Red McCombs basically went Al Campanis. What a complete racist dumbass

after 11 hours or so to digest everything after my initial post, I am going to back off almost entirely (not entirely but almost entirely) from my assertion that McCombs is a racist or that his statement(s) had racial motivation. I confess that I completely forgot about the John Lucas and Denny Green hires, because it was so long ago. I do need to acknowledge them though. Perhaps he had a personal and/or professional relationship with both men that helped make his decision to hire them, respectively. I am not sure.

what I do know is that when i read the statements he made and when i heard the actual sound, it sounded very much, in fact exactly like what a "good ole boy" would say and the tone he would say it in. the condescending way in which he spoke about Strong had all the earmarks of what said "good ole boy" would say and how he would sound when saying it.

if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it is typically a duck. but, there are obviously exceptions. perhaps Mr. McCombs is one of them, and the hires of two black men to coaching positions while McCombs was owner of San Antonio and the Minnesota Vikings, suggests he is the exception, not the rule.

I will not completely buy it yet, but I will say that I will recant about 75-80% of what I said in my initial post and the reactionary feelings i had when i first came to know of this. just because someone has the proverbial black friend, does not mean he is not a racist. and just because someone has a Yag friend, does not mean he is not homophobic. hopefully you get what i'm saying. perhaps he looked at John Lucas and Denny Green differently because it was up close and as i said maybe he knew them professionally and/or personally, and when he saw Charlie Strong he looked at him from afar and immediately judged him. i don't know. as i also said there have been 4 unpopular hires between the tenures of Darrell Royal and the hiring of Strong, and all 4 men were white and I never read anything negative that McCombs had to say about them. i did not follow CFB when 2 of those hires were made, but when searching online i could not find McCombs comments, if they existed, about those hires.
I think a 100% recant would be in order. Respect for saying it tho either way, that you may have been premature. It is sad really that people(not just you) would read into someone saying something with ZERO racial overtones as being racist...Again not picking on you, but man.

I heard the other day that Strong was the first black coach(HC) at UT. I didn't even think of that, nor did I care if he was. The hyper sensitivity has to go away one day. The President of the USA is half black. I mean the USA has come along way. I honestly think the Rooney Rule in the NFL is a disservice to black coaches...pretty embarrassing really. If you can coach, you are gonna get a job somewhere. Just like if you can play, you will play somewhere.
I think a 100% recant would be in order. Respect for saying it tho either way, that you may have been premature. It is sad really that people(not just you) would read into someone saying something with ZERO racial overtones as being racist...Again not picking on you, but man.

I heard the other day that Strong was the first black coach(HC) at UT. I didn't even think of that, nor did I care if he was. The hyper sensitivity has to go away one day. The President of the USA is half black. I mean the USA has come along way. I honestly think the Rooney Rule in the NFL is a disservice to black coaches...pretty embarrassing really. If you can coach, you are gonna get a job somewhere. Just like if you can play, you will play somewhere.

just like i should not say 100% that there ARE racial overtones, you should not say 100% that there are NO racial overtones. you do not know for a fact. i do not know for a fact. we are not in his head. all we can go by is what a man does and what a man says. his actions in hiring lucas and green suggest one thing. the comments and the tone he made them about strong, suggest another. actions do speak louder than words, but words speak too. it's not that you focus 100% on actions and 0% on words. words count too as they are the hints and indicators as to what is in our mind.
Respect :shake:

Why would you give him respect? He accused someone he had never met of being a racist. He did no research whatsoever on McCombs. He just came out and judged him right away. There aren't too many worse things than being labeled a racist.
just like i should not say 100% that there ARE racial overtones, you should not say 100% that there are NO racial overtones. you do not know for a fact. i do not know for a fact. we are not in his head. all we can go by is what a man does and what a man says. his actions in hiring lucas and green suggest one thing. the comments and the tone he made them about strong, suggest another. actions do speak louder than words, but words speak too. it's not that you focus 100% on actions and 0% on words. words count too as they are the hints and indicators as to what is in our mind.

This is a joke of a post. You don't recant shit. You are merely a tad embarrassed to have started a thread here at CTG where the majority didn't see it the way you did on the topic of racism.
Why would you give him respect? He accused someone he had never met of being a racist. He did no research whatsoever on McCombs. He just came out and judged him right away. There aren't too many worse things than being labeled a racist.

Because he was man enough to at least admit he was wrong.
Well, I guess that was my perception of "after 11 hours or so to digest everything after my initial post, I am going to back off almost entirely (not entirely but almost entirely) from my assertion that McCombs is a racist or that his statement(s) had racial motivation"...
did not make myself clear enough apparently. i still hold 20-25% belief that there are racial overtones here because of what he said and the tone in which he delivered it.

i do however back off my 100% initial assertion that he is a racist and what he said 100% had racial overtones.

again, i refer to post #52.
Well, I guess that was my perception of "after 11 hours or so to digest everything after my initial post, I am going to back off almost entirely (not entirely but almost entirely) from my assertion that McCombs is a racist or that his statement(s) had racial motivation"...

Not entirely BUT almost entirely. That's not an apology and nor would you accept it if he was talking directly to you. Agree to disagree. #Merica
Why would you give him respect? He accused someone he had never met of being a racist. He did no research whatsoever on McCombs. He just came out and judged him right away. There aren't too many worse things than being labeled a racist.

i have been called arguably worse by many on here and by you actually. A pedophile enabler/protector because I defended Paterno in his role after everyone judged him w/o doing any research and judged him. the irony!
He may be a racist, he also gave Texas 100 milli so he can say how he feels. I dont know enough about the man.

However, just because you hire a black person to coach a team doesnt mean you arent a racist. Like just because someone is married to oppo sex doesnt mean they arent covering up their homosexuality.
i have been called arguably worse by many on here and by you actually. A pedophile enabler/protector because I defended Paterno in his role after everyone judged him w/o doing any research and judged him. the irony!

He may be a racist, he also gave Texas 100 milli so he can say how he feels. I dont know enough about the man.

However, just because you hire a black person to coach a team doesnt mean you arent a racist. Like just because someone is married to oppo sex doesnt mean they arent covering up their homosexuality.

And just because you don't agree with the hire and the hire is a black coach, doesn't mean you are a racist.
i have been called arguably worse by many on here and by you actually. A pedophile enabler/protector because I defended Paterno in his role after everyone judged him w/o doing any research and judged him. the irony!

Why do you insist on bringing this up every so often? Do you like being reminded how wrong you were? You are in way too much denial, bro.

In Thursday's newspaper interview, McCombs said the perception that his comments about Strong, who is black, were race-based troubled him.
"I'm not sure I knew anything about the race issue until it was broadcast like that. I didn't even think about that," he said. He also said he extended his apology "to anyone that might have been offended by anything I said or did."

i highly highly doubt i was the only non-black person to react in the manner i did. for him to publicly acknowledge it shows you that the backlash was huge, huge, no matter what our resident dale murphy says.
I believe Texas is a top 3 program in the country, if not the top. Because of this, I expect their coaches to be among the top coaches in America. If not top 3, then maybe top 5 and certainly top 10. (Mack Brown wasn't). Saying that, do I believe Strong is a top 10 coach in the country? Not at this point, not with the data I have to this point. That doesn't mean I don't think he's a good coach and it certainly doesn't make me a racist.

If I'm a Texas fan or a booster, I am expecting a Saban, Gruden, Fisher, Malzohn (?), etc. While the hire of Strong and simply the resources they have at the school probably keep Texas competitive, it's not the type of hire that would make me think Texas is going to compete year in and year out with Alabama.

Curious, who are 10 for sure better coaches than Strong right now? Meaning 10 people you'd hire right now for next 10 years let's say.

I'll give you Saban, Urban, Stoops, Miles. Looking over the final top 25, Spurrier would be tough because of age, so I think he's out. Then you have guys like Malzahn, Fisher (who before this year was in similar boat to Strong, but someone criticized Strong for having a Heisman candidate...well Fisher had the winner and a team loaded of pros, granted different tier program), Pinkel, Shaw, Briles, Mora, Sumlin, Gundy.

My point is that Strong is a strong hire, no pun intended. To say he is just a positional coach might not be racist but is just plain stupid.

In Thursday's newspaper interview, McCombs said the perception that his comments about Strong, who is black, were race-based troubled him.
"I'm not sure I knew anything about the race issue until it was broadcast like that. I didn't even think about that," he said. He also said he extended his apology "to anyone that might have been offended by anything I said or did."

i highly highly doubt i was the only non-black person to react in the manner i did. for him to publicly acknowledge it shows you that the backlash was huge, huge, no matter what our resident dale murphy says.

Resident Dale Murphy ... Lol. Thanks!!

If you had started the topic on "man, those remarks sure do come out as potentially racist" nobody would have had a problem as the facts would have come out like they did and this thread would have died out. Flippantly calling someone a racist is a bad thing and that's why I'm still gonna post as you do.
Nussmeier should be on that list, he is for sure the next great Michigan coach. With him on our sidelines, I am convinced he can lead our blue chips to the promise land. Hoping for a bowl game closer to new years day this year, those seem really important.
Nussmeier should be on that list, he is for sure the next great Michigan coach. With him on our sidelines, I am convinced he can lead our blue chips to the promise land. Hoping for a bowl game closer to new years day this year, those seem really important.

Is this sarcasm? Ask the Bams what they thought about Niedermeyer and then second, what is this "our" bidness? Ur a damn Pedo St fanatic.
Is this sarcasm? Ask the Bams what they thought about Niedermeyer and then second, what is this "our" bidness? Ur a damn Pedo St fanatic.

100% serious as always....cant u tell, it was posted online sans u being able to see the tone of it or my facial expressions.

second-----some people do care about the truth, even if it does have to do with a rival (kind of), conversely your hate for that school is odd being a unc fan.
Yea not sure why you're getting all worked up over this.

McCombs is 86 and probably not gonna be around much longer. It seems like he has done a lot of great things for charity in Texas. And I believe Dennis Green was the head coach for the Vikings the first few years McComb owned the team.

Original Poster is fucking clueless.

Ask John Lucas about the character of Red McCombs.

Personally I thought it was ignorant what he said, esp. after he says Texas has alums that know the football business.

Is Charlie Strong an upgrade...yes.

But with the resources Texas has I thought they could have made a better hire.
One thing is for certain ... the McCombs statements make it harder to fire Strong after two seasons of going slightly better than .500
One thing is for certain ... the McCombs statements make it harder to fire Strong after two seasons of going slightly better than .500

Like ArizonaKid, Texas could have hired better bc of who and what they have, but Strong will be doing better than "slightly better than .500." All he needs is a QB. It's all Mack needed. Not to mention things aren't stale anymore. That alone has jump started programs like Texas. Remember when Mack was hired?
Like ArizonaKid, Texas could have hired better bc of who and what they have, but Strong will be doing better than "slightly better than .500." All he needs is a QB. It's all Mack needed. Not to mention things aren't stale anymore. That alone has jump started programs like Texas. Remember when Mack was hired?

Unlike most, I don't hate the hire. I wasn't saying I expect Strong to do that poorly ( slightly better than .500 ). I was saying that if he does do that poorly, the Mccombs statements make it harder for him to get fired easily
he made a very good move by not keeping watson as o coordinator/playcaller. louisville's predictable playcalling was bailed out time after time by bridgewater converting long 3rd downs. not saying wickline is a guarantee but it's better than anybody from the ville staff.
Original Poster is fucking clueless.

Ask John Lucas about the character of Red McCombs.

Personally I thought it was ignorant what he said, esp. after he says Texas has alums that know the football business.

Is Charlie Strong an upgrade...yes.

But with the resources Texas has I thought they could have made a better hire.

see post #48.

FTR, just because someone hired a black guy or another minority, it does not mean he who did the hiring is not racist. It's just like someone who has a Yag friend but still has homophobic feelings or feelings of hatred towards homosexuals. I know this is a difficult concept for many to understand but when one has a friend of a certain ilk or persuasion, they tend to look past things about that friend that they might normally dislike in strangers, such as color of skin, type of faith ie religion, and sexual preference. There are many things one can dislike about strangers or even rise to hatred about.

at any rate, I'm done with this subject but still stand by what i said in post 48, which is that about 20% of me still believes the statement made by McCombs had racial elements to it, but we will never know for sure exactly what he was thinking.

one last thing, at the time John Lucas was hired, he was at best, at absolute best, on par with Charlie Strong's resume' and probably not nearly as good as Strong's resume'. Don't believe me? go and look it up.
Denny Green had one winning year, yes ONE WINNING year in his head coaching history of 8 years between N'western and Stanford, but McCombs was okay to hire him but is questioning Strong who has highly decorated as DC at not one but TWO top SEC schools, then did a fine job resurrecting a L'ville program that had fallen on hard times the 3 years before he got there?

wow. just wow
Interesting that Donald Sterling employed Elgin Baylor (who is black) for so many years, and we all know how Sterling has been clearly exposed as a racist. Some of you in here defended McCombs by citing the Dennis Green hire, claiming it proves he is not a racist.

"I don't hate _________ people. I have a _________ friend for crying out loud!!! "
Turns out as usual Red was right.

Judging from the results Strong didn't even prove competent enough to be the defensive coordinator at Texas.
Turns out as usual Red was right.

Judging from the results Strong didn't even prove competent enough to be the defensive coordinator at Texas.

After the poor efforts when his job was on the line, I can't say that he did a good job (either directly or through the guys he hired) with X's and O's, recruiting, player development, or motivation.
yes, i am pulling out the race card, because unfortunately it still comes up with these good ole' boys far too often.

al campanis said that blacks lacked some of the "necessities" to be baseball managers. it was the last we ever heard from him.

mccombs said the same thing in a slightly veiled message when speaking of charlie strong.

strong could be a position coach and maybe a coordinator? are you fucking kidding me dude?

does mccombs even know how decorated strong was as D coordinator at florida and how successful he was as HC at Louisville?

hard to imagine the statements being made if strong was white not black.

mccombs thinks texas could have gotten whoever they wanted? eenie meenie miney mo? really?

is he not aware that saban said NO, mora said NO, gruden said NO, and jimbo by signing the extension indirectly said NO

wake up and smell the south texas smog you dumb fuck mccombs

as much i cannot stand texas (die-hard sooner fan since '86), i am rooting hard for charlie strong to succeed and make this moron mccombs look even dumber than he already does.

I want Charlie strong to wind up at KU so they can kick Texas in the azz again.
After the poor efforts when his job was on the line, I can't say that he did a good job (either directly or through the guys he hired) with X's and O's, recruiting, player development, or motivation.

Any coach who winds up at UT has to deal with the issue of " entitlement " as a culture there. Strong tried to deal with it with
mixed results. Don't know how Herman will try to rectify it. Unless you are required to field the best 11 on either side of the ball
and the team refuses to compete, UT 's woes will continue.
Any coach who winds up at UT has to deal with the issue of " entitlement " as a culture there. Strong tried to deal with it with
mixed results. Don't know how Herman will try to rectify it. Unless you are required to field the best 11 on either side of the ball
and the team refuses to compete, UT 's woes will continue.

<style type="text/css">p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px 'Times New Roman'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000}span.s1 {font-kerning: none}</style>This is a big issue, no doubt. The toxic sense of entitlement has been prevalent in our athletics department for years, pretty much since DeLoss Dodds (our AD from 1981 to 2014) said: “We are the Joneses”. Everyone thought Strong could go in and blow it up, but that failed. Witness the “effort” our team made two weeks ago in Kansas - a loss that simply wreaked of an entitled football team, over and over.
<style type="text/css">p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px 'Times New Roman'; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000}span.s1 {font-kerning: none}</style>This is a big issue, no doubt. The toxic sense of entitlement has been prevalent in our athletics department for years, pretty much since DeLoss Dodds (our AD from 1981 to 2014) said: “We are the Joneses”. Everyone thought Strong could go in and blow it up, but that failed. Witness the “effort” our team made two weeks ago in Kansas - a loss that simply wreaked of an entitled football team, over and over.

I'm not sure Tom Herman realizes the extent of the issues there . Head coaches are for the most part ' ego driven " ,
and they have to be in order to succeed. It's frustrating when you realize that you do not have the control that you
expected when you executed the contract . If he knew, he probably would have spent a little more time talking to LSU
before he committed. A Herman / Aranda coaching staff with that kind of player talent would have been formidable indeed.
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Turns out as usual Red was right.

Judging from the results Strong didn't even prove competent enough to be the defensive coordinator at Texas.

Hindsight always 20/20. Texas hired charlie because he was absolutely the best hire they could get at the time. He earned the opportunity which is why he got a huge contract. It did not work out. RichRod is a great coach but it did not work out at michigan. Same thing here for charlie. He will land on his feet I guarantee you.

The real winners, the movers and shakers in life and in business, know that when you make a decision you base it on all info available at the time the decision is made, not 3Y later when we all see things clearly. When charlie was hired he was the best guy for the job at that time. Right now it's tom herman. I'll bump this thread again in 3Y and we'll see where herman stands.

I think herman will do well, but if he does not, it does not mean that right now in early dec 2016, that he was not the guy for the job.

If the 49ers and browns knew their first year coaches would shit the bed like this do you think they'd have made the hires? Of course not. But last year they hired chip and hue respectively because those were the decisions they thought best. We are all geniuses after the games are over.

See you again in dec 2017.
Strong's last 2Y at lville: record 23-3

Herman's 2Y at houston: record 22-4

Eerily similar, don't u think? ;-)
Hindsight always 20/20. Texas hired charlie because he was absolutely the best hire they could get at the time. He earned the opportunity which is why he got a huge contract. It did not work out. RichRod is a great coach but it did not work out at michigan. Same thing here for charlie. He will land on his feet I guarantee you.

The real winners, the movers and shakers in life and in business, know that when you make a decision you base it on all info available at the time the decision is made, not 3Y later when we all see things clearly. When charlie was hired he was the best guy for the job at that time. Right now it's tom herman. I'll bump this thread again in 3Y and we'll see where herman stands.

I think herman will do well, but if he does not, it does not mean that right now in early dec 2016, that he was not the guy for the job.

If the 49ers and browns knew their first year coaches would shit the bed like this do you think they'd have made the hires? Of course not. But last year they hired chip and hue respectively because those were the decisions they thought best. We are all geniuses after the games are over.

See you again in dec 2017.

can't do this when me and so many came in and said it before hindsight.......

Texas got caught with pants just happened to LSU, so i know the situation well

At least O is from LA....