Bro had to have that to make day not total shit, I was freaking out when they brought him out for the 6th, I was like you seriously gonna let him pitch to Ohtani and rest the top who mashed him? Didnt realize they had one bum he could get before taking him out!
I wish punk ass dodgers woulda gave stone same opportunity! I actually felt like stone earned it, he was pretty good after the awful 1st, they coulda let him come out for 6th, if he walks a guy or gives up a hit then cool yank him but you have thrown him under

all year and now that he has started to become a solid asset you don’t give him that chance? It not like this a must have win, why not see what the kid made of before just ending his night after 5?? Pussy ass managing right there. Who knows if he woulda got it but I felt like he had a good shot!!! I hate when managers steal a chance from me!
Then being the roller coaster tonight was the fish manager let’s Cabrera come out for 6th and luckily he gets an out before letting guys on! Cashed the over 15.5 outs!!!
The Mets was hugely important and those Mfers played with my emotions and Made that 9th inning for the run like scary! !!
Ever since the 1st game where we had 2 shit beats in one, the herz k’s and Nats Ff!! From that point on it was give and take and give back all night! Got the pads totals but lost the ml,
The pitchers show out in Houston just long eviufh to make me look dumb then Stros get 5 in 6th!! Boy I wanted to slap a mfer at that point! I was bout to tell my dying wife this was her fault cause I couldn’t hang at casino w my boys watching footballs and betting cause I had to be home enough to take care of her!!! Lmfao. That obviously a joke but I did have a really shitty day with having to do all the household errands and take care of her when I coulda been banking firing at ncaa games. I didht have the heart to slap or blame her tho! Lol.

I did just hit a 4 team ncaa parlay when the under hit in Texas am/nd game so that helped.
End of it all I think I went like 5-6, 6-6 something like that with bases. I mean obviously nothing to brag bout but didn’t really lose anyone a bunch either!
Back at it /nasso