Saturday, September 1st Plays and Analysis Thread

<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">on that total I am probably on 99% of your games...then again, I play about 20 a Saturday....
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
just a wild guess signal....WMU is not that bad and WVU has no secondary at all...and who stops that WVU backfield? and receivers?
Like the Lobos and those 2 Over-ies you hit:smiley_acbe: Too much chalk for my blood on a fe, but if it make you money, I am all for it:cheers:
Alright, lets summarize the card for Saturday

I have 1-2 more plays coming. I will add them into this post here tonight or tomorow when I get the numbers I want.

Full card:

Michigan St -16.5 -110
Troy +24 -110
Nebraska -20 -110 2 units
South Carolina -29 -110
Illinois/Missouri O53.5 -110
New Mexico -3 -110
Wmu/Wvu O53 -110 5 units
USC -26.5(1H) -110
Texas 1H -23.5 -115 3 units

-I added the West Virginia/Western Michigan over this afternoon as it was finally put on the board and available to bet. I have had my eyes on this one for weeks and I said to myself it would be a max play at 53 or under. I have this game valued in the lower 60's in all honesty. I thought we would see a higher number posted but am quite glad we didn't. I know a lot of novice college football fans will just think WVU walks thru this game easy. I am not saying they have a close battle but WMU is a very good football team. They would be favored to win the MAC if not for having to visit the Glass Bowl this season. Hiller is back to QB this year after a redshirt season. He was excellent back in 2005 and should be able to have a solid game against a still medicore passing defense. WVU has made some changes and I do expect them to get a bit better defensively but not for tthe first game of the season. On the other side its the explosive WVU offense. Patrick White gets better and better everygame plus they have Steve Slaton, Reynuad and perhaps the ballyhooed freshman making an impact. I think, especially with garbage time that WMU is good for 20 points. That means all I need is 5 TD's from WVU? That could be by halftime. Love this total. Rare for me to go max on a total.

-USC First half play speaks for itself. I am confident that the Vandals get shut-out in the first half. If USC can not get 2-3 scoring drives per quarter against them then maybe they should be concerned. I am tempted to play this for another unit.

-I know many may be scared off the Gamecocks because of the suspension of Blake Mitchell(upheld today). Lets understand that they are playing the Belt here and Spurier does not let up. Even with mediocre teams in past years the Cocks have rolled in these matchups. I think the Spurrier system puts up 40 points and I cannot see The Shave Belt scoring 10 here. Always remember, fading injuries/suspensions is not a profitable way of handicapping.
Looks good BAR. Awesome job of getting the good lines, particularly with Mich St. (I would now lean to UAB at +21.5, actually), Nebraska, and the WMU/WVU total. By the time Greek comes out with it will probably be 55/56.
Looks good BAR. Awesome job of getting the good lines, particularly with Mich St. (I would now lean to UAB at +21.5, actually), Nebraska, and the WMU/WVU total. By the time Greek comes out with it will probably be 55/56.

Thanks bro...

Since lines are obvious different on some of these now I will comment on the current lines as that is only fair to the readers of the thread.

I think MSU up to 20 is still safe. I do wish I had put another unit down at 16.5 but wasn't sure at that point if I would keep the play.
Thanks bro...

Since lines are obvious different on some of these now I will comment on the current lines as that is only fair to the readers of the thread.

I think MSU up to 20 is still safe. I do wish I had put another unit down at 16.5 but wasn't sure at that point if I would keep the play.

Agreed, I don't have UAB as a large lean or anything, but I just think it gets a bit dicey for MSU once the spread goes past 21...

They have the talent to win this by 35, but laying over 3 TDs with a DAntonio coached team is not something I will be interested in too often.
Michigans Opening Depth Chart

First depth chart: No fullback, 1-back set, Ciulla at RG

by Jim Carty | The Ann Arbor News Monday August 27, 2007, 9:21 AM

Jeremy Ciulla
Just received the first depth charts for this week's opener. Here's the offense and defense and specials.
Lloyd Carr coming up in 10 minutes and we'll blog any important developments live.
WR: Mario Manningham, Junior Hemingway
LT: Jake Long, Perry Dorrestein
LG: Adam Kraus, Tim McAvoy
C: Justin Boren, Tim McAvoy, David Moosman
RG: Jeremy Ciulla, Cory Zirbel, David Molk
RT: Steve Schilling OR Mark Ortmann
TE: Mike Massey, Chris McLaurin OR Andre Crisell
WR: Greg Matthews, Tony Clemons
WR: Adrian Arrington
QB: Chad Henne, Ryan Mallett
RB: Mike Hart, Brandon Minor, Avery Horn
DE: Tim Jamison, Adam Patterson
DT: Terrance Taylor, Brett Gallimore, Jason Kates
DT: Will Johnson, John Ferrara
DE: Brandon Graham, Greg Banks
SLB: Shawn Crable, Max Pollock, Marell Evans
MLB: John Thompson OR Obi Ezeh, Austin Panter
WLB: Chris Graham, Jonas Mouton OR Brandon Logan
LCB: Morgan Trent, Brandon Harrison, Troy Woolfolk
FS: Stevie Brown, Charles Stewart
SS: Jamar Adams, Brandent Englemon
RCB: Johnny Sears, Donovan Warren OR Doug Dutch
K: Jason Gingell OR Bryan Wright, K.C. Lopata
KO: Bryan Wright, K.C. Lopata
LS: Sean Griffin, Brenden Lopez
HLD: Zoltan Mesko, Nick Sheridan
P: Zoltan Mesko, Ankit Kachhal
PR: Johnny Sears, Greg Mathews
KR: Brandon Minor, Johnny Sears
Full card:

Michigan St -16.5 -110
Troy +24 -110
Nebraska -20 -110 2 units
South Carolina -29 -110
Illinois/Missouri O53.5 -110
New Mexico -3 -110
Wmu/Wvu O53 -110 5 units
USC -26.5(1H) -110

Did I miss something, BAR? Didn't you have FSU as a 5 unit play?
BOL Bar,
I am on Troy +24 and the over in the WVU-(53) game with you.
I cannot get a good feeling for the Spartans,
Good Winning this season-:smiley_acbe:
Best of luck, Big Al
We won't be locking horns much this year because I concentrate on lo spread games and I play a lot of dogs. ( I play a LOT of games, too):smiley_acbe:

I'll be with you on Troy, and you've got me looking at the lobos.
btw- I like the way you update the card here and there throughout your thread. Good idea.
TIGATOE-thanks buddy. Hopefully your Tigs start the week strong for me.

Bull-great to see you around again bro. Saw your Troy play yesterday. Good luck this season!
Caulcrick hopes to re-establish Spartans' running game

Though he's 'still baffled' by his role in last season's Notre Dame game

Chris Solari
Lansing State Journal
EAST LANSING - It's the game many Michigan State followers remember when they talk about Jehuu Caulcrick - last season's disappearing act against Notre Dame.
When the Spartans needed a bruising, straight-forward running attack most to preserve their 16-point lead, they stunningly stopped giving the punishing Caulcrick the ball.
Those issues may dissipate this year as Mark Dantonio's offense begins to feature more of a traditional running game. Senior Caulcrick will be counted upon to be the thunder to junior Javon Ringer's lightning.

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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>"He's going to have a chance to get the ball going this way," running backs coach Dan Enos said, pointing forward, "rather than going sideways all the time. And I think that will play into his strengths."
Dantonio has said he'd like to use Ringer and Caulcrick in the backfield at the same time as MSU abandons the spread offense John L. Smith used. That situation could finally allow Caulcrick a chance to put together big games regularly.
"I have a feeling that they will (use) the back who's hot at the time," he said. "But that Notre Dame game - I'm still baffled over that."
No pot of gold
So were many fans at the time.
In that September 2006 game against the Fighting Irish, perhaps the most infamous of Smith's loss-filled tenure at MSU, Caulcrick was the go-to guy in the second and third quarter as MSU built its lead. The bullish running back was doing his best Jerome Bettis imitation against Bettis' alma mater, carrying Irish defenders as they desperately try to gang-tackle him.
They barely could - he had 111 yards on eight carries and looked virtually unstoppable, including a 30-yard touchdown near the end of the third quarter that gave MSU a seemingly safe 37-21 lead.
Then as a deluge muddied the field and the Spartans' lead and time both began to evaporate - ideal conditions for his already effective style - Caulcrick vanished from the game-plan. He had just two carries in the fourth quarter and none in the final 13 minutes as the Irish rallied for a stunning win.
"I'm wondering, just as much as someone else in the stands, why I'm not getting the ball," he remembered thinking during the eventual 40-37 loss. "At first, I wasn't believing it was happening. I was thinking, 'I'm going to get my chance to go back in.' Then, as time kept going down and down, I was sitting on the sidelines not knowing what was going on."
Typical situation
As audacious as it seemed, it was familiar for Caulcrick. In his first three seasons in Smith's system, he never got a chance to be the featured ballcarrier.
And even back to 2004, coming off his redshirt season, Caulcrick showed flashes of having similar talent.
• While splitting carries with DeAndra Cobb, Caulcrick rushed for 619 yards and five touchdowns.
• He had a 94-yard game with a touchdown against Minnesota.
• Against Wisconsin, he had 140 yards and three TDs on 10 carries in the Spartans' 49-14 blowout win.
But the 113 carries he saw that season remain Caulcrick's season-high. The emergence of Javon Ringer in 2005 cut Caulcrick's carries to just 89 and his yards to 478, but he scored a team-high seven rushing touchdowns.
Then last season - behind an injury-ravaged offensive line and with the Spartans needing to pass more while typically losing - his rushing yards dropped for the third straight season to 426 yards.
His carries increased to 108 and he led MSU for the second straight season in rushing TDs, but Caulcrick began to get the ball less and less once Ringer returned from an early-season injury. After getting 15 carries against Ohio State, Caulcrick continued - from nine to seven to six to five and finally just two rushes in the finale against Penn State.
"I'm a competitor, so I'm definitely going to want the ball," Caulcrick said. "I'd have these big games, then the next week I'd get about two carries. I'm wondering just as much as someone else why I'm not getting the ball, but I can't complain about it. I've just got to do what's best for the team."
Wanting more
At 6-foot, 255 pounds, Caulcrick is a prototypical "big back" who reminds people of former MSU star T.J. Duckett.
With Duckett back in Michigan after signing with the Detroit Lions, the two worked out together and lounged at the pool this summer.
Their time together also allowed Caulcrick to ask Duckett about what to expect in a traditional two-back offense, which Duckett played in under Nick Saban and Bobby Williams at MSU.
"He was in a similar offense when he was here," said Caulcrick, who said he's exchanged text messages back and forth with Duckett throughout their fall camps. "He's helping me out with the different types of runs, the power runs. He's saying, 'Just keep your head up, because you never know when that hole's going to open.' Just go for it at that time."
Offensive coordinator Don Treadwell pointed to Caulcrick's Duckett-like characteristics as being a good fit in the two-back, offset-I formation.
"He's a good-sized back, and that lends itself to when you're running the football," Treadwell said. "And certainly he showed that here in spring - in the open field, he's tough to bring down one-on-one. And that's a bonus because you're always trying to move the chains as an offensive staff."
One thing Duckett did that Caulcrick hasn't is play in a bowl game - two for T.J., none for Jehuu. That's something he wants to change.
"It's definitely something I need," Caulcrick said. "It's my last year here playing as a Spartan. I have to go out with a bang."
Broncos aim to `shock the world' at West Virginia

Tuesday, August 28, 2007 By Graham Couch 388-7773
Their program's record against ranked teams is 0-18 and Las Vegas has set them as more than three-touchdown underdogs.
But Western Michigan University's players don't much care about the past or the oddsmakers. They view Saturday's matchup at third-ranked West Virginia as the opportunity to leap onto the national stage, surge into the polls, and do so before Labor Day.
``We have a big chance right here, man,'' junior receiver Jamarko Simmons said, moments after listening to a rousing post-practice speech from coach Bill Cubit.
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript1.1 src=""></SCRIPT><!-- MICHIGANLIVE/TACODA_REMNANT_MI03 --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=420 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD align=middle width=410 bgColor=#e7efef>

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That Biggers and Co. are publicly following their coach's expectations on this is a bit surprising. Coaches often pump their teams full of bravado, but rarely do they let their programs take that swagger to the media -- unless, of course, they, too, have hopes of pulling off something unexpected. Or, as Cubit said, taking their best shot at doing so.
``We're not a team that's going to shy away,'' Cubit said. ``(West Virginia is) a great football team. They really are. They're one of the top three teams in the country. But when you bring guys here, that's the kind of guys who you want to go play. We're not like some teams and go play a bunch of nobodies and get the record up there. I'd rather go play those types of teams.''
After a recent practice, Cubit told his players the coaching staff would get them to the fourth quarter but from there it would be a test of wills.
``And that's anybody we play,'' Cubit said. ``... That's especially important when you're playing a big school -- Florida State, Virginia, one of those schools. Just get it there and then anything can happen.''
Cubit's troops are on board, sounding as dreamy as one would assume a group of veteran players fresh off two surprising seasons and a bowl game would be. Their only boastful wish, Southern California and Louisiana State were on the schedule, as well.
``I'll play the first-ranked team, second-ranked team, third-ranked team in the nation the first three games of the season,'' Simmons said. ``I wouldn't want it any other way. Because I know this team ... we deserve it, we deserve it. We deserve to be able to get out here on the national scene and show everybody what we have.''
DB news from WVU....

Free safety Quinton Andrews faces a bench trial Thursday in Monongalia County Magistrate Court on a charge of obstructing an officer stemming from a June incident.
Andrews, who started all but one game as a redshirt freshman and was the team leader in tackles and interceptions, isn't listed on the two-deep lineup for Saturday's opener with Western Michigan. Mundy is listed as the starter.
Cornerback Ellis Lankster and linebacker J.T. Thomas are on indefinite suspension after being charged earlier this month with transferring and receiving stolen property, which Morgantown police said was a laptop computer
Appy State Update

ASU to start six newcomers against Michigan
Mountaineers will use a young defensive line against the Wolverines

By Tommy Bowman

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The first college starting assignment for six Appalachian State football players promises to be a memorable one.
Offensive linemen Jonathan Bieschke and Brett Irvin, defensive linemen Bobby Bozzo, Tony Robertson and Anthony Williams, and defensive back Titus Howard all are expected to be in the starting lineup Saturday when ASU opens its season against heralded Michigan.
Bozzo, a freshman, said he couldn’t imagine a more challenging assignment than to begin his college career against the team ranked No. 5 in The Associated Press’ preseason poll and in front of more than 100,000 fans at Michigan Stadium.
“It’s pretty exciting to get to play against a program with the tradition that Michigan has,” Bozzo said. “We’re looking forward to it.”
Irvin, a redshirt freshman, will step in for senior Scott Suttle at center. Suttle, nursing a knee injury sustained in preseason camp, is expected back in a week or two but won’t play against Michigan unless absolutely needed, according to coaches.
Shawn Elliott, the Mountaineers’ offensive-line coach, said that Irvin has had as good of a preseason camp as any of the players who will be first-time starters.
“He’s really come along, and now he’s stepping into an important role for us,” Elliott said. “I know he’ll be nervous and anxious, but at the same time I think he’ll play really well. It will be a great experience for him.”
Elliott said that the 6-0, 260-pound Irvin is a similar player to the veteran Suttle, minus the experience.
“I don’t think we’ll drop off a bit in the coming years with him in there,” Elliott said. “He’s a lot like Scott in that he’s a shorter, quicker lineman. He’s a very strong and physical player who understands our offense. He’s a smart, aggressive football player almost identical to Scott.”
Bieschke, a 6-5, 285-pound junior, has played mostly on special teams the last two seasons but will replace Matt Isenhour, an All-America tackle who graduated.
“Jon has been around for a long time,” Elliott said. “It almost seems like he’s a senior. This is his opportunity to be out there when the game is on the line, and we’re looking forward to seeing how he responds. I think he will fit in nicely.”
Pat Mills, a redshirt freshman, could also see considerable playing time at right tackle.
The Mountaineers, who lost three of four starters on the defensive line, will start three sophomores and a freshman up front on defense.
“That’s good and bad,” Coach Jerry Moore said. “I really like the way they’re playing and if they continue to do that, it’s going to be really good for the future.”
Robertson, a 6-2, 240-pound sophomore end, and Williams, a 6-1, 285-pound sophomore tackle, both played as backups last season.
“Both of them got some valuable playing time,” said John Wiley, the Mountaineers’ defensive coordinator. “I’m not really looking at them as young guys. Maybe they are as first-time starters, but they got a good number of reps last year.”
Bozzo, a 6-3, 265-pound freshman who was playing high-school football in New Jersey at this time last year, and Gary Tharrington, a returning starter at end, will complete the defensive front.
“He’s had a very good camp,” Moore said of Bozzo. “A lot of the freshmen have. We really think we’ve hit some home runs there.”
The Mountaineers lost tackles Omarr Byrom and Daniel Orlebar and All-America end Marques Murrell from last year’s team, which won a second straight national title in the NCAA’s Football Championship Subdivision.
The remaining spots on defense are manned by veterans, including Howard, a 5-11, 200-pound senior who will take over for All-America Jeremy Wiggins at nickel safety. Howard, once looked at as a potential cornerback, has played in 34 games over three seasons, mostly on special teams, but will start for the first time.
“He’s a similar kind of athlete to Jeremy,” Wiley said of Howard. “He’s a big physical guy. It’s yet to be determined in a game situation, but it appears he might be able to cover even better than Jeremy did. If there is a question, it’s can he make the tackles that Jeremy did? You wouldn’t see some of the tackles that Jeremy made until watching tape the next day.”
■ Tommy Bowman can be reached at 727-7320 or at

what do u think about Iowa State -3.5 on Thursday B.A.R

In all honesty I am starting to like it. There has been a lot of hype surrounding Kent the few weeks leading up to the season but I have read some convincing arguments in favor of the Clones. If it hits a good price I may be tempted.


Just wanted to heckle ya.
Just added Troy for a unit. I like the way their defense is coming along, they should be able to slow the backfield of Arkansas. They get a B+ on offense from Blue Ribbon, so hopefully we'll see a couple TD's from them as well. I think Troy loses by about 13. :shake:

BOL this season bro, looking to hook up on some plays later in the year. :wacka wacka:
Nice looking card. I like the MSU play but I missed the good lines and I'm not so sure at current 21.5. The defense has been looking pretty good this fall so we'll see what happens this year.
I'm on the Troy game with ya and I was leaning same as you on Neb, USC, and WM over put haven't pulled trigger yet.
Nice looking card. I like the MSU play but I missed the good lines and I'm not so sure at current 21.5. The defense has been looking pretty good this fall so we'll see what happens this year.
I'm on the Troy game with ya and I was leaning same as you on Neb, USC, and WM over put haven't pulled trigger yet.

Hey man, welcome to the site? Are you an MSU guy? I liked Sparty from 19.5 to 20 at most. I think they can still cover 3 TD's but I dunno if I could touch that number after having the great early one.

Good luck on your other plays. I think Sparty can do some suprising things this year. We'll see.
Yeah, I'm a State grad (and a Lions fan) so I'm usually suicidal come Sunday nights. Dantonio is really shaking some things up. I like how he made SirDarean 2nd string because he's soft even though he has the most talent at OLB; if nothing else this team will be tougher and more disciplined than the last several years.

I've been around other sites over the past several years with a bunch of the guys that post here (BTB, PP, etc...) but I didn't post much last year since I had a kid.
Yeah, I'm a State grad (and a Lions fan) so I'm usually suicidal come Sunday nights. Dantonio is really shaking some things up. I like how he made SirDarean 2nd string because he's soft even though he has the most talent at OLB; if nothing else this team will be tougher and more disciplined than the last several years.

I've been around other sites over the past several years with a bunch of the guys that post here (BTB, PP, etc...) but I didn't post much last year since I had a kid.

alright, cool, one of the real old guys from PP and BTB...

Congrats on the new kid:tiphat: fuckin duped by Bookmaker. Tried to save myself 5 cents..waited 3 days for Texas 1st half to jump off 21.5 -115 and it finally did

Texas 1H -23.5 -115 3 units
Ouch. Hopefully it wont matter man. Ill take a 24-0 first half
Not too worried about it honestly. I see it being an easy play but its the trickeration of the book that ticks me off.

BTW guys..USC is at 27.5 -105
Weird shit. Texas is still -22' at Greek.

USC is 27' but -115, while you only have to pay -105 at BM.
Yup. Wish I could play at Greek ;)

Oh well, we'll win this anyways or its all Horns fault ;)
adding....(will update whole card friday night...possibly 1-2 more after this)

Oklahoma 1h -24 -105 1 unit

A good capper gave me this play. When he posts his analysis I will link yas. Good number and juice.
bad break on the 1st half in the texas game ... but i think they woodshed them barring weather. this is my favorite selections thread on the site. please keep writeups coming week 2.

My writeups will get better actually..I kinda stunk on them in whole for week one...

time constraints...

Love breaking shit down

How was your trip?
had a great time, got in three rounds of golf. the last one was pretty ugly and lost by 9 strokes to my friend ... biggest whooping i can remember taking from him. got to see my godson and a total of 6 rugrats at three seperate stops. i have lots of friends out there and always look forward to those trips ( i usually go once a year, the red river shoot out). I actually got back into town only hours before first kick off. I can honestly say i didn't miss vegas much.
Well, the card is gnormous, but I think we'll make some cash this weekend

These are the last plays added to the card.

Arizona st -15 -110 1 unit
Virginia -3 -110 1 unit
Missouri -4 -110 1 unit
Arizona St/SJSU o49.5 -110 3 units

final thoughts later tonight.