***Pre NYD Bowl All Football In-Game***

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I suggest you do it. I have a buddy who I texted a picture of a huge dildo to. He texted me back 5 straight times because he "wanted to get the picture of his text screen". I've sent it to him about every 3 hours for the past 3 days
that's the problem with only one game on at a time, eventually someone wants dick picks

Great awareness by the corner on that play. Might as well sick with the wr even when the qb is 5 yards pay the los
I don't know what happened

in any case I seem to recall Bouse not as good in 2h? I remember Nevada and Fresno? Maybe it's bc they let up with a lead?
Speaking of photo labs, the biggest mistake I ever made was letting my mom take the disposable camera from senior week to get it developed. It was full of pics of naked chicks and dudes in compromising positions. She asked me if I wanted them developed and without thinking I said OK. IDK why she looked through them but she was humiliated about what the photo people thought. We laugh about it now but at the time...WHOA, bad news
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