if he didn't have once in a lifetime WR? Put him on the Skins and what does he do?

Skills of a game manager probably worded incorrect. He has a big arm. What he doesn't have is footwork. He tries to play like Favre, throwing from different angles/off back foot/etc. I think they tried to build up a high flying, bit time offense with him as a gunslinger and I don't think he's a good enough QB to do that.
How many times does he get bailed out by just throwing the ball up to Megatron?

This really can't be overstated. Realize that the only reason they tied that game in the 4th yesterday is because Stafford threw a jump ball into triple coverage and Megatron came down with it.

Did Stafford play well yesterday? Yes. Did he also leave at least another 14 points on the field? Absolutely. I think the two can coexist and aren't mutually exclusive.

Typical Detroit though, really. A game where they have a huge matchup advantage and they find a way to give up 27 points at home. Stupid me for betting the side and not the total.
How many times does he get bailed out by just throwing the ball up to Megatron?

This really can't be overstated. Realize that the only reason they tied that game in the 4th yesterday is because Stafford threw a jump ball into triple coverage and Megatron came down with it.

Did Stafford play well yesterday? Yes. Did he also leave at least another 14 points on the field? Absolutely. I think the two can coexist and aren't mutually exclusive.

Typical Detroit though, really. A game where they have a huge matchup advantage and they find a way to give up 27 points at home. Stupid me for betting the side and not the total.
that play was on third and 20 and they were at their 45. If it's picked it's the same as a punt. How is that not the right decision?
How many times does he get bailed out by just throwing the ball up to Megatron?

This really can't be overstated. Realize that the only reason they tied that game in the 4th yesterday is because Stafford threw a jump ball into triple coverage and Megatron came down with it.

Did Stafford play well yesterday? Yes. Did he also leave at least another 14 points on the field? Absolutely. I think the two can coexist and aren't mutually exclusive.

Typical Detroit though, really. A game where they have a huge matchup advantage and they find a way to give up 27 points at home. Stupid me for betting the side and not the total.
what matchup advantage did they have?
that play was on third and 20 and they were at their 45. If it's picked it's the same as a punt. How is that not the right decision?

It's certainly the right decision (assuming another player wasnt open for the fist down. But, on the stat sheet it shows up as 50 yards passing and a TD for Stafford when there probably isn't another player in football that comes down with the ball.
I think you look at 27 points given up by the Jets and you don't realize how good that defense is. That D-line shreds the offensive line. They held Pats to under 300 yards and 4.2 yards per play.

Despite the big numbers for the Broncos, I'm still not 100% behind Luck is going to be the greatest QB in the game. Very good, but I don't know that he's a lock to be closer to Peyton Manning than he is to Matt Ryan. Time will tell.

RG3's speed is back. Passes were much more crisper than they have been all year. Still struggles if the fiirst read is not open, but if his first read is open, he gets him the ball on time and accurate. Jordan Reed is going to be one heck of a TE. I don't see how he gets stopped on fade passes in the red zone.
what matchup advantage did they have?
The Lions could put out around a six inch height advantage nearly across the board. Stafford should have been able to throw post patterns for 60 minutes yesterday if he wanted to.
Brandon Ghee
Leon Hall
Adam Jones
Dre Kirkpatrick
Chris Lewis-Harris
Terence Newman

[TD="colspan: 2"] Bengals CBs


Ryan Broyles
Nate Burleson
Kris Durham
Calvin Johnson
Joseph Fauria
Brandon Pettigrew

[TD="colspan: 2"] Lions WRs

He threw the ball 51 times, Joe....and their height doesn't affect them giving up 27 points. The Bengals had a big advantage at WR against those DET secondary....which is much worse than Cincy's.

Not meaning to nitpick, but I just don't see where you are coming from here I suppose...anyways I'll move on and agree to disagree..

Back to injuries!
Not meaning to nitpick, but I just don't see where you are coming from here I suppose.

I'm coming from the place where I want that loss back. Hahaha.

Also, that place that says Stafford could have put up more points—and that I still should have bet the over rather than the side in part for the exact reason you mention. I knew Detroit's defense sucked and that Dalton should put up 20+. It's just that I haven't found them consistent enough on offense and was scared they may not be able to match scores yesterday.

Silly Joe, silly silly Joe.
Colts not on your list of teams getting 10 plus wins ?

Omission on my part. Nice catch, they should get there.
It's all so clear now:

RT @Deadspin: Report: The Patriots had cheated before on FG block attempts

It's all so clear now:

RT @Deadspin: Report: The Patriots had cheated before on FG block attempts


Also heard the Jets did the same thing on the Pats FG that tied the game yesterday. Maybe someone can find the evidence. The rule is dumb, yet the NFL trots out "player safety" and it's all supposed to be okay.

And I know it's the Pats so everyone has to be so cute with their words, but they didn't "cheat." They committed a penalty. If that's called cheating, then every team in the NFL cheats at least 8-10 times a game when they commit penalties.
I wonder if the Giants bye week will help them the way it's appeared to have helped Pittsburgh.

It's amazing how many games turned on a single, specific play, especially special teams plays.

The Patriots-Jets game has been talked about to death already. Yes it was the right call technically. Would I be looking for that had I been the official? Hell no.

With 34 seconds left, the Lions merely had to execute a decent punt to essentially send the game to overtime. Instead, Martin shanks a 28 yarder setting up the Bengals at the 49 and only 15 yards from field goal range. Just a monumental blunder.

The Ravens had all the momentum with just under 2 minutes left after Flacco led them on a magnificent, 16 play game tying drive. It was probably the best sustained drive you'll see a team have all year. On top of that, thanks to the flying Head & Shoulders Man's offsides on the PAT, the kickoff was moved up to the 40. Now I don't know if Tucker slipped on the shitty Heinz Field turf or if that was a designed kickoff style, but that was horrid execution on the entire Ravens kick coverage team. Sure they still could've stopped the ensuing drive, but its important to note what a huge difference it is between having the ball at the 20 and having it at the 37 to start the drive. At the 20, with Haley in charge, it's safe draw play time to make sure the Steelers don't give the ball back with too much time left. At the 37 its free reign for Ben to sling it. That's a huge difference considering it took the Steelers down to 28 seconds left to get the ball into reasonable FG range at the Baltimore 24. Add 17 yards to that and the situation is not so clear cut.

That Raven-Steeler game had 15 total possessions, including a one play kneel down by the Steelers to end the first half.

The Cowboys-Eagles game had 16 possessions in the first half. With 13 punts, all by guys named Jones.
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Good thing the officials called that BS penalty on the Pats but missed the holding call on the Jets on that missed kick. Unless that's not a hold in the NFL anymore. I guess it's not hands to the face when you just wrap your entire arm around the guys helmet, but that's still a hold isn't it?
I wonder if the Giants bye week will help them the way it's appeared to have helped Pittsburgh.

My initial thought is that it will.

With 34 seconds left, the Lions merely had to execute a decent punt to essentially send the game to overtime. Instead, Martin shanks a 28 yarder setting up the Bengals at the 49 and only 15 yards from field goal range. Just a monumental blunder.

Good point here. I hated this loss when it happened, and the further I get away from it the more I still do. Fuckers.
Schwartz is to blame there...after the initial first down to get them off the goal line...they could have easily run the clock out...
Shocked at the Sam Montgomery news...or not...and Cierre Wood could have been the starter this week.

John McClain@McClain_on_NFL<small class="time" style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187); position: relative; float: right; margin-top: 1px;">20m</small>
Texans waived RB Cierre Wood, DE Sam Montgomery, OLB Willie Jefferson. Sources say they violated team rules at KC hotel. Got sent home.
Man, I'm sick of hearing the Pats whine about the loss. Know the rules. The players are the ones that wanted that rule put in to protect the players.
Man, I'm sick of hearing the Pats whine about the loss. Know the rules. The players are the ones that wanted that rule put in to protect the players.

It seems it's more the fans whining about the loss. The player who committed the penalty admitted that he fucked up and knew the rule.
Man, I'm sick of hearing the Pats whine about the loss. Know the rules. The players are the ones that wanted that rule put in to protect the players.
Bellichek was whining after the game but today backtracked and said "we were wrong"....