Season suspended indefinitely

It’s could be a disaster , what if Lakers lose first game to CAVs or something .

I like the idea of play ins for 7 and 8 seeds

I would be shocked if they did this
It’s could be a disaster , what if Lakers lose first game to CAVs or something .

I like the idea of play ins for 7 and 8 seeds

I would be shocked if they did this
I think it's a no brainier we go right to the playoffs if play is resumed, right?
I think it's a no brainier we go right to the playoffs if play is resumed, right?

Yes , I’ve heard though of some plays ins for the teams currently 7-11 to fill In. The final 2 seeds

a NCAA type tournament would really cheapen the title and you run the risk of Lebron or some other big star being out really early on
Yes , I’ve heard though of some plays ins for the teams currently 7-11 to fill In. The final 2 seeds

a NCAA type tournament would really cheapen the title and you run the risk of Lebron or some other big star being out really early on
That seems fair enough. That is more fair for the WC lower seeds since their was a chance for movement.
Go 5-7-7-7 game series

or do you have to go 5-5-7-7

I think 7/1 start you could go 5-7-7-7
I'm now thinking they are going to cancel the season. If and when they want to resume the season, I think political pressure will shut it down. The UFC event a week ago they shut down was only going to have a couple dozen people. Fighters, trainers, judges, doctors, etc. No fans in attendance. And they still didn't want it. We'll see what happens though.
I'm now thinking they are going to cancel the season. If and when they want to resume the season, I think political pressure will shut it down. The UFC event a week ago they shut down was only going to have a couple dozen people. Fighters, trainers, judges, doctors, etc. No fans in attendance. And they still didn't want it. We'll see what happens though.
Most states will be open here in the next month, big difference.
Go 5-7-7-7 game series

or do you have to go 5-5-7-7

I think 7/1 start you could go 5-7-7-7
I like option #2. I thought they were considering 3 game series at first. That could get wild. They can fit this all in easily by not spacing it out like the regular playoffs with their dumbass 14-15 day series.
I like option #2. I thought they were considering 3 game series at first. That could get wild. They can fit this all in easily by not spacing it out like the regular playoffs with their dumbass 14-15 day series.

if there is a 3 game series , any risk to Lakers or Clips in first round ? Bucks smoke whomever easily I’d say
if there is a 3 game series , any risk to Lakers or Clips in first round ? Bucks smoke whomever easily I’d say
With the layoff... Clips potentially having to play Dallas could get into a shootout or two... Lakers vs Memphis be over in 2.
Here's what the "great unknown" is...after such a long layoff....aren't best of 3 series going to be dangerous as hell since these guys can no way be in "basketball shape".

Fuck, as it is right now, most of these guys don't get there until Xmas as it is. Guy like Joker in Denver probably been pounding a box of Krispy Kreme's 3x a day since Pandemic Park started...
Very quiet on the NBA FRONT.

was listening to a Simmons pod, he thinks they are targeting July 4th weekend in either Vegas, LA or Orlando

he also said they really don't want to be the first league to come back
Very quiet on the NBA FRONT.

was listening to a Simmons pod, he thinks they are targeting July 4th weekend in either Vegas, LA or Orlando

he also said they really don't want to be the first league to come back
I think your last sentence goes with your first one.
The NBA likes to trend-set but it seems here they want to follow. Vegas is out of the question. That's just disaster waiting to happen. Orlando makes a lot of sense at Disney.
The NBA likes to trend-set but it seems here they want to follow. Vegas is out of the question. That's just disaster waiting to happen. Orlando makes a lot of sense at Disney.

The only way you could do Vegas is if the Casinos were still shut down

There is no doubt Disney World will be shut down this summer.

LA Live seems like Vegas, you couldn't keep the players in a "bubble"
The NBA likes to trend-set but it seems here they want to follow. Vegas is out of the question. That's just disaster waiting to happen. Orlando makes a lot of sense at Disney.

I just don't really see Baseball taking the lead here, the logistics of that are harder than the NBA. I think they will be studying what's happens in Germany with soccer. Which apparently could start as early as 2 weeks from now
The only way you could do Vegas is if the Casinos were still shut down

There is no doubt Disney World will be shut down this summer.

LA Live seems like Vegas, you couldn't keep the players in a "bubble"
Which they won't be ... And yeah no one staying in a bubble in LA either
I just don't really see Baseball taking the lead here, the logistics of that are harder than the NBA. I think they will be studying what's happens in Germany with soccer. Which apparently could start as early as 2 weeks from now
We shall see...I mean today's preliminary NHL talk shocked me. I figured they would throw in the towel. We need to see the MLB Antibody tests to see if this was truly circulating around in ST. If so, it could have been in NBA as well. At that point, you just resume to be honest.
The NBA likes to trend-set but it seems here they want to follow. Vegas is out of the question. That's just disaster waiting to happen. Orlando makes a lot of sense at Disney.

I agree. Perfect spot.
NHL keeps yapping and yapping...just not seeing it...they aren't ones to trend set. I'd be shocked if they were the first major sport.
70 games gets full payout from the RSNs is what Ive read

imagine you are a Cavs player and the league says hey can you come back and play a couple of games.. LOL sure

I think they are going have to do some mini tourney or something for the non-playoff teams
I think I’ve read that Lebron is pushing for Orlando , he knows there is no way you can keep people in a bubble in that city
NHL keeps yapping and yapping...just not seeing it...they aren't ones to trend set. I'd be shocked if they were the first major sport.
These guys shut the doors for a full year not that long ago disagreeing over a hell of a lot less money than they'd lose playing to empty buildings now.
Is there any way kyrie and KD could come back and play in the playoffs? Great odds on nets if that at all possible!
Is there any way kyrie and KD could come back and play in the playoffs? Great odds on nets if that at all possible!
Sure on at least KD..maybe both. Now, they aren't winning a series at all... But they could win a game or two instead of getting swept.
Sure on at least KD..maybe both. Now, they aren't winning a series at all... But they could win a game or two instead of getting swept.

I dunno man, I could see them beating anyone in the East if they back to what they once were. Of course no clue if kd will ever be the same? even then ya def gotta wonder if they can play with rest the guys on the team?

Certainly enough questions to understand your point of view but also think they could easily be considered most talented team in the East! I threw 50 on nets to win it all, paid over 3k so figured what the hell, lol. I gotta believe if kd did play those odds would drop significantly right? Always the possibility kd a big pussy and chooses to sit out and wait for a new coach and season even tho he outta be healthy.
I dunno man, I could see them beating anyone in the East if they back to what they once were. Of course no clue if kd will ever be the same? even then ya def gotta wonder if they can play with rest the guys on the team?

Certainly enough questions to understand your point of view but also think they could easily be considered most talented team in the East! I threw 50 on nets to win it all, paid over 3k so figured what the hell, lol. I gotta believe if kd did play those odds would drop significantly right? Always the possibility kd a big pussy and chooses to sit out and wait for a new coach and season even tho he outta be healthy.
Why not for a few bucks? But, I never really had this team rated high with both healthy. Kyrie is a cancer and they lost a lot of their cohesiveness this season with him out there. KD is great but he's not winning a ring in Brooklyn unless they get another piece.

Why not for a few bucks? But, I never really had this team rated high with both healthy. Kyrie is a cancer and they lost a lot of their cohesiveness this season with him out there. KD is great but he's not winning a ring in Brooklyn unless they get another piece.

oh yea kyrie totally destroyed all the good things this roster was doing before he arrived, kinda like the same thing he did to celtics! He gotta be the worst teammate in the league!

Maybe when kd gets on the court with him things will change? Kyrie seemed to be at his best when he played w bron. Could be he needs someone out there who’s game he respects as being a equal to act right?? When he surrounded by a bunch of B players he gets it in his head he needs to simply do it all himself, in both instances destroying teams that might not have had super stars but had very good chemistry before he arrived.

if kd can get his game back to the level it was before the injury (which could be a big if) I think nets as constructed are talented enough to compete for a ring. Doesn’t mean they will as the chemistry issues have to be solved. They need a coach who can deal with kyrie, ty lue would be a good choice imo. Don’t even know who their coach currently would be if the season picked back up? Lol.
Gotta think NBA talk starts heating up as the MLB stuff gets closer to finalizing a start
One of the problem NBA has is the majority of their players are probably over this season they either are out of the playoffs or have no chance if they make it . They have also been paid like 90% of their salary

Steve Kerr basically said as much that he is in offseason mode
One of the problem NBA has is the majority of their players are probably over this season they either are out of the playoffs or have no chance if they make it . They have also been paid like 90% of their salary

Steve Kerr basically said as much that he is in offseason mode

Yeah - you can bet your ass he wouldn’t be saying that the last few years
One of the problem NBA has is the majority of their players are probably over this season they either are out of the playoffs or have no chance if they make it . They have also been paid like 90% of their salary

Steve Kerr basically said as much that he is in offseason mode
Kerr prolly pumped, this is like almost a season off for him.

I thought that salary reductions were starting May 15th?
Kerr prolly pumped, this is like almost a season off for him.

I thought that salary reductions were starting May 15th?

i think you are right ,

one thing I did hear , which probably shouldn’t be surprising is that most of these players actually do live paycheck to paycheck
Silver may be a great commissioner , but he seems to be paralyzed by the potential of bad pr right now

I think you are going have to see some of the bigger names in this sport push for restarting of this season or we may end up with no NBA season

why can’t the NBA purchase let’s say 10k test to restart and donate another 20k to cities/ hospitals , etc
Lebron wins the title then later claims he had Covid -19 the entire time and he just hid it from the league

boom, he has his Jordan flu moment and surpasses him as the greatest ever
Yeah maybe 5-6 teams that think they have a chance at the title can suck it up for 2 months , but the rest ? Hard to see that