Saturday Discussion Thread

ump not doing any favors either, not really giving the low strike according to my pitch tracker location!
i dont think sandoval is doing gilbert any damn favors taking so fucking long to get thru every inning.
This prick gilbert ain’t gonna make it 6 innings. Fuck, I was really liking the idea of 9 w’s in a row.
I dunno. It not out of the question, he could make it. Either way it wasn’t a great bet, I know better in these b2b starts vs same team, I just like to grab his outs anytime 6 innings cashes. I’d been much happier playing Phillies at plus money! Lol
I could really use a DP ball to have any chance at the out prop but I don’t think laa has hit one ball on ground, lol.
Fuxk yea. 85 pitches thru 5. He will have a good chance to get thru 6. He just can’t freaking struggle w the 6-7-8 hitters again!
Another super long fucjing wait between innings for gilbert. It crazy how many pitches laa has thrown, how many guys seattle has had on base and they got 1 run. I really think part of gilbert efficiency struggles tonight is the fact he waiting 20-30 min between every freaking inning!!
Gilbert Is pulling the same move as fried and looking sharper the deeper he getting into this start! 4 k’s in a row to actually get over 6.5, didn’t play that but just one out away from cashing the outs and he dominating both on the order this time! Cmon boy!!
And bitch ass manager pulls him. God dammit. Can’t believe he couldn’t get the 8 or 9 hitter to sweep the board. What a bitch