***SNF & MNF in-game***

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I'd rather have them call a TD there and have it automatically reviewed then calling him down and couldn't challenge the whistle

And the not being able to challenge plays when a whistle blows is just dumb to begin with. Do you want to get the calls right, or don't you (the NFL, not you)?
And the not being able to challenge plays when a whistle blows is just dumb to begin with. Do you want to get the calls right, or don't you (the NFL, not you)?

Players MUST stop at the whistle though or you would need to quit calling late hits.
silky comin soon hahaha

Septimius Severus
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@alexgurv1987 hi alex
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all in good fun

I will say this now tho

aint no way they repeat...this team has some resolve to come back like they do, but it wont last forever and it wont last outside conf play

depends if the team develops .. it isn't like the talent isn't there. if they keep surviving until they get good they could win it
ville backers be like

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