Saturday Discussion Thread

Efflin ov 5.5 k’s -110 vs his old team with tons of swing and miss all day, his k’s been up since coming to balty and I think he kind of dude that studies and he should know exactly how to roast the guys that still there and all the Tb rookies.

Gilbert ov 5.5 k’s -130.. he should dominate cards lineup. Might play cards Ff under also, still have baseball work to do,,

Herz ov 15.5 outs +135.. just smaller stab here, herz been my strikeout guy but pirates been making contact st above avg clip, havnt had high k rate vs lhp all year, and this being a DH I feel like Herz could do his team a solid here and pitch to a little more contact and get some quick outs the pirates always willing to give if you make a good pitch! Will it work out like that or will he run his pitch count up trying to strike out everyone? Tough to say but think this bout as reasonable a game to expect a longer outing and getting +135 makes it worth it to me, just be warned odds are he be around 85 pitches after 5 innings and you be sitting there hoping manager sends him back out! Luckily there be football on so prob won’t even notice til it over!!
Efflin ov 5.5 k’s -110 vs his old team with tons of swing and miss all day, his k’s been up since coming to balty and I think he kind of dude that studies and he should know exactly how to roast the guys that still there and all the Tb rookies.

Gilbert ov 5.5 k’s -130.. he should dominate cards lineup. Might play cards Ff under also, still have baseball work to do,,

Herz ov 15.5 outs +135.. just smaller stab here, herz been my strikeout guy but pirates been making contact st above avg clip, havnt had high k rate vs lhp all year, and this being a DH I feel like Herz could do his team a solid here and pitch to a little more contact and get some quick outs the pirates always willing to give if you make a good pitch! Will it work out like that or will he run his pitch count up trying to strike out everyone? Tough to say but think this bout as reasonable a game to expect a longer outing and getting +135 makes it worth it to me, just be warned odds are he be around 85 pitches after 5 innings and you be sitting there hoping manager sends him back out! Luckily there be football on so prob won’t even notice til it over!!
Been staring at Gilbert's 5.5 all day. This number hasn't gone over L15 ONCE @ STL vs RHP.

Digging in more, Gilbert's pitch mix should flat out dominate Cards line up. If this stays under, I will be completely amazed. Unsure if I'll be able to watch it, I'd love to see what happens either way, and how it happens.
Digging in more, Gilbert's pitch mix should flat out dominate Cards line up. If this stays under, I will be completely amazed. Unsure if I'll be able to watch it, I'd love to see what happens either way, and how it happens.

7+ innings, maybe 1 run and 7-8k’s. Playing cards Ff tt u1.5 also. If they beat me so be it, beautiful cool fall night too!
welcome back

lol, it was only one day. If you knew all the shit I been dealing with you be amazed I only missed the 1 baseball day last 2-3 weeks, I didn’t want to miss I been picking off props pretty clean but just didn’t have the time yesterday, plus I gotta go across river to bet so that another pain in ass, not just time to cap but have to cross over to Illinios side to actually make the bets! I’m right on boarder so not big deal but when you got all kinds other shit going on it can be pain
7+ innings, maybe 1 run and 7-8k’s. Playing cards Ff tt u1.5 also. If they beat me so be it, beautiful cool fall night too!
Played Mariners TT o3.5 and FF RL - think there's some leverage to be had here. They've seen Gibson, Cards never seen Gilbert. M's offense a little different right now. GL bud.
Did I peg exactly where we be w Herz outs? 85 pitches, pitching great, do they let him come out for 6th and get us a out. Fucjing spooky how much I nailed that! Still have no clue if they let him come back out? lol. Either way the out total +135 was a better play than the 5.5 k’s over. He has no hitter but obviously pitch count he never have chance at that, still with no stress and a DH you would think nats try to steal an extra inning here! Cmon you fuckers he can get few more outs
Thst didn’t let him come out for 6th. Lousy mfers, kids will never learn to pitch if you keep babying them!!

Cards Ff tt un 1.5

Seattle ml

Zona Ff rr ov 1.4

Kc Ff rr ov 1.5
Kc ml
Marsh ov 4.5 k’s

Cease ov 7.5 k’s
I know Kikuchi been great but he still has flaws a very good and patient snakes team should take was of/ just don’t see them not getting 2.

Oner a bit fugazi and kc has hit him. The ml just cause kc just a better team. Marsh k’s cause anyone can punch twins out 5x!!
Did I peg exactly where we be w Herz outs? 85 pitches, pitching great, do they let him come out for 6th and get us a out. Fucjing spooky how much I nailed that! Still have no clue if they let him come back out? lol. Either way the out total +135 was a better play than the 5.5 k’s over. He has no hitter but obviously pitch count he never have chance at that, still with no stress and a DH you would think nats try to steal an extra inning here! Cmon you fuckers he can get few more outs
Fucking. Warrior.