Retro VK North Carolina Golf Trip: A Capping Contest


CTG Partner
Staff member
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So, what is this all about? This coming week, May 31st through June 2nd @RetroVK will be in North Carolina golfing three different courses over the course of the weekend.

So, how do I play? Predict the scores for VK each day and for the full 3 rounds.

How will it work? Before the start of play on Friday, members will predict the total strokes each day for VK and also an aggregate number for all three rounds.

So what courses will he be playing?

Friday: Mid South Tee Time 8:45 AM or 8:55 AM
Saturday: Tee Time 10:08 AM or 10:16 AM
Sunday: Talamore Tee Time 8:27 AM or 8:35 AM

Okay, so what is the format? Here is how your entry should look (the total number of double bogies will be the tiebreaker each day and for the aggregate)

Day 1 = 108 (7 double bogies)
Day 2 = 117 (9 double bogies)
Day 3 = 131 (13 double bogies)
Aggregate = 350 (26 double bogies)

***The closest number each day wins the daily prize. If their is a tie, it goes to the tiebreaker. After that, money is split evenly***


*Each hole is played out till the ball is in the cup. There are no gimmies.

*If a round is shortened due to injury or weather, the final number of strokes at conclusion of play that day will be the winner. So, to quote... "person who selected lowest score for rd or aggregate wins for having the most ill founded faith in my game".


-Retro wants to be fair and honest. His average rounds generally range from 105-130 on a Par 72 set-up.
-He considers his solid efforts as 'double bogey golf'.
-He has a bad neck right now. This is good insider information but if it flares up that could end a round prematurely or halt one from starting.
-The possibility of a hangover is also in play for any of the days.


Round One: 10.00
Round Two: 10.00
Round Three: 10.00
Aggregate: 30.00

Good luck, this is meant to be fun. I think there are some fun capping angles here (weather, level of nightly intoxication, frustration, health and which courses get played). I will recuse myself from playing for the prize but will most definitely enter right before signups end for fun. We will update this if/when course information becomes available. Retro will be IN-Gaming this entire contest as much as he can so it will be fun to follow along throughout the weekend with the trials and tribulations.

Any questions, feel free to ask and one of us will answer it. Otherwise, have fun with this and a thank you to @RetroVK for the Cash Prize Contest for CTG Members!
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Is VK any good? What’s his handicap? This seems like the ultimate crapshoot.

What’s the official list of courses he’s playing?
Is VK any good? What’s his handicap? This seems like the ultimate crapshoot.

What’s the official list of courses he’s playing?
In the contest post he noted a range of 105-131 on par 72 layouts. Yes, it's a crapshoot. Cap the capper here. It is for fun. The courses are listed.
I work for the best people. They gave me extensive time off when my Mom was in the hospital and they are paying for my golf, and have a house right at the course rented that I will be staying at. I cannot tell you enough how good the people I work for are. It would take an ungodly sum of money over what I currently make to ever make me want to leave this company.
Does he have his own clubs or will he be renting?

Rentals. I donated my other clubs in anger after walking off the 18th in a course in El Paso this past fall. Walked straight into the clubhouse and handed them and the bag over (got the other stuff out of the bag and gave to people I was golfing with). So I have no clubs of my own right now.

I did play a round in Nov18 but it was a best ball type thing so who knows what I would have scored there but I can tell you it was not pretty.
Feel like the key is knowing which courses wind back to the clubhouse after 9 or have a quality beer cart in operation. I'm looking for opportunities to quit the round.

Played with a guy one time at a course where the first 3 holes looped back past the parking lot. He played three shitty holes, hit a duck hook on #4 and walked to his car and left.
Feel like the key is knowing which courses wind back to the clubhouse after 9 or have a quality beer cart in operation. I'm looking for opportunities to quit the round.

Played with a guy one time at a course where the first 3 holes looped back past the parking lot. He played three shitty holes, hit a duck hook on #4 and walked to his car and left.

See, now we're capping!

I would start with capping VK first though... as a person and competitor. I have prior knowledge of the 'donation in El Paso' think about that in your capping.
What tee boxes are being played? is the tie-breaker only doubles or is it doubles or worse count?

I like this fun twist and hope VK has a great time
What tee boxes are being played? is the tie-breaker only doubles or is it doubles or worse count?

I like this fun twist and hope VK has a great time
I'm assuming the teeboxes won't be determined till play each day. That is my assumption.
Sooo, you will be playing with other employees of the company? That might rule out an outright walk off, given your loyalty to this company. Weather looks good so the rounds should be able to be played in their entirety. I don't see a neck injury posing a severe handicap (Tiger played with a broken leg). I do see hangovers coming into play, although with some that can enhance performance....
Sooo, you will be playing with other employees of the company? That might rule out an outright walk off, given your loyalty to this company. Weather looks good so the rounds should be able to be played in their entirety. I don't see a neck injury posing a severe handicap (Tiger played with a broken leg). I do see hangovers coming into play, although with some that can enhance performance....

I don't quit regardless barring injury. The day I gave my clubs away, I had decided that by the turn. I still finished the round. And I am the jerk who plays until ball hits cup. I don't pick it up. I believe I have had 17's and 23's before ...people waiting behind me on a busy day love it.
Barring a really bad case of putting yips...

Day 1 = 118 (5 double bogies) - new clubs, tough course, water holes, working out the kinks, some big numbers here
Day 2 = 94 (8 double bogies) - looks like a shocker but #3 is almost a pitch and putt course, late tee time provides extra rest, some confidence will be gained
Day 3 = 108 (8 double bogies) - hangover round, start OK, gradually tire, course is in-between in difficulty, some forced carries but little water for blowup holes, although there are some pot bunkers down the stretch where it might take a search party to get out
Aggregate = 320 (21 double bogies)
I don't quit regardless barring injury. The day I gave my clubs away, I had decided that by the turn. I still finished the round. And I am the jerk who plays until ball hits cup. I don't pick it up. I believe I have had 17's and 23's before ...people waiting behind me on a busy day love it.

Now I understand the fun police label
Alright here goes based off the information I was able to gather that is also available to the public....

Round 1: 122 (10)

Round 2: 119 (11)

Round 3: 129 (13)

Total: 370 (34)

I’ll explain my reasoning after the first tee time.

This is also assuming he literally holes out on every single hole. I’m betting on him being in the sand 6 times greenside and then missing 2 putts within 4’ on the same hole per his description of how he plays.
Neck has gotten a little bit better today. It is not 100% but I now assume it will be by Friday.

I will be wearing my "yardwork sneakers" and they will be left in North Carolina when done. They are already a little on the stinky side.

I will try to send BAR a few photos while I am on the course that he can share in here.

I was hoping for a little more participation. Only 31 thread readers.
VK - need a 4th or an 8th or a 12th? I can think of a person or two to join you!!!

If serious I can ask. Boss has already made the tee times though.

Oh I will get a picture with my Boss Duke so you can see a brilliant and entertaining human and so you can put a face to the cheese on the steak. Guy has done so many things in his life and has so many stories. Hope I get to share a cart with him.
129 (12)
127 (15) nine on the course and six of the alcoholic variety on the 19th hole
139 (6) fatigue and anxiety set in and the score goes up....

395 for the entire weekend... I'm exhausted just thinking about taking that many swings...

All kidding aside, I hope you have a wonderful time!
111 (9)
110 (8)
115 (10)


Pics of footwear would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck.

::vk shake::
If serious I can ask. Boss has already made the tee times though.

Oh I will get a picture with my Boss Duke so you can see a brilliant and entertaining human and so you can put a face to the cheese on the steak. Guy has done so many things in his life and has so many stories. Hope I get to share a cart with him.

Looking forward to the pics of Boss and steak with cheese! I'm confident you'll find your way to share a cart with him and enjoy his stories.
You guys REALLY think I am terrible.

No sleep last night .. coughing up phlegm .. Could be a Jordanesque performance Friday