Recap of Championship Week...Playoff Thoughts/Rants and Heisman...


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Lets start with the Heisman.

This is going to be very interesting next week. I guess Tua was still -1000 this week to win it? Well damn, the Kylar tickets and to a lesser extent Haskins tickets are not totally dead. In fact, I would think that Kylar would be a slight favorite right now. The big question many people turned their votes in before today? Also, how will some Haskins votes affect the other two?

1. Tua -- Great year, played the least due to blowouts. Injury the last month or so plus some better teams and he was just average compared to his first two months.

2. Murray -- Stat-machine but has to be with that defense. He rarely wasn't playing near full games it seemed

3. Haskins -- The several week lull killed him otherwise these last two weeks would have sealed it.

My personal returns (also took AJ very small) would be down a bit if Tua wins, up a fair amount with Kylar, up huge with Haskins. I hedged my initial investments with Tua at -275 to cover Kylar and Haskins bets (that would leave the small AJ play as the net loss). Overall though, so many factors this is going to be a very close vote methinks.

So, I know a lot of you guys have futures on Tua at actually positive numbers from before or early in the season as well as Kylar. This should be interesting for all.

Okay, on to the CFB Playoff.

This is the final 4 and the only fair final 4.

1. Alabama
2. Clemson
3. Notre Dame
4. Oklahoma

5. OSU
6. Georgia

I could switch Notre Dame with Clemson easily. Now, ND played once less game. With that being said, their signature win is versus a top 8 team. Clemson doesn't have that. They have a few solid ones but nothing of great substance. They are good though and they won all their games.

Oklahoma was ranked above OSU starting the week so nothing should change there. No one had a crazy blowout today, both won the game in the 2nd half/4th quarter.

Now, lets back up a bit....

Kirby Smart is the biggest dumbass this side of Franklin I have seen at a big program this year. First, he got conservative in the 2h again. Second, that fake punt was ludicrous. Take that game to OT and go win a game against Jalen Hurts. It cannot be that he saw something to take advantage of, as Bama was in safe mode from what I saw. He lost that game today, the kids did not. But, that is all part of it....

Which brings us to the next point. We need to throw out power ratings or who we think should be in playoff. This is about winning games, bottom line. If you cannot win your games, you cannot be in the playoff. It is simple as that. Lets look at the contenders...

Bama/Clemson/Notre Dame = did not lose, P5 schools ... they are in

UCF = doesn't fit the secret criteria of P5 only...

OU = One loss, which they avenged to a top 15 team. They won their conference

OSU = One loss, won their conference. Their loss was a shellacking though to a .500 team

Georgia = TWO LOSSES, No conference title. They also got just hammered in one of their losses.

So, this is an easy exercise. UCF gets eliminated because the NCAA isn't fair. Georgia gets eliminated because they have 2 losses and did not win their conference.

SIMPLE -- This really cannot be debated.

OU/OSU was decided not just last week but in how low they kept OSU till they magically gelled in the last 10-12 days.

Okay, those are your four....

So, the posturing for Georgia started right away on CBS after the game. You have to expect that as they are SEC Central. Well, not only do they think Georgia should be in the playoff, they think that they should MOVE UP to #3 spot ahead of Notre Dame. Yes, okay, again this is CBS so I turned it off because it was so laughable.

I then started watching Pitt/Clemson tonight. One guy people hate but I like is Herbie. He is more objective than many think. I was waiting for a normal statement and here comes Herbie with the exact same thing about Georgia moving up after a LOSS to the 3 spot.

Seriously, wtf? This is intentional as hell go create a narrative. Well, as I have said for weeks, this is why LSU was place holding at 6, 7 and now 10 even with multiple losses. This is to make the strength of the conference seem better. I am not trying to knock LSU, they had an excellent year, but they should be about 11-13 the last several weeks.

Anyways, this is disorganized but a good time for a personal rant thread. Retro advised these are good, hehe.

Some quick rants...

-Today was a quarterfinal game for Bama and Georgia in a perfect world but moreso for Georgia.

-If Georgia had won, and Bama was saddled with one loss, yes I expected them to be a lock at #4 since even though they lost their conference. It isn't right, but it would have happened.

-Georgia had their chance, they blew it.

-Stop politicking Kirby, you owe each kid in that room a personal apology for your FOOLISHNESS.

-Going back to 'had their chance'... all of you old-timers remember 2006 when Urban campaigned the Gators into the title game. The biggest thing then, and I understand was there should be no rematch of OSU-UM that year even though that was literally 1 vs 2.. (no conference championship game yet)

-SEC Georgia played Auburn and LSU in crossovers this year. With the limited SEC schedule of 8 games, they missed another potential tough game or a resume building game. They played Umass instead. These conferences need to get uniform.

-Back to uniform... I have said for a few years now...The SEC is smart with playing less games in conference and having that basically bye week in November. They are ahead of the curve, no doubt.

-Now, if this travesty happens and Georgia does make it that is a crock of shit if they go to 3rd seed to avoid the Bama rematch right away. I hate Notre Dame, but that would be some bullshit for them.

-I said it many times this week and in the in-game today... new system is easy... but I'll spell it out in full....

8 conferences, 8 auto-bids or you can do your main 5 then at-large.

You must be a P5 team and in a conference.

Notre Dame, you have to join ACC in football or whatever conference or you are not eligible.

I am only using p5 because they are not letting small schools in regardless. This is all about money, bottom line.

I am not worried about travel or anything like that for students to watch games. It is the fans with disposable income that travel.

You can do the quarterfinals the week after conference 'ships or find somewhere attractive during bowl season. The playoffs will be in January using say Thurs/Fri/Mon nights. The quarters will be played at the higher seed venue. They need to develop a computer system to tank the teams 1-8. There will be no human rankings for this.

Yes, I said home venues. If Florida has to travel to South Bend for a game in December, then ole well. You need to play better before that and you would have a home game. It is what it is...

You can do semis and finals like we do now.

Simple, now you have your P5 champion each year. The teams playing the best that can win 2 games versus legit competition will be in the title game. There will be much less controversy.

If I am forgetting something, so be it but that is enough ranting for now....well for a minute...

I will say this, if a 2 loss non conference champion makes it in over 2 different P5 conference championship winners with 1 loss each I will have to recuse myself from watching the playoffs. My bowl season will end New Years day or whatever. I promise you that, I will not watch.

General Rants:

-Get Gary Danielson off TV. He used to be a great commentator at ABC. He has gotten worse and worse at CBS. If I was a UGAA alum/fan today I would have been incensed with how he was favoring Bama. It was nauseating.

-Please don't think I am hating on Georgia... they are easily my favorite SEC team and have been since 2003 LSU.

-Good for Jalen Hurts. I mean, two huge plays on roll outs really saved the day then the GW run. That is a feel good story for sure.

-PLEASE remember when lines start popping tomorrow/monday that suspensions, injuries and guys sitting out for draft will happen. Be smart. I understand getting a number but have an understanding of what could possibly happen with these teams as far as injuries and NFL. Read. It is fundamental. Now, kids will go home for a bit and be knuckleheads. It happens...

-Motivation, motivation and MOTIVATION when capping the bowls.

-Okay, if you made it this far, congrats and poor yourself a celebratory drink of your choice or whatever you divulge in.

Eh, fuck it, few more things.

Sorry for the language today, just a long day.

-Credit to Fromm for recovering from a shaky period in middle of the year. He was great lately.

-Credit to the Jorja pass defense, today was 'weird'.

-I have been a Haskins backer for a long time. The amount of crap he got for his yards coming on dump offs, screens, bubbles etc was ridiculous. Of course, the last two weeks he has shown all his passing talent again

-The refs in ATL today were some of the best college refs I have seen in years. They let the game play out. It is rare nowadays.
Thinking of a few point spread plays or turnovers or penalties that happened late in games. The Pitt INT with what, :29 left in the 1st H was especially painful if you had Pitt +17, which I did. I get that Pitt wants to try and get points there, but you are down 11 and atleast can try and build off of that at halftime because it started really really bad and you are Pitt....where the only thing you can hope for is springing a big run or a pass when Clemson isn't expecting it. No way were they going to go 50 yards to get in FG range there with that QB wining it around. Taking Pitt in any fashion in that game was difficult and probably not advisable, but the +17 1st H seemed like the best option if one wanted to back Pitt. They had it and then gave it away.

Fresno blk'd a FG and an extra point which were huge.

Texas not being able to backdoor was disappointing with the INT on the 5.

MTSU having 12 men on the field to end the game when UAB was about to punt them ball back with 1min left was great.
Northwestern was just over matched, but the way they came out in the 3rd qrt further solidifies the kind of work Fitz does with that team. Down 24-7 I think and really it looked like it just might keep going that way in the 2nd H, NW's only score was a medium pass that went the distance in the 1st H. NW came out and made that a 24-21 game and I hoped the upset had some legs, but OSU is just better. OSU DBs when chasing just continue to look slow to me all year long. A couple of their guys made nice plays on the ball, I'm just surprised that speed is not a strength of that unit.
I hate it for anyone that bet Memphis, that would be a tough one, but I am pretty happy that UCF won. For Milton. His Mom was facetiming with him in the euphoria after the game, you could see her say "I love you". Maybe I am getting soft, but we see these people on TV and sometimes it isn't like they are even real with real lives and stuff. But it is. And for the fact that they have gone a 13-0 back-to-back years.
Buffalo's absolutely dreadful xpt and FG kicking this year really bit them in the ass...missing that xpt early and then going for 2 and failing when they really didn't have to do that instead of trying the other xpt and losing by 1.
Ok lets rant.

I want to discuss UCF.

People talk about their schedule and how if they played in a power 5 conference they would lose several games. If that power conference was the SEC they could afford to, apparently.

What do they have to do to get an invite? After the snub last year they beat the team that defeated both of the natty participants. This year they beat a division winner of the ACC. They have won one billion games in a row.

You think you know where this rant is going but you don't .....

How does UCF recruit top players? By that, I don't mean "How are they this good?" ... I mean .. going forward ... if i am a player, I want to play where I can win a championship. I would rather go to Texas Tech and catch lightning in a bottle one year with some diamonds in the rough than play at ucf where I will never be allowed to compete for a title. It has to hurt recruiting. It's just another way of the big schools maintaining control... What i am saying is that the lack of the invite not only destroys their earned right to play for the title, but it hurts future recruiting.

My top 7 were I on the Committee

1. Alabama - I think they have been dominant all year, and playing three qts with a gimpy QB and 1 with a bad QB, they managed to beat a great Georgia team while playing their Cplus game. Strength of schedule with Clemson relatively even.
2. Clemson - Won them all, faced adversity and overcame. I have no problem with anyone putting them number one. Splitting hairs with results so far. I think alabama is better so it is what it is.
3. Notre Dame - I think they played the toughest schedule of the three P5 teams so if someone threw them in at 1 or 2, I don't have a problem with it. My problem here is that Clemson and Alabama played an extra football game. 13-0 > 12-0

So the first three are easy .. .would just be a matter of seeding them, which in my final four would be very important because ...

4. UCF - won all of them. I would have them in at 4 solid because their schedule was easier by any reasonable metric than the other three.

That is why seeding would be important for 1-3 ... any of those teams are going to destroy UCF (or i am wrong ...)

Wide Gap

5. Ohio State - they have the bad loss which excludes them when comparing to teams that haven't lost yet. That is easy for me. so then it becomes the question of them or Oklahoma. I think TOSU has the higher quality win by a wide margin but OU has the better loss by a wide margin and avenged that loss in their championship game. I think ohio State played in a tougher division in their conference than OU but overall the strength of schedules are a wash. So I guess I am thinking about who I would favor if the teams played. That was easy to figure out.

6. Oklahoma - Probably benefited from 20 pts or so from the stripes in todays game which makes their win kind of unimpressive to me. I get it, Big12 ... you want that playoff money .... But it tarnished their victory today. Defense still stinks. I have no problem with having them above TOSU .. teams grade out pretty even. I would think in real life that OU didn't do enough to jump OU.

Wide Gap

7. Georgia - They were lucky in that their playoffs started today unlike every other team. They had their bite at the apple and came up short. Great team and certainly peaking at the right time of the year but obviously results have to matter or the games themselves are meaningless.

8. Michigan - UGA played a tougher schedule and their extra loss was an extra game in their conference championship. Michigan didn't even win their division which is exclusionary for me.
- Murray deserves the Heisman. For the season, and with that defense, he went into pretty much every possession knowing he had to score. Lots of pressure and consistently did what was needed to outscore other teams. Just didn't have the defensive luxury that Tua did.
- On the subject of Tua, again, so happy for Hurts. What an incredible game.
- Great officiating in SEC game, yes. Compare and contrast with Big 12 game. I tend to hate those that whine about officials but it was atrocious in that game, all around.
- Some interesting predictions for the CFB FF:
As far as how many heisman votes were turned in early I heard 10%. I can't remember where I heard that but I think it was Finebaum.
Thinking of a few point spread plays or turnovers or penalties that happened late in games. The Pitt INT with what, :29 left in the 1st H was especially painful if you had Pitt +17, which I did. I get that Pitt wants to try and get points there, but you are down 11 and atleast can try and build off of that at halftime because it started really really bad and you are Pitt....where the only thing you can hope for is springing a big run or a pass when Clemson isn't expecting it. No way were they going to go 50 yards to get in FG range there with that QB wining it around. Taking Pitt in any fashion in that game was difficult and probably not advisable, but the +17 1st H seemed like the best option if one wanted to back Pitt. They had it and then gave it away.

Fresno blk'd a FG and an extra point which were huge.

Texas not being able to backdoor was disappointing with the INT on the 5.

MTSU having 12 men on the field to end the game when UAB was about to punt them ball back with 1min left was great.

I had Clemson u23 first half. That last possession by Pitt 1st half was atrocious.
I'm heartbroken for UGA fans, I was pulling for them. I simply dont understand that fake punt. It was like worst call of all time in the biggest spot of all time. I dont get it. I dont dare read AJC today. I just want to know, WHAT THE FUCK YOU WERE THINKING KIRBY.
The argument switching to jorja deserves 3 spot was hilarious

They already knew that, there is no point for a rematch was going to be the line, so they skipped the queue and went straight to make jorja 3 lol

the 8 team you mentioned is similar to what i had in vks thread last week

5 p5 conference champs, 3 at large, 1 spot guaranteed to a g5 team if they go undefeated, i love the add that the irish have to join a conference tho
7. Georgia - They were lucky in that their playoffs started today unlike every other team. They had their bite at the apple and came up short. Great team and certainly peaking at the right time of the year but obviously results have to matter or the games themselves are meaningless.

The Georgia argument is just super funny.

Well, if the additional loss doesn't matter and you keep uga over OU and TOSU, then tell me this ...

With UGA having just 1 less loss than LSU, and LSU having bitchslapped them ... how could you keep UGA over LSU? What could be a better metric than the two teams having played eachother?
The Georgia argument is just super funny.

Well, if the additional loss doesn't matter and you keep uga over OU and TOSU, then tell me this ...

With UGA having just 1 less loss than LSU, and LSU having bitchslapped them ... how could you keep UGA over LSU? What could be a better metric than the two teams having played eachother?
Are you trying to say h2h losses matter?
Tua threw 8 4th quarter passes in 13 games. If we’re basing the Heisman only on stats, I have to believe he and Kyler would be even or Tua ahead with similar opportunity, but I think either one of them is deserving. Tua has another chance next season.

I thought Alabama showed tremendous mental toughness in the game. They got punched in the mouth by UGA and were pushed around for 2.5 quarters. Fromm was as impressive as any QB I’ve seen. Decision making and accuracy were elite. Run game for UGA was extremely tough and kept putting them in great down and distance situations, which opened up their entire playbook. After the first possession of game, I don’t think UGA had a negative play until the late 3rd quarter. The game changed when Alabama’s defense started getting UGA into 3rd and 5+ instead of 3rd and short. I don’t necessarily think UGA went conservative, but Alabama forced them into more predictable play calling.

Could not be happier for Jalen. Tremendous lesson for everyone that gives up at the first sign of adversity. He is and will continue to be a great leader in whatever his future holds. And the effect of Dan Enos cannot be overstated. Jalen has improved as a passer immeasurably. The game tying TD was one he would never have thrown last year, much less completed.

The fake punt was one of the worst decisions I’ve ever seen. I could maybe justify it if it’s 4th and short, but 4th and 11? I saw a theory that Fields made the call on the field and Kirby wasn’t going to throw him under the bus to the media, but who knows. Terrible play call. I didn’t think we’d hold up in OT, maybe Kirby thought differently

I think UGA is likely one of the 3 best teams in the country, but 2 loss teams that didn’t win their conference, when there are other qualified teams, shouldn’t get in. Kyle asked in his thread this week where you draw the line on best vs most deserving, UGA is on the wrong side of the line.

Won’t be surprised if OU/OSU jumps Notre Dame for 3 spot today. I wish UCF and Notre Dame could play for the 4 seed and OU play OSU for the 3 seed. That’s what a 6 game playoff would look like and it would look pretty look good to me
Tua threw 8 4th quarter passes in 13 games. If we’re basing the Heisman only on stats, I have to believe he and Kyler would be even or Tua ahead with similar opportunity, but I think either one of them is deserving. Tua has another chance next season.

I thought Alabama showed tremendous mental toughness in the game. They got punched in the mouth by UGA and were pushed around for 2.5 quarters. Fromm was as impressive as any QB I’ve seen. Decision making and accuracy were elite. Run game for UGA was extremely tough and kept putting them in great down and distance situations, which opened up their entire playbook. After the first possession of game, I don’t think UGA had a negative play until the late 3rd quarter. The game changed when Alabama’s defense started getting UGA into 3rd and 5+ instead of 3rd and short. I don’t necessarily think UGA went conservative, but Alabama forced them into more predictable play calling.

Could not be happier for Jalen. Tremendous lesson for everyone that gives up at the first sign of adversity. He is and will continue to be a great leader in whatever his future holds. And the effect of Dan Enos cannot be overstated. Jalen has improved as a passer immeasurably. The game tying TD was one he would never have thrown last year, much less completed.

The fake punt was one of the worst decisions I’ve ever seen. I could maybe justify it if it’s 4th and short, but 4th and 11? I saw a theory that Fields made the call on the field and Kirby wasn’t going to throw him under the bus to the media, but who knows. Terrible play call. I didn’t think we’d hold up in OT, maybe Kirby thought differently

I think UGA is likely one of the 3 best teams in the country, but 2 loss teams that didn’t win their conference, when there are other qualified teams, shouldn’t get in. Kyle asked in his thread this week where you draw the line on best vs most deserving, UGA is on the wrong side of the line.

Won’t be surprised if OU/OSU jumps Notre Dame for 3 spot today. I wish UCF and Notre Dame could play for the 4 seed and OU play OSU for the 3 seed. That’s what a 6 game playoff would look like and it would look pretty look good to me

Tua only threw 3 passes in the 4th quarter in 13 games. Not that 8 isn’t insanely low either, but until the Auburn game where he threw 2 passes in the 4th quarter, he had only thrown 1 in the first 11 games. Amazing stat.
Buffalo's absolutely dreadful xpt and FG kicking this year really bit them in the ass...missing that xpt early and then going for 2 and failing when they really didn't have to do that instead of trying the other xpt and losing by 1.

Yes, but going for 2 early didn’t really cost UB, the missed XP did. Had they just kicked the XP the 2nd time, No Ill would have just kicked the XP at the end of the game and still won the game by one point. They went for 2 to try and go up 3, which they wouldn’t have done.
Totally agree with a lot of the above posts, Georgia WAS in the playoff essentially by playing in the sec title game. They lost and are out, simple as that
Now, lets back up a bit....

Kirby Smart is the biggest dumbass this side of Franklin I have seen at a big program this year. First, he got conservative in the 2h again. Second, that fake punt was ludicrous. Take that game to OT and go win a game against Jalen Hurts. It cannot be that he saw something to take advantage of, as Bama was in safe mode from what I saw. He lost that game today, the kids did not. But, that is all part of it....
If you want to back up a bit, what about that fake FG in their other loss?
I think UGA is likely one of the 3 best teams in the country, but 2 loss teams that didn’t win their conference, when there are other qualified teams, shouldn’t get in. Kyle asked in his thread this week where you draw the line on best vs most deserving, UGA is on the wrong side of the line.
I agree.
will review the rest of this later, but two comments. I would have UCF in. Go review OU's schedule - it's pathetic.

I love to watch old Husker games and Danielson used to do a bunch of them - he was really good, so it's sad what he's become.
will review the rest of this later, but two comments. I would have UCF in. Go review OU's schedule - it's pathetic.

I love to watch old Husker games and Danielson used to do a bunch of them - he was really good, so it's sad what he's become.
Yep on Gary. Bad way to go out -- senile
Georgia took the undeniably best team all year down to the wire. Hard to punish them for losing to Bama
Georgia took the undeniably best team all year down to the wire. Hard to punish them for losing to Bama
I can see Oklahoma outscoring Notre Dame and winning.

UCF was blown off the ball all day long by Memphis OL and only won because of homer/bullshit calls in 3rd qtr. I was on UCF. I dont think it would be pretty for them in playoff and for as much as Danny Whites jawboning, he dont want no part of Bama or Clemson. Let them beat Penn State or something.
I can see Oklahoma outscoring Notre Dame and winning.

UCF was blown off the ball all day long by Memphis OL and only won because of homer/bullshit calls in 3rd qtr. I was on UCF. I dont think it would be pretty for them in playoff and for as much as Danny Whites jawboning, he dont want no part of Bama or Clemson. Let them beat Penn State or something.

Agree about ucf. Allowed 200 rush yds in the 1h lmao any of top six teams would run for 400 yds on them
Yes, it was....kind of. UCF should be in, this "playoff" is mostly a bad joke.

But as far as Oklahoma and tOSU, justice was served. The best part is that UGA is #5 and tOSU #6. So, if Oklahoma ended up losing yesterday, UGA would have still been in the playoff....hahahahaha.
Like I have said, I have not included UCF because it is readily apparent you must be a p5 team to be eligible for the top 4.
Like I have said, I have not included UCF because it is readily apparent you must be a p5 team to be eligible for the top 4.

Which is why I said it's mostly a joke of a playoff. It makes ZERO sense to anyone with half of a brain how literally half of the field doesn't even have a chance to play for a "championship" at the end of the season.
It should either be a 6 team playoff, with the champion from each Power 5 conference and one at large (either an undefeated non-Power 5 team, or the next best Power 5), or it should be an 8 team playoff, with the champion from each Power 5 and then 3 at-large bids. One of those 3 has to be a non-Power 5. This doesn't seem that fucking difficult to figure out, yet here we are...with the worst possible "playoff" format imaginable.
It should either be a 6 team playoff, with the champion from each Power 5 conference and one at large (either an undefeated non-Power 5 team, or the next best Power 5), or it should be an 8 team playoff, with the champion from each Power 5 and then 3 at-large bids. One of those 3 has to be a non-Power 5. This doesn't seem that fucking difficult to figure out, yet here we are...with the worst possible "playoff" format imaginable.
8 team

6 would just create issues of who gets a bye.

No byes.