Should Texas Fire Charlie Strong?

Strong's in over head. Pat Forde nailed that on the day of the hire - being the head coach at Louisville wasn't going to be the same as being head coach at Texas. A lot more involved with this job. It didn't help Strong that he hitched his (offensive) wagon to a dinosaur like Shawn Watson, and that turned into the catastrophe that was the change one game into this season. Even by Rice standards, they're down athletically this year, but they gashed our defense and the abysmal tackling didn't help. We're a 5 win team this season, best case. It will be ugly when we start playing real teams again.

It hasn't helped Strong that he now has no relationship or support from our weasel AD, who fired Strong's closest confidant in the media department (w/o consulting Strong) among other things that have created a divide between the two. But Patterson will be gone before Strong, be surprised if he survives past Dec. 1. No one likes him. There were banners being flown above the stadium last night - "Patterson Must Go". I've been in Austin all my life and followed Texas sports closely, and he's the most despised and disliked person ever affiliated with Texas athletics, and it's not even close. Even with a 5-7 season, Strong will likely get a another year. That can't be said for his boss.
baylor, tcu, ou, would still be ahead even if mack was still there. the top names texas wanted would not even interview let alone have a chance to turn down an offer. texas got the best they could get at the time. the guy is 15 gms into his tenure for crying out loud. check back after 2016 season and we'll see where things stand.
Patterson will go first. Toxic at Portland, seems more of the same at Texas.

Then Strong will go. I've never liked coaches whose success comes off the back of one player. I read a stat pre-season that Strong was something like 16-15 without Bridgewater. Gene Chizik was another. I like to see coaches perform without a star and/or over multiple recruiting periods before I give them a big job. Brian Kelly is an example of a guy that deserved a big job after his efforts at Cinci.

Some guys luck out with QB's at two different jobs - Tom O'Brien

The recruiting will turnaround in time. The "entitlement" kids that have been Texas kids will end up going to Baylor and TCU, and the "chip on their shoulder" kids will end up with Texas. With a better coach (if Chad Morris exceeds expectations at SMU) they will be back, but it won't be in the next 5 years.
Patterson will go first. Toxic at Portland, seems more of the same at Texas.

Then Strong will go. I've never liked coaches whose success comes off the back of one player.
Yeah, Brett Favre was the worst thing that ever happened to LSU football.
baylor, tcu, ou, would still be ahead even if mack was still there. the top names texas wanted would not even interview let alone have a chance to turn down an offer. texas got the best they could get at the time. the guy is 15 gms into his tenure for crying out loud. check back after 2016 season and we'll see where things stand.

for the record....

I believe the Saban story and the timeline that someone posted here ....

He was gonna take it.
Twink, you keep stressing the number of recruits. We all know commitments do not matter until the LOI is received. So, all these commits to schools still have the opportunity to change their minds. Happens all the time. Texas still has enough clout to pull kids with Longhorn posters on the bedroom wall.
I'm not sure what the ultimate upside is with Charlie Strong, and if that upside is good enough at a place like Texas.
University of Texas, fortunately, is more an academic institution than a football institution. Charlie is fine. This discussion is what makes me despise college football more and more, fucking disgusting.
for the record....

I believe the Saban story and the timeline that someone posted here ....

He was gonna take it.

I wouldn't say that he was going to take it, but it was a lot closer to happening than we wanted to believe. Fortunately for us, I think this all but guarantees that he doesn't leave Tuscaloosa for another coaching gig. But his continued whining about not being appreciated and the games he and Sexton play to get more money are getting tiresome. Wonder when the school says enough is enough and dares him to leave. Probably never
Strong doesn't have a good relationship with the HS coaches in Texas, which is usually the kiss of death for a head coach. Only time will tell, but right now it doesn't look too promising. I think Strong is a decent coach, especially on the defensive side of the ball. But I don't think he's a good fit at Texas. The only thing that would cure all of this is winning. But he better do it quick..
baylor, tcu, ou, would still be ahead even if mack was still there. the top names texas wanted would not even interview let alone have a chance to turn down an offer. texas got the best they could get at the time. the guy is 15 gms into his tenure for crying out loud. check back after 2016 season and we'll see where things stand.

pretty much agree with this. the problem isn't charlie, the problem is the kitchen was bare as hell when he showed up. give him another recruiting class and let these true freshman mature and lemme see what's shaking.

i think his biggest mistake was bringing watson with him, now he's gonna need to find an actual OC at the end of the year, and that OC is probably gonna know that charlie has 1 year left on his tenure. will anyone show up with that lack of security? i don't know, but tejas has enough money to throw at someone to find out.
Strong doesn't have a good relationship with the HS coaches in Texas, which is usually the kiss of death for a head coach. Only time will tell, but right now it doesn't look too promising. I think Strong is a decent coach, especially on the defensive side of the ball. But I don't think he's a good fit at Texas. The only thing that would cure all of this is winning. But he better do it quick..

this is pretty ignorant. the dude never coached in texas, or had any real ties to it, of course he's not gonna have the same relationship that art briles has (former hs coach). he hired traylor outta gilmer, to take back east texas. the rise of tamu and tcu, and baylor made mack brown a relic. he didn't do shit in east texas or in houston in the last 5 years.

then he brought in brick from LSU, a dude who knows houston like the back of his hand. mack had good relationships with HS coaches and that get texas next to shit.
this is pretty ignorant. the dude never coached in texas, or had any real ties to it, of course he's not gonna have the same relationship that art briles has (former hs coach). he hired traylor outta gilmer, to take back east texas. the rise of tamu and tcu, and baylor made mack brown a relic. he didn't do shit in east texas or in houston in the last 5 years.

then he brought in brick from LSU, a dude who knows houston like the back of his hand. mack had good relationships with HS coaches and that get texas next to shit.
Let me rephrase that. The HS coaches don't like him...
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: Sources tell <a href=""></a> <a href="">#Texas</a> president Gregory Fenves close to done with AD Steve Patterson.
<a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Chip Brown (@ChipBrownHD) <a href="">September 14, 2015</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
I heard or read a prediction somewhere that if Patterson is fired, Strong won't be the head coach next season. Probably just a Wild Assed Guess though
(Chip) Brown's whiffed on stuff in the past, but he's been spot on in exposing Patterson - basically saying the same thing John Canzano did: the guy's a disingenuous weasel, and has no business being employed at Texas. None of the crap that Patterson has pulled, which Brown's reported on, has been refuted by the person in question.
Interesting, I've wondered what burr got under Brown's ass as he's been trying to nail Patterson to the cross now for almost 12 months.
Twink, you keep stressing the number of recruits. We all know commitments do not matter until the LOI is received. So, all these commits to schools still have the opportunity to change their minds. Happens all the time. Texas still has enough clout to pull kids with Longhorn posters on the bedroom wall.

Should be more than 9 either way....that is AWFUL for a school like Texas
University of Texas, fortunately, is more an academic institution than a football institution. Charlie is fine. This discussion is what makes me despise college football more and more, fucking disgusting.

what don't you like about the discussion?
I have a BIL in Austin, and he told me last week that it seems that Strong doesn't do a whole lot of recruiting or at least taking commitments during the season. Once the season ends, they'll turn up the heat. There aren't many schools that could get away with this, but I think Texas is one of them. At least with the in-state crowd
What gets old is this ridiculous expectation for the University of Texas. Without Vince Young (and LenDale White), they would have zero national championships since I've been watching football. Charlie Strong is a great head coach that was, apparently, given no chance to succeed...this constant thought that Texas needs to be elite year in and year out in football seems misplaced, because they haven't been in my time (watching football) on Earth.

Why now? Great school, great city, constant talk about the coach underachieving gets old. He's doing fine. It sucks to actually be an academic institution in the sport of college football, I know.
I have a BIL in Austin, and he told me last week that it seems that Strong doesn't do a whole lot of recruiting or at least taking commitments during the season. Once the season ends, they'll turn up the heat. There aren't many schools that could get away with this, but I think Texas is one of them. At least with the in-state crowd

this is true and exactly what he did last year. made heavy push at the end and ended having a top 15 class.
What gets old is this ridiculous expectation for the University of Texas. Without Vince Young (and LenDale White), they would have zero national championships since I've been watching football. Charlie Strong is a great head coach that was, apparently, given no chance to succeed...this constant thought that Texas needs to be elite year in and year out in football seems misplaced, because they haven't been in my time (watching football) on Earth.

Why now? Great school, great city, constant talk about the coach underachieving gets old. He's doing fine. It sucks to actually be an academic institution in the sport of college football, I know.
since he's gotten there, he's pretty much spent a good chunk of time trimming the fat with the player personnel, i'm with you in that give him some time and that program will be better
What gets old is this ridiculous expectation for the University of Texas. Without Vince Young (and LenDale White), they would have zero national championships since I've been watching football. Charlie Strong is a great head coach that was, apparently, given no chance to succeed...this constant thought that Texas needs to be elite year in and year out in football seems misplaced, because they haven't been in my time (watching football) on Earth.

Why now? Great school, great city, constant talk about the coach underachieving gets old. He's doing fine. It sucks to actually be an academic institution in the sport of college football, I know.

because these good ol boys wanna see some ROI
What gets old is this ridiculous expectation for the University of Texas. Without Vince Young (and LenDale White), they would have zero national championships since I've been watching football. Charlie Strong is a great head coach that was, apparently, given no chance to succeed...this constant thought that Texas needs to be elite year in and year out in football seems misplaced, because they haven't been in my time (watching football) on Earth.

Why now? Great school, great city, constant talk about the coach underachieving gets old. He's doing fine. It sucks to actually be an academic institution in the sport of college football, I know.

Well they are the flagship university in the state with the most high school football talent in the country. No one should be complaining if they're a top 15-20 program but they should never be out of the top 30 for more than a year or two. They have been one since they lost the title game to Bama in 2009. We're coming up on 5 years of Texas not being a top 30 program and they are currently, at best, the 4th best team in their home state. That's pretty unacceptable. I won't dare argue that it's a great school in a great city but there are other top notch academic institutions who are succeeding in college football. I don't think it's fair for Texas to expect to compete with those institutions.

But I will agree that firing Strong now is incredibly premature. I firmly believe that every coach should get a minimum of 3 years and really at least 4 unless they are committing violations left and right after 3 years. Strong is running a clean program with an idiot of an athletic director. The man deserves a chance to try and turn things around. Also who exactly is Texas going to go hire that's any better? It's not like Chip Kelly is calling Austin right now
Well they are the flagship university in the state with the most high school football talent in the country. No one should be complaining if they're a top 15-20 program but they should never be out of the top 30 for more than a year or two. They have been one since they lost the title game to Bama in 2009. We're coming up on 5 years of Texas not being a top 30 program and they are currently, at best, the 4th best team in their home state. That's pretty unacceptable. I won't dare argue that it's a great school in a great city but there are other top notch academic institutions who are succeeding in college football. I don't think it's fair for Texas to expect to compete with those institutions.

But I will agree that firing Strong now is incredibly premature. I firmly believe that every coach should get a minimum of 3 years and really at least 4 unless they are committing violations left and right after 3 years. Strong is running a clean program with an idiot of an athletic director. The man deserves a chance to try and turn things around. Also who exactly is Texas going to go hire that's any better? It's not like Chip Kelly is calling Austin right now

Sounds like we agree. The business of football is getting in the way of letting college football be COLLEGE football. Good start.
How dare anyone care about these kids!!! They are assets!! And damnit they're getting scholarships!! Get on that damned field and perform. Football first, get education after you're done making middle aged men millions. Lazy, shiftless fucks
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Sounds like we agree. The business of football is getting in the way of letting college football be COLLEGE football. Good start.

Yeah but there isn't a correction coming IMO

The only way a correction comes is if payments to players reach a level where universities are uncomfortable. Then a reasonable amount of universities go to a truly amateur model where only kids who would have been admitted to the school regardless of athletic prowess play football. That's about the only way I can see business getting out of the way. I wouldn't be opposed to the NFL coming up with their own minor league system but they're not even going to think about it as long as colleges are providing that for free. And colleges aren't about to stop providing it as long as the football program is a cash cow that funds the entire athletic department and then some
Texas should pray that either Chip Kelly decides to want to go back to college or Bill O'brien wants to go back to college.
They would be a slam dunk hire and put Texas in the top 5 yearly
they ain't gonna pay college kids

not sure how that got brought up

The stipends are a pretty big step in that direction

Allowing them to profit off of their likeness may very well be coming soon too. So while you might be right and the universities may never directly cut them a check every 2 weeks, these kids are going to get a share some way
Yeah but there isn't a correction coming IMO

The only way a correction comes is if payments to players reach a level where universities are uncomfortable. Then a reasonable amount of universities go to a truly amateur model where only kids who would have been admitted to the school regardless of athletic prowess play football. That's about the only way I can see business getting out of the way. I wouldn't be opposed to the NFL coming up with their own minor league system but they're not even going to think about it as long as colleges are providing that for free. And colleges aren't about to stop providing it as long as the football program is a cash cow that funds the entire athletic department and then some

Not all football programs make money to support themselves. Sure the big boys do .. but a lot of those smaller schools lose money on the football program.

It is a voluntary act to play college football and one in which the school actually gives away scholarships to academically undeserving students. That should be enough. If they want to get paid, go to the NFL or CFL or Arena league. Oh you are not good enough? Then get the free training that the schools are providing you to get good enough. Oh you are still not good enough? Use the expensive education they are providing to your for free to learn a skill or trade to make a good life for yourself. If you don't think that playing college football is good for you then don't play. It's that simple.

What is not simple is starting to pay college athletes. How do you pay the football player more than the swim team player? Do you now have to market each sport equally to be fair to each STUDENT-athlete? It is such a slippery slope .... and it will make the sport and recruiting all the more ugly. Don't get me wrong, it is tough for Texas to compete in recruiting with programs like Bama and Oklahoma who are already paying players but once paying becomes acceptable it is going to get seriously nasty.
And the day they start paying players in the way people are discussing, the sport is dead to me.
I'm going to pay my employees in training courses and damn them if they aren't happy with it

And I will ensure that there is a cartel preventing them from earning off their skills elsewhere
So you're good with the stipends? At what point do you draw the line and decide the sport is dead to you?

I have no idea. I mean, I will keep pushing the line back because I am addicted to college football. But I have a breaking point; I am sure of that.
I'm going to pay my employees in training courses and damn them if they aren't happy with it

And I will ensure that there is a cartel preventing them from earning off their skills elsewhere

If you think there is a void in the marketplace for a football league, then go start one up and make a fortune. Vince McMahon tried it.
There is no gun to the heads of these kids. They do not have to play college football. They can practice at any number of camps and then go on to the NFL. If it is not good for them, they have the option to not do it.

You are effectively going to end college sports. There is no way you can pay all the college athletes. Women won't even be able to play sports anymore because all of their programs will have to be shut down.