SEC Championship

But that IS the argument. Every other sport on the planet does it that way, and it clearly works. What else needs to be said?

You seem more worried about feelings than facts. Games are decided on the field. If you lose and don’t win your conference championship, you’re out. Anyone and everyone who has played sports at an even slightly high level would agree with that.

If I could scream from the mountain tops to the entire world that this is 1000% incorrect, then I would.

Things are not symmetrical across college football conferences and divisions. Let's assume the following unlikely event were to happen:

Virginia beats clemson by some fluke.
Oregon beats utah.
Wisconsin beats ohio state by fluke.
Baylor beats oklahoma
Georgia beats LSU.

Two flukes and three other possibilities with better chances than the average joe might think.

Are you honestly gona choose your "top 4 teams" from:

Virginia (3 losses)
Oregon (2 losses)
Wisky (2 blowout losses)


You're gona toss Clemson, ohio state. And LSU to the side (all with one loss) just based on one bad flukey game out of 13 games?

This is seriously crazy to consider.

Its the four best teams. The four best. Sometimes two of the four might reside in the same conference or even the same division !!! (Alabama and LSU come to mind).

2 of the 20 teams who made the CFP the last 5 years did NOT win their conference.

Bravo to the CFP committee those 2 seasons for picking the best teams to make it, regardless of conf title.
If I could scream from the mountain tops to the entire world that this is 1000% incorrect, then I would.

Things are not symmetrical across college football conferences and divisions. Let's assume the following unlikely event were to happen:

Virginia beats clemson by some fluke.
Oregon beats utah.
Wisconsin beats ohio state by fluke.
Baylor beats oklahoma
Georgia beats LSU.

Two flukes and three other possibilities with better chances than the average joe might think.

Are you honestly gona choose your "top 4 teams" from:

Virginia (3 losses)
Oregon (2 losses)
Wisky (2 blowout losses)


You're gona toss Clemson, ohio state. And LSU to the side (all with one loss) just based on one bad flukey game out of 13 games?

This is seriously crazy to consider.

Its the four best teams. The four best. Sometimes two of the four might reside in the same conference or even the same division !!! (Alabama and LSU come to mind).

2 of the 20 teams who made the CFP the last 5 years did NOT win their conference.

Bravo to the CFP committee those 2 seasons for picking the best teams to make it, regardless of conf title.

Exactly. Jedi just calls his plan objective because he wants to turn a blind eye to everything that isn‘t objective but ends up factoring into the final determination. Like the totally arbitrary construction of divisions and conferences — some divisions and conferences are undeniably weaker than others.

So what makes like the SEC champion more qualified than some FCS conference champion? It‘s *gasp* the reality that some teams are better...subjectively determined to be better but with differing degrees of consensus from slim majority to basically universal.

You can‘t just count some conf champ games and not others because you want to be objective.

So which teams are better? The ones that prove it over the course of a season (many games!) by building a resume!

I already brought this point up to him, though. But he didn‘t have an answer other than to call me an ignorant millennial and to cite the unanimous opinion of every higher-level athlete that exists in his head
Honestly jedi it‘s you who care about feelings. You don‘t want to leave out a conference champion bc you think being a conf champion carries some sort of special weight and you don‘t want to exclude any „deserving“ teams

But the teams that get left out will always feel like they got hosed and they‘ll always cry.

There should never have been a four-game playoff if this plan was conceived to account for teams bitching. Its a slippery slope that will always end up with at least a few teams complaining.

Some years will be good years where lots of teams seem to deserve the 4 spot and other years it‘ll seem difficult to reward a team with the four spot.

It seems fine with me to get rid of a committee— the so-called subjective element.

Maybe we ought to compute things based on resume. Of course, power rankings and sos aren‘t purely objective either. They‘re rather volatile — subject to repeated revision—and can radically shift on a weekly basis.

But then i‘m out of options in all honesty. There is no totally objective way of going about this.

And honestly who cares. There’s no perfect solution. As long as a team like Ohio State isn’t able to robbed as more likely in jedi’s scenario of a one-game pre-playoff playoff i’m good. Get the two best teams (this year lsu and osu, clearly— and don‘t give me fucking clemson, this is the 2019 season not 2018) and add a couple more in a playoff for all I care. All of these other teams feel too entitled if they don’t make it but complain. If you’re not clearly in as osu and lsu are then you have no right to complain. You left it ,perhaps, up in the air and that’s your fault.
If I could scream from the mountain tops to the entire world that this is 1000% incorrect, then I would.

Things are not symmetrical across college football conferences and divisions. Let's assume the following unlikely event were to happen:

Virginia beats clemson by some fluke.
Oregon beats utah.
Wisconsin beats ohio state by fluke.
Baylor beats oklahoma
Georgia beats LSU.

Two flukes and three other possibilities with better chances than the average joe might think.

Are you honestly gona choose your "top 4 teams" from:

Virginia (3 losses)
Oregon (2 losses)
Wisky (2 blowout losses)


You're gona toss Clemson, ohio state. And LSU to the side (all with one loss) just based on one bad flukey game out of 13 games?

This is seriously crazy to consider.

Its the four best teams. The four best. Sometimes two of the four might reside in the same conference or even the same division !!! (Alabama and LSU come to mind).

2 of the 20 teams who made the CFP the last 5 years did NOT win their conference.

Bravo to the CFP committee those 2 seasons for picking the best teams to make it, regardless of conf title.

So Alabama should be in the playoff. They are clearly one of the four "best" teams. Favored over LSU (who got a fluke win because they were the underdog when they won) and better than Auburn (who got a fluke win because they were the underdog when they won).

Patriots had a fluke comeback against Atlanta so let's crown the falcons the champion.
NcState winning the NCAA tourney was a fluke so let's just take that title away .. hell Let's give it to Georgetown and strip Nova of a win.
Hell, South Carolina had a fluke win over UGA this year but if they lose to LSU they are out but if LSU wins or loses they are in. So why are we counting that fluke loss?

Your entire post is logically ridiculous on its face. If we are going to take the four best teams then the game results simply don't matter and if they do, it is inconsistent. It is subjective bullshit. Alabama is the best team in the SEC. They would be favored on a neutral against anyone I think. They closed -5.5 to LSU. So they would be favored on a neutral. They are therefore the best of the two teams, no? The result, we know by your definitions above, don't matter. It was a fluke that LSU won. They rated to lose. They are not better than Alabama per the largest market available to make such a determination. A market that we all try to beat by half a point because it is so efficient that doing so makes a huge difference. So if we are taking the four best teams, then Alabama should be in before LSU no?

What would you make Alabama vs OU on a neutral field? Certainly over a TD. So Alabama is the better team regardless of any game outcomes .. therefore they deserve to be in over OU right? They are the best team between the two.

I like how you guys like to pick and choose what game is a fluke and what game isn't.

Clemson opened like a 9 point dog to Alabama last year. Was that game a fluke? But if Wiscy wins against Ohio State it is a fluke?

Let me tell you this ... I don't care if it is a fluke because the only way sports events matter is if the results actually matter.

Clemson has played 1 top 30 team the entire season and that team they played was one game over .500 vs fbs competition and their best win was against Miss State. How do you exactly come to the conclusion they are one of the four best teams? I think they are. You think they are. But how do we know?

Sports is about putting people on a playing surface with a set of rules and having them compete to see who wins. If the results don't matter, then it really isn't a sport anymore.

Your post is awful because it is logically wrong.

YES, if VIrginia wins their conference they deserve to be in the playoff more than any other team in the ACC. If they beat Clemson all of their losses to the other teams were just flukes right?

Taking conference champs only is a wonderful idea. Maybe two or three teams from the SEC can move to the Sun Belt so folks can really have a meltdown about their schedule.
Exactly. Jedi just calls his plan objective because he wants to turn a blind eye to everything that isn‘t objective but ends up factoring into the final determination. Like the totally arbitrary construction of divisions and conferences — some divisions and conferences are undeniably weaker than others.

So what makes like the SEC champion more qualified than some FCS conference champion? It‘s *gasp* the reality that some teams are better...subjectively determined to be better but with differing degrees of consensus from slim majority to basically universal.

You can‘t just count some conf champ games and not others because you want to be objective.

So which teams are better? The ones that prove it over the course of a season (many games!) by building a resume!

I already brought this point up to him, though. But he didn‘t have an answer other than to call me an ignorant millennial and to cite the unanimous opinion of every higher-level athlete that exists in his head

I didn’t call you an ignorant millennial, I said you SOUNDED like one. Meaning your argument sounded like one. You’re smart enough to know the difference, stop being obtuse.

And VK just said everything I’ve been trying to say. I don’t understand how we want to just give teams rewards who lose games on the field, when it matters. It’s silly.
We had to destroy the village to save it! Thank you Commissioner LeMay!

Tearing it down and making 8 conferences wasn’t, and isn’t what I would want to do. I was simply piggybacking off of what VK said and then said IF we were to go down that road, this is what would need to be done.

Again, within the framework of how it’s set up now, 6 teams is a better option than 4. That is my contention. The 6 teams would be the power 5 conference champions and then one at large team.

So no, I don’t want to destroy any village to save anyone.
There's going to be some bitching no matter.
The UIL expands the Texas high school playoffs to district champs and runnerups. Then we take 4 teams out of district. Then we have two divisions.
Pretty soon 2-9 teams are getting in on a coin flip and occasionally beating an 11-0 champ somewhere.
Some weird shit in LA too, where every team makes the playoffs. Shit is absurd
Taking conference champs only is a wonderful idea. Maybe two or three teams from the SEC can move to the Sun Belt so folks can really have a meltdown about their schedule.
Have y’all already told Notre Dame to lose their
Exclusive NBC television money deal and make them join the ACC?
And how is the money split up in the new 8 conference deal? And who will get fucked regionally worse than they are now? Also, are we moving anyone up from FCS or kicking some
Schools out to make the numbers even?