Saturday Discussion Thread

What happened to the good old days when they gave you drinks at casino. Or even when they started being a buck or 2 was fine. Charging ya 8 bucks while you giving away your money anyways is redic!
that might be a tad steep for Gray cause there certainly a chance he doesn’t go deep enough to get the k’a but if he on he should get to 6 pretty quickly
Ok, I’m not gonna lie. I don’t think Josiah k prop was as good a bet as I normally make on these. He could get there but that price and I just saw rangers lineup, they rolling out like 6 guys hitting from left side. Gray hasn’t been very good vs left handed hitters. I wouldn’t suggest following me on that one! Lol. Fried k’s and Gilbert outs are both stronger imo.
What happened to the good old days when they gave you drinks at casino. Or even when they started being a buck or 2 was fine. Charging ya 8 bucks while you giving away your money anyways is redic!
In AZ you just flirt with the female pit boss and she gives you tickets for booze

She has no business knowing I live in a trailer park
Damn, don’t see many games where Mikolas fanning guys at that rate. 9k’s thru 6 innings. It has jacked his pitch count up tho, had I gotten there in time to play this game I was leaning to over 18.5 outs, not sure they gonna send him back out for 7th with 96 pitches? Tough to say with him it could go either way.
It just crazy you can be in that place losing your pay check and they can’t even be bothered letting you drink for a reasonable price? Lol
I mean they are closer to ball game prices than your typical bar price on drinks these days. They got some fucking nerve! That why I go to take their money, not the other way around!
Far as I know there no such thing as booze tickets here anymore :(
Pit bosses here get 30/night

I enjoy seeing how close I can get to running it...hardly anyone knows that's their thing so immediate interaction gets you on the top shelf
Pit bosses here get 30/night

I enjoy seeing how close I can get to running it...hardly anyone knows that's their thing so immediate interaction gets you on the top shelf

I so so so rarely go to the casino side and play that there might be a angle I’m not aware of. I don’t care bout drinking enough to go to that side and risk fuckinb up my mission of taking their money!
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I liked him to be good/out pitch Cole but I didn’t expect that! Guess he pretty much had to be that good to do so cause Cole was good himself.
I so so so rarely go to the casino side and play that there might be a angle I’m not aware of. I don’t care bout drinking enough to go to that side and risk fuckinb up my mission of taking their money!
I haven't been on a casino bender in a couple years, still can pull that stupid shit off but it's boring to me now
I haven't been on a casino bender in a couple years, still can pull that stupid shit off but it's boring to me now

The feeling when it over is so fucking depressing, equivalent of a coke/crack bender where in morning of the 2nd/3rd day you broke and regret the entire thing! Lol
The feeling when it over is so fucking depressing, equivalent of a coke/crack bender where in morning of the 2nd/3rd day you broke and regret the entire thing! Lol
Lolz there was a random Tue/Wed night I was at Talking Stick, bout 7am I ask if I can get a room...was so blown up. They give me a room. 9am I'm drunk and high but needed to work so it happened. Never again.
In AZ no alcohol between 2am and 6am. When the fresh servers come in, you know it's trouble and either turn it off or turn it on hard
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Lolz there was a random Tue/Wed night I was at Talking Stick, bout 7am I ask if I can get a room...was so blown up. They give me a room. 9am I'm drunk and high but needed to work so it happened. Never again.

Back in day me and my best friend would get bunch of speed on a thu or Fri, go to one the casinos on missouri side (obviously this was way before anyone had sport betting) and play till they closed, then we hit one on Illinios side which if I recall correctly the one that draft kings now In only closed for a hour around 6am so then we get a room comped and go shower up to go back at it, by the Sat morning close sometimes we had to go home to grab more cash, sometimes we were up and would just use hotel room again instead of being smart and going home with winnings!

Anyways you get the drift, speed and gambling a seriously dangerous combo! then add in the fact me and him shoulda never hung out together since we both brought out the worst of both our terribly degenerate tendencies! One of us could be up big and want to leave but the other be in hole and want to stay, or one of any other the combinations that always kept us playing until we ultimately pissed away way to much money! Still sickens me to think bout, I mean I’m over it, if wasn’t casino I woulda blown the cash another way! Lol. That was by far the toughest thing to think bout after being locked up was laying on bed counting all the money I lost at those places! Lol
They don’t give the sports book free drinks here either

I’m not even asking for free but 2-3 bucks a beer would be decent of them at least! I mean fuck, they could buy their beer at retail (which ya know they don’t) and still make good profit!! Why rape ppl who giving ya their money anyways???
Back in day me and my best friend would get bunch of speed on a thu or Fri, go to one the casinos on missouri side (obviously this was way before anyone had sport betting) and play till they closed, then we hit one on Illinios side which if I recall correctly the one that draft kings now In only closed for a hour around 6am so then we get a room comped and go shower up to go back at it, by the Sat morning close sometimes we had to go home to grab more cash, sometimes we were up and would just use hotel room again instead of being smart and going home with winnings!

Anyways you get the drift, speed and gambling a seriously dangerous combo! then add in the fact me and him shoulda never hung out together since we both brought out the worst of both our terribly degenerate tendencies! One of us could be up big and want to leave but the other be in hole and want to stay, or one of any other the combinations that always kept us playing until we ultimately pissed away way to much money! Still sickens me to think bout, I mean I’m over it, if wasn’t casino I woulda blown the cash another way! Lol. That was by far the toughest thing to think bout after being locked up was laying on bed counting all the money I lost at those places! Lol
Oh I was straight coke. Room, coke. Cabana at the pool, coke. Trying to play cards at 5am, coke. I should be in jail ffs, 5 years removed from the sniff.
Oh I was straight coke. Room, coke. Cabana at the pool, coke. Trying to play cards at 5am, coke. I should be in jail ffs, 5 years removed from the sniff.

It tougher with Coke tho, I assume busting out lines on the table be frowned upon! I don’t have time to go away from the action to do lines! Meth ya didn’t need to do more for however long ya felt like! Lol. Plus I had lot of issues w Coke that kept that from ever being my drug of choice, kinda a coin flip if I wanted to be around ppl or just back in a room doing more! Kinda rare to get shit that didn’t just destroy my nose where I couldn’t snort anymore If I wanted to so end up having to rock it up! (Friends always called my nose a lemon, lol). Speed made me feel like a great version of myself, where social anxiety peeled away, Coke was 50/50 if I could stay in a room of ppl and talk, lol.
When you're a single dude that needs coke like most people need coffee, it's a tough run. You lie, you cheat, you're a loser.

Faithful family and friends helped me out, not by taking role call, but by being there. Fun times but hard times. Good people get it, that's why you surround yourself with good people. That was a very bad time.
When you're a single dude that needs coke like most people need coffee, it's a tough run. You lie, you cheat, you're a loser.

Faithful family and friends helped me out, not by taking role call, but by being there. Fun times but hard times. Good people get it, that's why you surround yourself with good people. That was a very bad time.

I despise that stereotype bout drugs. Yes they ruin many ppl, yes even myself have crossed that line to being to far out there, but I never have wronged ppl or done shit I wouldn’t do normally to support a habit. I’m very functional addict! Lol. Like I said I’ve gotten way to gone a bunch of times but when I realize it I reign it back in, might be a high wire act but it one im pretty proficient at!! Lol
It tougher with Coke tho, I assume busting out lines on the table be frowned upon! I don’t have time to go away from the action to do lines! Meth ya didn’t need to do more for however long ya felt like! Lol. Plus I had lot of issues w Coke that kept that from ever being my drug of choice, kinda a coin flip if I wanted to be around ppl or just back in a room doing more! Kinda rare to get shit that didn’t just destroy my nose where I couldn’t snort anymore If I wanted to so end up having to rock it up! (Friends always called my nose a lemon, lol). Speed made me feel like a great version of myself, where social anxiety peeled away, Coke was 50/50 if I could stay in a room of ppl and talk, lol.
Did 37/40 days in Vegas, all vodka and coke with some X

She was lines of Roxy and did the coke

That trip was so long but needed to be away from home because was going through a 13 year split...On top of the world and at the bottom, probably experienced it twice that trip, both ways.
Cards pen shit the bed and my old lady said she read that Cabrera went on IL? That not good for cards, they only have 3 guys in pen I feel are weapons.
Did 37/40 days in Vegas, all vodka and coke with some X

She was lines of Roxy and did the coke

That trip was so long but needed to be away from home because was going through a 13 year split...On top of the world and at the bottom, probably experienced it twice that trip, both ways.

Damn. I love Roxy! Little baby bump of Coke thrown in is nice!
I despise that stereotype bout drugs. Yes they ruin many ppl, yes even myself have crossed that line to being to far out there, but I never have wronged ppl or done shit I wouldn’t do normally to support a habit. I’m very functional addict! Lol. Like I said I’ve gotten way to gone a bunch of times but when I realize it I reign it back in, might be a high wire act but it one im pretty proficient at!! Lol
I know a lot of people who still do blow and not one of them comes close to fracturing a law situation.

Many are just responsible drug users, but that doesn't sell tickets
I know a lot of people who still do blow and not one of them comes close to fracturing a law situation.

Many are just responsible drug users, but that doesn't sell tickets

I found I always got to far gone on meth eventually but the strangest thing happened with that drug. In my late teens and 20s it was mostly my drug of choice but I came to hate the shit in my 30s. I can’t even begin to know how the hell I ever liked it or functioned on it? Lol. Once In the crazy blue moon I hang out w one my friends who still does I might do a bit that night and mostly have a decent time but I always regret next day now, dunno how I functioned back then not sleeping for days on end! Now if I do that shit and don’t sleep a night I can’t leave the house the next day! Lol
I found I always got to far gone on meth eventually but the strangest thing happened with that drug. In my late teens and 20s it was mostly my drug of choice but I came to hate the shit in my 30s. I can’t even begin to know how the hell I ever liked it or functioned on it? Lol. Once In the crazy blue moon I hang out w one my friends who still does I might do a bit that night and mostly have a decent time but I always regret next day now, dunno how I functioned back then not sleeping for days on end! Now if I do that shit and don’t sleep a night I can’t leave the house the next day! Lol
What's funny is my primary doc suggests weed as opposed alcohol since it's legal. Makes a bunch of sense, I just don't like the smoking/lung thing much
What's funny is my primary doc suggests weed as opposed alcohol since it's legal. Makes a bunch of sense, I just don't like the smoking/lung thing much

Oh no doubt. Even tho weed has never really done it for me, god I wish It did, I’ve always been a huge proponent of it being so much better than booze and not just cause I trafficked and sold it! Lol. I know so many ppl who are far better off smoking weed than drinking, the next time I meet someone who life was ruined by weed be the 1st time!
Damn. That should been Gray 6th k but fucker made a good defensive swing and made contact, barely. What a kid doing in bigs who tries to make contact! Lol
Damn. That should been Gray 6th k but fucker made a good defensive swing and made contact, barely. What a kid doing in bigs who tries to make contact! Lol
I don't like any drugs I have to take now

The coke binge was an incredible run
Need him to get this last k out the way so don’t gotta worry bout them yanking him, they shouldn’t his pitch count is awesome right now.
I don't like any drugs I have to take now

The coke binge was an incredible run

I still love the pharmaceuticals! Unfortunately they have gotten so pricey and tougher to find that I don’t get as many as I’d like, lol. Pretty big fan of weed edibles too.
I still love the pharmaceuticals! Unfortunately they have gotten so pricey and tougher to find that I don’t get as many as I’d like, lol. Pretty big fan of weed edibles too.
Got generic zoloft I take every morning, pretty much given discretion if I need another

Crazy since I'm not really depressed overall, but when it sets in there is no reasoning. Basically no clue what I'm supposed to be depressed about but brain goes nuts

Take a second one and I'm a zombie
Surely they gonna let Gray keep going right? He only at 64 pitches thru 5! He should have 2 more innings in him assuming no damage.
Got generic zoloft I take every morning, pretty much given discretion if I need another

Crazy since I'm not really depressed overall, but when it sets in there is no reasoning. Basically no clue what I'm supposed to be depressed about but brain goes nuts

Take a second one and I'm a zombie

Oh I’m not a fan of the head game ones! Lol.
Looks like milw FF should cash as easily as Jays Ff yesterday!! . Like I said, books were giving away the answer in this series!
Looks like milw FF should cash as easily as Jays Ff yesterday!! . Like I said, books were giving away the answer in this series!

I can’t believe anyone would back jays when Kikuchi pitches, he is a freaking big time gas can! If you ever catch yourself wanting to play Jays when he pitching I would suggest looking at the over instead cause they will have to score 5+ to win most games he pitches!!