Projected Big 10 Standings at End of the Year

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
Team Name Predicted Finish
Ohio State 11-1 (12-0, 9-3)
Michigan 10-2 (12-0, 9-3)
Iowa 10-2 (12-0, 9-3)
Purdue 9-3 (8-4)
Penn State 7-5 (9-3)
Michigan State 9-3 (11-1, 7-5)
Wisconsin 8-4 (6-6)
Minnesota 4-8 (5-7)
Northwestern 5-7 (2-10)
Illinois 4-8 (6-6, 2-10)
Indiana 4-8 (5-7, 2-10)

Quick explanation: Teams are listed in the order Phil Steele projects they will finish. The projected record is followed by the best and/or worst case records depending on the outcome of the more competitive games. I list the game by game predictions with wins listed as "W", losses listed as "L", and competitive games with projected outcomes listed in "()". Note that competitive games could go either way, but this is my projection.

S.02 E. Illinois W
S.09 @ Rutgers (L)
S.16 Syracuse W
S.23 Iowa L
S.30 @ Michigan St L
O.07 Indiana (W)
O.14 Ohio (W)
O.21 @ Penn State L
O.28 @ Wisconsin L
N.04 Ohio State L
N.11 Purdue L
N.18 @ NW (L)
N.25 Bye Week

S.02 WMU W
S.09 @ Ball State (W)
S.16 S Illinois W
S.23 UCONN (W)
S.30 Wisconsin L
O.07 @ Illinois (L)
O.14 Iowa L
O.21 @ Ohio State L
O.28 Michigan St L
N.04 @ Minnesota L
N.11 Michigan L
N.18 @ Purdue L
N.25 Bye Week

S.02 Montana W
S.09 @ Syracuse W
S.16 Iowa State (W)
S.23 @ Illinois W
S.30 Ohio State (L)
O.07 Purdue W
O.14 @ Indiana W
O.21 @ Michigan (L)
O.28 N Illinois W
N.04 Northwestern W
N.11 Wisconsin W
N.18 @ Minnesota W
N.25 Bye Week

S.02 Vanderbilt W
S.09 CMU W
S.16 @ Notre Dame (L)
S.23 Wisconsin W
S.30 @ Minnesota W
O.07 Michigan St. W
O.14 @ Penn State W
O.21 Iowa (W)
O.28 Northwestern W
N.04 Ball State W
N.11 Indiana W
N.18 @ Ohio State (L)
N.25 Bye Week
Michigan State

S.02 Idaho W
S.09 EMU W
S.16 @ Pittsburgh (W)
S.23 Notre Dame (L)
S.30 Illinois W
O.07 @ Michigan (L)
O.14 Ohio State L
O.21 @ NW W
O.28 @ Indiana W
N.04 Purdue W
N.11 Minnesota W
N.18 @ Penn State (W)
N.25 Bye Week

A.31 @ Kent St. W
S.09 @ California L
S.16 Temple W
S.23 @ Purdue L
S.30 Michigan L
O.07 Penn State L
O.14 @ Wisconsin (L)
O.21 N Dakota State W
O.28 @ Ohio State L
N.04 Indiana W
N.11 @ Michigan State L
N.18 Iowa L
N.25 Bye Week

A.31 @ Miami OH (W)
S.09 New Hampshire W
S.16 EMU W
S.22 @ Nevada (W)
S.30 @ Penn State L
O.07 @ Wisconsin L
O.14 Purdue L
O.21 Michigan St L
O.28 @ Michigan L
N.04 @ Iowa L
N.11 Ohio State L
N.18 Illinois (W)
N.25 Bye Week
Ohio State

S.02 N Illinois W
S.09 @ Texas (L)
S.16 Cincinnati W
S.23 Penn State W
S.30 @ Iowa (W)
O.07 Bowling Green W
O.14 @ Michigan St W
O.21 Indiana W
O.28 Minnesota W
N.04 @ Illinois W
N.11 @ NW W
N.18 Michigan (W)
N.25 Bye Week
Penn State

S.02 Akron W
S.09 @ Notre Dame L
S.16 Youngstown St W
S.23 @ Ohio State L
S.30 Northwestern W
O.07 @ Minnesota W
O.14 Michigan L
O.21 Illinois W
O.28 @ Purdue (L)
N.04 @ Wisconsin W
N.11 Temple W
N.18 Michigan St (L)
N.25 Bye Week

S.02 Indiana St W
S.09 Miami OH W
S.16 Ball State W
S.23 Minnesota W
S.30 @ Notre Dame L
O.07 @ Iowa L
O.14 @ NW W
O.21 Wisconsin W
O.28 Penn State (W)
N.04 @ Michigan St L
N.11 @ Illinois W
N.18 Indiana W
N.25 Bye Week

S.02 Bowling Green W
S.09 W Illinois W
S.16 SDSU (W)
S.23 @ Michigan L
S.30 @ Indiana W
O.07 Northwestern W
O.14 Minnesota (W)
O.21 @ Purdue L
O.28 Illinois W
N.04 Penn State L
N.11 @ Iowa L
N.18 Buffalo W
N.25 Bye Week
Good work..

Thats exactly what I see for Wisconsin. I am sure Fondy will not be happy that it doesn't say 12-0.

Michigans record is right on but I do see them winning at ND. That really is the series histroy and with the aveagre ND Defense and a much improved Michigan defense I really like our chances.

Michigan State, I have one game less. I think eith Pitt/Penn St games will be a loss. A healthy Drew this year though will make this team a suprise IMO. The defense is actually looking okay as well for time in awhile.

Also wouldn't be suprised if Iowa gets the upset against Buckeyes. Its only week 5 and I don't see the young OSU defense jelling by then.

Shame on some of these teams and their 12th game. Horrendous. I know teams had to scramble and et that 12th game but some of these are just ridiculous.:nono:
B.A.R. said:
Shame on some of these teams and their 12th game. Horrendous. I know teams had to scramble and et that 12th game but some of these are just ridiculous.:nono:

What? You mean you don't like Wisky v. Buffalo?:tired: