Professor_Football Back Again...


7-1 Last Weekend For The Wild Card Round...HA! Vapster Who?!?!?!:tiphat:

Professor Football Here...
I Punch In The Numbers, Into My Computer, And Give A Final Score...Vap Goes From There...Let's Get Down To Business...

Wait...Howard Stern Is Gonna Be On David Letterman In 10 Minutes...No Time Right Now...Be Back Soon...:cheers:
Not One Of His Better Interviews On Letterman, But It Was Still Good. NOW...Back To Work!

Professor Football Here...
I Punch In The Numbers, Into My Computer, And Give A Final Score...Vap Goes From There...Let's Get Down To Business...

Seattle 18 @ Green Bay 28 (Vegas Line Green Bay -7 1/2)

Vap- After Watching The Seattle Game, I'm Leaning Green Bay Here. Seattle Just Wasn't All That Impressive To ME. Though It's Hard For Me To Love Farve, If He Throws One INT Early, Could Be 3 More Before The Day Is Done. Sunday's High
29° F |Sunday's Low 20° F Chance of Snow 20% chance of precipitation.

Small Lean Green Bay

Jacksonville 17 @ New England 35 (Vegas Line New England -13 1/2)

Vap- I'm One Of Those Guys That Has Been Saying That Jacksonville Is The Best Chance We Have Of Knocking Out New England Before The Superbowl. I Think Brady And Others On The Team Have Heard Talk Like This As Well. I Think Professor Has This Pretty Close To Correct. New England By At Least 2 TD's Doesn't Sound So Far Fetched. Sunday High 40* F/ Sunday Low 25*F Chance Of Snow 20% Chance Of Precipitation

Small Lean New England

Chargers 21 Colts 25 (Vegas Line Colts -9)

Vap- Well, Well, Well...Professor_Football Thinks The Bolts Keep It Close With The Colts...San Diego Came Out A Different Team Second Half vs Tennessee...And They Held Tenn To Two FG's...But That Was Against A Poor V. Young. The Colts Are The Second Team I And Others Think Have A Good Shot vs NE...But First, They Must Beat The Bolts. This Game Smells Like That Giants vs Tampa Bay Game...Tampa Coasted Last Two Games...Colts Coasted Their Last Game. Is Harrison REALLY Ready?! Colts D, No Slouches There...Smells Of An upset...Low Scoring Game?!

Small Lean San Diego

New York Giants 22 Dallas Cowboys 28 (Vegas Line Cowboys -7 1/2)

Vap- This Smells Like A Steam Roll By The Cowboys...I Think Too Much Being Put On TO Playing Or Not. Giants Seem To Be The Team Rolling Right Now...NOT Dallas...Getting 7 1/2 Is Screaming Take The GIANTS!...Why Am I Just Not Sold On This Eli Kid?!

Small Lean Dallas...
LARGE Lean Giants, If Jessica Simpson Is At The Game.

Vap And I Are Done! Best Of Luck ALL!!! :cheers:

Sunday's High 29° F |Sunday's Low 20° F Chance of Snow 20% chance of precipitation.

Small Lean Green Bay

. Sunday High 40* F/ Sunday Low 25*F Chance Of Snow 20% Chance Of Precipitation

Small Lean New England

Swell but how about the game day weather forecasts.
Kinda Close...

Saturday 32 High 20 Low (Green Bay)

Saturday 48 High 23 Low (Foxboro)

Hard For Even The Weather Geeks To Be Perfect. But They Say Around 37-35 Game Time In New England...Chance Of Snow, 32 In Green Bay Around Kick-Off...
Vap- why are you saying (small leans) on these picks. Is it b/c you're not that confident that these will cover?
- do you really think that if Jessica is at the game it will make a difference in Romo's performance?
- I know you punch in the numbers into your computer & get these results...I also know they did really good last have they been in the past at the 2nd round play offs?
1. Yes I DO Believe If Jessica Simpson Is At The Game, It WILL Make A Difference In Romo...His Numbers Stink When, Which Ever Girl At The Moment Is At The Game, He Doesn't Do Well...

2. Last Week, It Was All Small Leans Before. I Still Need To Look Everything Other, Before I Hit Submit...(Maybe A Number I Like, Will Get Better...)

3. The Numbers Almost Never Hit Exactly As Professor Has Them...The Computer Has Done Well In The Playoffs And Superbowl...During The Season, I'd Say Weeks 5-12 It Does Best. The More Games (Info) Professor Has, The Better The Results...Meanin...16-19 Games...More Info...The Reason It Doesn't Do So Well Weeks 1-4...Not Enough Info...Weeks 12-15...Teams Not Trying Or Some Teams Have More To Play For (Playoffs/Draft Position/Starters Not Starting Due To Getting Ready For Playoffs...)

Professor Cant Take Into These Things Into Account...That's Where I Came In...:36_11_6:

Vapster :cheers: Free
I think this is really cool shit. I hope we whoop ass this weekend & the bookies cry their's off. :smiley_acbe:
Vap and Geek:cheers:

Again, good to see ya.

I like NE as todays favorite play. Jags definitely can stop the run but......... The Jags can be passed on. They let Ben R. throw for 337 and 2 td's.

I think some guy named Brady might be able to do the same. NE dont need to run.

Good luck on the rest.
Football Here Free...Last Week I Told Vapster San Diego 29 To 17, Yet He Took The under, When My Score Clearly Leaned OVER...That's Where Vap Has To Make The Final Call. He Doesn't Always Listen Though...:shake:
wats with all these small leans...we want professor football to give out some fuckin' LOCKS!! haha.jk GL vappy
Free- I Agree Sometimes With The Professor, Sometimes I Think His Smokin Something Funny.:36_11_6:

malapeet- Good To Be Around. Still Leaning New England For Tonight.:cheers:

Pw- Professor And I Never Give Out L**ks...We Wait For Others To Say It, Then Pound The 'Other Side' :smiley_acbe:
Good luck bud. Love the Jags here though. New Eengland is being given too much love in these playoffs. Im actually gonna keep my fingers crossed for a Brady knock-out. :smiley_acbe: :cheers:
shark- As Much As I Can't Stand The Pats...(Not Only Do They Video Tape, The Also Pay Off The Refs...Remember The TUCK RULE...) I Would Not Be Surprised To See A Big Win By New England.

Vap:cheers: shark
I Just Spent 20 Minutes And Everything Is Gone!!! Damn. Sorry Guys, No Time For Big Reasons, I Just Did That, And Not Gonna Do It Again!!! UGH...

Seattle @ Green Bay -7 -117 & under 43.5 +100

See Above...Seattle Didn't Impress Me At All vs Washington. Green Bay Is Rested And Not Sure If Hass Is 100%. I'll Take A Rested Farve, And Hope He Doesn't Try And Do Too Much, Like He Seems To Do In The Playoffs, Which Leeds To Mistakes/Int's.

Jacksonville @ New England -11.5 -124 & under 49.5 +110

New England Had A Few Scares To Baltimore And Giants. They Are In The Playoffs Now. No More Fuc$ing Around. They Are Not Afraid To Put Up As Many Points As They Think They Need...They Learned That Lesson During Regular Season. This Year, The Jacksonville Website Put A * Next To New England's Record...(Meaning, Record Doesn't Count, Cause They Cheat) I Remember What Happened After The Whole Thing Came Out...It Meant, Watch Out, Cause We Are Gonna Jam It Up Your Ass, And Show You We Don't Need To Cheat, To Beat The Sh!t Out Of You!

Both Plays I Went under The Total. More Of A Gut Thing, Thinking Green Bay And New England's D Step It Up Today.

Good Luck ALL!!!
Vap...I got N.E.-13.5 & o/u 50 Do you think N.E. can cover the 13.5 anyway....thinking about teasing N.E. & under...
I Took The 11.5 Just In Case...Do Think They Can Win By 2 TD's, Just Covering My Ass A Little...Just In Case...
Vap....I just put another unit on N.E. -13.5 Let's do this! :smiley_acbe:I also have them -7.5 on a teaser with G.B.-1.5 I have half of that won so far hope i pull in the other side......GLT us! looks like you lost that one by half point....what a drag....I hate losing by half points....I'd rather get killed....hopefully tomorrow we get on top.....
Trying Not To Over Think This Game. In Order For San Diego To Cover, They Need Their D To Step It Up...If Manning Goes Off Today, My under May Be Toast By The End Of The First Half. Small Plays Both...Gonna Spend More Time In NBA Land Today. Giants/Dallas Later...

San Diego +11.5 -115 under 47 -111

Good Luck ALL!!! :cheers:
Good luck today my friend....I am on the other side today with this game!!!!!!
Thanks Free...Getting Ready To Watch The under Go 'Over' But My Chargers Play Is Holding On...I Really Should Just Go Over In The Last Game...All Three Of My unders Have Finished 'Over'

Lots To Be Made Of Romo Going To Cabo...Know What?! I Think It Was Good For Him And Some Team Mates To Get Away, And Have Some Fun...

Dallas -7 -104
Over 47.5 +101

Good Luck ALL!!! :cheers:
I put this one in a teaser Dal-1 o.42.5 Let's see how we do with this one! Nice going on your side pick....looks like Payton isn't going into the next round....