sluggin beer saturday action,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

im just teasin ya, i dont really care either way anymore....

if you are, you are. oh well

if you arent (which im startin to believe), there are still many things that are very big coincidences and bob is your long lost brother
i can honestly say that i know montes real full name and address as i am his stockbroker,,,,,,,,,,,,he is not bob,,,,,,,
whoa dude, i was being serious.... not beating around the bush.

dont flip out on me, ill leave if youre gonna be that way. calm down
theres no handling. this ends now. this wasnt even an argument in the first place... dont flip out dude i wasnt insinuating anything....
if your horses arent coming through today im sorry.

take a deep breath. i will leave you alone. calm yourselff
Cap, Just think about it for a minute from my end. Replay the whole incident. The hell with what site we are on. If you were wrong, which you were. think of all the shit I went through.
if you arent bob,

then yes the amount of time i heckled you (on the other site), was not right and i apologize. and i was definitely in the wrong for the amount of times i accused you.
Fellas, fellas....all conversing here is just fine, nothing wrong with it at all. However, if we're going to relive things from the past (which it seems like you guys are wanting to do)...why not just take it to PM's? This is br's MLB thread and it should probably stay that way...

Thanks guys.
i dont mind steed,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'an_horse',,,,goin to the local watering hole for a few or 17,,,be back,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:cheers:
Bob, I still don't know, who he is. Fuck the heckle, how about helping out someone. You know jackshit about AC, I was just trying to help, this is not your typical internet beef.

Weren't any problems...just figured you guys would have liked to discuss things nonpublically. Anyways, do what you gotta do...keep it clean.


Looking at all the homosexuality in this thread is making me sick,,,,,,,,:moosefukin:

So I will just go to dinner with the woman, and our new couple that are cool, and can pound some beers, and my buddy's wife is pretty cute too.


Waiting on my bitch to get back from hair appointment. I promised her later that we'd go tattoo shopping.

I'm thinking some more LSU Tigers !!!!!

Want the full sleeve man !!!!

This place is fucking stocked.

It appears that I have some Wild Turkey left over from last night. Wine spritzers for the gals, MGD for me.

Ribs are marinating now. I don't follow baseball, who shall I bet on?

PJ- I live in Atl.

We break dance daily. It's what we do man.

Chicks don't believe me but give me a piece of cardboard and I'll start spinning.
My main wing man is the best..........

Literally, we were driving down the street and saw a break dance going on so we power slid the car and jumped out.

I thought we were gonna get stabbed but we fucking made it to the final 3.

My main wing man is the best..........

Literally, we were driving down the street and saw a break dance going on so we power slid the car and jumped out.

I thought we were gonna get stabbed but we fucking made it to the final 3.


10 deep here already bitches....

Went to the pool at 11:30.... just got home about 30 min ago....

Drink,drink drink.....

If I get shitty,,, , , ,, Its gonna get funny as hell in here tonight, providing I don't pass out before I get home....

Get Bizzy Hoops !!!!!!!!!

You point or shooter? I was point but couldn't dribble. Refs put whistles in their mouths every time I touched the ball.

Me and the other white guy on the team rode lots of pine. I think "technically" I was in charge of foods and beverages. :cheers:

How about 3 lane violations in under 2 minutes? :tiphat:

I was the white spastic point guard running around.

So now, I pretty much just stick to the breakdancing !!!!!!
Okay, Shrimp will Release Pick 2 for Week 1..............

HAWAII +34.5:new_shocked:

Their D is decent. Their offense is pathetic but Florida ain't gonna bring out the playbook. Gonna try to see if they can run the ball and go through some motions.
Some people might look at stats and say that Hawaii had -5 yards on the ground in Sugar Bowl :36_11_6:

Georgia knocked them around fo sure !!!!
I played 4... But I mostly just set picks, took it to the hole, and played d on the worst player so I could block shots, or our center would. We averaged 11 blocks per game that way.

I still averaged 12 per game until the girl friend at the time caught wind that I was banging some other wayyyy hotter chick.,... That I wish I would have.

I'm off to dinner/tonz more booze.

Love u guys.

I'm talking high school not the institute of higher learning.

I peaked in HS athletically, my frat did DOMINATE some club level stuff though. EVERY person on team could dunk ten ways to sideways.

Was a total clinic. I was pretty much in charge of traveling, lane violations, and an occasional mercy dunk !!!!!

Go get your din din on and come back here and fill our asses in !!!!!!
So we recruit this pledge who is All State shooter from huge school in Texas.........

We wouldn't even let him touch the fucking ball. He gets to sit on the bench right next to me. My boys have 9 beers in them and are airborne doing acrobatics.

It was like football, I got to just throw the ball in the air and watch the fireworks !!!!!

Hakeem the Dream stops by to say hello cuz he is friend of friend. He "officially" tells me that white guys can jump !!!!!
So, to celebrate, we cram Hakeem's ass into a Honda and go celebrate on the town............

Good thing Honda's have sun roofs !!!!!!!!!!

